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In this “brave and heartbreaking novel that digs its claws into you and doesn’t let go, long after you’ve finished it” (Anna Todd, New York Times bestselling author) from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of All Your Perfects, a workaholic with a too-good-to-be-true romance can’t stop thinking about her first love.

Lily hasn’t always had it easy, but that’s never stopped her from working hard for the life she wants. She’s come a long way from the small town where she grew up—she graduated from college, moved to Boston, and started her own business. And when she feels a spark with a gorgeous neurosurgeon named Ryle Kincaid, everything in Lily’s life seems too good to be true.

Ryle is assertive, stubborn, maybe even a little arrogant. He’s also sensitive, brilliant, and has a total soft spot for Lily. And the way he looks in scrubs certainly doesn’t hurt. Lily can’t get him out of her head. But Ryle’s complete aversion to relationships is disturbing. Even as Lily finds herself becoming the exception to his “no dating” rule, she can’t help but wonder what made him that way in the first place.

As questions about her new relationship overwhelm her, so do thoughts of Atlas Corrigan—her first love and a link to the past she left behind. He was her kindred spirit, her protector. When Atlas suddenly reappears, everything Lily has built with Ryle is threatened.

An honest, evocative, and tender novel, It Ends with Us is “a glorious and touching read, a forever keeper. The kind of book that gets handed down” (USA TODAY).

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9 reviews for People who viewed this also viewed

  1. Mikee Andrea Quiambao

    Such a beautifully written book! My heart ached, it, it swelled, it felt all the things. Honestly, I’ve been telling everyone to pick up this book. It’s a beautiful yet painful love story. Lily is such a stunningly strong protagonist.

  2. Mikee Andrea Quiambao

    *Review originally posted on Goodreads*

    ‘I wish cutting my feelings off for the person who hurt me was as easy as I used to think it would be. Preventing your heart from forgiving someone you love is actually a hell of a lot harder than simply forgiving them.’

    It Ends With Us was beautifully complicated. It was hot and cold. Up and down. Good and bad. Beautiful and ugly… I’m still trying to figure out how I really feel about it all because I’m genuinely torn on how I want to perceive this storyline. I loved it but in all honesty, I really do think I hate it as well. Not the “I-hate-you-Colleen-Hoover-stop-writing-books-and-find-a-different-career” type of hate but rather “I-hate-you-Colleen-Hoover-for-making-me-hate-everything-that-I-came-to-love” kind of hate because it pretty much summarizes all my thoughts and feelings about It Ends With Us in one sentence.

    My opinions were completely divided. One side of me, the hopeless romantic, was utterly unsatisfied and angry with the outcome of the story. The opposite side, the one that’s all about women’s empowerment, was cheering on #TeamLily like it was Independence Day.

    Rather than trying to sugarcoat my thoughts, I’m just going to be completely honest. I was 100 percent team Ryle from the very first time we met him. Just like Lily, I fell in love with every word and every gesture that rolled off of his body. I. WAS. HOOKED. It also didn’t help that I kept fantasizing Doctor Mike as Ryle Kincaid. *heart eyes emoji* I loved his ambition. His personality. His confidence. To be honest, I think I might’ve loved Ryle even more than Lily did but that’s another story for another day. That more than likely explains why I took the second half of this book like a blow to the gut.

    Once we got to the second half of the book, that’s where it started going a bit downhill for me as a Ryle and Lily shipper. Every happy moment that ever happened between my ship came barreling down as it collided with pain and abuse. I was angry. I was thrashing. I was yelling at the pages in front of me, “Why are you doing this Colleen?!” But most importantly, I was just heartbroken to see such a beautiful couple become so toxic. Everything I loved about the first half of the book was slowly unraveling right before my very eyes as if it never really existed in the first place. I can’t even remember how many times I wanted to put the book down because my hopeless romantic self just couldn’t handle it anymore. But I just kept on reading because I was guiltily hoping that Ryle and Lily would still have their happy ending despite all that had happened. :/ Sadly, this was where I was torn the most.

    I have the upmost respect for Lily. She is definitely one of my favorite female characters that Colleen has ever created because she did what a lot of us would’ve struggled to do in the end: walk away. Lily was such a strong character and I admire her so much for having the strength to stand up for herself. There were numerous times towards the end of the book where I knew I probably would’ve gave in and forgave Ryle for his actions but Lily was inflexible. She was in a tough position but she put her foot down and demanded better for herself. In the end, no matter if I ship Ryle/Lily or Atlas/Lily, I’m glad that Lily was able to find peace for her and Emmy.

    As for Atlas, I liked him but I didn’t love him. Definitely nowhere near my love for Ryle. I wasn’t exactly rooting for Atlas but I wouldn’t have minded if Lily chose him in the end. However, I still very much preferred Ryle regardless. I just felt that Atlas was the typical knight in shining armor. Typical good guy you run to. His background story was interesting but him as a character… not so much. He just felt so ordinary and predictable. I wanted to ship Atlas and Lily because let’s face it, the signs were practically being shoved down our throats, and although the relationship between Ryle and Lily was developing, Atlas’s presence was a like a thorn on your side you just couldn’t shake off. But I just couldn’t bring myself to ship them blindly like I did with Ryle and Lily.

    Unfortunately, I was too far gone and too far in love with the idea of Ryle and Lily to make room for Atlas and because of that, I’m not sure if I’ll ever be fully satisfied with that ending. I was happy that Lily was no longer a victim of domestic abuse. I’m glad that after all that happened between them, Lily and Ryle parted on good terms. I’ll forever be heartbroken over the idea of what could’ve been. And I feel indifferent to Lily and Atlas. Sorry not sorry, Atlas. That basically sums up all my feelings in a nutshell.

    To be honest, I was actually feeling a bit more bitter than I’m making it seem after that ending. But after reading the author’s note, it really put things in perspective for me and made me look at the story with brand new eyes. I developed a new understanding and appreciation for the story behind the story.

    I was dying for Ryle and Lily to have their happy ending. Until the very end, I was still rooting for them. It’s such an ugly confession to make especially when the couple you’re rooting for is toxic and abusive. And I think I feel this way because I never, and hopefully I never will, had to experience abuse. I don’t know what it’s like and what goes on in the minds of the abused. Colleen did such an excellent job at creating the perfectly imperfect man that was Ryle. Abuse in books has always been a trigger for me and if it were any other book I think I would’ve put this book down by the first incident of abuse. But Colleen just made you fall so deeply in love with a character that even you couldn’t bring yourself to hate him even if you wanted to. YOU were the Lily of this story. But unfortunately, I don’t think my Lily would’ve had the courage to leave. I really wish I could say that I would leave in an instant, but I think I would honestly be lying to myself. You can tell yourself that if you were in Lily’s position you would leave in a blink of an eye, but things wouldn’t be as easily said and done if you were the one who was actually experiencing it all. And in truth, I think this is exactly what Colleen wanted us to actually sit down and think about because victims who’ve experienced abuse wouldn’t be rooting for Ryle and Lily. I wouldn’t be rooting for Ryle and Lily. It just goes to show how much of a struggle it really is to walk away from someone you love and loves you back in all the wrong ways. I usually never read the author’s notes after the book but I’m really glad I took the time to read Colleen’s story. It really did make me see the situation from a different perspective.

    I’d been having a bad CoHo streak for three books in a row (if you’re curious, the books were — in order — Hopeless, November 9, and Too Late) and for a moment there I was beginning to think that I was doomed to never enjoy another book written by Colleen Hoover again. But PRAISE. It Ends With Us restored my faith completely in the CoHo hype. Not that I was ever planning NOT to read any more of Colleen’s books! Colleen Hoover is 100 percent my favorite auto-buy author. I will always buy her books no matter if I end up loving them or not, and with good reason because Colleen is such an exceptional writer. It Ends With Us still wasn’t able to top Ugly Love as my favorite CoHo book of all time but I really enjoyed this book more than I thought I would.

  3. Ruth Michaels

    Gostei muito, te prende do começo ao fim, uma leitura deliciosa. Estou muito ansiosa para ler o próximo livro. Você torce por tudo dar certo no final.

  4. Rocío Zepeda

    Wow! I’ve always loved how Coleen writes but this book is raw and at times difficult to read. The tears filled my eyes like I was witnessing the scenes being played out in front of me. I also laughed at times a well as all the characters are brilliantly written. So so good. I can’t wait to see the film!!!!!!

  5. Nayane

    Tiendo a no procurar mucho tiempo a mi lectura pero por fortuna este libro llegó para decirme que necesitaba dar más y valió 100% la pena. Es una novela muy humana que me ha permitido sensibilizarme a situaciones a que por fortuna en algunas me siento ajena pero hay otras en las que siento que son algo por lo que muches atravesamos. Es fácil de leer, entretenido, muy buena construcción de personajes. Lectura ampliamente recomendada. Sin errores de edición graves; en 400 y un poco más de páginas solo 2 palabras que sin mucha atención son imperceptibles. Lectura de calidad, hermoso!!

  6. JennaStrick

    I absolutely love this story. It had so much going on that I couldn’t put it down. There was fun, a little steam, drama, action, and it made me go through so many emotions, that my mind was just as confused as Lily’s. I loved all the characters in the story and their chemistry together. I loved Lily’s strength, Atlas’ love, and even Ryle’s determination to be better. Fantastic story with a great message for all.

  7. Rocío Zepeda

    I received it within a day . Great condition for the book. Thanks

  8. C.Stastny Books

    If you don’t like swearing (F-words) and sex scenes, know that this book has them. I had to skip a bunch, but had been prewarned so was prepared. This book is a heartbreaking romance with abuse as the subject. The heroine doesn’t want to end up like her mother, who was beaten often by her dad for no good reason. So when she falls hopelessly in love and feels her life can’t get better, she is jerked out of HEA when her guy hurts her. I won’t summarize the whole plot, but it’s a beautifully written book about abusers and victims, and amazingly, I felt for each, finding myself in the same heartbreaking place as the heroine as she tries to decide whether to stay and risk further abuse or end it now. You fall in love with the anti-hero, and gain a lot of empathy for victims after reading this. That’s why I decided to skip what I didn’t like to see how the author did it. It’s a tear-jerker for sure.

  9. Lisa LifeInLit

    Lisa: I went into this story completely blind. I do this quite a bit, honestly, and it almost always pays off. But with this book especially, I think going in blind is the way to go. If that’s not your reading style, I’ll give you just a bit of background.

    Lily hasn’t lived the easiest life. After graduating from college she moved to Boston where she opened her own business. Things were finally looking up for her. All of her hard work had paid off. She runs into a local neurosurgeon and immediately feels a connection with him. Ryle, especially wearing his adorable scrubs, is easy on the eyes and such a charmer. He’s also a player and only wants one-night-stands. He refuses to get into a relationship for several reasons, one of them being he just doesn’t have the time outside of being a doctor to be in a real relationship. The sparks start flying and Lily realizes she’s quite interested in Ryle… that is, until a blast from her past, Atlas, reappears, and brings up allllll kinds of confusing feelings.

    Becca: Yes! I 100% agree with Lisa, if you can go into this one blind then I recommend that you do! It was absolutely incredible to experience each moment and have no idea what was going to happen next!

    I don’t want to say too much and spoil the story for anyone. I will say that this book does span a large part of Lily’s life. We see her as a teen and also as an adult, it was very well done and I enjoyed the blend of past and present.

    Becca: Oh these characters… where do I begin?! I absolutely loved Lily! She had been through so much in her life, yet she persevered and followed her dreams. She was strong and fought for what she believed in. I loved learning about her past and being with her in the present. I felt as though I knew her, I understood and empathized with very thought and every emotion.

    When Lily met Ryle, I fell for him as instantaneously as she did. He was strong, confident, funny and of course sexy in scrubs 😉 Their relationship was a whirlwind that wrapped them up so quickly and I was in it with them! When things got tough for them, I felt every moment as harshly as they did.

    When Atlas (the blast from Lily’s past) appears it throws this whole story in a different direction. Of course, we meet him with young Lily and then again later in the book. Atlas has this smooth, quiet confidence about him. He comes from absolutely nothing and makes something out of himself. I admired and respected him and I fell for him big time!

    I know some of you are probably sniffing out a love triangle and freaking out. In my opinion, that is NOT what this is. Some may call it a love triangle on a technical basis, but it really is not and I urge you not to skip this one for that reason because that term is to cliched for what this book actually is.

    Also the secondary characters in this book, Lily’s parents and Ryle’s sister and her husband are truly imperative in this story. They are just perfect and add so much to the story.

    I do not think that there is another Author out there who can make me fall in love with characters quite so hard. CoHo develops her characters so well that I feel as though I know them! I had so many feels for these characters that my heart couldn’t handle it! In the past I have loved many CoHo characters (and I still do) but none made me feel what these characters did and none made me feel quite so much that I was a part of their story. Trust me when I say these are characters that you want to meet.

    Lisa: That’s so, so true, Becca! I agree that CoHo has an amazing ability to make us fall in love with ALL characters, even the not-so-easy-to-love ones.

    I’m honestly not sure I would categorize this as a love triangle. I know others have, but I disagree. (view spoiler)

    My favorite characters in this story were, as Becca mentioned, the secondary characters. Specifically Ryle’s sister and her husband, who are wonderful additions to this beautiful story. I also enjoyed the family dynamics and how everyone had each others’ backs when it was most important.

    TO SUM UP:
    Lisa: WOW! Just… wow! This has got to be the BEST book Colleen Hoover has written to date. The stark honesty and impacting nature of this story will punch you in the feels. Hard. I’ve never experienced an abuse story to quite this level. I was blown away by this story and left a babbling ball of nerves and tears. A book hasn’t touched me this deeply in quite some time. I also learned quite a bit from this story. We’re always so quick to judge in instances of abuse… but there’s so much more to the story than you see with the naked eye. Don’t judge. Don’t assume facts that aren’t true. And, most importantly, don’t ever think it can’t happen to you or someone you know. Such a strong story that is sure to impact every reader that opens the cover in one way or another. I’m leave completely blown away by this story, as well as hopeful, which is such a wonderful thing. Colleen, you’ve done it AGAIN!

    Becca: I know some of you may think that I always say this and yes I am a true CoHo fan, but this is by far her best work ever. It Ends With Us is so raw and full of emotions, but most of all it is honest. I cried… A LOT! And I am not talking a few tears or a quiet wimper… I am talking ugly crying that I couldn’t contain. The message it delivers is a powerful one and I know that this is a book that will stay with me forever. Please make sure that once you are done you read the Author note at the end, it will give you an even better view of this book afterward.

    Colleen Hoover, you slay me with your words. You break my heart and then put the pieces back together. You are an amazing writer and I believe you are a gift for readers like myself. Keep doing what you are doing and I will keep reading everything that you write.

    (Thanks to Atria Books for the review copy!)

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