The Galveston Diet: The Doctor-Developed, Patient-Proven Plan to Burn Fat and Tame Your Hormonal Symptoms


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Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $14.70.

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WALL STREET JOURNAL AND PUBLISHERS WEEKLY BESTSELLER • A patient-proven eating and lifestyle program to balance nutrition, help manage middle age weight “creep,” and reduce uncomfortable symptoms during menopause and perimenopause—including more than 40 delicious recipes and 6 weeks of meal plans—tailored to women in midlife.

“The validation of common hormonal symptoms and commiseration with weight gain challenges, especially from a physician with similar struggles, is likely a rare and comforting experience for many women.”—Forbes Health

Why is the scale moving in the wrong direction even though I haven’t changed my diet or exercise habits? Time and again, this is the question Dr. Mary Claire Haver’s patients asked. At first, a practicing OB/GYN, she’d dutifully advise what she’d been taught in medical school: eat less and work out more. But that standard advice didn’t solve the problems caused by perimenopause and menopause because back then she—and so many other doctors—hadn’t taken into account the physiological factors affecting women. They tend to store fat, they can have a hard time accessing that stored fat as active fuel, and their hormonal fluctuations in midlife exacerbate the situation.

Then, Dr. Haver found herself in this exact predicament with the added issues of low energy, hot flashes, and brain fog. So she set out to develop a nutrition program that would meet her own and her patients’ needs once and for all. Now, more than 100,000 women have found success in Dr. Haver’s unique plan for losing dangerous belly fat and reducing menopausal symptoms by following her three interconnected strategies:

• Fuel Refocus: Starting in their thirties, women need a specific ratio of healthy fats, lean protein, and quality carbohydrates to optimize their overall health and efficiently burn fat as fuel.
• Intermittent Fasting: 16 hours of fasting with a flexible 8-hour eating window coaxes the body to draw energy from stored fat and decreases inflammation.
• Anti-inflammatory Nutrition: Limit added sugars, processed carbs, chemical additives and preservatives and layer in anti-inflammatory foods like leafy greens, olive oil, berries, nuts, and tomatoes.

With these three principles working together, women can lose the weight they tend to gain in middle age as well as enjoy newfound energy, better sleep, less brain fog, and fewer hot flashes. Featuring forty delicious recipes, six weeks of easy-to-follow meal plans, shopping lists, and success stories of women who have changed their lives on this lifestyle plan, The Galveston Diet—named for Dr. Haver’s hometown—will revolutionize the conversation around health and empowerment during menopause and perimenopause, with health benefits that last a lifetime.

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The Galveston Diet: The Doctor-Developed, Patient-Proven Plan to Burn Fat and Tame Your Hormonal Symptoms

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Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $14.70.

10 reviews for The Galveston Diet: The Doctor-Developed, Patient-Proven Plan to Burn Fat and Tame Your Hormonal Symptoms

  1. R. Allen

    I ordered FOUR menopause/hormone help books, I read them all, and THIS is the most comprehensive and informational overall re: how to fight back with NUTRITION and INTERMITTENT FASTING.
    I will be implementing the 4 week program outlined in the book this coming week and will update this review then. UPDATE: April 24, 2023 – I have lost 12 lbs so far, husband lost 15, our 36 yr old son has lost 18 lbs. We “cheat” one day a week with a treat. We have found sugar free ice cream (Rebel) and low carb bread (Dave’s Killer) to help with cravings.
    (Names of all books I read below)

    * Written by a practicing ob/gyn who developed the program ON HERSELF
    * scientifically based with many credible sources sited
    * Detailed explanations of what is happening to our body and why, as well as how to combat it
    * NOT A DIET – this is not a temporary trendy fix but a permanent nutritional lifestyle
    * Clear and practical plan is laid out to balance hormones, feel good, and loose weight
    * 4 week meal plan/recipes/shopping lists with detailed nutrition information
    * Food is all normal foods that most people already like (nuts, dairy, meats, fruits, seeds and veg) NOT a bunch of costly supplements
    * Online community to interact with along the journey

    * Does not deal with specific plans to treat sexual or vaginal issues caused by loss of estrogen, so I took away ONE star
    * This will be a challenging COMMITMENT and a LIFESTYLE CHANGE for anyone who currently loves early morning breakfast, morning coffee with cream/sugar, pasta, bread, & potatoes.
    * Intermittent fasting is daunting (16 hours fasting and 8 hour eating window each day)
    * Starting out could be expensive if your pantry and fridge have to be replaced with whole foods (think food from the outer edges of the grocery store).
    * Everything is “make it from scratch.” If you are used to drive thrus, packaged snacks/meals, and eating out, this is gonna be an adjustment.
    * Book suggests “meal prepping” which is often impractical (for me)
    * Withdrawals from processed sugar is expected the first week (the book outlines the symptoms) and it’s “grin and bear it!”

    (These are all great but dealt with different aspects of menopause, fell a bit short of this one.)
    1. The Menopause Manifesto, Dr Jen Gunter
    (very medical, formal, pharmaceutical, lots of illustrated drawings, but doesn’t go in-depth into the nutritional aspect of combatting hormonal issues and also extremely liberal/political)
    2. It’s Not You, It’s Your Hormones, Nicki Williams
    (This book is the most similar to The Galveston Diet, almost like a British copy cat of it, focusing on nutrition)
    3. Slip Sliding Away: Turning Back the Clock on Your Vagina, Dr Lauren Streicher
    (Great book by an ob/gyn and deals ONLY with sexual/vaginal issues and treatments)

  2. Amazon Customer

    I borrowed this book from the library prior to buying. It has a lot of ideas of meals and snacks. Definitely a great resource for anyone going through perimenopause/menopause!

  3. Irlanda

    Maravilloso libro para comprender y contrarrestar los cambios de la menopausia

  4. Michelle P

    Love, love, love this book/nutrition plan. After going through menopause and putting on almost 15 lbs of mostly belly weight I had just about given up ever trying to get back to my pre-menopausal weight/health. I’ve worked out/run my whole life but my GP doctor just told me it was the way it was for women who went through menopause. I saw a post on Instagram by Dr Haver and decided I’d give it one last try. I am so happy I did!. I’ve lost 8 lbs in a little over a month just by following this nutrition/workout/etc plan!!! I only have 5-7 more to go! Before reading this book, I was pretty frustrated, but it’s really simple and easy to follow and I love the meal plans / grocery lists (!!!!!) provided at the end. I’ve even convinced my best friend and two sisters to do it with me! We share a lot of our progress on line together. The bonding, support and encouragement from doing it together has made it even better. I’ll continue this for the rest of my life!

  5. Hoosiers!

    If you like Mediterranean style food, you will love this diet as it works great. You have to stay on the diet in order for it to work. I like that you can have plenty of fruits and vegetables with it.

  6. kelly

    I wish my doctors had read this book when I was in peri menopause. Validated my feelings

  7. Saoirse wang

    This is a great book to add to the menopause journey. Clear and intelligent information that is so useful and easy to make a part of ur life.

  8. Melissa Johnston

    “The Galveston Diet: The Doctor-Developed, Patient-Proven Plan to Burn Fat and Tame Your Hormones” is a groundbreaking approach to weight loss and hormonal balance. Dr. Mary Claire Haver’s expertise as a gynecologist brings a unique perspective to the realm of dieting, focusing on the intricate interplay between hormones and metabolism. The book presents a comprehensive plan that not only helps readers shed excess fat but also addresses underlying hormonal imbalances that may contribute to weight gain. What sets this diet apart is its emphasis on sustainability and long-term health, with a focus on whole foods, intermittent fasting, and stress management techniques. Dr. Haver’s compassionate and relatable writing style makes complex concepts accessible to readers of all backgrounds, making this book a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their health and well-being. Overall, “The Galveston Diet” offers a refreshingly holistic approach to weight loss and hormone optimization, backed by science and patient success stories.

  9. Veep23

    Für jede Frau ab 35 eine Pflichtlektüre! Nur durch Aufklärung und Information kann man eine mündige Entscheidung über den eigenen Lebensstil und nötige Veränderungen treffen. Ich freue mich achon auf das neue Buch von Dr. Haver – The New Menopause. Endlich eine Frau, die sich diesem Thema allumfassend annimmt und Frauen ernst nimmt!

  10. maryam raji

    Very interesting 👌

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