The DM Diaries

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Falling in love with a guy like this is easy. Finally meeting him is a different story in a funny, flirty, and emotional romantic comedy about celebrity, secrets, and plus-sized dreams.

Olive O’Brien is a plus-size influencer with half a million followers and big dreams. And she’s feeling the pressure to stand out while staying true to herself. To cope, Olive finds solace in an unexpected place: the DMs of Jasper Rafferty, the world’s hottest movie star, where she feels safe to share her hopes, fears, and secrets because it’s not like he’ll read them. Until he does. Kind of.

Career-wise, Jasper’s younger brother, Jude, is in free fall. After an interview gone wrong, Jude now has the thankless job of managing his brother’s social media accounts to help reboot his own image. Olive’s messages are unexpected, and her wit and vulnerability catch his interest. How can “Jasper” not respond? And how long can Jude keep up the ruse?

As the DMs get flirtier and more personal, the bigger question is what’ll happen when Olive finds out she’s fallen for a fraud. It might not be what either of them expects.

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13 reviews for The DM Diaries

  1. Britt

    When I tell you that I could not put this book down, I mean I literally could not stop reading it. I finished it in less that 24 hours after multiple failed attempts to make myself stop reading and do some work. I’m going to buy the audio and listen to that too!
    I always love and a pen pal dynamic, and this was a fun twist on that. The banter was so entertaining and just kept me smiling. I loved how open and sweet Jude was about his feelings for Olive (even if a little reluctant to admit to the L-word). I’m pretty sure this my first read from Teagan Hunter, and it definitely won’t be my last!

  2. Ms.A

    First things first this one is full of banter between the two characters Jude and Olive that is beyond words to describe without being a spoiler… but it was absolutely everything!

    I had a hard time putting down this book as I love Jude and Olives online DM connection but also their in person “mistaken/unknown” identity situation that they landed themselves into. Just an absolute must read! Teagan Hunter manages to hit everything you’d like to read for a contemporary romance novel 💕

  3. Mary Terry3

    This book was funny. Olive is a plus size model with a ton of followers on social media. Jude is an actor making a comeback as an adult, from the famous Rafferty acting family. Jude made a fool of himself on live tv. Oops. He finds Olives diary in a place she’d never thought it would be discovered.

    Both the main characters have issues they’re working through. Both have a support system. Both are snarky. I cheered them on when trials and complications happened. I laughed my way through the book.

  4. Andrea

    “I take it you’re still mad I bought you coffee and a pastry?”

    Before we jump in, I want to congratulate Teagan on her traditional book deal and to say if you are a fan of different texts in the form of DM’s/Texts, she is the queen of them and finds a way to make them so engaging.

    ‘What did the rooster say to the chicken?’
    ‘You’re impeck-able.’

    Both characters felt so related in their struggles and feels that I found myself resonating with them. Jude is working on his actor career and when an interview goes off the rails due to allergies, he is in damage control. Olive is a Plus Size Model/ Influencer who is working to make her dreams come true and push out the negative comments.

    “I don’t want to do anything unless you’re okay with it.”

    Olive takes an unorthodox approach when her therapist suggest that she keep a diary. She decides to slide into the DM’s of a famous Actor , Jasper Rafferty, with her thoughts thinking no one we’ll see them. Imagine her reactions when someone does respond, his younger brother, Jude.

    “Now, be a good girl and put those heels to good use.”

    Jude realizes wrong wrong it is to impersonate his brother but through her entries, she intrigued him and he wants to know more. Their journey is hilarious, refreshing and you can’t help but cheer for them. Their interactions online and in person had me cackling and I LOVED how feisty Olive was at times.

    “When a Rafferty loves, he loves for life, and he’ll do anything to protect that love.”

    The different relationships also kept me invested. I loved the scenes with Jude would interact with his siblings or Olive and her bestie, Annie. Teagan does a great job balancing humour and the emotional moments so well that I really hope we get to continue in this universe because I need more.

  5. Kristin

    I enjoyed reading the story of Olive and Jude. Their banter was entertaining and they way they met was different than anything I’ve read before so I enjoyed this fresh take of a meet cute story.

  6. Kindle Customer

    This is my first read by Teegan but it’s definitely not my last. I’ve laughed out loud, swooned all over the place and tried so hard to put it down but couldnt!!!! (Yeah – crossed legs are the worst!!!!). If you miss out on reading this you need your head tested! Happy reading – you’ll love it – promise! 🔥❤💘💞

  7. Jaime T

    I read a lot of Teagan Hunter already. The premise of this book caught my interest, and the book delivered!
    It’s a regular girl’s dream come true! Message a movie star, and he messages back! They form a flirty online friendship, but when Olive finds out the messages aren’t coming from Jasper Rafferty, but from his younger, less famous brother Jude, she feels betrayed. To top it off, Jude and Olive had already been running into each other in the Coffee line and formed some kind of a flirty enemy thing. (Can you call it a meet-cute if it’s angry? Lol)
    I enjoyed the back-and-forth between Olive and June, both online and in person (Before *and* after they officially meet)
    Their friendship turned relationship was fun to read. I liked the characters together.
    There’s always some drama in a romance book to keep you on your toes, and this was done well.
    I recommend this book.
    Ps- Jude was giving off Glen Powell vibes to me.

  8. Highlite

    When Olive begins DMing famous actor, Jasper, she never expected an answer. This daily writing became a form of therapy for her. Then suddenly, one day, there’s a reply. What she doesn’t know is that it’s not Jasper replying but rather his little brother Jude. Having grown up in the spot light, Jude craves some normalcy away from the public. For Olive, she has found that the spotlight is critical of her large body and she’s trying to show through example that beauty exists beyond the outward appearance. What’s she going to think when she figures out the truth?

    The storyline was predictable but it’s the interaction of these two unlikely people that made the story worth reading. I love reading women characters who don’t fit the norms of societal beauty. More importantly, she’s big but successful and proud of the path she’s paving for women of all sizes. Simply reading about characters like her in books shows a representation of what reality is actually like. I am encouraged to keep moving forward.

  9. Anni (Bella) reads a lot

    What a fun, mistaken identity trope storyline!

    I haven’t read too many of Teagan Hunter’s books before, but I’m definitely becoming a big fan – I think there was something in the author’s notes that this was her earliest book but wasn’t published, or has been rewritten and re-released? It definitely has a different feeling from the others of hers I’ve read (not the same type as the others), but was such a fantastic experience. Highly recommend it!!

    I enjoyed the mistaken identity trope, even though it can usually be a tricky and problematic one – she did it very carefully and I liked how it came about. Olive was a perfect female lead, being a plus size model/influencer and great role model, meeting Jude by chance and having the real life banter and the online banter thinking he was someone else (turned out to think it was his brother, a movie star)….

    Olive was using movie star Jasper’s DMs like a journal (her therapist said she needed to get into journaling and stars never read their DMs!). When one day he replies and they start chatting, she’s in for the surprise of her life, not just that it isn’t Jasper or a PA replying, but it’s his brother Jude, who happens to be the rude guy she met at the coffee cart and has struck up a friendship with… she has no idea she’s being catfished by a different movie star and might have been making a real connection afterall.

    Very well done and if you haven’t read Hunter’s books before or not many, like myself, this is a good one to get you hooked! Great characters, great banter, great chemistry, really good storyline, very strong role model in Olive, and great way to wrap all up. Solid 4-star read!

    I received an advance copy from NetGalley and Montlake, and this is my honest feedback.

  10. Jennifer J.

    This was a cute romcom. It was a little slow the first half, with a lot of setting the scene for the second half. I liked the idea of a small time influencer falling for an A list actor. The banter between them was fantastic and I loved the way fate seemed to be working for them. They met so many times without knowing.

    Jude was the most normal celebrity I’ve ever read. He craved authentic relationships after living his life in the spotlight. But at the same time he was afraid of losing his place in Hollywood and his parts of his true self. He was a little contradictory, but a great MMC. When he fell for Olive he fell hard. I loved the way he supported her and gave her is trust.

    Olive was an equally great fmc. She was committed to her platform and working on accepting her body the way it was. She was very feisty with Jude and I really thought that worked in her favor. It was obvious she wasn’t with him for his name or what he could do for her career.

    I loved the secondary characters and both Olive and Jude’s support systems. They made the plot even better.

    Overall this was a fun, quick read. There was a little angst and drama at the end, but it wouldn’t be fun to read a book that was all sunshine and roses.

  11. AJvR

    This was a very fun book to read.
    I loved both Olive and Jude, and their chemistry was great.

    This book is a little different from Teagan’s normal style. It feels like a Teagan book with a little Lucy Score vibes thrown in, if that makes sense.

    Olive is a plus sized model with an awesome personality. Her friends and family are very good side characters. I love Annie and Remi!
    Jude is Hollywood royalty, but he is playing second fiddle to his brother.
    The way Olive and Jude meet and connect is very entertaining, and I had a perma-smile while reading through their story. Their chemistry was scorching, I lived it.

    I got so emotional during the acknowledgments. It was written really well, and I could feel all the emotion in it.

    All in all, it is a very enjoyable book. I am so excited for this new chapter of Teagan’s career.

  12. nicandbooks

    I really enjoyed this story – both Jude and Olive were quite loveable characters and the romance between them built slowly and I enjoyed watching it unfold. We knew the premise from the blurb, so I was glad the deception didn’t drag on for ages and instead we got to watch Jude and Olive fall hard for one another. A great story and one I could see myself rereading.

  13. Tiffany McQuay

    This was my first time reading a book by this author and I completely loved it. The story was so good and the characters were fantastic. I loved Olive and the way she could be both put together and messy at the same time. Jude was absolutely dreamy and such a golden retriever vibe. I loved the repartee between him and his siblings and of course the banter he has with Olive. Even the supporting characters were great! I lost sleep reading this one because I didn’t want to put it down.

    This book had a great story, romance and enough feels to get me super invested and wanting more. I love, love, loved this book.

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