Of Mice and Men


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Original price was: $13.00.Current price is: $7.69.

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A controversial tale of friendship and tragedy during the Great Depression
They are an unlikely pair: George is “small and quick and dark of face”; Lennie, a man of tremendous size, has the mind of a young child. Yet they have formed a “family,” clinging together in the face of loneliness and alienation.

Laborers in California’s dusty vegetable fields, they hustle work when they can, living a hand-to-mouth existence. For George and Lennie have a plan: to own an acre of land and a shack they can call their own. When they land jobs on a ranch in the Salinas Valley, the fulfillment of their dream seems to be within their grasp. But even George cannot guard Lennie from the provocations of a flirtatious woman, nor predict the consequences of Lennie’s unswerving obedience to the things George taught him.

“A thriller, a gripping tale . . . that you will not set down until it is finished. Steinbeck has touched the quick.” —The New York Times

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Of Mice and Men

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Original price was: $13.00.Current price is: $7.69.

9 reviews for Of Mice and Men

  1. Maria Eduarda

    The media could not be loaded.

     Acabou de chegar e mais cedo do que o previsto. O material é muito frágil, mas o livro chegou 100% ok

  2. Cheryl

    It’s a good read

  3. Dean Karakosta

    The book I read was Of Mice and Men. It was written by John Steinbeck. The main conflict of this book was for these two men George and Lennie to make their dream of farming their own farm and where they could raise rabbits come true. They would travel from farm to farm and do work on different farms to make their living.

    In this book there were many things I liked and a few things I didn’t like. The book was very exciting to read. It was so exciting because I was always wondering what was going to happen next and I didn’t want to put the book down. I really felt like I was actually in the book. I felt this way because Steinbeck described everything so well, and I could picture every scene that happened. The main conflict interested me a lot. It interested me because there were many obstacles that Lennie and George had to face throughout the book and I just wanted to see if they could make their dream come true. I thought that the characters felt very real. They seemed real because Steinbeck gave the right amount of descriptions about each of them. The ending was very satisfying. It was a bit sad and I think it could have been better but if it ended differently the book wouldn’t have been as good.

    The author John Steinbeck’s writing style is unusual. The author’s voice is a narrative style and it’s written in the way the characters actually spoke. The characters talk like poor, uneducated people. The author uses vocabulary in an interesting way. He uses poor grammar and slang words to speak like the characters. The author uses a lot of dialog in this book. The two main characters speak to each other a lot. I think that the author is a very good writer because I could actually hear the voice of the characters. He describes things but he doesn’t go overboard to make it boring.

    Compared to other books that I have read I would rate this book an eight out of ten. I give it this rating because it was a very good book and held my attention but there were a few parts he could have changed, like the ending. I recommend this book to any guy or girl. It is a very fast and good read.

    Overall this was one of the best books I have ever read. I would put this book in my top twenty favorite books. I’ve read another book by Steinbeck called The Pearl that I didn’t really enjoy. I hope other books by Steinbeck are this god. Some other things that happened in this book was that Lennie wasn’t very educated and George would always have to look out for him. Lennie loved to pet soft things. He would catch a mouse put it in his pocket and pet the mouse and squeeze it so hard that the mouse accidentally died. This would upset George a lot.

  4. LLR

    First I attended the theater production at our local Warehouse; it was so good that I decided to read the book. A lot of death, but an excellent book.

  5. Margo Eubank

    Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is a classic story written in the early 1900’s. The story is based on two men and their struggle in life. One man, George, small in nature, looking over his large friend Lennie. This is a definite must read for anyone. This story is very popular and is frequently used as a beginner’s read by many high schools across the nation.
    George and Lennie first set out to find new jobs after being forced to flee from their current jobs. At first you are not told why they were fleeing but you knew from the dialect that something bad had occurred and Lennie was to blame. Lennie was a friendly, child-like dimwitted man. What he lacked in brain power he made up tenfold in brawny. He had a large muscular build which enabled him to be a good worker. George on the other hand, was the complete opposite of Lennie. He was small but definitely smarter than his counterpart Lennie. George looked out for Lennie and tried to keep him out of trouble, albeit an impossible task.
    While reading the story you inevitably know the ending before you even get there. At every turn you are expecting the well intended Lennie to do something horrible. George tries to keep him in line and is successful for most of the story.
    The main idea is the search for happiness. George and Lennie are working to save enough money to buy their own land and work their own fields. George constantly reassures Lennie that they can achieve their goal and Lennie can have his rabbits to tend to. If Lennie ever slips up then George has to remind him of the future they intended.
    John Steinbeck has a tremendous ability to set up a visual representation of his story. In the beginning to every chapter, the landscapes and surroundings are vividly detailed making the reader actually believe he is there watching the events take place. Steinbeck follows his structure throughout the book. Each chapter sets up the scene and the conversations between characters tell the story for the remainder of the chapter.
    Each character in the story is well described. Always described upon first entering the story. Steinbeck also ensured that each person was flawed in some way. Each one had their good traits and their bad. George and Lennie seem to be the good guys in the story even though Lennie is a walking nightmare waiting to happen.
    You can tell George and Lennie develop a loving relationship. Lennie listens to George and George in return keeps an eye on Lennie. This is definitely a heavy burden placed on George. Finally, in the end Lennie slips up. He kills the boss’ daughter-in-law. The event that was being set up all along. A lynch party is sent out to find Lennie. Ultimately it is George that find Lennie. George is forced to kill Lennie for his discretions. Lennie died at the hand of George whilst being promised that brighter future yet another time.
    Steinbeck makes it seem as though we’re all searching for that brighter future that’s just out of our grasp. This is one of those books that you can’t put down. Although it is not a long read, it is extremely well written.

  6. ReaderNix

    I never read this book when I was younger. Hate I missed out on such a classic story all these years, but it was well worth the wait.

  7. Katalina

    Would give 5 stars but amazon puts stickers on the book directly, instead of maybe wrapping the book in plastic and putting the sticker on the plastic. Sticker leaves a stain on the book that’s ugly and can’t be removed to my knowledge

  8. SaBah

    Really love the edition, really well made. The book is excellent and a must read

  9. J

    Piękna książka w ładnej oprawie. Treść jest czasami trudna do czytania, z powodu nietypowej pisowni dialogów, ale zdecydowanie warto przeczytać. Oprawa jest porządna i ładnie prezentuje się na półce.

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