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The man who brought the kavorka to the Seinfeld show through one of the most remarkable and beloved television characters ever invented, Kramer, shares the extraordinary life of a comedy genius—the way he came into himself as an artist, the ups and downs as a human being, the road he has traveled in search of understanding.

“The hair, so essential, symbolizes the irrational that was and is and always will be the underlying feature not only of Kramer but of comedy itself. This seemingly senseless spirit has been coursing through me since childhood. I’ve been under its almighty influence since the day I came into this world. I felt it all within myself, especially the physical comedy, the body movements, so freakish and undignified, where I bumped into things, knocked stuff down, messed up situations, and often ended up on my ass.

“This book is a hymn to the irrational, the senseless spirit that breaks the whole into pieces, a reflection on the seemingly absurd difficulties that intrude upon us all. It’s Harpo Marx turning us about, shaking up my plans, throwing me for a loop. Upset and turmoil is with us all the time. It’s at the basis of comedy. It’s the pratfall we all take. It’s the unavoidable mistake we didn’t expect. It’s everywhere I go. It’s in the way that I am, both light and dark, good and not-so-good. It’s my life.”—Michael Richards, from Entrances and Exits

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13 reviews for People who viewed this also viewed

  1. Sunshine

    I read the first four chapters and LOVED IT. Bought a Hard Copy for our son’s birthday. Loved it.

  2. Roger Geiger

    Good book enjoying it very much

  3. Stephen Martin

    This was hard to put down. As a longtime Seinfeld fan I especially enjoyed learning how the character of Kramer was constructed, and how different Richards is. The spiritual side was interesting as well, and I look forward to something more explicit. But for Seinfeld fans, this is a must-read.

  4. Rob Ferrara

    I couldn’t be happier when I found out about this book how long I waited for Michael Richards’s return, really again this is your spot light again because this book brings back everything you are the funny unpredictable Kramer, I think back watching that show how many times I was feeling low and how this show pulled me out of my depression the laughter healed me some times I watched episodes 5 times I would watch it over and over it’s medicine. I am so happy to read all about you I think the world missed you your writing your style everything you do, you touched the hearts of so many people laughter saves peoples lives, I love your book amazing and writing !!

  5. P. Gruhn

    I am not a HUGE Seinfeld fan – but have watched it and the reruns many times. This book gives a great behind the scenes story of many of the tings that happened throughout the series life on television. I really like learning about Richard’s various paths on his personal spiritual journey. Also, learned abou the whole November on-stage melt-down event he went through and how he recovered. I felt like his writing was real and from the heart. 5-stars

  6. Edward S. Paluch

    Really interesting book. So much shaped this creative man. He is open, genuine and so generous in sharing his experiences. We learn how life provided opportunities and how hard he worked to grow and understand the way forward, especially after his unfortunate blow up. I was so happy to see he’s continued to provide laughter and joy through his unique art. He’s also an accomplished photographer. Definitely worth checking out.
    I’m grateful that he shared his incredible story.

  7. Rob Ferrara

    As a massive Seinfeld fan, I had to buy this. I was not disappointed. The book is so well written and heartfelt, it’s truly a great read. Very spiritual at times , which really helps explain Michael’s character. There are ups and downs in his life- we all know about the massive down- but this book really shows the full person that Michael is, good and bad. He’s a comedic genius and he’s written a wonderful, heartfelt and in-depth memoir. Very recommended for all Seinfeld fans!

  8. Pueblo West

    Anyone even slightly familiar with the groundbreaking and now legendary TV comedy series SEINFELD will find this book a captivating account of not only the show itself, but of renowned actor, comedian and now author, Michael Richards, creator of the beloved and iconic Cosmo Kramer.

    Written in a beautifully executed laid-back and conversational style guaranteed to captivate the reader’s attention from the opening lines to the concluding words, this in-depth and heartfelt chronicle is filled with humor, heartbreak and undeniable sincerity and gratitude for every aspect of life.

    Mr. Richards reveals his wealth of courage and grace in bringing to an audience, both new and old, an important and intimate look inside not only a lauded and historic TV series, but also of the deepest parts of himself. Entrances and Exits is truly a high mark of autobiographies that will stay with the reader long after experiencing it.

  9. Some Other Guy

    If you’re expecting a day-by-day autobiography, you’ll be disappointed. If you want to find out about Michael Richards, warts and all, his outlook and philosophy on life, dive straight in. Yes, of course you get rich details and tidbits about his time on Seinfeld (the greatest TV comedy of ALL time), but you also get to understand the man behind it all, the man behind the comedy mask. I read it in two sittings – that’s how good it was.

  10. Shahn

    5 av 5.

  11. Argos

    Like most of the other reviewers, I enjoyed the parts about his acting career and especially his role as Kramer in Seinfeld. He also does a nice job explaining the Laugh Factory incident which effectively destroyed his show business career. Michael comes across as a likable and interesting guy. The problem with the book is that it needs focus…it is all over the place. He intersperses his pseudo-philosophy throughout and it comes off as a bit bizarre. A good editor would have reeled this in since it isn’t what readers are interested about. As with most celebrities, we enjoy their characters and find their real selves to be less interesting. The book could be cut in half if they remove the asides.

  12. Tricia Reeder

    So well written. On of the best memoirs by a comic. Richards was a foundational member of the greatest sitcom ever produced. The behind-the-scenes is fascinating, and his whole life and preparation leading up to the breakthrough defining role is worth reading. Seinfeld writes an Introduction that alone validates the purchase price. Finally, Richard’s’ philosophy, drawings, and photos make this a well-rounded and intriguing read. It was packed with stories and I found myself wanting another volume of this autobiography when I finished. The clown is a master in his craft and a deep-thinking genius with heart.

  13. Montreal Canadiens Nut

    Really enjoyed reading about Michael Richards’ life. For me, he is “Kramer,” because Kramer makes me so HAPPY! How can you not love Kramer and feel the joy he gives to ALL in his “Entrances and Exits?” Mr. Richards seems to be an honest, open, reflective and positive human. Appreciate the fact he always looks for the positive attributes in humanity. This book is a treasure to me, highly recommend it. If you haven’t watched “Seinfeld,” you will want to after this book. The show will bring you even more joy! It is my favorite show, never get tired watching it over and over. Never watched it until “Seinfeld” went into reruns, now on Netflix. True Genius these writers and actors, thank you. Look forward to sharing your laughs for all time!

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