The Red Book: A Reader’s Edition (Philemon)


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Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $33.24.

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A portable edition of the famous Red Book text and essay.

The Red Book, published to wide acclaim in 2009, contains the nucleus of C. G. Jung’s later works. It was here that he developed his principal theories of the archetypes, the collective unconscious, and the process of individuation that would transform psychotherapy from treatment of the sick into a means for the higher development of the personality. As Sara Corbett wrote in the New York Times, “The creation of one of modern history’s true visionaries, The Red Book is a singular work, outside of categorization. As an inquiry into what it means to be human, it transcends the history of psychoanalysis and underscores Jung’s place among revolutionary thinkers like Marx, Orwell and, of course, Freud.” The Red Book: A Reader’s Edition features Sonu Shamdasani’s introductory essay and the full translation of Jung’s vital work in one volume.

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The Red Book: A Reader’s Edition (Philemon)

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Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $33.24.

7 reviews for The Red Book: A Reader’s Edition (Philemon)

  1. Taylor S

    Se lo regalé a mi papá y por el precio / calidad realmente vale la pena, lo amo.

  2. Eric S. Hunt

    This is the ultimate book! Jung is by far a standout; one of the greatest minds of all time. His works demonstrate clearly that civilization and we, as individuals must heal society. This begins by resisting the collective forces of powers that repress the consciousness that we were born to know. As individuals, we must step forth into fully understanding self.

    Here is the account of Jung’s adventure into the unconscious… this; a foundation for all of his work is detailed in the final volume of Carl Gustav Jung’s work. The book includes a copy of his handwritten manuscript (Swiss) as well as a translation by Sonu Shamdasani.

    For sixteen years, Jung worked on the book, experiencing the darkness and the light of his unconscious mind and developing lasting theories of archetypes, the collective unconscious, and of individuation.

    The original work was locked away… his heirs denied scholars access to the book — for nearly 100 years, we, the public could not learn of Jung’s experiences… experience that clearly brought about a shift into modern psychology… a psychology of real people undergoing an awakening, an evolution of thinking, a process of individuation.

    It is a huge book, a mystical book; including Jung’s fabulous color illustrations… it is a medieval manuscript.

    Yet, if you’ve not read any of C. G. Jung’s work, this is not where to begin. There is a lot of material in this book, and Jung’s works of course include volumes.

    The Undiscovered Self

    Begin with self-reflection and your personality… who are you? Use Briggs-Myers personality sorter and begin to know who you are and how that came t be… read Jung’s earlier published works… it may take 10 or 20 years to evolve a comprehensive knowledge of this work… I’ve been at it for 40. Time is no the barrier… it is me that needed time to get it that I am needy for God’s blessings.

    Explore the duality of your psyche… set out knowing that you must face your deepest fears. In the end, the skeletons in your closet must be aired.

    Begin with God… Jung’s works forge a path to knowing that the human psyche is “by nature religious.”

    If you want to know about reality, about living fully conscious life, then delve into Jung… and come about it then to read “The Red Book.”

    Even to just thumb through the pages causes some to enter an altered state of consciousness…
    Like a mescaline experience.

    Here is a brief description of the fantastic inner world that awaits you:


    Summary of the revelation of Carl Jung
    Septem Sermones ad Mortuos:
    The First Sermon to the Dead
    by Carl Gustav Jung, 1916

    Pleroma is everywhere completely and without bounds nor end.

    The Pleroma, which is endless and eternal, has no qualities, because it has all qualities. Even in the smallest subatomic particle known to science, the Pleroma is present without any bounds, eternally and completely. Yet, the smallest to greatest material of the universe have no place in the Pleroma.

    “We, also, are the total Pleroma; for figuratively the Pleroma is an exceedingly small, hypothetical, even non-existent point within us, and also it is the limitless firmament of the cosmos about us.”

    “When we strive for the good and the beautiful, we thereby forget about our essential being, which is differentiation, and we are victimized by the qualities of the Pleroma which are the pairs of opposites.”


    Individuality is the higher self. The process of getting there is individuation. Individuality is in an evolution. Individuality does not ever die nor dissolve unless under special circumstances, the individual ceases to be, by choice. Individuality remains throughout incarnations.

    Individuality learns from experiences.

    Personality does not know (usually) why nor how, nor about the incarnated history… as with every birth memory of the past is gone… we come into the world, babes in the flesh, crying and needy. Yet, individuality has an overview of all incarnations and of some knowledge of the meaning of everything past.

    Individuation is a process; becoming aware of oneself–that is of your composition. Individuation is the way into discovery of a true, inner self.

    The Red Book

    Liber Novus (printed on The Red Book – like a subtitle) means in Latin “New Book” but for Jung it meant the new way. Jung certainly put it there to say, “This is the book of the new way.” The new way book.

    I’ve met and interacted with more than ten thousand people in my time here… during this life.

    I’ve come to know that we all make choices for reasons.



    …1. Nothing exists.
    …2. Everything exists.

    It is logically impossible for God to not exist, therefore, everything exists is “more” correct, as it may seem at first. However, if we’d take into consideration potentials, can we bet on it that everything exists?

    I’d say no; easily, yet, I cannot so easily discount this logic with a fact as simple as God is.

    Facts add up in my mind to that God creates, always. Therefore, there is more to be than already is. This will always be the case, I’d say. So, neither argument is true in my opinion.

    Wait then, can there be another course of thinking that is more accurate?


    …1. Nothing exists.
    …2. Everything exists.
    …3. Multiplicity is.

    While God is a singular being (although not a being in the sense of what we’d normally propose as being), we seen to perceive Him as three or more differentiated beings (aspects of one).

    Christianity is what I know best… so, I’ll say from that experience that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are one God. Yet, we say they are also three in unity, as one God.

    Anima and Animus

    In reality, every female and every male is a psychological amalgamation of feminine and masculine characteristics (a short description of contrasexuality).

    Anima (feminine) plus Animus (masculine) contrasexuality derives from the ultimate triune… Eros (masculine–independent archetype: god of love) and Logos (feminine dependant archetype: the principle governing the cosmos) that forms a soul-image.

    In a simple statement, two bring about a third and the amalgamation of the two in each.

    It is simple, yet elegant too.

    Look at love vs. hate, and then wonder, what is the third aspect of that duality (autonomy vs. unity)?

    Is it not choices?

    Choices come about in the differentiated world of men and women.

    If analyzed to their core, each choice is a factor of two opposing views (or two plus two more, and perhaps another pair and so on).

    So, I’m going this way… Multiplicity is.

    I’m not one to battle logic and for me this is logical, entirely.

    Living differentiated, we easily experience yin vs. yang duality (love vs. hate, etc.) and we therefore come to a crossroads and we make a decision based on morality and ethics, desires, or needs… needs being the most important factor; yet the lowest functioning of reasons for decisions. It may seem to me or to you that choices therefore are based on logic also… I’d disagree after giving this more thought. Morality and ethics, true are evolved in thought and experience. However, desires and needs are spontaneous more so than cognitive.

    Thus, I’d venture this guess: most people make choices based on spontaneous impulses.

    “After the first “fall,” the divine consciousness descended to the level of the divided consciousness; now after another “fall”, it has fallen even further, into the depths of the unconscious; it has been “forgotten.” It is now humanity’s privilege to discover the potential realms of human existence and face the great challenge of the “ascension of consciousness” through the Man-God-Spirit transformation.”
    — Gnosticism And The Descent Of The Soul.

    For this reason, Jung forged a path to reconciliation… to healing… into the divine again. Read him if you dare.


  3. andrea bottazzi

    Very worthy quality

  4. Amaranta

    Just buy it and order one to a dear friend while you at it. Its a true masterpiece should be in every bookshelf.

  5. Joao Baraona

    Tt ok

  6. Eric S. Hunt

    To re-iterate – this is NOT the full version with all the beautiful paintings and illuminated text. If you’re buying it for the pretty pictures, it’s going to cost you more than twenty dollars. Also, ignore any one star reviews that are just complaining because they didn’t take the time to read the description and use common sense.

    I bought this for what it is, a portable translation of the Red Book. I already own the full sized facsimile version. While that version is inexplicably beautiful, it is impossible to carry, difficult to read for extended periods, and too expensive to let people borrow, let alone touch without washing their hands.

    The Reader’s Edition is the size and build of a decently made bible. Those who portray this as a con are likely just venting because they didn’t read the description and were expecting the full sized color version with illustrations. This is just the translation. But the imitation leather is comfortable, the pages are reasonably thick, a lot of text in a manageable size. This is like a bible you would pay for, not like the bibles that get shoved in your hands at universities and music festivals.

    This book travels well, is inexpensive enough to make handwritten notes in, and is much easier to read. The translation in the full-sized version is an ordeal to read though hunched over a coffee table, but this one is portable enough to absorb into.

    As for the content, many other reviewers stated it better than I could, but this is a must have for any fan of Jung. This is the primordial soup that birthed the theories that made him famous. The visions are the closest we’ll get to the dream journal on Jung’s bedside table. Sonu Shamdasani is handling his legacy beautifully, and gives very insightful, comprehensive commentary, and a very thorough foreword that puts all other Jung biographies to shame.

    If you’re a casual reader, I’d pick up “Memories, Dreams, Reflections” first. It offers a great autobiographical history on Jung as well as summary of his theories. If you like the “Seven Sermons to the Dead” bit at the end, then consider buying the Red Book, “Sermons” is a good example of what the Red Book is.

    The Philemon foundation is doing an excellent job. They put out high quality versions of existing and unreleased Jung material, and will likely keep me entertained, engaged, and shelling out my disposable income for many years to come. My only request is that they make a collector’s version of the Red Book actually bound in leather, with just the scans of the illuminated script. That would make the original publication lie in the middle, with the readers edition on the other end.

    Six stars if I could. Would lend to a friend and buy another copy if they didn’t return it.

  7. Anka

    Rapidez na entrega, bem embalado e em óptimo estado, exactamente como anunciado.

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