Glucose Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar


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Original price was: $32.50.Current price is: $17.89.

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Improve all areas of your health from your sleep, cravings, mood, energy, skin, weight, and even slow down aging, with “simple and accessible science-based hacks” (Michael Mosley, MD, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Fast Diet) to manage your blood sugar levels while still eating the foods you love.

Glucose, or blood sugar, is a tiny molecule in our body that has a huge impact on our health. It enters our bloodstream through the starchy or sweet foods we eat. Ninety percent of us suffer from too much glucose in our system—and most of us don’t know it.

The symptoms? Cravings, fatigue, infertility, hormonal issues, acne, wrinkles. And over time, the development of conditions like type 2 diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome, cancer, dementia, and heart disease.

Drawing on cutting-edge science and her own pioneering research, biochemist Jessie Inchauspé offers ten simple, surprising hacks to help you balance your glucose levels and reverse your symptoms—without going on a diet or giving up the foods you love. For example:
-What small change to your breakfast will unlock energy and cut your cravings
-How eating foods in the right order will make you lose weight effortlessly
-What secret ingredient will allow you to eat dessert and still go into fat-burning mode

Both entertaining, informative, and packed with the latest scientific data, this book presents a new way to think about better health. Glucose Revolution is chock-full of tips that can drastically and immediately improve your life, whatever your dietary preferences.

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Glucose Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar

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Original price was: $32.50.Current price is: $17.89.

10 reviews for Glucose Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar

  1. GARY55

    Jessie Inchauspe is brilliant. This book is full of very useful and effective information building on her 10 Hacks found on her YouTube videos. As a biochemist and medical researcher, she is considerably more knowledgeable than many physicians I’ve met about nutrition and its impact on health. I have been struggling with borderline diabetes/pre-diabetes for years. Doctors wanted to put me on Metformin which I refused as I’m improving and reversing this condition through diet, exercise, and natural supplements. This is a very interesting easy to read book that fully explains how important it is to balance and flatten glucose spikes and improve insulin sensitivity. Many people know ”What” to eat and what foods to avoid, intermittent fasting addresses “When” to eat. This book discusses “How” to eat in a particular order to noticeably benefit health. She explains glucose spikes and insulin resistance and its relationship impacting health, chronic illnesses and aging. She states that chronic diseases including heart, cancer, obesity, diabetes, dementia, PCOS, and others are from inflammation stemming from uncontrolled glucose spikes. Feeding children in this particular order can also improve their health- childhood diabetes is a major concern.

    Inchauspe cites a 2015 Cornell Study which found that people who ate food in this order (described below) reduced glucose spikes by 73% and insulin spikes by 48% within 2 hours, along with a significant reduction in their A1C levels. This is huge! My own blood testing and eating a variety of foods in this order, including various desserts, shows an impressive further reduction in my 2 hour postprandial blood glucose readings which are typically in the 90’s or lower.

    The 10 Hacks found in her YouTube videos are greatly expanded upon in this book to make these hacks even more effective in normalizing glucose and improving blood testing and A1C scores, while helping to lose weight by eating foods in a certain order: First- salads and/or veggies. Second- protein and good fats. Third and last- carbohydrates & starches. Yes, you can eat whatever you want, and however much you want (no counting calories) and even have dessert as part of the meal while minimizing glucose spikes and fat storage, improving insulin sensitivity and overall health. Eating in this order becomes a lifestyle and easy to implement daily. I find eating this way that I’m already pretty full by the time I get to the carb and dessert stage which helps maintain my weight. Other hacks include drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in water or in a dressing, not eating naked carbs (take carbs with a good fat or protein), and walking after a meal.

    I have been doing intermittent fasting for a few years and recently incorporated Jessie’s 10 hacks. Combining fasting with these hacks has been the missing link to further improve my overall health that I can see, feel, and measure.

    Highly recommended!

  2. Jennifer Gonzalez

    There are lots of books on diet, but not that many on WHY you experience certain symptoms. This book written by a scientits, who explains very well the WHY’s. But better, she offers solutions to change for the better our food intake. Because Food is the key to a better health. Known fact. Jessie Inchauspé explain the science behind balancing blood sugar. It is not a book on diabetis, it is the not so known fact about the corrolation of blood sugar and the food we eat, the time we eat and how to optimize all in a way that is pleasant and non-cohersive. Brilliant Book, Brilliant writer. Book 2 is a must too. Highly recommend. 5****

  3. Lucky0609

    33% of Americans are verging on type 2 diabetes and do not know it.
    This should make you run to get this book!
    Following Glucose goddess on Instagram and got her book as well. It is easy to read, with fun illustrations by the author. She has truly helped me so much with my insulin resistance and managing my glucose spikes. “Lifestyle optimization” is an essential for everyone. Why wait until you are diagnosed? These hacks are simple, fun, and super easy. Her audiobook is also out now and is read by the author!! Which is awesome.

    What makes this book even MORE useful though, is if you invest in a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) and have the app. I had the Freestyle Libre sensor. Each sensor lasts 2 weeks on the skin and logs your real-time glucose levels 24/7. Way better than doing the old fashioned painful and wasteful lancet and test strips. Although you can verify your CGM occasionally using the lancet, and see how accurate the CGM is. You can have a CGM prescription written for you if you INSIST at your nurse practitioner’s. (NPs are WAY more open to this kind of experimentation and self-monitoring…I got the rebuff from the doctor, HA!)
    What is so sad is that the healthcare system is so broken that insurance will NOT cover a CGM UNTIL you have full-blown type 2 diabetes and are dependent on exogenous insulin delivery. OR if you are a type 1 diabetic and born without the ability to process glucose. Sad huh? The FDA wants you sick, fat, ugly, and miserable. We are MUCH better desperate customers then…willing and eager to take any pills to solve the problems!

    Let’s not be proactive and encourage the PATIENT to take measures against type 2 diabetes, right?
    So there are MANY benefits of managing glucose. Fairly effortless weight loss actually. In this book she dives into nutrition science and the biochemistry of different sugars as well. She has so much credibility and science-driven data backed up by her own personal journey as well as many peer-reviewed articles.

    Thank you Jessie!

  4. Jennifer Gonzalez

    No soy médico. Algunos libros comerciales sobre el cuerpo humano son de puro sentido común. Muchas veces prefiero leeer estudios médicos. Me enimé con este libro porque mi endocrino me recomendó el insta de la autora, sus tips me han sido útiles y decidí leer el libro. Es excelente, con una gran bibliografía, con sinceridad, fue más de lo que yo esperaba. Lo tengo siempre cerca para llevarlo con migo al súper y leer las etiquetas.

    Yo tengo dermatitis y siguiendo los tópicos del libro disminuyó muchísimo. También pude al fin bajar de peso sin pensar en calorias. Y ya no muero de hambre todo el día, antes no podía pasar más de 3 horas sin comer y ahora puedo pasar hasta 6 horas sin comer y sin hambre.

    Tienes que leer este libro.

  5. A. J. Camillocci

    This book is really well-made and it’s also really easy to Read. It also has a lot of really useful tips that you can use to implement into your life and it’s nothing drastic. They’re very simple tips. I would suggest in reading this book may pull out a notepad with a pin to subject down some notes to make a little bit more enjoyable to read not that it’s not enjoyable. Overall, this book is really well-made really informative and Jesse is a very intelligent person and their work is backed up by science and personal anecdotes.

  6. DRN

    I have both type 2 diabetes and heart failure, so I need to limit sodium (2g per day) and fluids (2 liters per day) some of the suggestions would put me over one or the other, or both without proper planning. I really like the concepts and I am working hard to add the hacks.

  7. Samantha

    I loved reading this wonderful book. Inspirational and very, very helpful. I look forward to her next book. Read it now!

  8. Yus

    Worth buying

  9. Lucky0609

    To start I do not have diabetes but have lost 90 pounds on my own with a good 30 left to go. I’m considering starting GLP-1’s and wanted to understand a bit about glucose and how it all works. My husband went to the ER and I almost finished it in one sitting in the waiting room. The book is well written, makes sense, avoids repeating and is easy to understand. This is not a diet book. It explains how glucose spikes work and provides real life hacks you can do to flatten your glucose spikes. I’m currently working on focusing the order I eat my food, limiting carbs and sugar and moving after I eat. I’m also going to replace lemon in my salads with vinegar as there are lots of benefits of using vinegar. If you want to learn how to naturally and easily manage your glucose spikes, this is the book for you!

  10. Patricia Dion Pageau

    It was amazingly easy to understand her tips! It’s possible! We all can do it! Thank you very much indeed, Jessie! I’ll cure my health problems with food!

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