Read People Like a Book: How to Analyze, Understand, and Predict People’s Emotions, Thoughts, Intentions, and Behaviors (How to be More Likable and Charismatic)


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Original price was: $15.24.Current price is: $13.72.

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Speed read people, decipher body language, detect lies, and understand human nature.
Is it possible to analyze people without them saying a word? Yes, it is. Learn how to become a “mind reader” and forge deep connections.
How to get inside people’s heads without them knowing.
Read People Like a Book isn’t a normal book on body language of facial expressions. Yes, it includes all of those things, as well as new techniques on how to truly detect lies in your everyday life, but this book is more about understanding human psychology and nature. We are who we are because of our experiences and pasts, and this guides our habits and behaviors more than anything else. Parts of this book read like the most interesting and applicable psychology textbook you’ve ever read. Take a look inside yourself and others!
Understand the subtle signals that you are sending out and increase your emotional intelligence.
Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and social skills coach. His writing draws of a variety of sources, from scientific research, academic experience, coaching, and real life experience.
Learn the keys to influencing and persuading others.
•What people’s limbs can tell us about their emotions.•Why lie detecting isn’t so reliable when ignoring context.•Diagnosing personality as a means to understanding motivation.•Deducing the most with the least amount of information.•Exactly the kinds of eye contact to use and avoid
Find shortcuts to connect quickly and deeply with strangers.
The art of reading and analyzing people is truly the art of understanding human nature. Consider it like a cheat code that will allow you to see through people’s actions and words.
Decode people’s thoughts and intentions, and you can go in any direction you want with them.

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Read People Like a Book: How to Analyze, Understand, and Predict People’s Emotions, Thoughts, Intentions, and Behaviors (How to be More Likable and Charismatic)

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Original price was: $15.24.Current price is: $13.72.

12 reviews for Read People Like a Book: How to Analyze, Understand, and Predict People’s Emotions, Thoughts, Intentions, and Behaviors (How to be More Likable and Charismatic)

  1. Kyle

    A good read that is not difficult to understand and provides many great insights.

  2. Margie

    It was an informative and easy read. The format and layout reminded me of Dale Carnegie’s, How to win friends and influence people”. I’d recommend reading the “takeaways” first, and then going back in the chapter for a fair treatment of what is known about what others’ behavior, words and built environment can reveal about them.

  3. PL

    “Read People Like a Book: How to Analyze, Understand, and Predict People’s Emotions, Thoughts, Intentions, and Behaviors (How to be More Likable and Charismatic)” offers an insightful exploration into the realm of human behavior, but it falls short of delivering a truly comprehensive guide.

    The book’s strength lies in its attempt to demystify the intricacies of interpersonal dynamics. The author makes a commendable effort to break down the nuances of reading people, offering practical tips and strategies. The content is accessible, making it suitable for readers who are new to the subject.

    However, the promise of understanding and predicting people’s emotions, thoughts, intentions, and behaviors is a lofty one, and the book struggles to fully deliver on this ambitious goal. While there are valuable nuggets of wisdom scattered throughout, the depth of analysis often feels lacking. Some concepts are presented in a superficial manner, leaving the reader craving more detailed insights and real-world examples.

    Additionally, the title suggests a focus on enhancing likability and charisma, but the practical applications for achieving these qualities are somewhat limited. More concrete advice on improving social skills and fostering genuine connections would have been beneficial.

    The writing style is straightforward, but at times, it lacks the engaging and dynamic quality that could have brought the subject matter to life. The book could benefit from a more engaging narrative to keep readers consistently intrigued.

    In conclusion, “Read People Like a Book” is a decent introduction to the art of understanding human behavior, but it doesn’t fully live up to its ambitious title. While there are valuable takeaways, the lack of depth and a somewhat underwhelming exploration of likability and charisma leave room for improvement. It’s a three-star read that provides a foundation but falls short of being a definitive guide in the realm of interpersonal insight.

  4. Coomer Family

    Oh, buckle up, my fellow human whisperers! Prepare to embark on a hysterical journey of decoding the mysteries of human behavior with Patrick King’s “Read People Like a Book.” I must say, after reading this book, I feel like I’ve unlocked a whole new level of social superheroism! 🕵️‍♂️📚💥

    From the moment I cracked open this book, it was like strapping on my trusty detective hat and stepping into the shoes of a quirky, comedic version of Sherlock Holmes. Patrick King’s writing style is not only informative but also downright hilarious. It’s like he has a secret comedy club hidden within the pages, with punchlines and witty banter at every turn.

    Now, let’s talk about the content. This book is like a crash course in human psychology, but without the tedious textbooks and dry lectures. King dives deep into the art of reading people, unraveling their hidden motives, deciphering body language, and understanding the intricate dance of social interactions. All while making me snort with laughter in public places, earning me some strange looks from bystanders.

    But here’s the best part: King’s tips and tricks are actually practical and applicable in real-life situations. Whether it’s decoding the intentions of that mysterious stranger at the coffee shop or understanding the silent language of your in-laws during family gatherings, this book equips you with the tools to navigate the social maze with confidence. It’s like having a cheat code for understanding human behavior!

    One of my favorite moments while reading this book was when I attempted to read the mind of my pet cat. I mean, who hasn’t wondered what goes on in those fluffy little heads? Armed with King’s insights, I observed my cat’s every move, trying to decipher her secret feline code. Spoiler alert: Turns out, she just wants treats and belly rubs. But hey, at least I felt like a social Sherlock Holmes in the process!

    In conclusion, “Read People Like a Book” by Patrick King is not your average dry, dull self-help book. It’s a hilarious, enlightening, and ridiculously entertaining guide to decoding the complexities of human behavior. King’s witty writing, combined with practical insights, makes this book a must-read for anyone wanting to navigate social situations with finesse and humor. So grab your magnifying glass, put on your detective hat, and get ready to unleash your superpowers of social Sherlock Holmes! 🕵️‍♂️📚💥

  5. Johnny Lan

    “Read People Like a Book: How to Analyze, Understand, and Predict People’s Emotions, Thoughts” is an exceptional book that delves into the intriguing world of human behavior and provides invaluable insights into the art of understanding people. this book is a comprehensive guide that equips readers with the skills to analyze and interpret the emotions, thoughts, and intentions of others.

    From the very first chapter, it becomes evident that the author possesses a deep understanding of human psychology. The book brilliantly unravels the complexities of human behavior, shedding light on the factors that influence our actions, reactions, and decision-making processes. Through a combination of psychological theories, case studies, and practical techniques, the author offers a wealth of knowledge that can be applied to various real-life situations.

    What sets this book apart is its practical approach. Rather than relying solely on theory, the author provides readers with actionable strategies and techniques to enhance their ability to read people effectively. From decoding body language cues to deciphering verbal and non-verbal communication, the book covers a wide range of tools and methodologies that empower readers to make accurate assessments of others’ emotions and thoughts.

    Furthermore, the book emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding in interpreting people’s behavior. It encourages readers to develop a compassionate mindset, fostering a deeper connection with those around them. By encouraging empathy, the book not only enhances readers’ analytical skills but also promotes healthier and more meaningful relationships.

    One of the book’s notable strengths is its accessibility. Despite dealing with complex topics, the author presents the information in a clear and concise manner, making it easily understandable for readers of all backgrounds. The concepts are explained with relevant examples and practical scenarios, ensuring that readers can apply what they learn in their daily lives.

    “Read People Like a Book” also challenges readers to reflect on their own behaviors and thought patterns. By prompting self-awareness and introspection, the book encourages personal growth and the development of emotional intelligence.

    In conclusion, “Read People Like a Book: How to Analyze, Understand, and Predict People’s Emotions, Thoughts” is an exceptional resource for anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of human behavior. The author’s expertise and practical approach make this book a valuable tool for individuals in various fields, including psychology, business, leadership, and personal development. By mastering the art of reading people, readers can enhance their communication skills, build stronger connections, and navigate social interactions with confidence. This book is an enlightening and insightful guide that will leave readers equipped with a profound understanding of human behavior and the ability to unlock the secrets of human interaction.

  6. Dev Patel

    If you are the one who gets easily dominated by others, gets easily cheated on, or can’t identify someone’s true nature, then this is the book you MUST READ. This book truly helps those, who are being dominated by their partner and can’t identify their manipulation patterns.

  7. Leland H.

    Reading this brought back memories of many things in Psychology 101. It was a good overview and added additional information from recent studies. The great value of the book was applying this information toward the purpose of the book – better understanding people we interact with. I think it would be a very interesting book for a book club discussion.
    One enhancement would be to include facial pictures to support the sections on interpreting the facial expressions.

  8. Larry Isenhour II

    I like the fact that you go through different steps and give specific examples on a lot of the content presented

  9. Gabriela Delb

    El envío llegó muy bien, es una buena edición del libro. En cuanto al contenido del libro, le doy un 2/5 pues mucha de la información que comparte es muy básica.

  10. Sunny Mathews

    It will give you a very large picture of how you want to become good at reading people. Very good book for beginners to understand the nitty gritty of the topic. But if you want deep knowledge about all the skills mentioned in the book, then you have to study further.

  11. Thomas Khodjasarian

    There are many subtle ways people think, talk and act that you can pick up on to gain a better understanding of them. This book really breaks it all down and gives you the tools and framework to literally “read people like a book.” Everything a person tells you is an indicator on what type of person they are, whether it’s explicit or implicit. Great work by Patrick King on explaining these things with great detail.


    Although we may all have experienced situations in which people involuntarily disclosed their inner thoughts and values, it’s much more difficult to systematically analyze all the bits and pieces of their behavior and collect them to a meaningful picture. This book provides a number of hints how to solve this puzzle. A nice read.

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