The Bouncebackability Factor: End Burnout, Gain Resilience, and Change the World


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A deep and real examination of the true causes of burnout and how to heal them within yourself.

The Bouncebackability Factor offers the reader 7 major burnout causes and their fixes. The main message: Burnout is NOT your fault. This book will prove that to you all while holding your hand and guiding you toward healing.

This is a book for everyone who has ever felt FRIED with a special focus on the female entrepreneur. In a world where women are told that they can have it all and be it all, the high achievers are looking down from the top of the mountain and wondering why it doesn’t feel as good as they thought it might. As opposed to focusing on the workplace, increasing positivity, leaning in even more, or productivity measures, The Bouncebackability Factor zooms in on the REAL reasons burnout is so rampant and what every individual can do to end their own personal burnout culture in order to reclaim energy, joy, and fulfillment.

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The Bouncebackability Factor: End Burnout, Gain Resilience, and Change the World

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Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $9.99.

9 reviews for The Bouncebackability Factor: End Burnout, Gain Resilience, and Change the World

  1. Todd miller

    This book and the “Fried” podcast have been a lifeline for me. It is structured to be manageable and actionable even when you are totally burnt out. Caitlin’s book and resources will help you to dig yourself out of burnout – or hopefully prevent it from happening at all!

  2. Kimberley Taylor

    The Bouncebackability Factor has helped me to empower myself to increase my sovereignty and take control over the things that can be a trigger for me burning out. It’s helped me understand why I have burned out so many times and what I can do to heal further and prevent burnout in the future! I wish I’d had this book 10 years ago!!

    I loved the blend of understanding the cause with practical steps to help you heal from burnout. I loved the concept of sitting in the muck!! This reinforced for me that it’s ok not to jump to positivity straight away! I also loved when Cait talked about burning out because she never learned to be honest with herself, I really came to accept that many of my burnout episodes have been due to me being completely out of integrity with who I am. I was also fascinated by the concept of Cait’s burnout being due to your physical environment – going to be making A LOT of changes where before I’d just been accepting things I’d just been putting up with but that really annoy me.

    There are two quotes that hit me right in the heart:
    “You are overstepping because their issues cause you discomfort and you want it to stop.”

    “Sometimes we overgive because we are afraid that other people aren’t speaking up about their needs because we don’t speak up about our own.”

    I would recommend this book to every woman! (And ironically especially those who scoff at the idea of burnout!!!)

  3. Madeleine Gray

    You know when you read a book that has so much truth in it, it’s as if it speaks to your soul? That’s what Caitlin Donovan’s The Bouncebackability Factor was for me. My biggest ah ha (that had so much truth in it I had to go for a walk just to absorb it) was about how there is only so much inner work you can do, when you need to be replanted, then that’s just what you need.

    Cait wrote: “If you need to be replanted, you need to be replanted – whether that be into a new country, city, job, or relationship. No amount of inner work or affirmations will make you feel good in an environment, job, or relationship that doesn’t work for you. There is only so much influence you have over your environment.”

    I have been making some major internal (and external) shifts, I’ve been able to see where someone else’s story is playing out and that I don’t need to get stuck in the drama and I also feel that every day I’m living a life a bit truer to myself.

    I’m thinking this is my Christmas book for sure! I am giving a copy to my mum, my sister and my cousin. Feel like all the women in the world could benefit from this- I will recommend this to my clients as well as other yoga teachers….

    May this book reach all the beautiful souls that need to hear the truth in these words. 

  4. Ewa Blaszczak

    The book is an eye-opener and a lifesaver! The key things for me to realise were that 1) burn-out is a real thing!!! 2) there is a difference between depression and burn-out and 3) understand the anatomy of burn-out.

    I absolutely LOVE the concept of looking at resentment as the barometer of burn-out and I intend to apply the exercise of “life pruning” ASAP!

    I felt such “me too” tears falling down my cheeks when I read the quote: “I honestly wished I could drive off the road into a tree. At least then, if I survived, I’d have a break. And if I didn’t, it would be over.” Cait Donovan! Thank you!!!

    I want literally EVERYBODY to read this book (children included). But especially I would like to recommend this book for 1) entrepreneurs 2) perfectionists and 3) Highly Sensitive Personality people.

    Thanks to reading this book I feel I got a permission slip to “sit in the muck” when I am burnt out ;))) To be patient with myself. What a relief. And once I am “sick of my story” and ready to move on I will definitely know what to do!

  5. Paulo Dinis

    It has been helping me to deal with burnout and find ways to recover from it

  6. Christy Cee

    I had SO many lightbulb moments reading this book! In fact, I think I highlighted more paragraphs than I didn’t! The biggest lightbulb moment I think was about past trauma living in the body and how that contributes to chronic stress.

    An idea that really resonated with me was that our emotions and reactions are often illogical because we’re being triggered by the past without knowing it. This quote explained it so well: “Emotions aren’t always logical because they are often reactions that are coded and melded into our brains through situations that happened years, if not decades earlier and have a connection to the present day.”

    One of the biggest a-ha moments I had was reading that it while it wasn’t my fault that past traumas have influenced my emotions, thoughts, and beliefs or caused me to be particularly reactive to certain things, it is my responsibility to work on changing those patterns for the sake of my health and happiness.

    I think every woman should read this book! In my experience, it doesn’t matter whether we’re stay-at-home moms, have a corporate career, or run our own businesses, as women, many of us tend to hustle 24/7 and don’t feel worthy of rest and self-care. And I think we grossly underestimate (or perhaps just have no idea) what a negative impact those beliefs have on our mental and physical wellbeing.

    The Bouncebackability Factor gave me a deeper understanding of the varied (and prolific) causes of chronic stress and how my own thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors contributed to my own experience of adrenal fatigue and burnout. More importantly, Caitlin shares the methods and tools to make the changes necessary to bounce back better than before.

    This is a book that I will revisit for sure! So many great insights and practical tools with a necessary (but loving) kick in the butt to let you know you’re worthy and deserving of making self-care a priority.

  7. CD

    This book changed my life. I knew I was experiencing odd symptoms but didn’t know what they were. Doctors kept telling me I was fine and healthy. After reading this book, I was amazed how accurately my symptoms were described. Finally I was able to identify what what was going on: burnout. Something in my gut told me I had to work with Cait. I reached out to her and began private coaching with her. She provided stable support during a terrible time for me. She taught me to patient and forgiving to myself during my recovery. She also helped me identify tips and tricks to apply to prevent burnout ever again. This book is a must have for all: whether it’s to help you manage burnout recovery or to motivate you to never experience it. Thanks you, Cait, for all you do!

  8. Nikki Hume

    If you live on this planet in 2020 this book is recommended for you. Caitlin’s honesty is real and relatable. Her knowledge of burnout and offering the help you need to bounce back is palpable. Bouncebackability was informational, well written, easy to follow, and I will be going back to it as needed. Bouncebackability offers something for everyone, burned out or not yet.
    This book helped me to dive deeper into some of the reasons I am more prone to burnout. (Um, hello, family culture, and patterns of behavior!) Understanding more about myself, listening to my body, sitting in the muck, meditation, and changing my filters have proven to be significant to my daily well-being. I found the tools and exercises in this book to be helpful, insightful, and useful. The honest recommendations of other resources, as well as Caitlin’s favorite books, were highly welcomed.
    I have been an acupuncture patient, coaching client, and a podcast groupie of Caitlin’s since March 2016. Caitlin’s wisdom, over time, has manifested in my life as its own mantra: “what would Cait do?” In the moments where I am fighting against burnout, I find myself seeking within myself, mostly through meditation, a “piece of gold” wisdom-nugget, cataloged, and filed in my brain for each moment when I need it. Bouncebackability, like any other life skill, gets easier with practice and truly is a combination of, “resilience, trust, grit, and surrender.” When I began reading this book I felt as if I was on the shitty end of the rainbow and by the last chapter, I was on the other side dancing in the pot of gold! This book is the map for the sometimes unpleasant but mostly magical ride to battling burnout culture. Buy the ticket, hold on tight, and get ready to discover your ability to bounce back from burnout.

  9. Nathalie

    Cait Donovan combines her wisdom as a practitioner and her helpfulness from over a year of intense Podcast interviews (yes, she’s the star host of Fried: The Burnout Podcast, too!) of amazing people who’ve burnt out to bring you a one-of-a-kind read. She shares her story in a willing-to-tell-all way, allowing you to come in through the often boarded up windows into her actual state of burnout, what caused it, and what can help.

    She brings tons of experiences and lots of different recommendations for starting and continuing sustainably, the journey of repairing from burnout. Most importantly, she brings you through becoming aware of burnout so that you can prevent it a second, third or even fifteenth time (no judgement!).

    She’s an inspiring leader, sharing with truth, vulnerability and enthusiasm, allowing you to know that there are concrete things you can do to get the joy or sparkle back into your life, and take on your dreams. 💗

    I hope, especially in this global time, that you snuggle up with a warm cup of your favourite beverage, an oversized, super-soft sweater, and learn how you can make a big change in your health, your body (feeling strong!), your attitude (getting clear-headed, light and joyful again!) and therefore, the world.

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