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The amazing New York Times bestseller about what you can do when life gives you a second chance.

Chase’s memory just went out the window.

Chase doesn’t remember falling off the roof. He doesn’t remember hitting his head. He doesn’t, in fact, remember anything. He wakes up in a hospital room and suddenly has to learn his whole life all over again . . . starting with his own name.

He knows he’s Chase. But who is Chase? When he gets back to school, he sees that different kids have very different reactions to his return.

Some kids treat him like a hero. Some kids are clearly afraid of him.

One girl in particular is so angry with him that she pours her frozen yogurt on his head the first chance she gets.

Pretty soon, it’s not only a question of who Chase is–it’s a question of who he was . . . and who he’s going to be.

From the #1 bestselling author of Swindle and Slacker, Restart is the spectacular story of a kid with a messy past who has to figure out what it means to get a clean start.

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Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $5.58.

13 reviews for Restart

  1. Andrea Daniels

    My daughter read this book when she was 10. It was a wonderful book and provided many important lessons. I highly recommend this. There’s nothing too heavy in it that isn’t age appropriate.

  2. M Killian

    Middle-schooler Chase Ambrose gets that chance when he falls off his roof and gets amnesia, causing him to forget his family, friends, and his own personality. It turns out Chase Ambrose was a football star, like his dad, and was also the biggest bully in school. He and his best friends, also football players, got away with everything because of their status as champion athletes. They were even sentenced to community service for booby-trapping a piano during a school performance and sending Joel, the kid playing the piano, to boarding school to escape them.

    But Chase now has no desire to destroy things or intimidate other people. He doesn’t remember doing any of those things in the past and, frankly, he doesn’t understand why he would ever want to do them. Everybody else remembers though, and they’re hesitant, maybe cautiously optimistic, in believing that Chase is a new person.

    As pieces of his past are revealed, it’s easy to see how Chase got caught up in the life he previously led, especially when seeing the way his dad behaves. (By the way, I found it odd that his dad was so obsessed with his own MIDDLE SCHOOL football glory days and never mentioned his high school football career. Yes, Chase is in middle school so of course his dad would be making comparisons to himself at that age, but it seemed like he was invested in the middle school team for years and not so much the high school team. Maybe this is more insight into Dad’s character, but it made me have to keep reminding myself that we were talking about middle school football here and not high school.)

    But Chase, with his amnesia, is able to take a step back from all the status and the pressure, and see things from a new perspective. He develops other interests and friendships separate from his football friends. He bonds with his little sister, who was previously terrified of him. And he continues doing community service at the retirement home, even though his brain injury excuses him from doing so, because he finds that he actually enjoys it.

    It’s a constant struggle for him as he starts to remember who he used to be and what he’d done in the past. He has to figure out if he can still be this new Chase, who he prefers, or if it’s inevitable that he slips back into his old ways. The other characters also have to figure out if they can trust him for good or if he will eventually turn on them. Can a person truly change that much? And for how long? Can Chase withstand the pressures put on him by his dad and his football friends, or will he cave because it’s easier? He has to decide who he is now, which pieces of his past and present can combine to make up his true character, and move forward from there.

  3. Natty’s Fave Finds

    My 10 year old daughter absolutely loved this book! She couldn’t put it down and read through it in very little time. She found the story line engaging and fun and couldn’t wait to share it with me.

  4. LAM

    Gift – Recipient Loved it

  5. Sonja Eden

    I got this for my son and he really loved the story!

  6. MommyDearest

    3 pages in I was thinking it was slow and I was easily distracted but quickly got sucked it and thought it was a great read !!!

  7. USAirCreations

    Great book for JH students, has a good message.

  8. Kylee Wetzel

    My 9 year old daughter is precocious in the reading category of cognition. Her class started reading this together and she loved it so much she begged me to buy it so she could read ahead. She paid for it with her own money and brought it every day so she could stay in her classroom at lunch and have a little book club with classmates. She has a fascination with anything medical and the main character is in a wheelchair and lives in a trailer park. It helped her to put herself in other’s perspectives, be more empathetic, and knowledgeable. I read some bits with her and would read it as an adult if she would share with me 😂

  9. Ernesto R.

    Se compró para la escuela que así lo pidió, el libro llegó en tiempo y forma.

  10. mkf

    probably for ages 10-14

  11. Amazon Customer

    Restart, Gordon Korman
    Book Review by Taylor B.

    Can you tell me why this book is so entertaining in so many different ways? Gordon Korman did such a great job on this book and I can barely explain how much I am in love with it. The name Restart fits so well with the book’s theme and main idea that it’s just music to my ears. After I finished the book, the theme of this book that I really thought fit was that people can change. Some people think that others will always be the same, and will always be a bully forever. But after reading Restart anyone could prove it isn’t true.

    The story takes place on a very special day where Chase Ambrose has no idea that he is going to be visiting the hospital later that day. As Chase and his brother are on their roof, Chase takes a big fall right onto his head. While his brother is in shock runs to get his mom and runs to the hospital. A few days pass and Chase has to revisit his school and relearn his last 13 years of his life. At this point everyone knows about Chase’s fall and everyone is still scared of him. People start to give in and think that he actually lost his memory. Chase then begins to make real friends and have people trust him. In the next couple days Chase starts to find out more and more about what he did in his previous life. Fast forward to the middle of the year where a huge incident happens in the band room with a fire estinguisher and a couple teenagers. After getting sent to the princapals office Aaron and Bear (his old friends) tell him that he stole Mr. Solways medal. Chase then trys to return it without Aaron and Bear finding out. But after successfully returning the medal Chase gets sent to court for committing a crime. After that let’s just say that Chase makes it out but there are no spoilers here.

    In my opinion, I think my sister would have the best time reading this book. It’s like right up her alley, her whole book collection is filled with these types of books. Maybe not from Gordon but they can be. Gordon Korman did such an amazing job making it feel like I was in the book and these major events were happening to me in real life. He also did a great job on making the book really good in detail. It was able to have me visulize all the events that were happening, I felt like I could see in the book. But there were a few times the book got a bit boring and I just wanted to stop reading it all at that moment.

    This book all together is an amazing book and I feel like anyone would have a fun time reading this book. Gordon Korman overal made an outstanding book and a very fun experience to read. While reading I did find some “What is gonna happen next” moments so if you are the type of person that would like that, Restart is a great choice for you. Restart is also a great book for people to learn that it is possible for people to change.

  12. Cliente Amazon

    Libro carino molto piaciuto

  13. Renata – autora de O Jardim de Chloe

    Restart is a delightful book! Well written, with perfect changes on point of view, and an amazing way to show the reads that miracles do happen!

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