My Beloved Monster: Masha, the Half-wild Rescue Cat Who Rescued Me


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“The most brilliant feline portrait in literary history.” –People Magazine (Book of the Week)

The #1 bestselling author of The Alienist tells the extraordinary story of Masha, a half-wild rescue cat who fought off a bear, tackled Caleb like a linebacker—and bonded with him as tightly as any cat and human possibly can.

“Dares us to take a journey into love and pain . . . My Beloved Monster is a love story and a requiem.” –Wall Street Journal

“Excellent…Worth the emotional investment, and the tissues you will need by the end, to spend time with a writer and cat duo as extraordinary as Masha and Carr.” —Washington Post Book World

Caleb Carr has had special relationships with cats since he was a young boy in a turbulent household, famously peopled by the founding members of the Beat Generation, where his steadiest companions were the adopted cats that lived with him both in the city and the country. As an adult, he has had many close feline companions, with relationships that have outlasted most of his human ones. But only after building a three-story home in rural, upstate New York did he enter into the most extraordinary of all of his cat pairings: Masha, a Siberian Forest cat who had been abandoned as a kitten, and was languishing in a shelter when Caleb met her. She had hissed and fought off all previous carers and potential adopters, but somehow, she chose Caleb as her savior.
For the seventeen years that followed, Caleb and Masha were inseparable. Masha ruled the house and the extensive, dangerous surrounding fields and forests. When she was hurt, only Caleb could help her. When he suffered long-standing physical ailments, Masha knew what to do. Caleb’s life-long study of the literature of cat behavior, and his years of experience with previous cats, helped him decode much of Masha’s inner life. But their bond went far beyond academic studies and experience. The story of Caleb and Masha is an inspiring and life-affirming relationship for readers of all backgrounds and interests—a love story like no other.


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My Beloved Monster: Masha, the Half-wild Rescue Cat Who Rescued Me

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Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $15.99.

9 reviews for My Beloved Monster: Masha, the Half-wild Rescue Cat Who Rescued Me

  1. Nancy Harman

    So well written, so articulate.. the author is well known . This story is his own life experience .When he was lost, the cat was lost, and they found and saved one another.

  2. Angie Mullett

    This is another book by Caleb Carr. He writes about life with his Siberian Forest Cat. She was a rescue cat but over the course of time she displayed courage, loyalty, love, friendship, intelligence and humour. It is a beautifully written story one that kept me interested and engaged to the very last page. Caleb Carr is a military historian, which means he researches his material completely and accurately, but he uses the information to write stories which are both capture the readers attention and keep it to the end.
    Unfortunately he passed away May 23,2024. I was looking forward to reading more of his books, but not anymore.

  3. DSC

    This is a beautifully written book about pain, love, and loss. You would think an angry little boy would be mean to animals. But, during the author’s physically and emotionally painful life (especially at the hands of what sounds like a sociopath) he dabbled with the things people usually reach for in times of pain, but ultimately the one source of comfort he always reached for was a paw. The path that took him to find a creature to share his life with was absolutely sweet and caring. And like most books about beloved animals, the ending will bring tears. (Warning: I don’t think this should be a spoiler alert though.) When animals pass, unlike humans, there aren’t any big arrangements to make, no large ceremonies, no family coming in, no large flower arrangements to order, but the pain is still there. And for the animals that you share almost their entire life with – the end comes quickly with a vet and a needle and a hole in the yard. The author said he wanted to make his magnificent cat a star by writing this book. I think it should go one step further and become a movie. There are so many movies about dogs, and this story would be a great way to represent the human bond with cats. The author has alluded that this book will be the last. Selfishly, I hope not. I have read a lot of what he has written – all the fiction, some of the non-fiction, and even the articles (the last one about tanks). He is the one author I have always learned interesting things from. Such as, with this book, being from the South, I’ve never heard of a fisher, and they sound freaky. And I learned a lot about cats. But this book is a little different in that I not only learned facts from it, but it made me want to be a better animal caretaker – pay attention to each little sound, each little movement and a bond can be established that will be unique and provide a total sense of trust. If this book is the end, I am sad. The buzz about the two additional Alienist books will probably live in What if… status. But I am happy for what I got. It was a lot. And this book gives us hope, that one day when we are sick and tired and ready to give up, a familiar little paw might reach out and pull us through to play again, snuggle, and rest, finally, in peace.

  4. michael p. rafferty

    Great story, actually a love story made that much more poingiant by the passing of the author not long after his beloved cat Masha. Having a broken heart certainly hastened his demise as clearly Masha was the love of his life. Of course the ending is sad but the story getting to that ending about how 2 entities were able to gradually learn to understand each other and how their friendship turned into that love through their trials and tribulations and adventures to the point that they were devoted to each other is absolutely well worth reading. The book is well written and moves along. I think if you’re a feline lover you definitely have to read this book. You will learn a lot and understand your fur baby better when you finish it.

  5. William L. Scurrah

    For cat lovers the explicit narrative of the lifelong relationship between the author and his cat Masha is deeply touching and both uplifting and tragic. But for me the more interesting story-behind-the-story, that of how the emotional shutdown of a person who suffered serious childhood physical abuse can be relieved by massive projection onto an animal (cat, dog, horse, etc). The author credits Masha, a cat, with profoundly human intelligence and wisdom, thus enabling him to form a human-like relationship of a depth that he could not with other people.

  6. MamaQ

    This is a beautifully written tribute to the life and love shared between an aging author with serious medical issues and his adoption of a wild, proud Siberian cat that he nurses through a recent trauma. Both human and animal develop a life-long relationship that eases each of them through life’s up and down moments. This is not a children’s book as it is written by American novelist and military historian, Caleb Carr. The book is filled with language and BIG words that even this frequent reader had to look up several times. The book is full of interesting cat knowledge and animal bonding measures people can use to strengthen their relationship with their animals. And finally it is full of the emotions developed during the long-term love and care between animal and their person. They have come to depend on each other in so many ways that the loss of one is often a grief filled period of time for them that they often take their lifetime to overcome.

  7. J. Dito

    I ordered My Beloved Monster after I learned of Caleb Carr’s passing. I read his book as soon as it arrived in the mail and savored every word. Masha brought pure love into Caleb’s life for 17 years. I imagine he found her again over the Rainbow Bridge. It is a wonderful, informative and very personal book….most readers will love it. Thank you Caleb and Miss Masha. J.dito

  8. Nunya

    The late Mr. Carr’s grief narrative for his cat is so forthright — and full of power and love and wisdom. Don’t miss it!
    I wish he were still with us.

  9. DS in SFO

    My husband is reading the hardback, which I am thankful for since it has some photos. I listened to the beautifully narrated audiobook.

    We recently lost a beloved 17-year-old cat, so I expected this to be an emotionally difficult read. It was, but not in the way I had dreaded. It helped me better understand cats (I have had 5) and how a great writer keeps one’s attention with a beautiful flow of thoughts and words. It also tells of the lonely life of a writer.

    We loved this book. Thank you, Caleb Carr, for writing this story for yourself, Masha, and for us!

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