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From the number-one New York Times best-selling author of The 48 Laws of Power comes the definitive new audiobook on decoding the behavior of the people around you.

Robert Greene is a master guide for millions of listeners, distilling ancient wisdom and philosophy into essential texts for seekers of power, understanding, and mastery. Now he turns to the most important subject of all – understanding people’s drives and motivations, even when they are unconscious of them themselves.

We are social animals. Our very lives depend on our relationships with people. Knowing why people do what they do is the most important tool we can possess, without which our other talents can only take us so far. Drawing from the ideas and examples of Pericles, Queen Elizabeth I, Martin Luther King Jr, and many others, Greene teaches us how to detach ourselves from our own emotions and master self-control, how to develop the empathy that leads to insight, how to look behind people’s masks, and how to resist conformity to develop your singular sense of purpose. Whether at work, in relationships, or in shaping the world around you, The Laws of Human Nature offers brilliant tactics for success, self-improvement, and self-defense.

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13 reviews for People who viewed this also viewed

  1. Amazon Customer

    Este livro é quase uma agressão intelectual!
    Robert Greene foi muito longe em analisar histórias, aprender sobre o significado das ações humanas e mapear como o ser humano se comporta. Embora não seja um estudo de psicologia propriamente dita, digo clínica, científica ou acadêmica, o autor fez uma leitura e estudos independentes sobre o comportamento humano.

    Seu ponto forte é o conhecimento sobre muitas histórias de pessoas notáveis, e agora somado ao seu conhecimento sobre a natureza humana, ele consegue enxergar com profundidade a psique de vários personagens históricos. (As histórias sobre Coco Chanel, Anton Chekhov e Joseph Stalin são impressionantes. É como se fosse um relato histórico da narrativa interior dos personagens)

    O livro é um convite profundo ao autoconhecimento e à evolução de habilidades sociais. Poderia dizer que é um convite para abandonar o narcisismo e abraçar a empatia analítica. Somente a introdução antes da primeira lei já é de tirar o fôlego, e após 300 páginas livro adentro, eu já penso em comprar outro livro, pois anotei muitas coisas nos rodapés, e marquei quase que todas as páginas pelo menos um insight.

    Agora, este não é um livro raso e amigável. Com mais de 500 páginas e múltiplos ângulos de observação sobre o comportamento humano, fica difícil aplicar tudo que se lê, mas para aqueles dispostos a fazer todo o dever de casa, e ESTUDAR este livro, estou certo de que alcançará níveis sociais muito altos. Este é uma versão nerd do clássico Como fazer amigos e influenciar pessoas, e vai muito além do convencional em cada abordagem. O poder do livro vem da profundidade de cada lei e da sinergia de quem conheceu todas as leis juntas.

    Após ter tido tanto contato com a esfera íntima do ser humano, da própria psique e de muitos personagens históricos, é pouco provável que você sequer consiga ser tão autocentrado. Especialmente as leis 1 e 4, ajudam imensamente a lidar com todos à nossa volta imediatamente.

    Recomendo para leitores profundos e pessoas que trabalham de maneira muito próxima com outras pessoas. É um texto engajador, mas longo. É um texto poderoso, mas complexo. É um texto aplicável, mas lento. É um texto genial, mas requer alguma genialidade (preparo) do leitor.

  2. Sibley Hudson

    Consequently, I purchased this book because I had read Robert Greene’s book on the 48 Laws of Power, and it was an interesting read. I purchased it in the TikTok shop. As I see it now, it was way overpriced compared to Amazon. However, the Laws of Human Nature is magnificent. Greene has a strong psychological edge when it comes to identifying key concepts in human nature and explaining them in a way that even a layperson can understand. I have not been disappointed in acquiring his books and will purchase Mastery after I read the ones I have. He is a great author with insights on people-pleasers and toxic people, among other areas of human character. These are all interesting facts that he shares with flair. If you have an interest in learning about human nature in a way that is easy to grasp, Greene projects perfectly.

  3. Arthur S. Lima


  4. Frank

    A very powerful guide that breaks down human behavior.

  5. @jonfibonacci

    I read almost the entire book. There was one of the later chapters I found boring and couldn’t bring myself to continue it but I read all of the other 17 chapters.

    Robert Greene is an amazing writer with stories that are very well-researched. I took plenty of highlights and notes throughout the book to make sure I retain the information.

    Not as good as 48 Laws of Power but I enjoyed the book.

    I am now moving onto Mastery.

  6. Jazloveher

    Though the book is dark, it talks about handling some people with darker minds. I would highly recommend this book to people who never understood why some people are just mean. This book helps create compassion for such people and skills to handle them.

  7. Lauren Caillot

    The book is great, the words and laws were amazing to read about. However, the book cover had a few scratches and bumps.

    Edit: FYI, I ordered a second one and the front cover is looking great, but the back is a bit messed up.

  8. Kolawolé Ogounchi

    The media could not be loaded.

     Te ayuda mucho a entenderte y a entender a las personas, por lo tanto, a sentir más Paz.

    It helps you understand yourself and people, therefore, feeling more calmed and peacefulness

  9. |O-O|

    It took me a bunch to finish it. I read it over a course of 3 years as I started it in 2021. However, taking my time to go through it thoroughly give me the opportunity to experiment the content of the book in the outside world. The book is full of very good insights pertaining to human nature and is also a good opportunity of reflecting on one own nature.

  10. Ionatan

    Robert greene ist ein wunderbarer Autor, die Kritik ist nicht berechtigt

  11. @jonfibonacci

    All of his books are good but this is my favorite. I read it once before but was compelled to buy it for all of the lessons

  12. Randy li

    Haven’t finished the book yet, it’s an amazing book! Take notes (I am) you will learn a lot.

    This book will help you understand people better, after reading certain chapters, I started to summarize what I learned and it helps you paint a great picture on behaviors of people you know to understand what kind of person they really are.

    Once you read it, you’ll look at narcissistic people and people with red flags and understand them better.

  13. William J. Bahr

    Naturally, it was in Robert Greene’s nature to write this book. Accustomed as he has been to writing about human activity involving power relationships, Greene has produced yet another extraordinary book jam-packed with fascinating insights about how the mind of homo sapiens often works in dealing with other members of the species.

    As Greene describes in the introduction, this book is a codebook for deciphering people’s behavior, with each chapter telling the story of some iconic individual(s) who illustrates the law being covered, along with advice on how to operate successfully (if that’s possible) under this law.

    So what laws (all negative aspects or shortcomings, 18 to be exact, of human behavior) does Green focus on in this book? Irrationality, narcissism, role-playing, compulsive behavior, covetousness, shortsightedness, defensiveness, self-sabotage, repression, envy, grandiosity, gender rigidity, aimlessness, conformity, fickleness, aggression, generational myopia, and death denial.

    As usual with Greene’s not-inexpensive books, he gives one a lot of ideas and pages to chew on for the money, leaving one well satisfied with the investment. If I do have any criticisms, the main one relates to the stories he uses to highlight the laws. Quite often the characterizations are so extensively detailed and intriguing that one can easily forget the law being discussed. Also, there’s his possible hairsplitting of each of his 18 laws into numerous subcategories, reminding one of the mythical Eskimo vocabulary for the word “snow,” which can get one to question how useful the subcategories are depending upon one’s situation. In addition, some chapters kept me wondering, for example, the one on gender rigidity. Do those things really happen? This brings up a related general criticism: a selected bibliography, yes, but no supporting footnotes to back up a few especially dubious, IMHO, assertions.

    All in all, however, I believe you’ll find the book well-written, enjoyable, and educational as regards important strategies the less-than-honorable portion of the population uses and the strategies the more honorable can use to successfully counter.

    Of possible consideration for those interested in a book distilling five main life strategies from 87 of history’s master strategists: 

    Strategic Advantage: How to Win in War, Business, and Life

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