Five Brothers


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Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $9.99.

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One woman learns the secrets of the five Jaeger brothers in the new romance from New York Times bestselling author Penelope Douglas.

On the other side of town, in the dark glades, under the rain…

Macon is the oldest. Thirty-one. Ex-Marine. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile.

Army is twenty-eight. A single dad with the most beautiful green eyes. He has no idea who he is, if not a Jaeger brother.

Iron will be in prison soon. You’d never think it to meet him. He’s a nice guy, actually. But he can’t stop reacting to everything.

Dallas is the one I hate. Twenty-one, cruel, and selfish. He takes and then throws away whatever’s left.

And Trace is mine. Or he was for about two seconds. No one can tame him for long.

Not that I ever wanted to. It was fun, but now I need to go home. Back to my side of the tracks. Away from the swamps and these men. To my parents’ big house. On my clean street. Where I’m never dirty or messy or hot. And I will. I’ll leave first thing tomorrow morning. I just want to crash on the couch tonight.

Their house is dark and quiet, everyone else is asleep. Except for one. He sees me crying and comes at me from behind. I let him wrap his arms around my body and hold me tightly. His breath is on my neck, his fingers are in my hair, and he doesn’t stop there.

I don’t think it was Trace.

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Five Brothers

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Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $9.99.

12 reviews for Five Brothers

  1. Katherine

    the story was good, still, it would be better to have several chapters with Iron in the end, to see what have they got after his return from prison

    also, there were a lot of things in the end, too fast than i would want it to be

    but, idk, i’m sure that will not want to reread this one, it was interesting, but not enough 😞

  2. Kindle Customer

    Loved this book! I love Penelope Douglas stories because they seem to play out like a movie in my head! It’s a bit of a rushed ending. Everything after 80% of the book is pretty straightforward and predictable, but I guess that’s for the conclusion of the story! Immediately off to grab another story of hers!

  3. Nmc080915

    I have been waiting for this book since I heard it was coming out and I was not disappointed.
    This book was so good. Captivating, exciting, thrilling, Spicy, emotional, happy, sad, and freaking perfect.
    The Jaeger family is unique and I love reading about them. I love a wrong side of the tracks story as well.
    Penelope Douglas has the best way with words and you feel them in your soul, this book makes you feel that.

    I won’t go into detail because it would be a spoiler but go read this today and prepare to be hooked for life.


  4. Alicia

    This one is honestly very hard for me to rate! Looking back on it, I really enjoyed the setting and the characters and was invested in seeing what would happen. I also am very intrigued to see what happens with the series (if it is going to be a series? hopefully…?) moving forward. But there were a couple things that didn’t 100% work for me.

    I’m going to try and keep things very vague because the fun part is trying to figure out which brother Krisjen ends up with! I honestly was pretty satisfied with how things ended up. Was he my favorite brother? Not necessarily. But I think it made sense given where the story went.

    I honestly found it hard to pick a favorite brother! There were a couple I found myself naturally gravitating towards. And I’m sure people that know my reading tastes could tell which ones haha. But there were really things that I liked about each brother and things I didn’t. They all seemed to make stupid decisions and make me mad at least one point haha. But I loved how they protected each other and brought Krisjen into their family.

    And I mean, she does have relations with most of them haha so if you are someone who wasn’t a fan of Credence, this one miiiight not be the book for you. I liked Krisjen overall as an FMC. I liked how she took care of her siblings and pushed some of the brothers to do better. And I enjoyed her friendships with Liv and Clay!

    However, I struggled with some of the plotlines outside of Krisjen’s relationships with the brothers. I have not read TSV so maybe that was part of it, but there were a lot of people to keep track of and it took me a while to really understand the dynamics of the town and keep the characters straight. Which might not have been the case if I had read TSV or if I honestly had eyeball read instead of audio. So that could be a me problem. Also this was long. In ways it made sense cause you have five brothers to explore, but I still really felt the length.

    So overall, I did enjoy it! Not my favorite from Penelope Douglas, but I am very excited to see where this series could go. We got a few teasers at who some of the other brothers could end up with and there are some I think that I could really enjoy books about. So I hope we get them! I do recommend this one for anyone who is intrigued by it!

  5. Tyler Anne Trabont

    No Spoilers

    This book was the best book I’ve read all year (and I’ve read 73 so far)! The problems these characters face (not the overarching Swamp v Saint debacle) felt very real, no doubt because this author knows how to write emotion beautifully. I can’t express enough how much I enjoy reading about these complex characters.
    That sense of community and family throughout the chapters – chefs kiss!

    Yes, there is plenty of spice, tropes, and banter! But what made this book 10/10 and so hard to put down once I started was the multi-POV, allowing me to know these characters deeper.

    Make sure to take the trigger warnings seriously. For me the biggest hitter was the depression/suicide because it was very accurate to how it feels to live in those dark places, the heartbreak of seeing someone you care deeply about hurting, and struggling to juggle responsible one has to themselves and others.

    Penelope you’ve done it again!

  6. Kirsty Anderson

    Story of Krisjen and the five Jaeger brother’s. I just loved this book. Krisjen is perfect, the way she looks after her siblings and loves the five brothers. I can’t rave about this book enough. Every brother is different and gets pov. It’s spicy, but it’s also about connection (I feel).
    You have to read it, Five Brothers is phenomenal.

  7. PamR

    This book delivers on every level- surface entertainment with hot men and women having lots of hot sex, complex storyline, well developed characters, ver real family dynamics. Exceptionally accurate depiction of severe depression, and the feelings and thoughts behind the desire to just ‘leave’. Also how that is perceived and misunderstood by those closest to us. Thank you PD for producing good fiction that is so much more than that.

  8. Jeni jones

    Omg this book as my heart. I didn’t read the description of the book and thought maybe it was a RH for a while. But this book took me on a ride. I’m addicted to this story I need more 🥹

  9. Marsha

    I usually read books on Unlimited, but read the sample and decided to pay the hefty price. So happy that I did. This is one of the top 10 books I have read this year and I have read over 100. Became so invested in these characters and this family and was so sad when it ended. I wish there were other books about the other family members that I could read right now. Hoping others come soon.
    This book is different than most books I have read. It’s is sexy, spicy, thrilling and kept me up at night. I loved the character Macon and wish he could be explored in more depth. Liked how the author dealt with the subject of mental illness. This book has a little bit of everything for everyone. Definitely 5+ stars for me.

  10. Teaandbooks.KM

    Not quite Rh, but almost. 😅. Wow, a lot was happening in this book, but I now I want more on the rest of the brothers now.
    Was hooked from chapter two and didn’t want to put it down.

  11. Mary A.

    I was so looking forward to this but I’m kind of disappointed. I’m giving it 4 stars but I feel like it’s more of a 3 star book. Fans of credence will like who she ends up with. I felt bad for Army in this book and the end just felt like one minute he didn’t want to live with out her and the next that he was fine if she wasn’t there. I’m sure we will see more of these characters in the next books. She has 4 brother left.

  12. Diana K.

    Fans of Credence, I suspect, will be drawn to this book. Truth: Credence was not a favorite of mine when I first read it. I’m not a fan of multiple lovers (especially when they are related to one another). So, when I first encountered Credence, I think my dislike of that trope sabotaged a true enjoyable reading experience for myself. I really didn’t give it a fair chance. Then, later on, I decided to read it a second time with a much more open mind. I liked it a lot better, and I understood it more. Enter Five Brothers. This book is similar, yet something else. Yes, there are multiple s*xual encounters and yes, I am still not a fan of that dynamic BUT I am obsessed with the book. I have absolute love, hate, happiness, anger, respect, admiration and sadness for this story. And I will probably never read it again (well, MAYBE never). I related so intensely with one of the characters in this book that it short circuited me emotionally. I cried in the shower for about 15mins when I was done reading it and thought back on certain moments in the book pertaining to this particular character (which at this moment, is my favorite brother). I almost NEVER cry over a book. The story is beautiful. I love it so much that it actually hurts when I think about it. It makes me want to cry all over again. I love Krisjen for the anchor she is. I love the Jaeger brothers for the storms that they are. You will learn about each brother and what makes him tick and what makes him crack. What I didn’t understand in Credence, I understood in Five Brothers. It’s not about the s*x. It’s about the struggles, revelations, hope, and survival that each character is so desperately seeking. Using whatever coping mechanism, you can in order to get by on a day-to-day basis. Even when it’s unhealthy and not the best choice. To dull the pain, even if just for a minute or an hour of silence from the dark thoughts in your head. It’s about that sliver of light we cling to when we are drowning in a pool of darkness. That something or someone that can offer a crumb of hope. It’s about love, family and life. And five hot men (haha. sorry, had to). Open your mind, be prepared, and enjoy it for the absolute amazing story that it is. Disappointment doesn’t exist here (at least not for me). Always remember – “This could be it”.

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