The Complete Mediterranean Cookbook: 500 Vibrant, Kitchen-Tested Recipes for Living and Eating Well Every Day (The Complete ATK Cookbook Series)


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Original price was: $35.99.Current price is: $13.28.

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The #1 best-selling modern classic—America’s Test Kitchen’s indispensable guide to the life-changing Mediterranean diet, with more than 600,000 copies sold

The famed Mediterranean diet is more than just a regional cuisine, it’s food at its best: the variety of bright flavors and tastes, the health benefits, and the simple, uncomplicated dishes. America’s Test Kitchen makes it easy to eat healthy, with over 500 kitchen-tested recipes from across the Mediterranean.


Beyond Greece & Italy: You’ll find a deeper variety of dishes from countries all around the Mediterranean Sea, including Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, and Morocco

Build Your Plate, Mediterranean Style: Learn to build meals that put the focus on the healthiest food first. You’ll find large, plant-forward chapters devoted to Beans and to Vegetables, and more space is devoted to Seafood than to Poultry and Meat

Mediterranean Mainstays: Detailed information on wholesome ingredients found in every supermarket is included throughout the book, from olive oil to whole grains, spice blends, plus a variety of seafood. Guides to meal planning, entertaining, and pantry building are also included

Quick & Healthy: Many recipes are ready in 45 minutes or less—perfect for busy weeknights

Nutrition First: Not only does every recipe have nutritional guidelines, but we also set specific nutritional goals (e.g. every fish recipe is less than 750 calories, with fewer than 8.5g of saturated fat)

Need a house-warming gift? Get The Complete Mediterranean Cookbook Gift Edition, in a gorgeous keepsake hardcover edition

Love your Instant Pot? Check out ATK’s Mediterranean Instant Pot

Want to build your repertoire even further? Try More Mediterranean: 225+ New Plant-Forward Recipes Endless Inspiration for Eating Well

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The Complete Mediterranean Cookbook: 500 Vibrant, Kitchen-Tested Recipes for Living and Eating Well Every Day (The Complete ATK Cookbook Series)

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Original price was: $35.99.Current price is: $13.28.

11 reviews for The Complete Mediterranean Cookbook: 500 Vibrant, Kitchen-Tested Recipes for Living and Eating Well Every Day (The Complete ATK Cookbook Series)

  1. Angela Woolley

    The book has a wide variety of healthy recipes and many photos, which adds to any recipe book, but I found many of the recipes were very detailed and time-consuming. I do realize that the healthy diet does require prepping of fresh foods, which requires time. My other concern is that in my small town many of the ingredients were not easily available. The format of the book was good and if I were a more experienced cook, I would have felt more comfortable with it.

  2. Jeffrey Hanna

    I don’t normally write reviews (I’m a harsh critic), but I’ve recommended this book to so many people now, I thought I should.

    I lost 35 lbs. by cooking recipes from this book 3-5 times a week on average. No, I don’t exercise; I just eliminated all processed foods from my diet and replaced them with recipes from this book. I also enjoy a glass of wine (or two!) with my meal most evenings. I’m not sure how many different recipes I’ve made from the book, but it’s definitely more than 50–possibly 100. They are all DELICIOUS! There is not a single recipe in this book I would not serve to guests. In fact, I’m a bit embarrassed when I serve these recipes to guests and they tell me what a talented cook I am. I blush and point to the book and say “honestly, I can read and follow directions.” It’s really that simple! The recipes are very easy to follow and even a complete novice like me can turn out wonderful food if you follow the directions carefully. The recipes all call for readily available ingredients that you can find in any grocery store. There are a handful of ingredients I’ve never used or even heard of, but you can find them and I tell people to not be intimidated by them. If I can do it, anyone can. There are a great number of vegetarian recipes in here, which my wife’s family (Hindu strict vegetarians) LOVE. My wife even complains when we go out to fancy Italian restaurants now, “this isn’t as good as what you make!” I wasn’t much of a vegetable guy before I started this journey, now I literally crave vegetables—it makes my mouth water just thinking about it! If you’re going to diet, you have to like the food to stick to it—you really can’t do better than this.

    My one complaint (and it’s extremely minor) is the author(s) write in the beginning that they did not include any recipes featuring things like salmon because it’s not indigenous to the Mediterranean. Really? Because neither are tomatoes (!!!), potatoes, halibut, etc. There are plenty of AMAZING seafood recipes, however.

    Simply put, I would have continued cooking out of this book even if I hadn’t lost the weight—turns out that’s just a side benefit!

    P.S. You may want to start a small herb garden, as I recently have. Almost all the recipes call for fresh herbs (parsley, thyme, basil, oregano, etc.). While fresh herbs are relatively inexpensive, I find the quantities generally include more than I need and go bad before I can use the whole bunch. I don’t recommend trying to substitute dry herbs (unless specifically noted)—they just don’t compare.

    EDIT: It’s been a year now and I’ve stuck to my diet and maintained my weight (I’m right on my ideal BMI). I saw some reviews that said the nutrition info is somewhat cumbersome to find. Honestly, I never even looked at that section! I just made the recipes that appealed to me and the pounds came off. I also saw some people say they thought some ingredients were hard to find; that has not been my experience. I shop at wegmans, which granted, does carry a lot of gourmet food items. But the ones that are more unique (pomegranate molasses, Dukkah, preserved lemons, etc.) the book provides recipes on making them—however, I didn’t make any of those as you can also find them right here on Amazon.

  3. Wayne Wilmot

    I did a ton of research before buying this book and it is actually so worth while! Such a fun read with a huge variety of different dishes to suit every pantry and great variety of simple and quick or more length meal preps. Got an extensive seafood section and a really interesting veg section. My couscous is much tastier these days!!

  4. Brittany

    I edit cookbooks professionally, so I am (a) not in need of any new ones and (b) pretty picky about layout, photos, and content. But I was trying to inspire myself to eat more healthy dishes and try some new recipes, so I bought this. I bought the hardcover and it is made well and I suspect it will hold up to years of kitchen use. Literally every single recipe I’ve made out of this book has been easy to make and tastes fantastic. I went through a month-long obsession with the shaved Brussels sprouts, lemon, olive oil, pine nuts, and pecorino romano salad (DROOL) and have a long list of other recipes I can’t wait to try. My only complaint has also been mentioned by others: the nutrition info is a pain in the butt to look up (it’s all listed at the back, by recipe section (Salads, Soups, Entrees…) in the order the recipe appears in the book (NOT alphabetically by recipe name within each section). This means a lot of browsing for the info you want. A couple of other design decisions were made here that I support (won’t bore you all with that industry talk), but I do think adding a page-number reference to the nutritional info at the end of each recipe would be a huge plus, especially since so many people will have bought this particular title because they are interested in this health-related information. This could be done at reprinting–without changing pagination–by adding a concise reference on the same line the number of servings for each recipe, e.g. “Serves 4 (nutrition info, page 391)”… Anyone listening, America’s Test Kitchen? 🙂 Regardless, don’t let this minor annoyance and book-design mystery dissuade you from buying and enjoying this terrific and healthy cookbook!
    9/10 Highly Recommended (only took away a point because I get annoyed every time I search for the nutrition info)

  5. E. Lane

    Super great recipes, lots of pictures, a thorough explanation of the Med diet itself……bought as a gift and ended up buying a copy for myself!

  6. Oliver Klein

    A cookbook filled with so many new ideas for a Mediterranean menu.

  7. English Teacher

    Lost two stars directly for Ratatouille recipe: “Remove pot from oven and using a potato masher or heavy wooden spoon smash and stir eggplant mixture until broken down to a sauce like consistency.” Eggplant is a delicate and wonderful vegetable and this recipe wants you to mash it like potatoes. Apparently the US based team doesn’t understand the finesse in European cooking.

  8. katydids

    Our family decided to move to a more Mediterranean diet, so we purchased this cookbook. We have made over two dozen of the recipes in the few months since we purchased it, and we have loved almost every single one (there were two recipes that turned out good, but just weren’t to our taste). What I love is that there are all these tips on how to choose the right product, how to prepare the food, the reason for different methods, and how to cook using different techniques. I have gained a lot of confidence in my cooking, and I have also enjoyed using foods that I have never worked with before – fennel, capers, mussels. I feel like we are not only eating healthier as a family, but we are eating yummier food. It’s been a fun adventure and we still have a lot more recipes in this book to try!

  9. Amazon Customer

    Es un libro con un desarrollo de recetas de tipo mediterráneo diseñado y perfeccionado según el libro por un equipo de chefs. Me parece importante señalar que en México muchos de los ingredientes que indican en las recetas no están disponibles, solicitan demasiados productos envasados, enlatados e industrializados altos en sodio, conservadores colorantes y sin que mencionen la opción natural, ejemplo, utilizar una lata mediana de jitomates, pues en dónde yo vivo hay jitomates naturales, si me dicen los gramos compro los jitomates y los muelo sin problema. Los postres, no traen panacota, ni tiramisú ni gelatos ni nada que digas wooooow que rico postre, creo que si te gusta comer en el italiannis para sentir que comes comida italiana, te puede gustar este libro aunque consigas solamente el 40% de los ingredientes que solicita el libro.
    PROS_ Las fotos y la calidad del papel son buenas, tiene muy detalladas las instrucciones y considero que el equipo que desarrolló el libro saben muy bien su negocio, seguramente si viviera en USA me encantaría el libro

  10. Kitty

    Gute Rezepte, mit vielen alternativen Ausführungen der Rezepte. Das Buch ist übersichtlich, die Rezepte zahlreich (und gut!). Finde das Buch super!

  11. Brittany

    The recipes in here look so delicious! Couple things, the pictures of food aren’t labeled with what recipe it is. Sometimes you can figure out which picture goes with the recipe but a lot of the time you can’t. I also didn’t realize just how much seafood is in the Mediterranean diet. If you live in a place where good, fresh seafood is hard to find you should know that A LOT of the recipes will be difficult to find ingredients for. This cookbook is very informative. It shows you how to prep and process everything. Overall it’s a good cookbook with great recipes. For those of you living on the coast…. man oh man will you all have some amazing meals!

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