Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda


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“This may just be the single most important book on modern Evangelicalism in recent years. It is bold, clear, and very well-researched.”—John MacArthur

“Some will quibble over details, but no one should miss the powerful warning in this book. We face a gathering storm, as Winston Churchill warned a century ago, but this time the enemy is inside as well as outside the gates. Every convinced and unashamed Evangelical should read, ponder, and pray over this important book.”—Os Guinness

How deeply have leftist billionaires infiltrated America’s churches?

In Shepherds for Sale, Megan Basham of the Daily Wire documents how progressive powerbrokers —from George Soros, to the founder of eBay, to former members of the Obama administration— set out to change the American church. Their goal: to co-opt evangelicals for political purposes. She exposes:

·        The left-wing billionaires, foundations, and think tanks that deliberately target Christian media, universities, megachurches, nonprofits, and even entire denominations

·        The celebrity megachurch pastor who secretly encouraged a group of pastors to change their views on sexuality

·        The revered Presbyterian theologian who backed a congregation rebelling against his own denomination

These are just a glimpse into the compromises and astroturf campaigns Basham uncovers. Many evangelical leaders are pushing their members to “whisper” about sexual sins, reconsider the importance of abortion, lament the effects of climate change, and repent of “perpetuating systemic racism.” And in exchange for toeing a left-wing line, many of those church leaders and institutions have received cash, career jumps, prestige, and praise. Basham brings the receipts, and names names.

A rigorously reported exposé, Shepherds for Sale is a warning of what happens when the church trusts the world’s wisdom instead of Scripture. 

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Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda

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Original price was: $32.99.Current price is: $22.49.

10 reviews for Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda

  1. Kindle Customer

    Reading from the Philippines!

    The book is a great read and page-turner! I had to purchase both the kindle and audible versions in order to finish it. Yet it was worth it. The issues, the infiltration and the impact of the drifting of the evangelicals in the US is a sober reminder and a wake up call that we here in the Philippines could experience the same thing if we aren’t watchful.

    Though we are miles away from the US in terms of culture, American progressive ideas are already infiltrating our social zeitgeist. Pride month isbeing celebrated here by governement institutions, the media, etc. Evangelical churches also remain a bulwark of traditional, biblical ethos – yet what is happening in the US might soon happen in our evangelical churches here.

    I pray and hope that we here will learn from this book and avoid a drift by the church towards ideas and beliefs that dishonors God.

    Thank you Ms. Basham for writing this book. The conclusion especially, was something I needed to hear (and read).

  2. Jurgen Wiesner

    Readable and compelling. Just the right amount of information. I learned a good deal and ended up inspired. A must have for every church leader.

  3. DRM

    This book is detailed (in a very good way, stating exactly what was said and the history) yet fascinating. In addition, the author is a brilliant logician, she lays bare the trite deceitful manipulative statements of these leftists in sheep’s’ clothing, and juxtaposes them with actual truth. This is equally true in all cases, and is evident in the absolutely evil pronouncements these “shepherds” made during the Covid hysteria, ~”it is your Christian duty to wear a mask and take the jab”. One preacher not in the book at a mega church in Scottsdale insulted anti-maskers from the pulpit, called them “cantankerous”. Actually anti-maskers were 100% correct, mask mandates were from the pit of Hell, witness the damage they did to society and children. This book thankfully calls out by name the public and on the record statements and activities of some of these people, as it should, and would not have been the same if it had not. One disappointment to me personally, a person I used to like listening to (I never could stand listening to Andy Stanley or Rick Warren) was Beth Moore, but then, Mrs. Moore was not always so woke, as illustrated by her now-repudiation of correct things she herself wrote in her own devotional! Anyway, Shepherds For Sale is an AWESOME book.

  4. Aaron O’Kelley

    This book helpfully documents at least a decade’s worth of evangelical compromise on a range of pressing issues, including environmentalism, the LGBTQ agenda, critical race theory, the “me too” movement, and covid era protocols. Along the way, it pulls back the curtain on left-wing sources of funding that have targeted evangelical institutions in order to steer them toward progressive political goals.

    The book is clearly written and an engaging read. Pastors and laypeople alike will benefit from a detailed look at the repeated failures of the evangelical leadership class that have weakened evangelicalism in recent years. Moreover, the author provides a model of how to navigate moral and political issues that are often complex. I found myself in agreement with her approach to every topic she addresses.

    My only two quibbles with the book are as follows:

    (1) The title suggests that greed is an overriding motive in evangelical compromise. While that may be the case for some, the author does not actually argue that it is for all, or even for most. This is more a book about leaders who compromised for a range of complex reasons, some of which involve money. A more modest title would have served the thesis well.

    (2) There are some quotes/summaries of quotes in the book that may have been interpreted by the author less than charitably.

    Nevertheless, overall this is an important book that deserves a wide reading.

  5. Stan Shelley

    What do you want in a nonfiction book? excellent research; truth; well written prose. In this book you get all three. This book is for wallwatchers. People who are looking out for their faith as shown in contemporary churches and Christian organizations. Basham brings light to serious problems of liberal politics trying to use evangelical Christians to further their liberal political agendas. She documents her findings very well. This is the most important book in the evangelical world so far in the twenty first century.

  6. Vincent Kuipers

    Magan’s unwavering commitment to journalistic integrity is evident throughout every chapter of this exceptional book, which exposes the pervasive influence of the leftist agenda that is hijacking biblical fidelity.

  7. Samuel Thompson

    Extremely well researched, objective and yes, charitable. Exposes irrefutable infiltration of evangelical churches. The receipts are in. Enjoy the unmasking.

  8. Kevin

    I think Phil Johnson’s review is spot on. “This is a fearless, eye-opening expose of the leftward drift of evangelical elitism-“Big Eva,” as the movement is known. Meg Basham has extraordinary courage and an unusual skill for unpacking the primary issues underlying disputed questions, untangling the cryptic “nuance” of bad faith actors., and shining the light of truth into all the dark corners. Her writing is refreshingly clear and compelling. Shepherds of Sale is in my view the best critical analysis of American Evangelicalism in more than two decades. It was predictable that the book would make waves, and it is likewise no surprise that so many angry, over the top protests…are coming from the same cadre of ecclesiastical rapscallions Meg has unmasked.” This should be read by every Evangelical.

  9. a berean

    Megan just boldly lays out the truth about those who compromised the truth of the word and gave in to culture, politics and peer pressure. Excellent incite into the evils of immortality!

  10. angie

    Very in depth and well done! Thank you Megan!

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