Imagine the God of Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Revelation, and the Love You’ve Always Wanted


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Millions of people around the world have reported a near-death experience. Do they prove the existence of a loving God?

Never in history, until now, have we been able to hear from so many people around the world who have been brought back from clinical death. Modern medical resuscitation and digital communication have revealed a goldmine of intriguing near-death experiences (NDEs) that show us the character of God. John Burke has spent the last three decades studying the commonalities of more than 1000 NDEs. His investigative journey started as a skeptical agnostic, when his own father was dying from cancer. When he first read these eyewitness accounts, he couldn’t help asking himself: “Could this be real evidence–even possible proof of God’s existence?”

  • In this book, you will discover:
  • Analysis of 1000+ near-death experiences and how they reveal the wondrous attributes of God and correlate with the Bible
  • Follow up research to Burke’s exploration of the afterlife, Imagine Heaven, a New York Times best-seller of over 1 million copies
  • True stories from nearly 70 people from every continent who have died, been resuscitated, and now testify to having been more alive than ever in the presence of a loving God they never wanted to leave
  • People of all ethnicities and backgrounds―including doctors, engineers, and CEO―experience the same God.

John Burke unveils the love story and characteristics of this God of all nations, revealed throughout history and in Scripture, now illustrated by these thrilling encounters. You will realize God’s love, power, compassion, friendship, and guidance are closer than you could ever imagine. And for such a time as this, people need to know a loving God is within their reach.

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Imagine the God of Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Revelation, and the Love You’ve Always Wanted

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Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $16.19.

10 reviews for Imagine the God of Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Revelation, and the Love You’ve Always Wanted

  1. S. J. Willis

    As a Christian I love reading about NDEs where people meet Jesus and this is definitely the best I have read yet.
    Beautifully put- the author writes beautifully about the link between heaven and earth, the love of Jesus and our Heavenly Father for each and everyone of us- and how we must live our lives with joy to the full on earth but do it for Him. He also brings out the saving grace and compassion of our Saviour for us and how He desperately loves us all and wants a relationship with us.

  2. Reinhold

    Ein Buch, das mich beim Lesen sehr berührt hat. Die Nahtoderlebnisse, von denen berichtet wird, werden einfühlsam mit der biblischen Perspektive verbunden. Es hat mich Gott näher gebracht.

  3. Nomadic RV Living

    After reading this book it makes me realize that God is completely loving toward us who believe in him and Jesus. There really is no condemnation for those who are saved. I was surprised that some of the NDers were not saved but for some reason God got their attention in advance and sent them back to earth. For those believers who are unsure of what heaven is like, you will have a much clearer idea of how amazing heaven really is. I am glad to know that God gives us the desires of our heart (in heaven) and our former pets will be there! The can’t talk to us but they will be able to understand what we say to them in heaven.

  4. Green Stone

    This book is a treasure in so many ways. It provides wonderful comfort and nurturance, showing us in many ways how God loves each of us with an intimate and very personal love. It fills a need that I’ve been aware of for some time: namely, gives more information about God than we can find in the Bible, information from actual experiences with God.

    That said, there are some limitations to be aware of. John Burke writes as though everyone who has an NDE experiences the God of Christianity, and most experience Jesus. This may be true for very many, but it is not true of all, While I believe, with John, that the New Testament depiction of God is likely the most accurate, especially the things Jesus says which convey God’s intimate love for us personally, nevertheless I think it would be a mistake to imply that there is some type of obligation to be Christian or see things through a Christian lens.

    In fact, one of the common themes NDErs report, wasn’t mentioned at all in this book as far as I could see, which pertains to the fact that we all have many incarnations, not just one. So we reincarnate on Earth. This is a problematic oversight, to leave this out. Many NDErs report that in advance of incarnating, we work with spirit guides and other souls to plan our lives, including deciding who our parents will be. Reincarnation is not part of Christian theology, but it clearly is part of God’s reality.

    Anita Moorjani’s NDE is an important one to highlight some of the imbalance in John Burke’s account of God and of Heaven. Anita’s NDE did not involve meeting Jesus, or a Christian God, but did involve experiencing the same unconditional love that characterizes most NDEr experiences. Anita’s NDE also provides a different slant on the matter of prayer. John uses certain NDEs and Scripture to point to the importance of prayer in God’s eyes, but for Anita, the experience of Oneness was a powerful theme in her NDE, so she realized in her NDE that “I don’t feel the need to pray to an external God who’s separate from me, because I’m always one with the universe, 100% of the time. Thus I feel that my life is a prayer in itself.”

    Eben Alexander’s NDE is another example of someone who experienced God’s unconditional love, but who did not have a Christian experience. He did not meet Jesus, he did not come out of the NDE with any need to live as a Christian. As well, one of the things he was taught by his NDE is that “there is nothing you can do wrong”, which will be challenging to many of us, because that level of unconditional love upon our whole lives, may seem like it doesn’t matter what we do here, what actions we take. It does, but at the same time, we can’t really do wrong. That both those things are true is a paradox, which is difficult for younger souls to understand.

    All in all, I feel that we’d all do well to read or listen to as many NDE stories and books as we can, because many of them together will give us a better understanding of our real home, than to just focus on those books which support our existing religious worldview.

  5. RebeccaMW

    This book has been a game-changer for my faith. If ever you wanted proof of God who loves you and wants what is best for you – while also being a God of justice. I absolutely love how the author uses the NDE stories to evangelise and teach the reader about God and Jesus and his love and how to draw nearer to him, without being at all preachy. Wonderful, wonderful book!

  6. Purple book

    I love both books by John Burke. imagine Heaven and imagine the God of heaven. Highly recommended and I promise you won’t regret buying and reading either one of these 2 books!

  7. John

    I bought this book after listening to an interview with the author. He has done his homework, and makes a very compelling case to his readers. God is more awesome than you could ever imagine. This book will change lives.

  8. Kindle Customer

    I have probably recommended this book to 50 people. Excellent book. Answers so many questions about Heaven. Very reassuring with scientific data and experiences by so many people. A must read for Christians for sure.

  9. Danah Beard

    I LOVED this book. I lost my husband unexpected in March & this book is very soothing to read; it validates the issues of life beyond death in a way that is both spiritual & enlightening. John Burke is a former agnostic that assisted in the making of “After Death”, the documentary on NDEs. I highly recommend BOTH. The book is based on scientific, real-life accounts of NDEs and the similarities between all cultures. Highly recommend all of his books.

  10. Allen P. Weaver III

    I read and listened to “Imagine the God of Heaven” over the course of several days. I have both the paperback and audiobook versions. I found out about the author and this book after watching the “After Death” documentary.

    I could not put this book down! Not only is it great storytelling, but it is theologically accurate and plausible. As someone who studies the Bible and preaches God’s Word on a regular basis, I kept trying to find “holes” in the book, as the research on NDE’s (Near Death Experiences) is somewhat new to me. In the past, I read at least two books (one written by a woman, the other by a man) who allegedly had an NDE and went to heaven. Both of their descriptions of what they experienced went completely against what the Bible actually teaches. Later, controversy surfaced around one of the books, because the woman had an “agenda” and was trying to deliberately cause confusion and lead people away from the teachings of the Bible. Through these past experiences, I learned that if someone’s NDE experience seems to “contradict” the Bible, the best thing to do is to rule out that particular NDE and not “rewrite” the Bible to fit the NDE. Because of these two other books, I approached Pastor Burke’s book with some caution and skepticism.

    “Imagine the God of Heaven” is well worth the read! It has brought me great comfort since my father passed away earlier this year. And over the past few years, other relatives and friends have died as well. All of them served Jesus, so I am looking forward to the day when we will all see each other again. MOST IMPORTANTLY, I look forward to seeing GOD face to face!

    Thank you for researching and writing this book Pastor Burke! May God continue to get the glory, praise and honor, and may readers be strengthened in their faith.

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