Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus. Become like him. Do as he did.


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Original price was: $26.00.Current price is: $13.99.

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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The author of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry calls us to rediscover the path that leads to a deeper life with God.
“One of the most important books I have read in a decade . . . If we would all follow in this way, our lives would change and the world would change.”—Jennie Allen, author of Get Out of Your Head and Find Your People
We are constantly being formed by the world around us. To be formed by Jesus will require us to become his apprentice. 

To live by what the first Christian disciples called a Rule of Life—a set of practices and relational rhythms that slow us down and open up space in our daily lives for God to do what only God can do—transforms the deepest parts of us to become like him. 
This introduction to spiritual formation is full of John Mark Comer’s trademark mix of theological substance and cultural insight as well as practical wisdom on developing your own Rule of Life.
These ancient practices have much to offer us. By learning to rearrange our days, we can follow the Way of Jesus. We can be with him. Become like him. And do as he did.

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Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus. Become like him. Do as he did.

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Original price was: $26.00.Current price is: $13.99.

13 reviews for Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus. Become like him. Do as he did.

  1. Ryan Pennington

    John Mark Comer does a great job of teaching discipleship and walking with Jesus. He is down to earth and transparent about his own life. The rule of life seems to be a good idea to me – looking at current habits and honing them to be directing us closer to God.

  2. SarahBeth

    This book is for those who have been following Jesus for decades, a couple years, not at all, and those who are curious.

    For Jesus followers of many years, this book affirms the longings of our souls or perhaps calls us to a fuller Gospel of embodied participation in the Kingdom of God.

    For the curious, this book will make clear what Jesus is inviting all people to consider.

    For pastors/ministry leaders, this book will surely make you rethink your culture and “discipleship pathways” and reveal areas of growth and if your community is made up of consumers with belief systems or of apprentices.

    PTW is a must have resource for all apprentices of Jesus, and it will expose you to many other voices on spiritual formation that would be of great benefit to have influence your life.

    Be with. Become like. Do.

    It’s a simple, slow, life-giving journey friends!

  3. Sabrina Schürenberg

    It’s quite hard to summarise this book in a few lines for review purposes, simply because it is such an excellent piece of work. But here goes.

    I expect this is the book Comer has been wanting to write for years. The deepening of his faith, his experiences at Bridgetown Church and then his business ‘Practicing the Way’ and his ferocious appetite for learning and reading have all led to the book.

    Comer writes in an easy to understand manner. It’s active, so he’s always encouraging the reader to respond to his words. Using short sentences with plenty of space, he challenges the reader to consider their own relationship with Jesus and how to deepen it.

    How? By apprenticing oneself to Jesus.

    He doesn’t shy away from saying that this will require change and eliminating certain things in our lives, but that’s part of what surrendering our lives to Jesus involves. He appreciates that it’s hard and not everyone will do it, hence, why there aren’t more Jesus apprentices wandering the earth.

    Comer provides a path to follow with guidelines regarding 9 practices that will help people to apprentice themselves. In addition, his vast reading library provides some excellent references and support for his words and recommendations.

    But what I like most about this book is that Comer has walked that path (he’s still walking it because it never stops) and as s such is a walking demonstration that such a life is possible.

    I initially received an early ebook copy of the book from the publisher via Net Galley but I’d already ordered my own copies and 10 more for friends so it clearly had a positive effect on me.

    I suspect this book will be being read by our children and grandchildren in years to come.

  4. Randy Mills

    Like his book ruthless elimination of hurry this book has the potential to be life changing if you do what it says. I highly recommend it

  5. Chelsea McGlamery

    He tells it like it is. I feel like he hits on the points that everyone else is afraid to and he does it with creativity and finesse. I found myself nodding and highlighting pages as I read this book. I highly recommend it for millennials and Gen Z. It will open your eyes to some profound cultural things that need addressing.

  6. Jake Saenz

    Loved reading this book. Very informative and well written. Highly recommend.

  7. SarahBeth

    This will be one of my favorite books this year when I recap my reading year, and one I will want to read again. Comer has a way of challenging so gently and warmly that you are encouraged by the thought of changing your habits and not daunted by it. I especially appreciate how the latter quarter of the book gives practical application and examples, this is not one of those books with philosophical aspirations that leaves you wondering “but how would I ever actually do this?”, instead you are left with new ideas for how you really can make small changes with deep impact. Another aspect I loved was reading this book alongside my New Testament in a year, it brought out new perspectives in Jesus’ words when He declared “I am the Way”, and when he was calling the disciples (and us) to follow Him. This book helped bring that call into a relevant modern perspective while staying grounded in truth. It is in some ways a simple read but all the more impactful because of that. Obviously I highly recommend.

  8. Amazon33

    I must say I’m a fanboy of JMC but with good reason.. the honesty with which he approaches the subject matter is refreshing.. no quick fixes from know it all guru.. but true christlike honesty and humility
    If listened to most of the book twice on Audible.. some parts more.. and still decided to get the book as well.. a lot of the content needs in dept integration into my life.. It does align well with where I’m at in my current journey with Jesus..

    The fact that every relationship requires proper maintenance.. also one with the Almighty Creator.. is not a very popular subject in the western Church.. but we all need to hear this.. and act on it like there’s no tomorrow

  9. Randy Mills

    Another great read from JMC! Bought this book for my husband because he’d mentioned wanting to read it several times before it was even released but I ended up reading it as well. Not quite as directly applicable as some of his other books, but provides a great framework for practices/spiritual disciplines to incorporate into our lives to follow Jesus more closely and written with so much grace and humility! He directly quotes another preacher, teacher, author, etc. A LOT throughout the book, which was not my cup of tea and made the writing a bit choppy in my opinion. BUT, overall worth the read and I’ve already identified areas of my life I can surrender more to the Lord and practices I can work on adding to my daily rhythms.

  10. Hannah M

    This book has some simple and amazing principles and practices, but it will only work if you are honest with yourself and truly make the changes.
    I love how the author takes from many theological sources that are heavy and hard to read, and gives you the digestible version in a way that you can apply, for example he quotes Dallas Willard and I was unable to get through much of Willard’s book about spiritual formation as a mom with interrupting children and mom brain focus, but Comer highlights important quotes and practices of Willard and others in ways that are easy to understand.

  11. Mary J. Miller

    This is a very good read and very helpful in helping one to develop their full potential. It details ways to focus on helping people live out the teachings of Jesus in everyday life. The program is designed to guide individuals and communities through spiritual practices that align with the life and teachings of Jesus.

  12. Amazon Customer

    Wenn du in der Nachfolge das nächste Level erreichen möchtest ein absolutes Must Have! Dieses Buch, wie schon the ruthless elimination of hurry haven mein Leben und meine Gottesbeziehung entscheiden beeinflusst!!! Danke John Mark Comer 🎉

  13. BoundForPNG

    This is a great follow up to his last book the ruthless elimination of hurry. John does a great job talking about life in a way that isn’t fear driven. His tactic is that following Jesus requires us to make our lives simpler. Not adding things to do but simply asking ourselves what needs to be subtracted. I really liked this book. The chapters are “long” but his writing style makes it flow and there are a lot of sub headings/mini chapters within each chapter. A great read!

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