Jesus and Women: In the First Century and Now – Bible Study Book with Video Access

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Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth—braving jostling crowds just to touch the edge of His cloak and hear Him say, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.” 
Those words, once meant to comfort a hurting woman’s soul thousands of years ago, were also meant for you. 
Join biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland on those dusty roads as she transports you back to Jesus’ world, following in the footsteps of the women who came face-to-face with the Living God. Over 7 sessions, examine the historical and cultural climate of first-century Middle Eastern society to not only understand Jesus more deeply but to fuel your worship of Him today. 

  • Leader guide to lead discussions within small groups 

  • Personal study segments to complete between 7 weeks of group sessions 

  • Glossary of Hebrew and biblical terms 

  • Photographs of Israel with commentary of cultural and historical significance 

  • 7 teaching videos, approximately 60 minutes per session, available via redemption code printed in Bible study book for individual streaming access 


  • Explore how Jesus generously restores dignity and honor to women in the first century and now. 

  • Gain deeper insight into the biblical world, including fresh perspective on familiar Bible stories. 

  • Discover the Bible through the lens of Middle Eastern culture. 

Video Sessions: 

  • Session 1 (61:03)—In this introductory session, Kristi explains the Middle Eastern concept of understanding the Bible in contrast to the Western way we view it and unpacks the story of Jesus and the woman with the issue of blood, encouraging women to take heart because of God’s care for them. 

  • Session 2 (62:46)—Kristi traces God’s intention for women from the beginning, highlighting notable women mentioned in the Bible. She then explains the loss of cultural honor and significance for women in Jesus’ first century world. Jesus came on the scene in the first century and began setting women back in their proper place, restoring their dignity and honor by providing justice and righteousness for each of them. 

  • Session 3 (62:31)—Kristi unpacks the John 4 story of the woman at the well, detailing the contentious history between the Jews and the Samaritans along with other social politics of the day. 

  • Session 4 (62:04)—Walking through the importance of table fellowship and hospitality in Jesus’ first century world, Kristi then explains the Luke 7 story of the woman who anoints Jesus’ feet with her tears and wipes them with her hair. 

  • Session 5 (59:14)—Kristi expounds on the oral teaching tradition that was so prominent in Jesus’ day and explores many of the parables in Luke, showing how Jesus’ use of women in His teaching was a revolutionary way of showing the world that women have a part in the kingdom of God. 

  • Session 6 (60:46)—Diving into the story of the woman caught in adultery shared in John 7, Kristi details some of the gospel parallels therein and shows Jesus’ care for women in this situation. 

  • Session 7 (60:17)—In this final session, Kristi explores the stories of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the story of Mary and Martha, both kingdom adventures that God invited women to be a part of. 

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Jesus and Women: In the First Century and Now – Bible Study Book with Video Access

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11 reviews for Jesus and Women: In the First Century and Now – Bible Study Book with Video Access

  1. Kim

    Kristi is an amazing teacher and I highly recommend this for any women’s Bible study group. I’ve actually gone through this three times with different groups and each time I learned something new.

  2. Susan Warthen

    This is a rich “feast” and dives deep into the culture Jesus lived in and shows just how revolutionary His methods and teaching really were. Come closer to the Savior as you see Jesus in a whole new way. Excellent study!!

  3. Mary MH

    Great wisdom from the leader and online resources available.

  4. Morna J

    This study is an eye-opening look at who Jesus is and how he “turned the world right side up again”. Seeing him in a first century context made me fall in love with him even more. Kristi is an amazing teacher and brings so many things that we miss with our cultural perspective to light. I highly recommend this study.
    And to those who say the code is blacked out, yes, it is, but it’s like a scratch card. The code is underneath the black. Scratch it off and you’ll get it.

  5. Kendra

    This 7-week Bible Study took me on an amazing, exceptional, and life-changing journey. Kristi McLelland’s vast knowledge and insight of the 1st Century Middle-Eastern culture blew me away. She’s an extremely gifted teacher, writer and speaker.

    Seeing and experiencing Jesus’ interactions with women from a new perspective made me feel Jesus’ love in a very real and tangible way.

    What I also love about this study is that Kristi teaches us how to view Scripture through a Middle-Eastern lens, and she shows us how the original, Middle-Eastern audience understood Scripture.

    A SUPERB Bible Study! Be prepared to fall even more deeply in love with Jesus!

  6. Julie Windsor

    Just finished this study with 25 other women. It’s a wonderfuly study and I learned so much about looking at the bible through Middle Eastern lenses. I learned so much and very glad I was able to do t!

  7. Beth Day

    Our ladies group studying this as a Bible Study and the book is exactly as illustrated.

  8. Linda Lowman

    This is one of the best study books I have read and the video is amazing!

  9. Kara D.

    I have been a Christian a long time, and this study has been life changing for me! Kristi brings cultural insight that make the Bible come alive!! I have absolutely loved this study and highly recommend it! Jesus is even more amazing than I ever knew and He seeks justice for women!

  10. FLA360

    This video study taught me new things EVERY week. As a woman who has been a Christian in America for 30+yrs, Bible studies don’t say much you hadn’t heard before OR they rely too much on introspection. Mclelland teaches with a middle-eastern lens that is theologically rich and satisfying, yet simple enough for any listener. She is humble, funny, relatable, and concise. She makes sense and gives a fuller understanding of well-known Bible stories by framing them in the appropriate historical and cultural context. I came away from every weekly study feeling grateful, in awe, and encouraged by the person of Jesus. This book is not about feminism, it is about Jesus’ society-shaking raising of women from shame to honor. It is about the way God sees and values us as women then and now and how he restores justice to us. I’ve been recommending this book study to all of my friends and family.

  11. Deborah

    I have been involved with Womens Bible Study for nearly 40 years and I have to say Kristi is the best teacher I ever sat under. Her teaching style coupled with her death of knowledge send you into the arms of JESUS longing to be more grateful than ever to my LORD. It was an honor to learn from such a thorough teacher as Kristi. I am truly blessed and have already recommended this study to many, many people.. Thank you Kristi for all the hard work and research you put into this book!
    Your sister in CHRIST,

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