Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays the Rent

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Taking a curtain call with a live snake in her wig…

Cavorting naked through the Warwickshire countryside painted green…

Acting opposite a child with a pumpkin on his head…

These are just a few of the things Dame Judi Dench has done in the name of Shakespeare.

For the very first time, Judi opens up about every Shakespearean role she has played throughout her seven-decade career, from Lady Macbeth and Titania to Ophelia and Cleopatra. In a series of intimate conversations with actor & director Brendan O’Hea, she guides us through Shakespeare’s plays with incisive clarity, revealing the secrets of her rehearsal process and inviting us to share in her triumphs, disasters, and backstage shenanigans.

Interspersed with vignettes on audiences, critics, company spirit and rehearsal room etiquette, she serves up priceless revelations on everything from the craft of speaking in verse to her personal interpretations of some of Shakespeare’s most famous scenes, all brightened by her mischievous sense of humour, striking level of honesty and a peppering of hilarious anecdotes, many of which have remained under lock and key until now.

Instructive and witty, provocative and inspiring, this is ultimately Judi’s love letter to Shakespeare, or rather, The Man Who Pays The Rent.

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Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays the Rent

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13 reviews for Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays the Rent

  1. Ms. S. Rawden

    Only just started it

  2. marco carrara

    Quando una attrice eccezionale incontra un genio…

  3. Sugarhorns

    The book is so much fun to read! What’s even more fun is the audio version. Dame Judi isn’t the actual narrator, but somehow there are, what shall we say, asides, footnotes and such, all by Herself!

  4. C.M.Tierney

    Organized by her roles in Shakespeare plays or by theatre topics, this quasi-memoir was structured well with short questions by actor/director/friend Brendan O’Hea and then longer responses and anecdotes from Dench. I particularly liked Dench’s insights on interpreting a character, pairing with other actors, and the relationship with each audience. It was an easy read, perfect for on holiday or for reading a few pages or sections at a time. Very fun and enjoyable

  5. Jan R. S.

    I love to read what intelligent people have to say about thing I am interested in. Judi is so bright and so funny and so quick…it’s a pleasure-plus to read her comments about the plays she has been in and how she interpreted them. I’ll have to look at more books by her; she has been a favorite actress of mine for many years. I love her attitudes and insights and sense of humor.

  6. Kathleen Shannon

    As a young girl my father instilled in me a love for Shakespeare. I’ll always be thankful. His life was cut short however, and he was not able to share more with me.
    With this book I’ve finally found someone who loves Shakespeare as much as my dad. He had quite a sense of humor much like Dame Judi Dench.
    I found the book charming, witty, and such a joy to read. Although for me it was a deeply personal experience, I highly recommend it to anyone with a love for language.

  7. Bruce

    I have two shelves lined with books about the Bard, but as good as they are, none of them offers such a fascinating look at the world of Shakespeare’s plays on stage. Dench has a remarkable record of performances in various plays and an equally remarkable memory for the roles she played, including when and where and with whom. Having left my career in acting and directing behind, I found myself chomping at the bit once again, eager to get back into the Shakespearean canon once again where it belongs, on the stage.

  8. Jean m.

    Useful and interesting info for actors, theatre goers, Judi Dench fans, Shakespeare fans, readers…I sent a copy to my 13 year old grandson because of how much he can learn – joyfully and effortlessly!

  9. Peter Meylaerts

    Zee vlot geschreven boek gebaseerd op interviews met Dame Judi waarin ze terugblikt op haar Shakespeare repertoire. Haar welgekende ondeugende persoonlijkheid uit in zich in grappige anekdotes. Daarnaast geeft dit werk een dieper inzicht in haar interpretaties van de klassieke rollen.

  10. Dean 1900

    One of the better books ever written on Shakespeare’s plays. I have read more than a 100 and Dench’s book is so clear, so fill of incites, so pleasant and funny, and it need not be read in order. Read the sections on the plays you know. Dench answers questions and, because she has sometimes played the same part in several productions, she has a multi-faceted viewpoint.
    If you are going to be in one of Shakespeare’s plays, look for the play in Dench’s book. Do the same before you see one of these plays. Or just sit down with it and read it through. Its charm is infectious.

  11. Clarem59

    Do you ever have a book that you are reading and you don’t want it to end? This is that book. What a gem, a treasure, a spectacular book. It is like sitting down with Dame Judi and having a nice cuppa and conversation. I am crazy about Shakespeare and know the plays well. This was such a master class in the words, actions and meanings of the plays. Thank you for this gift to all of us, Dame Judi!!!

  12. Greybomshell

    Really enjoyable trip around Dame Judi’s ‘greatest hits’ from her long Shakespearian career. Her analyses of characters and motivations are fascinating, and her anecdotes very entertaining. You certainly do not need to be a Shakespeare expert to enjoy this – the book is full of humour, empathy, and insight.

  13. ian ironside


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