The Miraculous Cure For and Prevention of All Diseases What Doctors Never Learned

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If you liked the first best-selling book about Vitamin D3 by this author (300,000+ copies sold-translated into 10 languages), You are going to LOVE this one! If the first book got us to the 50-yard line- this book is a slam-dunk touchdown! The author describes the miraculous new things he has discovered about Vitamin D3 and its vital 5 cofactors from an additional 8 years of research added to the extensive research he did for his first groundbreaking book. This book has at least twice the life-saving information contained in his first book and describes in detail how all autoimmune diseases can now be easily cured without doctors or drugs. How you can virtually bullet proof your health by correcting the 5 deadly deficiencies of the modern age. And the shocking part about this is that doctors in general have no clue as to what is really making us all sick! This information in this book could literally wipe out 90% of the medical industry if everyone adopts its advice. Bold claims to be sure! Unbelievable? -Yes! But overwhelming proof is provided for all the claims! Once you read this book, the blindfold will be lifted and you might laugh and say….”So Simple! Why didn’t I think of that!?”. In this book, cures for every autoimmune disease known to man are described in detail, including a chapter that relates a number of case studies of people who have cured their Multiple Sclerosis with this protocol. And further describes how 100,000+ people all around the world have cured their MS using this simple information. But it doesn’t stop there, cures for many more diseases are described and examples are provided for asthma, psoriasis, COPD, lupus, myasthenia gravis, eczema, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, chronic hives, depression, etc. etc. and even cancer! The bottom line premise is simple; virtually all diseases not caused by old age or genetic mutations are caused by an unfocused immune system. Lazy when it comes to bad actors such as viruses, infectious bacteria, fungi, and newly emergent cancer cells while being hyperactive when confronted with good tissues that should normally not be attacked. The solution? Simply fine tune your immune system to operate correctly, and all these diseases will be a thing of the past. And it is so easy to do. Why don’t doctors know about this? Could it be that it is bad for business or were they just taught incorrectly in med school? Hard to tell. Most diseases are caused by incorrect advice from doctors concerning a hormone that we all make that the author calls the ultimate biologic. This hormone fine tunes 2,700+ genes that control your immune and tissue-remodeling systems. Incorrect advice from many doctors keeps us all from producing enough of this hormone to remain healthy. Another large segment of diseases is caused by modern farming practices that deplete soils of essential cofactors to this hormone that leave approximately 80%+ of us deficient. And doctors basically never test for these deficiencies and know very little about them! Simple neglect and ignorance on the part of health professionals? Impossible you say? Well you will just have to read the book and find out how possible it is!

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The Miraculous Cure For and Prevention of All Diseases What Doctors Never Learned

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13 reviews for The Miraculous Cure For and Prevention of All Diseases What Doctors Never Learned

  1. Elsie

    I have only just begun to read the book, but it has already caught my attention. It looks to be a very good read indeed.

  2. anne

    Only got it a day and a half ago, already close to finishing it today as it has great info!
    I dont “buy into” claims easily and this seems to be very informative and knowing what we have learned in the last twenty years, I know we have to do our own research and be more dilligent about our health than what any physician does because theyre not God nor do they care like you will about your own health!

  3. Alain Gauchet

    Alors qu’il n’a rien à proposer sur le Covid19, le milieu médical semble se réveiller un peu sur l’intérêt que présente la vitamine D3 pour renforcer le système immunitaire; il s’ensuit que les infos contradictoires à ce sujet foisonnent dans les médias, poussées par des intérêts divers. Il devient hélas difficile de se faire une opinion objective sur une quelconque question médicale tant l’éthique journalistique s’est assouplie au point de confondre information et publicité … D’où l’intérêt de ce livre qui fait le point sur une multitude de recherches dont on aurait sinon jamais entendu parler: vraiment très intéressant, cela ouvre des voies nouvelles de prévention et de guérison !

  4. A.licia.C.Jorge

    Great value for money, as described. Well written, easy to read, great information, lots of gems.

  5. Steven P. Weaver

    This is life changing and life saving info. The writing is almost conversational and easy to follow. It’s well referenced and gives some real technical details for those who want that. D3 and K2 have the power to prevent and heal disease with minimal cost. What’s not to like.

  6. Tammy

    I read the first book Jeff T. Bowles wrote about Vitamin D and learned a lot. After reading the first one, I bought this one and it elaborates more on the Vitamin D, but also the importance of other nutrients, such as Magnesium, and Vitamins A and C. Magnesium is critically important and just as overlooked as Vitamin D. People really need to get his books and learn for themselves. Many people are getting healed of various diseases by experimenting and overcoming nutrient deficiencies they did not know they had. I believe Jess really cares about people and wants everyone to know the truth. In order to keep costs low for readers, he keeps some data on websites instead of having it printed in the book, which I would prefer. Low prices make the book more attractive to sum. Search for his books on Amazon.com and check out the things you can learn. It’s all well researched and shared openly. Take a look! It makes a good gift, too.

  7. David F. Mooney

    Then don’t take high dose vitamin D without doing research and due diligence first. In fact, you shouldn’t take high dose D for a couple years AFTER you’ve reversed you t2d! Yes, vitamin D helps in the cancer department, but you don’t need to take an insane amount of it in my honest opinion. During the colder seasons, especially winter, I personally take more vitamin D, but not a crazy amount. Otherwise I’m outside getting a nice tan (I usually take 6mg of astaxanthin a day for a couple weeks before knowingly going out in the sun so I don’t burn). Magnesium, copper (along with vitamin B6 and taurine helps absorb both magnesium, iron, and a plethora or other vitamins, amino acids, and minerals) and thiamine (or benfotiamine) are key to reversing t2d along with a healthy, none junk food diet. High dose vitamin D depletes magnesium, so it shouldn’t be attempted by t2d folk until 2 years after the conditions have been reversed.

  8. Salesfreedom

    Starting on page 151 to 174 gives information about Magnesium Deficiency! Magnesium cannot be accurately measured or tested by just a blood test. So many symptoms of which one or more, you may be experiencing, is caused by this disorder. This is a excellent opportunity by reading it to help yourself!
    Other chapters also have relevant information about other topics that can help you understand your health care and reduce unwanted symptoms. I highly recommend anyone to read this book.

  9. Amazon Customer

    The book was very interesting and presents a compelling argument for supplementing high dose Vitamin D3. I had been supplementing D3 at 5000IU with Vit K2. I am upping that to 10,000 IU. I have noticed in a very short time that some issues that I have are getting better! There were many important points presented like the importance of Magnesium, Boron and Zinc pools, why they are important, and what effective dosages look like. I gave it 4 stars because much of the book was saying Vit D3 cures everything (and maybe it might if only we knew how….?). There is a bit more to it and more research could have been presented). The author states that there is more to know. So, maybe preliminary to give the book this title. I like the book and I’m glad it’s in my library! I know more than I did before!

  10. PWR

    This new book by Jeff T. Bowles has already proved a life changer for me! In just 5 short weeks! Jeff’s previous books are must reads too! Jeff’s always researching and discovering new facts about how our bodies work and he writes to help us learn and understand this priceless information. This book provides important new insight into how to tune up your immune system to protect you from almost any disease. From my personal experience this book title is no exaggeration. Jeff is a genius! His work is ground breaking! His other books, and his website are all very worthy of your attention. I have suffered arthritis for much of my life. My first symptoms occurred when I was just 15, and I’ve been getting worse almost every day since turning 50. I was not looking forward to more suffering to finish my working life and beyond through my retirement years. There is no cure for arthritis and I never expected to find one. But I had numerous issues my doctor could never help with, so I read read read, and I am now substantially CURED with a much clearer understanding of my body’s needs, thanks mainly to Mr. Jeff T. Bowles! I still find this extremely hard to believe! It took my doctors over 35 years to even diagnose just some of my issues. They never ever diagnosed the actual underlying cause! And they have never had any solutions beyond anti-inflammatories, painkillers and surgeries. But these were never actually necessary. I would like to tell my doctors all about my experience to help others, and I will anyway, but telling my doctors won’t help unfortunately. Call that wrong, call it a crime, whatever, it’s just the nature of our health care system. If you have a problem that your doctor hasn’t been able to help with I strongly recommend you read this book and everything else Jeff has ever written. Even if you just want to understand your body better so you can stay as healthy as possible you owe it to yourself to read Jeff’s work.

    Jeff is your window into the world of hundreds of thousands of mostly ignored peer reviewed research studies. He understands the terminology and he puts this piece meal research together to help us solve our biggest health issues, even incurable diseases, believe it or not! These studies conducted for low costs at Universities, Hospitals and other Research Facilities all around the world are not considered suitable by our health regulators and advisors to act on. They’re being conservative for our safety! Lol! That’s their official reasoning anyway. However, regardless of how clear, or how many studies confirm something of extreme value for our health, it will most likely be ignored or even denied by our medical community until a proper randomized double-blind placebo control (RDBPC) study is completed to prove it. These RDBPC studies cost around $150,000,000.00 each. They’re done to ensure new drugs don’t hurt us. They won’t be conducted for free, nor will they be conducted by a pharmaceutical company for something they cannot patent and make money on, such as everyday vitamins and minerals. And so far, our governments haven’t shown much interest in doing these RDBPC studies for everyday vitamins and minerals using our tax dollars. But there is a great deal of research already available that is ignored and that your doctor either voluntarily or involuntarily knows nothing about. Your doctor may not want to know because they could find themselves in a position where research clearly supports something that makes sense but that the advising bodies for your doctor disputes for reasons that aren’t so clear, so advising you to the contrary could even cost them their professional career. Such is the case with vitamin D. I was once told by a bone specialist that, along with everyone else in this country (Canada), I badly needed to supplement with vitamin D. He stated that “he could not recommend more than 1000IU/day, but he strongly suggested I take a lot more and provided I didn’t exceed 10,000IU/day and even if I did I really couldn’t hurt myself with vitamin D”. What was I supposed to do with that advice exactly? Blindly experiment on myself? I’ve been told by other doctors “I should never supplement”, and that “more than 1000IU/day of vitamin D is very dangerous”, even though I can get 20,000IU in 30min of sunshine. Don’t doctors know what’s good for us? Shouldn’t we listen to our doctor’s advice? If that is so, why on earth is there so much conflicting advice from our doctors on this one potentially very critical topic? Now I understand why this doctor, and any other doctor, is either ignorant or can’t be straight up with us about certain topics. What a hard position for a doctor to be in and all because there are no proper RDBPC studies available, and regardless, for some reason our regulators thought they should protect us with their input and make some rules for that very purpose. There is a mountain of research that disputes their position but for some reason they refuse to change their position, and our doctors are caught in the middle. Vitamin D isn’t the only essential vitamin or mineral that we are being accidentally misled about regarding benefits to our health. My biggest health benefit has come from a supposed non-essential mineral, Boron. Although some very healthy people get Boron everyday in their diets, Boron is considered poison by the medical community in some parts of the world. Does this make sense to you? Magnesium is another mineral I badly needed much more of, as do many others, but my doctor has never even mentioned magnesium to me to anyone else I know. These are both co-factors for vitamin D. B12 is another critically important vitamin you may easily be misled on. Based on my experience, and as crazy as this sounds, if you really want to protect your health you must do your own research. If you do this, you may never need a doctor for more than just a regular check-up and wouldn’t that be sweet? Thanks to Jeff T. Bowles, reading this book is your best way to get started.

    For all that you do for us, I can’t thank you enough Mr. Jeff T. Bowles!!!

  11. vivian

    It just arrived. Can’t wait to read it. it got here a little late, but it’s OK



  13. george

    Books arrived speedily and has much useful information contained in the text.

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