Split or Swallow

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Twenty year old Temperance Verus has never been kissed. But that’s what the basilisk is for.

Along with thirteen other contestants, Tem must train with a basilisk to learn the power of seduction and win the prince’s hand in marriage. When Tem is matched with Caspen, the Serpent King, she realizes she might actually stand a chance.

But with tensions rising between the basilisks and the humans, Tem is suddenly torn in two directions. As her bond with Caspen deepens, so does her connection with the prince. And when she uncovers a terrible secret about the royal family, Tem finds herself caught between two worlds: neither of which she can survive without.

Read this book if you like any of the following:

  • Golden fangs
  • Inappropriate use of a claw
  • Hot men with daddy issues
  • Hot women with daddy issues
  • Witty banter
  • Long, dextrous fingers

Guaranteed to make you blush (and then some), Split or Swallow is like if fanfic Draco Malfoy went on the Bachelor and had to compete with a snake. Sounds fun, doesn’t it? That’s because it is!!


“So you’re thinking, ‘A basilisk? Really?’ The answer is YES. REALLY. This book changed me.”
— @katiec

“Absolutely not safe for work, but so addicting you’ll read it in the break room anyway.”
— @bookbiche

“I had to pray the rosary before and after each chapter.”
— @ktgroberts

“Too hot to read in one sitting, pace yourself.”
— @michaela.whitney

“This book will slither its way right between your thighs and into your heart.”
— @geenareena

“Keep extra batteries by your bed…you’re gonna need them!”
— @hannahisastud

“A wild ride.”
— Lindsay’s mom

“What Lindsay’s mom said.”
— @girly_pop_00

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Split or Swallow

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8 reviews for Split or Swallow

  1. Kirby Vander Horck

    Team Caspen all the way here. BUT I do love Leo too 🙂

    If you like Strong Female Characters, Magic/Fantasy, Love Triangles, and an AMAZING author who genuinely connects with her fans on IG buy this book!

  2. Jessica Jones

    I have been following Lindsay on IG for quite some time. Her wit and musings paired with classic paintings brought joy to my life during one of the most challenging times. I have been following the progress of this novel since she posted just snippets in her stories, and I was hooked. For a fantasy novel with only a vague location, an interesting premise/magic system, a set of well developed & gorgeous main characters, and a heaping pile of spice – I could not get enough. I read this chapter by chapter and she dripped them out to her followers, leaving us on cliffhanger after cliffhanger, leaving all of us only wanting more. I love Tem, Leo, and Caspen and cannot wait to see what the world has in store for them in the next installment.

  3. Katie Gilligan

    The scenes are long and the spice is hot. Make sure your vibes have batteries and your partners are hydrated.

  4. BookLvrKat

    “This book is for anyone who has ever wanted more.”

    If someone had told me that at the beginning of 2024 that I would be reading a book about Basilisks and a royal family I would have laughed. Surprisingly, I found a small IG account, not so small now, of a woman in the PNW in the process of opening a bookstore. I followed her trials and tribulations and found myself engaging and laughing out loud at the hilarious moments she shared with us.

    When she invited her followers, now growing even more, to follow her journey of writing, I jumped in. She started releasing this book chapter by chapter (it’s still available as of this posting on her website) and it was so different and unique I couldn’t help but fall into her world with both feet.

    Split or Swallow, a story of a kingdom ruled by a jerk of a king, a prince of that same kingdom, and the basilisk community (which also is a kingdom of a sort). Temperence, “Tem”, is of the age where she will be trained in the art of lovemaking by a basilisk that chooses her, and then given to the kingdom for the prince to make his choice of all the eligible women. This story gave me distinct Hunger Games vibes, definitely on the tribute side, with the Prince choosing who moves forward in the competition. As the story unfolds we learn about the Basilisk community, Tem’s home (she lives on a chicken farm with her mom that provides eggs to the local bakery), and the kingdom where they live. As expected there were a ton of revelations within the story, the lore behind the snakes and their lives, and a whole lot of extremely NSFW spicy scenes. This is not the story you recommend to your mom, although Lindsay’s mom read it, and praised it. I am firmly Team Caspen.

    “If you weren’t an ophiophilist before, you will be now.” Praise from a follower.

    If you are a romance, a dark romance, or an erotic romance reader, do yourself a favor and grab your copy, read the Praise For Split or Swallow, and fall into this world like I did.

  5. Shayla Plourd

    I absolutely fell In love with this story. The character growth for Tem is unmatched!! I loved the unique story line, the love triangle (my first) and the spice was SPICYYYY!!! This is hands down my top favorite read of the summer and it will be a long time comfort read.

  6. Chrisdee24

    Spicy, not for the faint of heart, this is a fun one! The chapter drops were the best part of the week and I’m insanely happy this became a published book.

  7. Julie

    I have no idea how I stumbled on this book, but I was addicted to the chapter drops all summer long. It’s fun, it’s flirty, it’s feminist and it’s fiesty but most of all sexy as hell! All I can saw is I’m invested in anything OxfordLemon posts and can’t wait for her next book!

  8. Narrator.sarab

    I don’t know if I have ever been so completely and unexpectedly captured by a book but here I am. This creation is raw and real and sexy and tender.

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