Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High, Third Edition


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Original price was: $17.25.Current price is: $16.13.

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This New York Times bestseller and business classic has been fully updated for a world where skilled communication is more important than ever.

The book that revolutionized business communications has been updated for today’s workplace. Crucial Conversations provides powerful skills to ensure every conversation―especially difficult ones―leads to the results you want. Written in an engaging and witty style, it teaches readers how to be persuasive rather than abrasive, how to get back to productive dialogue when others blow up or clam up, and it offers powerful skills for mastering high-stakes conversations, regardless of the topic or person.

This new edition addresses issues that have arisen in recent years. You’ll learn how to:

  • Respond when someone initiates aCrucial Conversationwith you
  • Identify and address the lag time between identifying a problem and discussing it
  • Communicate more effectively across digital mediums

When stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong, you have three choices: Avoid a crucial conversation and suffer the consequences; handle the conversation poorly and suffer the consequences; or apply the lessons and strategies of Crucial Conversations and improve relationships and results.

Whether they take place at work or at home, with your coworkers or your spouse, Crucial Conversations have a profound impact on your career, your happiness, and your future. With the skills you learn in this book, you’ll never have to worry about the outcome of a Crucial Conversation again.

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Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High, Third Edition

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Original price was: $17.25.Current price is: $16.13.

13 reviews for Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High, Third Edition

  1. Mustafa Hamalawi

    Everyone should read it!

  2. James J.

    Un libro que a través de sus capítulos nos enseña como mantener el rumbo de una conversación importante y que podemos hacer para enfocarla y no desviarnos.

  3. Noemi

    🌟 Unlock the power of effective communication with “Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High.” In its third edition, this insightful book provides practical tools and strategies for navigating difficult and important conversations with confidence. Get ready to enhance your communication skills and transform challenging dialogues into constructive and meaningful exchanges! 🌟

    🌼 Top 5 Takeaways 🌼

    1️⃣ Navigate High-Stakes Conversations: “Crucial Conversations” equips readers with the tools and techniques needed to handle high-stakes conversations effectively. Whether it’s discussing sensitive topics, addressing conflicts, or making tough decisions, this book offers invaluable guidance to navigate such crucial moments.

    2️⃣ Create a Safe and Open Environment: The book emphasizes the importance of establishing a safe and open environment for productive dialogue. It provides insights on fostering trust, encouraging mutual respect, and ensuring everyone’s voice is heard, setting the stage for meaningful conversations.

    3️⃣ Mastering Dialogue Skills: “Crucial Conversations” delves into the essential skills of dialogue, including active listening, expressing opinions effectively, and staying focused amidst emotions. It offers practical techniques to engage in respectful and constructive discussions, even in challenging circumstances.

    4️⃣ Overcome Communication Barriers: The book addresses common communication barriers such as defensiveness, misunderstanding, and emotional triggers. It provides strategies for overcoming these barriers and transforming conflicts into opportunities for understanding and resolution.

    5️⃣ Practical Application: With real-life examples and case studies, “Crucial Conversations” demonstrates the practical application of its principles. It offers step-by-step frameworks, checklists, and exercises that help readers internalize the tools and apply them in real-world situations.

    ⭐ Pros ⭐
    ✅ Practical tools for navigating high-stakes conversations.
    ✅ Creation of a safe and open communication environment.
    ✅ Mastery of essential dialogue skills for effective communication.
    ✅ Overcoming common communication barriers.
    ✅ Real-life examples and practical application of principles.

    ⛔ Cons ⛔
    ❌ Requires practice and commitment to apply the techniques effectively.
    ❌ Some may find certain concepts or strategies challenging to implement in specific contexts.

    🌟 In summary, “Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High” is an invaluable resource for enhancing communication skills and successfully navigating challenging conversations. With its practical tools, strategies, and real-life examples, it empowers individuals to engage in meaningful dialogue, address conflicts, and make informed decisions. Master the art of crucial conversations and unlock the power of effective communication with this transformative book! 🌟

  4. Sassy Vee

    excelente produto

  5. Dee Frankenberg

    This book is not a tips and tricks book. It is not a self change book. It is a book based on researched best practices that help people communicate effectively in high stakes, highly consequential conversations where it all could be on the line. I have read and been able to apply the skill set obtained from this book into my leadership skills in education. The results have been priceless. I lead 60 staff members and have had to have some tough conversations. Now 99% of the time the result is one of mutual respect and deepening of the relationship. I used to find conflict one that I would try to avoid, or try to control the outcomes. We all come to the table with how we’ve learned to communicate and negotiate with difficult people and situations. This book literally systemically breaks down the skill sets to help you be your best for others.

  6. Mateo Buriticá

    We learn to talk when we are young but we don’t learn to engage in a mature dialogue
    Talking is like learning to walk while Crucial Conversations skills teach you to walk over a rope it is a new skill that you need to develop to have a mature relationships specially in our complex world

  7. paulo cesar da silva lopes

    Im beruflichen Umfeld wurden mir Buch und Training von meinem Mentor empfohlen und ich werde ihm dafür ewig dankbar sein.
    Buch und Hörbuch sind seither meine Begleiter und mit jeder weiteren Runde des erneuten Lesens und Hörens entdecke ich neue Dinge, die die Kommunikation mit anderen Menschen verbessern, vereinfachen, klarer und präziser machen.

    Jeder der meint dass es sich hier um ein “ich lese mir das einmal durch und bin dann der König der Kommunikation”-Buch handelt – das ist denke ich nicht das Ansinnen der Autoren und auch nicht der Anspruch der an dieses Buch gerichtet werden sollte. Ich betrachte dieses Werk viel mehr als eine fortwährende Trainingslektüre, die – entsprechende Disziplin und den Willen an sich selbst zu arbeiten vorausgesetzt – unterstützt sich individuell zu entwickeln. Das passiert nicht durch Magie sondern durch konsequentes und fortwährendes Üben, hinterfragen, sich selbst und andere Beobachten. So angewandt eröffnet es viele Blickwinkel, die zuvor verborgen waren und ermöglicht es Dynamiken in Konversationen zu erkennen, die mitunter über Erfolg oder Misserfolg einer solchen entscheiden können.
    Ich bin wirklich begeistert und werde das Buch sicher noch etliche Male lesen und das Hörbuch hören. Die Auswirkungen sind in meinem Leben bereits deutlich zu sehen und zu spüren und auch meinem Umfeld ist meine “neue” Art zu kommunizieren nicht verborgen geblieben.

    Ich kann jedem Interessierten zu diesem Buch raten und kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass jemand durch die Lektüre dümmer wird. 😉

  8. James J.

    The more I learned from reading this book, the better person I have become. It is very easy to understand, and everyone should read it.

  9. Dee Frankenberg

    Everyone should own this book. You should buy a copy of it now. A book everyone should read and that applies to business, relationships, and daily life.

    This book has a permanent home on my desk because I open it almost every day. This book applies to every conversation, especially the difficult ones and made me a better communicator nearly immediately in work and life (even though I had considered myself a good one prior)

    Favorite Takeaway: This book transformed the way I answer questions. Too often we try to wordsmith or sugar coat things to not upset others. After reading this book I realized that at work it was best to answer any employee’s question authentically, directly and with respect. You may not like the answer, but I will share the reality and truth.

  10. Cliente de Amazon

    This book is a must read. Before i read it i had no idea how many crucial conversations i was involved in, everyday, and the lessons in this book have taught me to be aware of them.
    It’s also helped me navigate conversations and always end up in win win situations!

  11. Nathan

    This is a fantastic book for strengthening or becoming aware of your communication skills. Not only are the methods and bases practical and effective, they’re all in service of protecting both parties and doing what’s right and what’s going to reach mutual understanding. Transparency, integrity, HEALTHY BOUNDARIES, and more. I really love this book. Love it.


    I read this book for a seminary class on intercultural communication. It is a great book on how to have hard conversations with people especially when you are in a leadership position. This book is a good read for leaders no matter what field they are in. Both church leadership and secular business leadership. It helped me both in my church ministry and my secular job as a supervisor.

  13. Rachel Lederman

    Adele read this during COVID and loved it. Turns out we have the same taste. Easy to read and understand. The examples are realistic and the advice works in any setting.

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