The Paper Palace (Reese’s Book Club): A Novel


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Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $10.90.

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“Filled with secrets, love, lies and a summer beach house. What more could you ask?”—Parade

“A deeply emotional love story…the unraveling of secrets, lies and a very complex love triangle.” —Reese Witherspoon (Reese’s Book Club July ’21 Pick)

“Nail-biting.” —Town & Country

“A magnificent page-turner.” —Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney, New York Times bestselling author

“[An] irresistible placement of a complicated family in a bewitching place.” —The New York Times

A story of summer, secrets, love, and lies: in the course of a singular day on Cape Cod, one woman must make a life-changing decision that has been brewing for decades.

“This house, this place, knows all my secrets.”

It is a perfect August morning, and Elle, a fifty-year-old happily married mother of three, awakens at “The Paper Palace”—the family summer place which she has visited every summer of her life. But this morning is different: last night Elle and her oldest friend Jonas crept out the back door into the darkness and had sex with each other for the first time, all while their spouses chatted away inside. Now, over the next twenty-four hours, Elle will have to decide between the life she has made with her genuinely beloved husband, Peter, and the life she always imagined she would have had with her childhood love, Jonas, if a tragic event hadn’t forever changed the course of their lives. As Heller colors in the experiences that have led Elle to this day, we arrive at her ultimate decision with all its complexity. Tender yet devastating, The Paper Palace considers the tensions between desire and dignity, the legacies of abuse, and the crimes and misdemeanors of families.

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The Paper Palace (Reese’s Book Club): A Novel

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Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $10.90.

12 reviews for The Paper Palace (Reese’s Book Club): A Novel

  1. Heather Sullivan

    Children of the 60s/70s will especially relate to many things in this book. The characters were fascinating, and there were only two unlikable characters in the book, in my opinion, and they are supposed to be unlikeable!

    I found Wallace’s upbringing fascinating and relatable in some ways. I would not have read this book based on the description of a married woman having slept with her childhood friend. To me, that is the secondary story of the book. I loved reading about the childhood of the main character, her mother, her sister, etc. There is a lot of bad language and very explicit sexual terms. This book in no way glamorizes incest or rape at all. So many young women experienced this, especially “back then” and before…and you didn’t talk about it! You swept it under the rug. I think many readers who were sensitive to it may be of a different generation or had a traumatizing experience themselves. Great book, great writing! Excellent character development! I only wish her decision had been different in the end.

    This will SURELY hit the screen in some capacity. I see Meryl Streep or Diane Keaton as Wallace. Sandra Bullock would make a great Elle, as would Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, and other great actresses whose names I don’t know.

  2. sharon miller

    I found that The Paper Palace is a meticulously detailed and constructed story, that paints a vivid picture of life and emotion. It takes you through the deepest perspectives that the protagonist/her family experience throughout their lives, back and forth in time. The author creates an atmosphere that feeds a deep sea of emotions, nostalgia, and heartbreak, all while wanting to be left with hopefulness. The characters are raw, realistic, and make you question different decisions/perspectives/situations.
    The ending leaves you wanting more; to know what happens after it ends. It may been seen as unsatisfying to some, but I found it to be fully intentional, as to put you in the same shoes of the protagonist.
    I’m giving it 3.5/5, only because the details sometimes became muddy and hard to follow at times, but otherwise provided a vivid story. It is definitely something you need some tissues for, as well as the understanding that it is triggering (concerning childhood abuse), and almost leaves you with a sense of longing.

  3. Hannah Marshall

    I shared that I was reading this and several friends replied about how great it was. I struggle to settle on a book, but this one got me hooked! Gripping, brought me right in, not long waffly bits, everything kept the story moving on, building up the characters, then the last chapter… I won’t spoil it. I was sad to finish this book, I wanted to to keep going and quickly searched for any other books by this author but couldn’t find any. I hope more come in the future. Highly recommended.

  4. Megan N.

    I really enjoyed this read and read it really quickly. The story was really well told and beautifully written. What a treat.

  5. Elizabeth J.

    I loved this book! I loved the characters, the summer home, the tension between Elle and Jonas, all of it. The writing was comfortable and the language reminiscent of easy conversation. Ms. Heller is a hell of a writer.

  6. Cyndi Biltoft

    I started out not enjoying this story; with some graphic scenes in the beginning, I thought, “oh, is it going to be THIS kind of book” (that I’m not interested in). But kept at it, and soon became hooked in. Everyone grows up with different experiences, and the main character and her family had their share of twists, turns, and unexpected outcomes. In many cases, you may have thought, “I would never have done/thought this”, “why didn’t she/they do this?”, “how would I handle this, if it were me?” And trying not to be judgmental of he main character or her family. And everyone seems to look for an ending to a novel that kind of wraps things up; comes to some conclusion, or… I read the ending several times, and interpreted it in my own way. No matter how the story ended, it was sure to upend normalcy and shake up the lives of all. I thought it was very thought provoking, and again, wondered “what would I have done?” I thought the novel was well written and would definitely recommend giving it a read.

  7. Dawn Lewis

    I enjoyed this story, but disliked the ending because the reader is left to create her/his own. I guess in a way it’s good because at least its not a sad ending although there is a great deal of sadness throughout the book.

  8. Malena

    No puedo valorarlo ya que lo regalé y le gusto mucho

  9. Well Read Nana 1/24

    I really enjoyed it, loved it at times it had me page turning getting nothing done for hours .Yet at the same time I wanted less description of everything and all the surroundings and more character dialogue .This book delves so deeply into such major life altering and life shattering experiences and issues yet you never really get the full feel of all the characters reactions that you so deeply want and need to read about .At some points I felt cheated by the author’s storytelling. It’s like you are allowed to know all their secrets but never really know the outcomes from all of the characters. It’s as if the author gets you so close to the really emotional depth stuff and then just fades to black for the characters full reaction.So many times you need to understand the characters more and some just feel so elusive Yes you have to pay attention to the chapters and the timeline because it jumps around and I was fine with that but what I wasn’t fine with was the way I felt cheated at times by the real emotional depth this story should have delivered and didn’t between some of the characters at certain times during this book,and in some cases you just want to “get it ” understand these characters, truly know them and I felt I truly didn’t know or understand all of them .Without giving too much away , there is a death that is just told to you , you know it happens but it doesn’t give you the feels that it should between siblings because it just happens and then everyone just moves on .That was wrong .Many missed emotional opportunities from the author .We have a moment when one survivor is sharing her truths with another survivor and the one just doesn’t share a word with her .And the ending was just so left to my interruption, I didn’t like it at all . So much left at the end that we as the reader have the burden to determine the outcomes. I wanted to hear the words and the truths to be told , I would have given this book 5 stars if only the author had shared everything, had everything come to light so we the reader could hear the words, read the words of regret ,sharing of the pain ,truths etc…Huge missed opportunities over and over again by the author, it was disappointing.Ending is left again up to your interpretation so just keep that in mind.I liked this read when the dialogue was flowing and I loved it at parts too when the emotions were raw and telling and I was very disappointed with the read also .The writing is well done, similar writing style to The Crawdads I thought..This author has talent. I wouldn’t skip it at all but I wouldn’t feel right recommending because it was good, but frustrating and secretive when it needed to show the reader at the end all of it’s cards sort of speak .4 stars , easily could have been a 5 star read if the author did a better job of sharing.

  10. Ana Silva

    Will start to read sono, arrived today and like expected.

  11. Paulo Roberto Feldmann

    A escritora confundi o leitor com tanta falta de objetividade

  12. Tara

    I read this book a while back, and I can’t seem to read another book, because it just won’t compare! I am still thinking about the characters daily and would love separate books on all the characters, one by one, starting with the fantastic mother!

    One of the best books I’ve read in a long long time. people complain about the ending, but I thought it was brilliant.

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