Moms on Call | Basic Baby Care 0-6 Months | Parenting Book 1 of 3


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Moms on Call Parenting Book Series: Basic Baby Care Book 1 of 3

Over a million happy parents trust Moms on Call worldwide! Our Basic Baby Care for 0-6 Months is recognized as one of Babylist’s Best Baby Sleep Resources. It’s essential for navigating the early stages of parenthood.

Why Mom’s use Moms on Call

    STEP-BY-STEP ROUTINES – Advice to create a routine that will help your baby thrive in the first six months
    DAILY SCHEDULES – Typical day schedules for 2-4 weeks, 4-8 weeks, 8-16 weeks, and 4-6 months
    CRAFTED BY PEDIATRIC NURSES – Expert guidance on baby care, common illnesses, feeding, sleeping, routine, safety, and everything newborn
    QUICK REFERENCE – Easy to understand format, perfect for busy, sleepy, and tired parents
    POSITIVE PARENTING – Embrace the journey. You’re not in this alone.

    What’s included

    • Basic baby care book written by pediatric nurses, who are also moms with decades of experience
    • Learn proven strategies to care for your baby and help them sleep through the night (so you can, too!) using the trusted Moms on Call Sleep System
    • Covers all the essentials to help you navigate the first six months with confidence
    • Feeding tips for both breastfeeding and bottle feeding
    • Identifying signs that may require immediate medical attention
    • Creating an ideal sleep environment
    • Navigating nap times and implementing practical routines
    • Over 1 million copies sold worldwide
    • The 0-6 Month Basic Baby Care Book is part of the trusted Moms on Call Sleep System

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    Moms on Call | Basic Baby Care 0-6 Months | Parenting Book 1 of 3

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    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $27.99.

    11 reviews for Moms on Call | Basic Baby Care 0-6 Months | Parenting Book 1 of 3

    1. Monta Belinska

      Hay que tener cuidado con la información de este libro. Muchas cosas si me sirvieron, pero dejar a tu bebe llorando es una estupidez. Yo implemente muchas cosas del libro, pero si mi bebé lloraba era porque tenía frio o calor, o hambre o pañalito sucio. Dejarlo llorando para que se duerma NO ES NECESARIO. Si recomiendo el libro pero no esa parte la verdad! Mi bebe duerme toda la noche y no la deje llorar.

    2. Hannah

      Used this book religiously to make sure I was following somewhat of a schedule. A newborn schedule is always unknown but this was a good guide for bottle/nurse times and nap/sleep times. Lots of good tips and tricks. Highly recommend!

    3. Hannah

      Seriously, stop googling everything and just get this book. I’m a first time mom. I was recommended this book by at least two people before I gave birth and suffered through anxious googling and a difficult first month with our daughter before finally remembering about this book. I wish I had it before she was born because it’s so no-nonsense and to the point. You can take everything with a grain of salt because it’s just two women’s opinions but darn it, they are right 99% of the time. And the SCHEDULES! seriously a lifesaver for our military family, we love schedules and checklists and so far these ones have worked wonderfully for us. Get this book, gift it to your mom friends, tell everyone about it. I already have and my friend who is having her second baby bought it on Amazon while she was right in front of me. Great stuff!

    4. Bayley Andrews

      This book series is amazing. I was gifted it before my first baby and I have given it as a gift to every one of my pregnant friends. It helped us establish healthy sleep routines that have lasted us from birth until now (16 months, she sleeps 12 hrs every night!). It helped us get our bearings after the baby was born and we were both so tired and didn’t know what to do! Do yourself a favor and buy this book!

    5. Alyssa Stiles

      A bought this book for a lot of money, i couldnt afford this book at that time thinking that it will all be worth it, but it is not worth it at all. Infact its a book for marketing their website. Its not worth the price.

    6. Lindsey Brewer

      This book is amazing! Has so many good resources and is amazing if you don’t know what kind of scedule would fit for you and your baby!

    7. Vivian

      Nothing is more terrifying than being a first time parent…. Kids just don’t come with a manual but this, for us, felt pretty close to one. It almost feels like information I shouldn’t know about because HOW did this book make our lives so easy 🥹

      Anywho, my college tennis partner reached out to me about this book, when I had my son. She told me all about this book and that she did it with both of her boys. I am SO glad she checked in on me and told me about this book 🥹 I can’t speak more highly of fondly of the schedule.
      This book is NOT FOR THE WEAK. I guess it depends on you and your lifestyle, if you’re good living in chaos…then maybe this isn’t for you. This book is for people who like routine, and feeling like things are in their control to a degree. We started this at a month old. I’ll be honest some babies take super fast to this, but for us this schedule didn’t work in a day it took a week and a half, and that can feel discouraging, when you’re tired, frustrated and sleep deprived. But we kept at it. You have to understand babies are brand new to the world, their little bodies don’t know how to do much. This isn’t a magical overnight thing, but keep trying, be committed. It’s so worth it. Your baby won’t sleep through the entire night at first, but more than likely they will only wake up 1-3 times then it gradually goes down to no wake ups at night. Like anything this book takes work. I know there are some nay sayers on here, and that’s ok this book might not be for everyone. But it certainly was for us and still is! Although this book was super helpful, advice wise-the schedule in the back is what really helped us.
      When you’re a new parent and bring home a brand new baby, you feel like…what now??? What am I supposed to do? What do they want?? When do I give this or that to them??? This book helped us so much with that! You will finally feel like ….okay it’s time they’re tired they need a nap….ok they’re hungry they need to eat….they haven’t pooped they need to….they haven’t burped or passed gas they’re gassy. Schedules help you regulate your child’s system into getting into a healthy routine. While at the same time you don’t feel AS confused, frustrated or helpless when you’re trying to help them. Honestly I tell every new parent I meet or know about it, because it really helped me that much. Like it made us finally feel like we had a little bit of order in the chaos. When you’re a parent a lot of things will feel out of your control, and sometimes there’s nothing you can do about it but help and nurture your child the best way you know or figure out. And trust me when I tell people my kid is on a schedule they literally look at me like I’m crazy, but hey my kid is pretty well behaved and sleeps through the night since he was 5 months ….. So give me those dirty looks lol Even our parents were like “what!? A schedule that’s ridiculous.” Now when they watch him, they like damn…this schedule makes things so easy for us. Our parents have literally said…wow I wish I had you on a schedule when you were a baby. Also on a side note, this only works honestly if you are a SAHM, or have helpful and open minded parents helping to babysit, or a nanny I feel. One more thing too, when you follow this schedule when you put them to bed at night, you will finally get those coveted few hours to yourself at night when you get to relax and unwind when your baby is asleep 🥹❤️ That is the best quality time with your spouse or yourself you’ll feel so appreciative of later on.

      I can’t say enough about this book, and I highly recommend it. Just try it, stay at it, I promise you only good things can happen. ❤️🥹
      My son is now a year old (15months) and we’ve been going by the second book now.

    8. Kayleigh Boeker

      I was initially quite concerned when I read the mixed reviews on this book. I still decided to give it a try. I’m so glad that I did. My baby boy is the happiest little child. He is hitting all his milestones and our doctor is pleased with his development. We also get quality time as new parents who are raising him all alone in this pandemic. Its a win.

      As a new mum, I didn’t realise the term “sleep training” has such a huge stigma in our society. I see it as creating a good routine for my baby and our family. We are not putting little babies to work. So some people need to read this book closely to understand the authors’ intentions. You take what applies to you and your family and opt-out from the rest. Our little boy sleeps in our room in his crib. We are planning to put him in his own room at the age of 6 months. So again, no one is asking you to lock your baby in a room. You can still follow the routine without compromising what’s important to your family. The same principle applies to whether or not you want to start your baby on solids at 4 months. The authors aren’t forcing you to do so. This book is merely a guide to help new parents. It also DOES NOT promote cry out method. Our boy is thriving in his new routine and he is happy. That’s the most important part. Mums really need to stop shaming other mums who do not want to stay up all night feeding their baby. We still bond with our babies without doing so.

      I highly recommend this book. My only suggestion is to take what applies to you. It’s written from a perspective of 2 nurses and not intended to define psychological effects on children. For me personally, it felt like a friend guiding me through how to tackle the initial newborn stage.

    9. Nazreen shakul

      Came from USA so had to wait a bit, but so worth it. Heard this book being mentioned in all sleep training videos on YouTube from parents. Honestly, just confirmed that everything I’ve been doing with my 2month old setting a routine etc has been correct to build the best sleep habits. My 2 month old is sleeping trough the night, 9.30pm till 5am first feed – not bad ! Also nice included sleeping plans to follow, as well as sections of insights on commons sicknesses and how to treat , general info on how to swaddle and feed.
      And so on and so on, just so so helpful for first time parents , something to get reference from when needed.
      Oh, but my book came and it was printed upside down, anyway that’s not a deal breaker for me.

    10. Amazon Customer

      looking forward to try the sleep schedule! Got this based on a recommendation and I’m glad I did indeed 🙂

    11. Goheels98

      If I could give this book 6 stars, I would. It’s a must read for any new parent…or maybe also for parents who are looking to do things differently this time around.

      A friend of mine highly recommended it for sleep training purposes, but I didn’t think much about it. This, in spite of the fact that I once put her infant child to bed for her well before I had a baby, and her baby knew the bedtime routine better than I did. Somehow, the baby coached ME through it. 😉 At any rate, my baby had settled into a decent schedule with somewhat set intervals, and he was sleeping pretty good stretches at night. However, I wanted to get on more of a schedule so that I knew how to plan things for us throughout the day. I ended up picking up the book and reading it as we returned from a road trip. We started sleep training the next day at about 14.5 weeks. The first night was rough for all involved, but we dropped our beloved swaddle, night/early AM bottle, and put him into his crib in his room for the first time – all at the same time. Night 2 was much better, and we were basically set at night after that. We did have trouble with him waking up too early for a while (5:30-6am – book calls for 7:30pm – 7:00am sleep), but that stopped after maybe a month or so. And we’d usually let him cry it out unless it was really close to time to get up (6:30/6:45). Now, he doesn’t wake up crying anymore, even if he does get up before 7. He rolls around and plays in his crib for 15-20 minutes before he starts letting us know it is time to get him. Enough time for me to pretend to get “5 more minutes” of sleep and to run to the restroom before the morning begins.

      3.5 months later, sleep training with the help of this book is one of the best parenting decisions I’ve ever made. We did it before the “4 month sleep regression” and did not notice any issues with his sleep in that time period. We did have to go in early in the AM (5ish) when he started rolling, couldn’t get back to his back, and would scream as a result, but thankfully that only lasted about 2-3 nights.

      As much as I’d love for him to be on a schedule like clockwork, I’m honestly not that great at staying on schedule myself. However, the routines established courtesy of this book have really helped to make sleep possible no matter where we are (at home on the East coast, traveling on the East coast, in Chicago, or even Hawaii). Even if we can’t get a bath in, or if we have to give him a bottle out at dinner instead of at home right before bed, once we wipe him down and/or put on his PJs and hit the white noise machine (Hatch Baby Rest at home or a portable one for travel), he knows the deal. We laugh because even if he is totally wired, he’ll often start rubbing his eyes as soon as we turn the white noise on. We go back and forth on putting him down when drowsy or waiting until he’s fully asleep, but even if we wait, it never takes more than 10-15 min max for him to go to sleep. I’ll accept that some of this may be because he’s just a good baby…and he likes to sleep like I do…but I also give MOC full credit.

      I won’t lie, when people talk about their 6, 9, 12, *24* month old children who still don’t sleep through the night, I quietly thank MOC. If they ask me how my baby is sleeping, I tell them….and then recommend the book. I also recommend it to all new moms. I even got the toddler one for a friend who was trying to get her baby in her own room and to drop the night bottle at 1.5 years old. She found that book helpful for that and also for the potty training portion.

      This 0-6 month book was also helpful when it came to introducing solid food around 4 months, and it was reassuring to read the section on falls after he flipped off the couch once. 😉 I also got a better technique for clipping his nails (while he is awake). The book basically has all the practical advice that a new parent needs.

      The book is a quick read and doesn’t necessarily have to be read chronologically. If you just want to do the sleep training, you can just read that part and maybe a section or to before/related to that. Same for introducing solids. I’d read Babywise while pregnant, and though I guess I got some nuggets out of it, I don’t remember much that was particularly actionable. Someone also recommended the “Healthy Sleep Habits” book to me when my son was about a week old. I ordered it….like I really had time to read…and I let out an audible chuckle when it arrived and I saw how THICK it was (like 600 pages). I managed to read bits and pieces, but it is super scientific and research heavy. It also lacked the “do this and then this” that I really wanted. MOC tells you exactly what to do and when to get the results you want, and that is much appreciated. I also felt that the advice pretty much lined up with the “Healthy Sleep Habits” book, just without referencing (endless) studies. I tell people that if they only have the time/desire to read ONE parenting book…make it this one.

      I could go on and on, but I’ll just say this: JUST GET THIS BOOK!!

      Kindle edition is best so you can reference it (schedule, food lists, etc.) on your phone wherever you are.

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