The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name


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Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $9.96.

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Trusted and treasured for over a decade, The Jesus Storybook Bible has been introducing children to God’s wonderful story, and the Savior at the center of that story.  With over 3 million copies sold, The Jesus Storybook Bible is the quintessential book for parents, grandparents, pastors, and anyone else who wants to share God’s  Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love with children.

What makes The Jesus Storybook Bible different from every other kids’ Bible?

While other kids’ Bibles contain stories from the Old and New Testaments, The Jesus Storybook Bible tells the Story beneath all the stories in the Bible, pointing to Jesus as our Savior. From the Old Testament through the New Testament, as the Story unfolds, children will clearly see that Jesus is at the center of God’s great story of salvation—and at the center of their story too.

The Jesus Storybook Bible:

  • Is beautifully written by New York Times bestselling author Sally Lloyd-Jones and illustrated by award-winning artist Jago
  • Contains 21 stories from the Old Testament and 23 stories from the New Testament
  • Visually brings Scripture to life for children, sharing how Jesus is at the center of our story
  • Presents the best-loved stories of the Bible in an easy-to-understand format
  • Is the perfect kids’ Bible for any age up to 6th grade, as well as church ministry or Sunday school
  • Makes an ideal gift for Christmas, Easter, and other gift giving occasions

Other titles in the Jesus Storybook Bible collection include:

  • The board books Found, Near, Loved, Known, and Happy
  • The Jesus Storybook Bible Coloring Book
  • The Jesus Storybook Bible: A Christmas Collection
  • The Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Activity Book
  • The Story of God’s Love for You, which presents the Jesus Storybook Bible text for adults

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The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name

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Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $9.96.

13 reviews for The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name

  1. Ramevi

    Excelente presentación y lo mas importante, las historias son de muy fácil lectura, fue regalo de reyes para mi hijo de 6 años y le encanto, el nos lo lee cada noche asi que es muy edificante para todos en casa.

  2. Ian Hodge

    I’m a pastor, and (currently) the father of two, a 2.5 year old boy and a 7 month old girl. I’ve been excited to introduce my children to the Bible, but totally overwhelmed with finding a Bible that would faithfully communicate the Scriptures at a level that made sense young children. I’ve tried three or four toddler Bibles, but they ranged from the meaningless and banal (Read With Me Bible For Toddlers) to the downright horrifying in their interpretation (The Story For Little Ones). Let me give you a couple of examples to demonstrate what I mean. The Jesus Storybook Bible, on the other hand, seeks to show how God’s plan of salvation is unfolding through each story, and largely succeeds in doing so. Let me try and demonstrate what I mean.

    First of all, there are children’s Bibles like the Read With Me Bible that are simply bland. Granted, toddlers are not going to pick up on every nuance of a story from the Bible, but the Read With Me Bible often chooses the wrong points to emphasize, entirely leaving out important points of narrative along the way. One story simply lists miracles Jesus did with no context, failing to communicate that Jesus’ miracles actually anticipate and begin to realize a new world, a world where God’s Kingdom and rule are breaking into the world in a new and exciting way. Now, children obviously won’t grasp the entirety of this message (indeed, even the most mature Christian is still growing in their understanding) but Jesus is more than a magician, he is more than simply amazingly powerful, so why drain the miracle stories of their power? If salt loses its saltiness, what is it good for?

    Next, there are children’s Bibles that don’t simply drain the Scriptures of their power, but that actually wrongly interpret the Scriptures in horrifying ways. Two examples from The Story For Little Ones. The story of Samson says that Samson did everything God wanted him to do. This simply displays a level of ignorance about the story of Samson that is beyond belief for someone writing (interpreting) a Bible for children! Samson disobeys God at every turn, and the end of his story is that of a man so consumed by hate and revenge (and who does revenge belong to, by the way?) that he is willing to kill himself to destroy HIS (not God’s!) enemies! The point is that the best God has to work with to rescue Israel is someone as corrupt as Samson, yet God is able to use even Samson to rescue His undeserving people! Consider also the end of the Bible, the book of Revelation. In The Story For Little Ones, the end of Scripture is that Jesus will return and take us away from this world and we’ll live with him forever. This is exactly what Revelation does not say. Now, I’m not a dispensationalist, nor do I believe in a rapture, but that isn’t the doctrine I’m criticizing here. At the end of the book of Revelation, the new Jerusalem descends out of heaven to earth, precisely because the Christian hope is resurrection, not going to heaven when you die (that’s what happens to those who die before Christ’s return, who go to be with Jesus in paradise). God’s goal is not for His people to escape the world, but instead God is working to redeem and recreate the world. That is why Romans 8:22 speaks of the creation groaning as in the pains of childbirth, waiting for the revealing of the sons of God.

    Okay, finally on to The Jesus Storybook Bible. This Bible works to explain the big idea, and big picture of the Scriptures at every turn. The focus is on God’s love for the lost, the great problem of sin, and the great hope we have in Christ. So, for example, the story of the Exodus is told not as the story of God’s great magic show, but instead on the great, mighty, and terrifying rescue of God’s people from their slavery, pointing forward also to humanity’s slavery to sin and coming rescue in Jesus. That is why the subtitle to this Bible is “Every Story Whispers His Name.” Every story anticipates the coming of Jesus and the great rescue he brings to those who put their faith in him. This is a great Reformed concept, and a great Reformed work for children (I am an evangelical Presbyterian, by the way).

    Now is this Bible perfect? No, and no translation is, much less a paraphrase. Other have commented on some of the shortcomings of this Bible. Sometimes the language and tone is a bit casual, although casual doesn’t necessarily mean disrespectful. Every story doesn’t say as much as it could, although this is a strength rather than a weakness for a paraphrase (See: The Message). Not all of the theology expressed in the paraphrase matches perfectly with my own, but I see that as a teaching opportunity rather than a fatal flaw, not to mention that I think children should know early on that there are many ideas in the world, and not all of them are equally valid, and certainly not all of them are true. But again, the strength of this Bible is that it gets the story right, interpreting the main idea correctly and always pointing toward Jesus.

  3. Steven Park

    Well written and beautifully drawn.
    Great resource for Christian kids

  4. Amazon Customer

    I bought this as a Christmas gift for my daughter who was about to turn 6. She LOVES this book and is drawn in by the stories and illustrations. We use the KJV of the bible at home and I’m happy with how these stories are written for a child’s understanding. The stories are NOT dumbed down and, in my opinion, reflect the Biblical stories well, just written for young children. I’m so happy I didn’t listen to the reviews that knocked this book- it is really wonderful.

  5. Rambo

    This book is fantastic for children, but also for the adults reading it and for those with no children. Helps you know and understand the most important person in history. Jesus loves you. He loves people. He wants you to know Him. He brings life. This book brings out who He is and how He is present in all of the books of the bible – including the OT. Recommended for Christians, Jews, Muslims – all wanting to know more about the Messiah and truly understand scripture and know GOD.

  6. Denice Lorraine Couture

    There is no children’s bible that reaches kids in such a beautiful way that is fully understood and fun to share with your little Christians. My Pastor gave this book to me at 50 years old when coming to my faith. It gave me the basics and now I share it with my grandchildren. Simple answers and simple stories. Beautiful. Praise God for authors that can share the faith in such a lovely way. All her books are amazing.

  7. Vishrut M.

    Fabulous book, so beautifully illustrated and so well told ! My kid loves this book

  8. EU

    La manera de exponer las historias es preciosa. Nos ha gustado a todos.

  9. Rachel B.

    We love love love the storybook bible!! The constant thread of Jesus’ love and His rescue plan is absolutely beautiful! The way this is written is fantastic. It’s simple for children to understand but profound for adults to reflect on. I would recommend the storybook bible to anyone and everyone of all ages. This reminds you of the beautiful plan woven throughout God’s word. If you are an adult and need a simple reminder of God’s love this is the way to go. I highly recommend!

  10. Travis Boyd

    We read the Bible together with our kids almost every night and this book came highly recommended so I ordered it right away! It is just amazing. So easy to follow but also so informative and interesting. It’s perfect for kids and adults! We love this book!

  11. Francine Maximiliano

    É o melhor livro de histórias bíblicas infantil que eu já vi! Os textos são bem escritos e as ilustrações são bem legais.

  12. Meghan Cook

    Beautiful stories; simple, but relatable and relevant… every story brings the message back to Jesus, our Rescuer. No matter how many times I read the stories, I am brought to tears because of how touching the stories are and how they remind me how real Jesus is. My 2.5 year old loves the book and wants it read to her all the time. A lot of the messages are a little over her head, but she still wants to hear them, I know she’ll understand more and soon enough.

  13. Kimberly

    This tells some of the Bible stories in such a beautiful and simple way. Always brings the point back to Christ. I often cry when I read them!

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