The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever


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In Michael Bungay Stanier’s The Coaching Habit, coaching becomes a regular, informal part of your day so managers and their teams can work less hard and have more impact.
Drawing on years of experience training more than 10,000 busy managers from around the globe in practical, everyday coaching skills, Bungay Stanier reveals how to unlock your peoples’ potential. He unpacks sevenessential coaching questions to demonstrate how–by saying less and asking more–you can develop coaching methods that produce great results.

  • Get straight to the point in any conversation with The Kickstart Question
  • Stay on track during any interaction with The Awe Question
  • Save hours of time for yourself with The Lazy Question, and hours of time for others with The Strategic Question
  • Get to the heart of any interpersonal or external challenge with The Focus Question and The Foundation Question
  • Finally ensure others find your coaching as beneficial as you do with The Learning Question

A fresh innovative take on the traditional how-to manual, the book combines insider information with research based in neuroscience and behavioural economics, together with interactive training tools to turnpractical advice into practiced habits. Witty and conversational, The Coaching Habit takes your work–and your workplace–from good to great.

“Coaching is an art and it’s far easier said than done. It takes courage to ask a question rather than offer up advice, provide and answer, or unleash a solution. giving another person the opportunity to find their own way, make their own mistakes, and create their own wisdom is both brave and vulnerable. In this practical and inspiring book, Michael shares seven transformative questions that can make a difference in how we lead and support. And he guides us through the tricky part – how to take this new information and turn it into habits and a daily practice.” –Brené Brown, author of Rising Strong and Daring Greatly

“Michael Bungay Stanier distills the essentials of coaching to seven core questions. And if you master his simple yet profound technique, you’ll get a two-fer. You’ll provide more effective support to your employeesand co-workers. And you may find that you become the ultimate coach for yourself.”
–Daniel H. Pink, author of To Sell Is Human and Drive

“What can you do to become a better leader? Michael asks and answers this question by offering aspiring leaders seven thoughtful questions that will change their leadership habits. This book is full of practical,useful and interesting questions, ideas and tools that will guide any leader trying to be better.”
–Dave Ulrich, co-author of The Why of Work and The Leadership Code

“Michael’s intelligence, wit, articulateness and dedication to the craft of coaching shine forth in this brilliant how-to manual for anyone called to assist others. Even after four decades of my own experience in thisarena, The Coaching Habit has provided me with great takeaways.”
–David Allen, author of Getting Things Done

“The Coaching Habit is funny, smart, practical, memorable and rounded in currentbehavioural science. I found it highly valuable for my own work and collaborations.”
–James Slezak, Executive Director of Strategy, New York Times

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The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever

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Original price was: $16.95.Current price is: $9.89.

9 reviews for The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever

  1. Thomas Berntien

    Just love this book. I still have hard time to make the coaching habit a second nature but the structure is easy to remember and when I stick to it it helps me understanding ans my team members benefit so much

  2. Wally Bock

    You should buy and read The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier if you’re interested in improving your performance as a manager and your team’s performance and morale.

    If you’re reading this review of a book on coaching for managers, you probably fall into one of two camps. You might be a manager who’s already doing some coaching or you’re a manager who hasn’t made coaching part of your toolkit yet.

    You may already have made coaching part of the way you manage. If that’s true. you can skip over the next section of this review and get right to why this book will be an excellent addition to the other coaching books you own.

    It’s also possible because you’re interested in adding coaching to your manager’s toolkit and you’re seeking a good book to get you started. Then the next few paragraphs are for you.

    The benefits of coaching are pretty straightforward and well documented. A boss who coaches his or her team members effectively will have a more productive team, have higher team morale, and will have a more enjoyable work life. OK, so why aren’t you doing it already? My experience suggests that there are three possible reasons.

    You may think that the coaching that managers do and the coaching that sports coaches do is the same. Nope. Sports coaches do a lot of telling and don’t ask many questions. The art of the coaching manager is the art of the question.

    Or, you may think that the coaching that managers do and the coaching that professional executive coaches do is the same. Nope. Professional coaches are a godsend for us. But they’re professionals with a bag full of professional tools and expertise. Coaching with them is an event that you put on your calendar. The art of the coaching manager is coaching “in the workflow” several times a day. That’s why it should be a habit.

    Or, you may think that the coaching that managers do requires deep knowledge of psychology and coaching theory. Nope. The fact is that all the great supervisors I studied coached routinely without a bit of specialized training. Heck, my mother used to do it with me and my sister.

    They all asked something like: “Why do you think that happened?” or “What do you want to do?” and then listened. It was all about conversation and part of the normal flow of life and work.

    That’s what this book is about. Ask more. Say less. Simple enough that this preacher’s boy can get it. Here are the details.

    What’s in this book?

    Coaching is simple. So is this book. Coaching is lean. So is this book.

    The first chapter is about why you need the coaching habit. The second chapter is about creating the coaching habit. Yes, habit, something you do reflexively several times every work day. The advice in this chapter is based on real science, not that nonsense about “28 days.”

    The next seven chapters are about seven questions you can ask Just seven and that’s enough. There are “Master Classes” that help you ask the questions effectively. There are pointers to videos and podcasts and other helps.

    Still not sure? Well, there’s good news. Check out the “Look Inside the Book” feature for the Kindle version of this book. That will give you the “Why” you’ll need to judge if the book is for you

    Bottom Line: Five Stars

    If you’ve already read several books on coaching, this book and the advice on habit building will be a wonderful addition to your library.

    If you’re trying to figure out if coaching will help you and how to get started, this is the perfect book to buy, read, and use.

  3. JFG

    Michael makes things simple. It’s a useful book building in coaching and his other books.
    We share the concepts with staff

  4. CJ

    Actually a decent read, which is not something I can say about a lot of management books. Even had some useful concepts!

  5. Cheryl Robinson

    great questions to coach from .

  6. Marc C.

    “The Coaching Habit” by Michael Bungay Stanier is a compelling guide for anyone looking to improve their coaching skills, be it in a managerial capacity or a personal context. Stanier emphasizes the power of asking the right questions over giving advice, presenting a practical approach to cultivating more productive and meaningful conversations. The book is structured around seven essential coaching questions that promise to transform everyday interactions into opportunities for growth and learning. Through its concise and engaging style, it demystifies the coaching process, making it accessible and actionable for readers from all walks of life. Stanier’s blend of humor, real-world examples, and actionable insights makes “The Coaching Habit” a valuable resource for both novice and experienced coaches.

  7. Jonathan libros

    ¿Quieres saber cuáles son los principios básicos para coachear a tu organización y obtener los resultados planteados? Entonces, este es el libro ideal. La forma en que describe cada hábito y la manera de aplicarlo, puede ser implementado por alguien que recién está iniciando en una posición de manager, como por alguien que lleva años.

  8. Thomas R

    Very practical and well-written, M. B. Stanier’s book helps us reflect on how to tame the « advice-giving monster » that operates inside of us!

  9. John W. Pearson

    Oh, my.


    Here’s why. This month I was a learner in a seminar with CEOs and board chairs. The highly energetic, wise and witty facilitator was Michael Bungay Stanier, the author of the hot-off-the-press book, “The Coaching Habit.”

    At a coffee break, halfway through the three-hour, how-to-coach practicum, I told Stanier that—already—the seminar was on my Top-10 list of best workshops ever attended (and I’ve attended my fair share). Here’s why I gave it a 10:

    Three memorable points on coaching:
    –BE LAZY: Stop working so hard.
    –BE CURIOUS: Stop giving so much advice.
    –BE OFTEN: Stop waiting to coach.

    And how’s this for role reversal? I’m usually reading snippets from books to my wife. She picked this up first and is still reading—and reminding me—on what effective coaching looks like, especially the “stop giving so much advice” poke-in-the-ribs. Ouch.

    Stanier notes that “Harland Howard said every great country song has three chords and the truth. This book gives you seven questions and the tools to make them an everyday way to work less hard and have more impact.” The seven essential questions:
    –The Kickstart Question
    –The AWE Question
    –The Focus Question
    –The Foundation Question
    –The Lazy Question
    –The Strategic Question
    –The Learning Question

    Stanier says the best coaching question in the world is the AWE question: “And What Else?”

    In a four-minute drill with another board chair, I was instructed to ask four questions displayed on the seminar room screen. Stanier says “the first answer someone gives you is almost never the only answer, and it’s rarely the best answer,” so the AWE question is the perfect follow-up.
    –Q1: What’s the real challenge here for you?
    –Q2: And what else?
    –Q3: And what else?
    –Q4: So what’s the real challenge here for you?

    In just four minutes—it was almost magical. I stuck to the bargain (whew—very hard) and just asked questions of my board chair partner. He responded to each question—and increasingly, in response to “And what else?” he dug deeper and deeper and—BINGO!—answered his own question and solved his own challenge.

    Where was this book when I was pretending to coach team members, clients, my son, my grandkids, and many, many others? Yikes!

    I’ve underlined gems on almost every page:
    –Although coaching is listed as one of the six essential leadership styles in Daniel Goleman’s article, “Leadership That Gets Results” (a Harvard Business Review classic), “it was the least-used leadership style.”
    –“You can build a coaching habit” and “You can coach someone in ten minutes or less. And in today’s busy world, you have to be able to coach in ten minutes or less.”
    –“Coaching should be a daily, informal act, not an occasional, formal ‘It’s Coaching Time!’ event.”

    Stanier’s humor sneaks up on you! As you embark on what he calls the “coaching habit,” he suggests you start somewhere easy:

    “If you’re going to manage someone differently, pick someone who might be up for it and is willing to cut you some slack. Or pick someone with whom it’s all going so badly that you’ve got nothing left to lose.”

    ANOTHER AHA! The author says there’s a huge difference between coaching for performance—and coaching for development. “Call them forward to learn, improve and grow, rather than to just get something sorted out.”

    A gargantuan fan of questions—versus answers—he quotes Nancy Willard: “Answers are closed rooms; and questions are open doors that invite us in.”

    “CUT THE INTRO AND ASK THE QUESTION” is another shot over the bow. He notes, “No James Bond movie starts off slowly. Pow! Within 10 seconds you’re into the action, the adrenaline has jacked and the heart is beating faster”—so “cut the preliminary flim-flam” in your coaching process. In 72-point font on page 52, Stanier shouts: “If you know what question to ask,
    get to the point and ask it.”

    TAME THE ADVICE MONSTER! “We’ve all got a deeply ingrained habit of slipping into the advice-giver/expert/answer-it/solve-it/fix-it mode.” (One study revealed that doctors interrupt patients with advice within 18 seconds. Ditto, perhaps, the rest of us.)

    Slow down and take a breath, says Stanier. “Even though we don’t really know what the issue is, we’re quite sure we’ve got the answer they need.”

    VP OF BOTTLENECKING. If your employee name badge should read “VP of Bottlenecking,” you must read this book. These seven essential coaching questions will help you coach others, and as Stanier perceptively writes, “Focus on the real problem, not the first problem.”

    There are dozens and dozens of more gems in this fresh, easy-to-read format (plus almost 50 full-page quotations—all PowerPoint-worthy). I just ordered eight books for colleagues who are coaching boards and CEOs this year.

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