Holes (Holes Series)


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This groundbreaking classic is now available in a special anniversary edition with bonus content. Winner of the Newbery Medal as well as the National Book Award, HOLES is a New York Times bestseller and one of the strongest-selling middle-grade books to ever hit shelves!

Stanley Yelnats is under a curse. A curse that began with his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather and has since followed generations of Yelnatses. Now Stanley has been unjustly sent to a boys’ detention center, Camp Green Lake, where the boys build character by spending all day, every day digging holes exactly five feet wide and five feet deep. There is no lake at Camp Green Lake. But there are an awful lot of holes.

It doesn’t take long for Stanley to realize there’s more than character improvement going on at Camp Green Lake. The boys are digging holes because the warden is looking for something. But what could be buried under a dried-up lake? Stanley tries to dig up the truth in this inventive and darkly humorous tale of crime and punishment
—and redemption.

Special anniversary edition bonus content includes: A New Note From the Author!; “Ten Things You May Not Know About HOLES” by Louis Sachar; and more!

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Holes (Holes Series)

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Original price was: $8.99.Current price is: $6.99.

13 reviews for Holes (Holes Series)

  1. Amazon Customer

    In this engaging tale, an isolated, chubby victim of bullying faces compelling adventures that strengthen him, deepen his own self awareness and resilience, and increase his empathy for others. Louis Sachar’s deft hand accomplishes this without a shred of moralizing or pontificating and every reader should find something to relate to amidst the oddball humor, vivid imagery, and suspenseful plot. As a child I lived in a relatively safe world where English teachers foisted dark and tragic literature on us to ‘broaden our minds’. In today’s more dark and dangerous world of active shooter drills, I am so glad to know that inspirational tales like Holes exist to reassure children that perseverance through difficult struggles can lead to better times.

  2. Stephanie R

    My son isn’t a huge novel reader but he really enjoyed this book and was really engaged. This is a great book for kids 10-12.

  3. Amazonholic07

    It’s been a struggle to get my kids to read. They watched this movie several years ago I figure I would give this book a try and honestly this book is more interesting than the movie. It has a lot of details and parts that they left out It’s been a struggle to get my kids to read. They watched this movie several years ago I figure I would give this book a try and honestly this book is more interesting than the movie. It has a lot of details and parts that they left out in the movies. Even from the first three pages, my boys were sucked in into reading it. I highly recommend this book to any kids who are not interested in reading by far. This has been my best choice of books for them. The only complaint I have is the font is fairly small. 10 out of 10.

  4. Alejandro Glez Ponce

    This is a very nice novel with an very to resting Main Carter and he’s mate Zero. I like how the outsour explored the life and the story behind each of three 2 characters. The story is full of adventures making it very enjoy able.

  5. fra7299

    “If only, if only,” the woodpecker sighs,
    The bark on the tree was a soft as the skies…”

    You know, I really dig this book.

    So, I do confess that I have watched the 2003 film countless times (hard to believe it is almost 20 years old…time flies) and so hearing that the film follows the book fairly closely there were no big surprises here. That still didn’t lessen the experience of a fantastic book. In fact, I would definitely say the book is a notch above for me and easily on of my favorites.

    I have sort of a love/hate relationship with young adult type novels. Oftentimes, they are either way too over the top schmaltzy and dripping with too much sentimentalism and not enough meat on their bones, or they are the opposite: filled with pretentious, unlikable “too cool for school” characters who get on a reader’s nerves, or there is too much in the way of unnecessary language, violence, etc. to be labelled a “young adult.” There is none of this in Holes.

    I’m sure everyone knows the basis of the story. Stanley Yelnuts inadvertently and mistakenly is sentenced to Camp Green Lake (ironic name) for his sentence. The boys at the facility are forced to give holes as a part of their “rehabilitation” and “character building.” But it seems clear that something is going on here.

    To me this is the definitive young adult novel in that it is breaks from the tropes of many young adult fare. It is everything that is fantastic about a novel. It has not only an exceptional story line, but also has two other alternating stories interweaved brilliantly within the plot that tie into Stanley’s story, among one of a family curse from years ago because of Stanley’s “no good, rotten, pig-stealing” great grandfather.

    Holes is heartfelt and inspiring and feels as much about overcoming, as friendship, importance of family, and coming to terms with tricky life situations. In a way it is a coming of age as well. There’s an innocent, naive quality to Stanley (who is our narrator) that is so refreshing and rewarding, and he’s easily someone you want to root for as you read about each upcoming predicament.

    Fabulous book, and it has become an instant favorite for me!

  6. Robert Barry

    This was honestly one of the best books I’ve ever read! great job to the author, you did a commendable job making this absolute masterpiece.

  7. Lauren

    very interesting and captivating read, must read

  8. Connie Farris

    My son could not get enough of this book. He hates to read, but loves for me to read to him. He never wanted me to stop reading at night and couldn’t wait to find out what was going to happen the next night. I would recommend this book.

  9. Zsofia

    If you have not read it yet, you should! I borrowed it from my 11-year old daughter and loved it! I should have found and read this book earlier. A great story about hope and inner strengh that we can all find no matter how miserable our situtation might be. You can break your family karma!

  10. Boy-c D

    The character development. The plotline intrigue. The drama and suspense. The paralell stories and timelines. Excellent and captivating all around!

  11. Rui

    Louis Sachar’s Holes is a beloved classic in children’s literature, and for good reason. This novel is a masterclass in storytelling, combining elements of adventure, mystery, and social commentary to create an engaging and memorable narrative that appeals to readers of all ages.

    Initially recommended to me by an author of a writing tutorial book, Holes quickly struck a chord with its familiar yet fresh storytelling. I soon realized that I had seen the movie adaptation of Holes, which only deepened my appreciation for Sachar’s original work. As the writing tutorial author suggested, this book is a treasure trove of writing techniques, making it an excellent study for aspiring writers.

    The story follows Stanley Yelnats, a boy who is wrongfully sent to a labor camp where he and other boys are forced to dig holes in the desert. The plot masterfully weaves together multiple storylines, including the history of Stanley’s family curse and the mysterious outlaw Kissing Kate Barlow. Through these interwoven tales, Sachar explores themes of fate, justice, and redemption.

    What makes Holes particularly remarkable is its accessibility. The language is straightforward and clear, making it easy for younger readers to follow, while the depth of the narrative ensures that older readers remain engaged. The characters are well-developed and relatable, each with their unique quirks and backstories that add richness to the plot.

  12. Mannie

    I got this book because I used to have it when I was a child. I loved reading it when I was growing up . It’s a great book so I decided to buy it again.

  13. Long term customer

    At some point in life, destiny will call you with some hard to believe coincidences. Please know that luck favors the prepared

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