Economical Writing, Third Edition: Thirty-Five Rules for Clear and Persuasive Prose (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)


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Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $15.10.

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Economics is not a field that is known for good writing. Charts, yes. Sparkling prose, no.
Except, that is, when it comes to Deirdre Nansen McCloskey. Her conversational and witty yet always clear style is a hallmark of her classic works of economic history, enlivening the dismal science and engaging readers well beyond the discipline. And now she’s here to share the secrets of how it’s done.
Economical Writing is itself economical: a collection of thirty-five pithy rules for making your writing clear, concise, and effective. Proceeding from big-picture ideas to concrete strategies for improvement at the level of the paragraph, sentence, or word, McCloskey shows us that good writing, after all, is not just a matter of taste—it’s a product of adept intuition and a rigorous revision process. Debunking stale rules, warning us that “footnotes are nests for pedants,” and offering an arsenal of readily applicable tools and methods, she shows writers of all levels of experience how to rethink the way they approach their work, and gives them the knowledge to turn mediocre prose into magic.
At once efficient and digestible, hilarious and provocative, Economical Writing lives up to its promise. With McCloskey as our guide, it’s impossible not to see how any piece of writing—on economics or any other subject—can be a pleasure to read.

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Economical Writing, Third Edition: Thirty-Five Rules for Clear and Persuasive Prose (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)

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Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $15.10.

13 reviews for Economical Writing, Third Edition: Thirty-Five Rules for Clear and Persuasive Prose (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)

  1. Emiliano

    Excelente guía de escritura de no ficción en inglés. Además es muy divertida la prosa y ejemplifica lo que se escribe

  2. Mehran

    Great book for everyone!

  3. A. Butler

    Well written, as expected, with great writing tips.

  4. Hande Z

    Writing, McCloskey writes, is a correctible skill. Life in mid vocation is mainly about having to write – a lot; but this book is for students of any age. McCloskey observes the most important rule, ‘Be clear’. The skills discussed in this book are not only about spelling and punctuation, the avoidance of meaningless words like ‘interesting’, ‘concept’, and ‘process’, although at page 41 she writes, ‘Your writing must be interesting’. Maybe she is observing another rule – ‘Learn the rules in order to be joyously creative’ (p.15). My favourite rule is Rule 26: Avoid words that bad writers love.

    Rule 29 tells us to avoid cheap typographical tricks. Avoid underlining and frequent italicising of words. McCloskey is also against the use of acronyms. This is a particular fault in reports and technical writing, and should be taboo in creative writing. This book covers rules on every aspect of writing, including punctuation, paragraphing, and the use of footnotes.

    This book exhorts its readers to pay attention to clarity and editing. Telling us to keep thinking about the draft, McCloskey cites Samuel Johnson’s words, ‘What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure’. Rule 33 is unusual. It is about speaking, not writing, but speaking, like writing, is a form of communication, and learning to speak well is to learn to write well.

  5. John F. Sase

    First found this book in the late 1980s while working on my dissertation. Recommended to me by the faculty of my college. I now have all three editions that I share with my upper-level students.

  6. Daniel Prado

    Valuable toughts for economical writing

  7. Alexandra

    Very helpful book, full of tips. Great reading too!

  8. Tom Cairns

    McCloskey is a leading economic historian who also has a background in rhetoric. This guide – directed at economists, employs McCloskey’s “Humanomics” approach to making economic writing more accessible and persuasive.

  9. Molong Roger

    This material will keep you going higher in life no matter the circumstances

  10. Enginerd1701

    It hurts so good!

    Here are thirty-five rules for any writer – novelist, student, scientist, journalist, or office worker. You’ll learn some of the things writers do that are simply wrong. Even better, you’ll learn why technically correct writing is still often bad and how to turn it into clear, convincing, and even enjoyable prose. You’ll probably cringe as you see many of the mistakes you’ve been making exposed so plainly. I did.

  11. Amazon Customer

    I’ll politely disagree with Professor McCloskey on a very small number of recommendations and admonishments–I do love pause-commas, for one! But the clear prose and good humor convey the points I spend so much ink correcting on student papers. This fantastic little book is now required reading for my advanced undergraduate seminar students.

  12. Samuel Vazquez

    Escribe más de lo bien que escribe que dar consejos prácticos o ejemplos específicos. Si los da, pero leeras mas tiempo sobre su modestia

  13. Aaron McLoughlin

    Most writing that I read is turgid. This short guide will help any writer inflict less pain on the reader.

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