Influence Is Your Superpower: How to Get What You What Without Compromising Who You Are

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Rediscover the superpower that makes good things happen, from the professor behind Yale School of Management’s most popular class

“The new rules of persuasion for a better world.”—Charles Duhigg, author of the bestsellers The Power of Habit and Smarter Faster Better
You were born influential. But then you were taught to suppress that power, to follow the rules, to wait your turn, to not make waves. Award-winning Yale professor Zoe Chance will show you how to rediscover the superpower that brings great ideas to life.

Influence doesn’t work the way you think because you don’t think the way you think. Move past common misconceptions—such as the idea that asking for more will make people dislike you—and understand why your go-to negotiation strategies are probably making you less influential. Discover the one thing that influences behavior more than anything else. Learn to cultivate charisma, negotiate comfortably and creatively, and spot manipulators before it’s too late. Along the way, you’ll meet alligators, skydivers, a mind reader in a gorilla costume, Jennifer Lawrence, Genghis Khan, and the man who saved the world by saying no.

Influence Is Your Superpower will teach you how to transform your life, your organization, and perhaps even the course of history. It’s an ethical approach to influence that will make life better for everyone, starting with you.

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Influence Is Your Superpower: How to Get What You What Without Compromising Who You Are

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13 reviews for Influence Is Your Superpower: How to Get What You What Without Compromising Who You Are

  1. Cindy Cornell

    This is such a wonderful and inspiring book; I feel blessed to have seen an advance copy. It is fun, interactive, funny, and so so smart. Professor Chance’s stories are fantastic, including many from her very interesting life. The writing has a snap, crackle, pop to it, making it easy to not realize how long you have been reading. If one can’t be in Professor Zoe Chance’s Yale classroom or be her best friend, this book is a really good substitute.

    Addendum: Cocoa Bean the Wonder Puppy is showing surprising interest.

  2. C

    I’ve been a fan of Robert Cialdini’s ever since I read his classic book, Influence, in college—so when I saw that he blurbed this new book by Zoe Chance, I knew I had to read it! Zoe is a fantastic writer: engaging, funny, and wicked smart, with a style reminiscent of your favorite teachers—the ones who were able to teach you without making you feel like you were being taught. Her positivity and creativity shine through the pages; she’s clearly an expert at her own subtitle.

    I particularly enjoyed the personal anecdotes Zoe sprinkles throughout the book, such as her childhood decision to try acting and being cast, in a production of Aladdin that promised everyone a speaking role, as Cobbler #3 (whose one line was, appropriately enough, “Shoes for sale!”) — or her experience as a door-to-door salesperson, tasked with interrupting people’s dinners to try to sell them subscriptions to Golf Digest. And I particularly appreciated the fact that she also reveals some of the ways in which influence can be used *against* us — including recognizing when we are being manipulated — and provides tools we can use to stand up for ourselves and take back control.

    I highly recommend this book.

  3. Olivier Lafleur

    Alles wie erwartet! Kein Problem!

  4. Dolly Chugh

    The book was really a blast!
    Having read a lot about negotiating, it was very helpful, inspiring and gave a lot of positive energy.
    Looking forward to trying out many ideas in real-life.

  5. Cindy Cornell

    I normally don’t like self-improvement books, but I had to read it for a corporate book club. Zoe is a great writer by making the topics interesting and providing several anecdotes to better show certain topics. I do recommend this book for anyone looking to hone their skills on influence, which can be applied to almost any facet of your life.

  6. Karen Chance

    Let me see if I can put the book’s message to use in writing this review. In the old days, I might have said: It’s extremely well-written, enjoyable, and actionable. Her guidance is all based on the latest research. Zoe Chance is the Dale Carnegie for the 21st century. While that’s all true, it leaves out a key ingredient. Now I know to just come out and say: I’m asking you to buy this book. Actually, I’d like you to buy 10 copies of this book (the big ask) and give them to your colleagues. I’m not just saying that just for your benefit. I want to work with people who understand these ideas. Because people who have influence gain it by listening, by working with others to create value. The only thing I didn’t get is why she doesn’t like parsnips. Oh well, more for me.

  7. Daniel Pennington

    I bought this book for Dr. Chance’s ideas about influence but found that every chapter is full to the brim with witty remarks (Gator-brain) and brilliant insights (depressed people are more focused on themselves).

    It is an easy read but buy a highlighter pen first because you’ll find a bit of wisdom on almost every page.

  8. P. Lacroix

    I was really looking forward to this book. Found that it contained a lot of stories with fewer takeaways than I expected. Left with maybe 5 highlights – 2 of them new. A little disappointing. Could have benefited from chapter summaries.

  9. BJN

    Absolutely loved this book! I hadn’t heard of Zoe Chance before purchasing, and I am so glad I decided to buy! You will be shocked at how fast the pages go by, and you feel a great connection to her as you read more and more. 10/10 recommend.

  10. Heather B.

    I discover this amazing woman on Ed Mylett’s podcast and immediately bought her book. As an online marketer, I’m always looking at ways to make my campaigns more efficient. This book as gave me more value than any other marketing book out there. I’m glad I also got the audio version because Zoe is so fun to listen to. Thank you for your work 🙏

  11. Daniel Pennington

    Who wouldn’t want to read this book? It’s both scientific and magical. I’ve thought of ‘influence’ often as a negative, with somebody trying to get me to do something in their best interest but not mine. Zoe’s clear personal writing style, colorful stories, and actual instructions(!) introduce new ideas on this topic from an unusual perspective – the one of a very smart creative and empathetic woman. She beautifully articulates the Feminine Voice, an empathetic approach to influence and negotiation with the goal: try to benefit everyone ‘even more.’ (Hidden in the last page of the book we see she’s giving half the proceeds of the book to aid with the climate crisis, spreading the good benefits of her book sales ‘even more.’
    Read Influence Is Your Superpower and you’ll probably fall a little in love…like I did (though I fell in love a lot!).

  12. Dolly Chugh

    Surprising at times and reassuringly familiar at others. Read it and action it.
    And then read it again. Ha ha.

  13. Corey

    Influence Is Your Superpower meets you where you are with irrefutable wisdom wrapped in stories that feel like an easy conversation you cant wait to get back to. You grin, you laugh, and you walk away smarter than you were when you started. If you need more reasons to order her book, other experts who have shared their glowing endorsements include Adam Grant, Charles Duhigg, and Yale University‘s happiness guru, Laurie Santos. It is an action packed tome, including stories of dinosaurs, alligators, skydiving, and even Kevin Bacon, who really is a connecting force in this world to just about everything. Favorite chapters were “Inner Two Year Olds” and “Negotiating While Female.”

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