Built from Broken: A Science-Based Guide to Healing Painful Joints, Preventing Injuries, and Rebuilding Your Body


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Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $15.29.

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Heal painful joints, prevent injuries, and rebuild your body from the ground up.
(If mainstream fitness advice has left you broken down and beat up, it’s time for a new strategy.)

Most middle-aged fitness enthusiasts and athletes have been dragged down by joint pain, injuries, and other ailments commonly accepted as “part of getting older.”

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

In fact, anyone can conquer joint pain and rebuild their body.
It simply requires understanding the hidden causes and a road map (this book) that leads to the solution.

Built from Broken presents a paradigm shift in how to think about corrective exercise, sports nutrition, and joint health.
Once you see how the system works, you’ll never look at exercise or joint health the same way again.

Part 1 lays the foundation for understanding why your joints are breaking down.
You’ll learn:

  • The 5 primary causes of joint pain.

  • How to prevent the “Big 3” injuries that trap you in the Pain/Injury Cycle.

  • Why conventional pain management merely masks symptoms (and 3 natural pain relief techniques that actually work).

  • How to identify and fix muscle imbalances that lead to tension, pain, and injuries.

  • Natural injury recovery strategies that improve healing time and tissue repair quality.

Part 2 gives you a step-by-step corrective exercise guide and list of action steps to rebuild your body from the ground up.

  • The ideal training schedule to maximize muscle recovery and connective tissue repair (in as little as 2 days per week, at any age).

  • Illustrated corrective exercise instructions (with several home workout options).

  • How to strengthen joints with cutting-edge connective tissue training techniques.

  • A step-by-step training program complete with workout routines.

Whether you have been training for a few years, a few decades, or have never stepped foot in a weight room, it’s not too late to overhaul your body.

If the conventional path of lifting and stretching has left you broken down, why not try a new strategy?

This book is your way out of the pain/injury cycle.

All you have to do is follow three simple steps.

  1. Read the book.

  2. Follow the action steps inside to resolve your pain.

  3. Implement the 4-week corrective training program outlined in the book.

Just imagine, in 4-8 weeks from now, you could be in a pain-free, mobile, strong, and functional body.

One that allows you to do the activities you love, push the limits of your capabilities, and achieve your true physical potential.

This process can start for you right now.

All you have to do is click the “buy” button and order your copy of Built from Broken.

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Built from Broken: A Science-Based Guide to Healing Painful Joints, Preventing Injuries, and Rebuilding Your Body

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Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $15.29.

10 reviews for Built from Broken: A Science-Based Guide to Healing Painful Joints, Preventing Injuries, and Rebuilding Your Body

  1. Ondrej D.

    If you really want to feel and look better, this book will show you how to do it! Thank you

  2. Karin

    I really love this book? It’s so informative and helpful. I am learning how to workout, move and take care of my joints, muscles , tendons and mind. I highly recommend it!

  3. Roger

    Ich habe eine umfassende Sport-Lektüre-Sammlung und dieses Buch zählt zu denen, von denen ich noch am meisten Neues lernen konnte. Den Ausführungen des Autors zufolge, habe ich vorher bereits das meiste richtig gemacht. Manche Dinge ist man sich aber nicht immer bewusst und sollte sich regelmäßig aktiv damit beschäftigen.
    Ich habe schon genug Menschen getroffen, die dieses Buch dringend lesen und einiges darin umsetzen sollten. Es ist tatsächlich auch eines der wenigen Bücher, die ich schon häufiger weiter empfohlen habe. Nicht jeder bräuchte ein Buchtipp für Kraftsport oder eine bestimmte Sportart – aber sehr viele Menschen haben irgendwelche körperlichen Beschwerden. Daher ist das Buch für eine breite Masse an Menschen geeignet.
    Sehr positiv bewerte ich auch die einfach gehaltene englische Sprache mit wenigen unnötigen Fachbegriffen. Daher lässt sich das Buch sehr flüssig lesen und gut verstehen.

  4. Shars in Sammamish

    I am still just thumbing through the book but have already picked up on new concepts I had not yet heard – like how the concept of warm ups has changed and for injury recovery RICE is no longer valid, also some very good info on calcium synthesis and supplements. It seems very well organized and loaded with helpful info. As some others have noted, the exercises could use a little more detail – more pics perhaps but I have found online videos for where I needed more info. All in all this book will be very useful for me and has exceeded my expectations.

  5. P. Rank

    This book is excellent in every possible way. I ordered the first book about a week ago and as I am reading it, it’s exceeding my expectations. The first part explains what can go wrong, why, and what to do about it. If I find this information useful because when I am feeling pain or stiffness I now have a mental model of what is causing it and whether I should persevere or stop doing what I am doing. It’s very well written. Unlike other reviewers I don’t find this part verbose; the right information is provided well.

    Of course, even before I finished Part I, I peeked into the exercises in Part II. They seem to be easy enough for me to start out, but an inevitable challenge of all exercise books is to coordinate descriptions of various programs with descriptions of individual exercises. There is no perfect solution for an author.

    But there is a perfect solution for me. I’ve just ordered a second copy of the same book. I will break its spine, separate individual pages, and assemble them into sequences of exercises. The book is now selling for $15.29; two copies are just over $30 including tax. It’s negligible in comparison with my daily expenses and especially with the cost of having physical limitations.

  6. Karin

    Just finished another Built from Broken session and feel great. I’ve been using the book off and on for a couple of months, on days when the winter weather is too bad for me to actually ride my horse. So, I’m not exactly on schedule, but am gradually progressing through the beginner workouts. My body definitely feels happier, stronger, more balanced, and more capable in spite of injuries over the years. (I probably wouldn’t have gotten injured if this book had existed!) Many of these exercises I’ve never seen before. I like the variety. You will need some simple, inexpensive equipment, but a lot of it I already had because of other books I have tried. I took my paperback of Built from Broken to the office store and had them cut off the spine and three-hole-punch it to stay open in a binder because I kept losing my place going back and forth between the workout exercise list and how to do the exercise. (I probably should have bought the spiral-bound version.) I also marked page numbers on the workout exercise lists and created sticky note tabs to mark each exercise for easy lookup. The author/publisher should create a high-quality, high-contrast, high-resolution printing of this book, with exercises tabbed, workouts tabbed, built-in bookmark ribbons, etc. The font and print quality could be better, and even if a high-quality print/tabbed version were pricey, it would be worth it as a lifetime investment. To give you an idea of how much I like this book, I also have the Kindle version, so I can adapt exercises when traveling or do keyword searches, e.g. “sore shoulder” or “core”. Great, helpful book!

  7. Amazon Kunde

    Superb book with explaination about many everyday issues with pain. I can highly recommend this for people suffering with shoulder pain, back pain or any pain overall.

  8. Renee Elizabeth Kendrick

    I occasionally download a Kindle book from the daily Amazon list, and maybe get around to it months or years later. This was one such Kindle book, which I recently finished reading. I decided to purchase the paper copy, because I wanted to be able to see full size images and be able to jump instantly to the page I wanted by flipping through it. IMHO, it’s just better for good reference material to have a physical copy!

    The author notes that with many people, they kinda have to hit rock bottom before they take their health seriously. Yes, that’s me. I was in pain so severe, for 3 months, that I could barely move. This was from the onset of OsteoArthritis, particularly in one knee joint. As a therapist, I knew there were things that could be done, but with my own modality, it’s something you can do for others, but not for yourself! I began researching heavily, took some additional training specifically for kinesiology and osteoarthritis, and began treating with non-consumer Red Light LED/Laser therapy. Good success, but not complete, yet. I began to incorporate movement from “The Knees Over Toes Guy,” which I also recommend, and then noticed this book in my collection. I read through as quickly as possible, and found that there was so much in there, in one place, that fit my knowledge and experience so well, but I had not necessarily come across, yet.

    Everything makes sense and is heavily referenced. There is so much detail, which I appreciate. I do have my own very well equipped home gym, and am no stranger to fitness and moving heavy weight, even with strict form. However, I always found myself doing the same basic routines. I know that variety is called for, but I really need clear direction in that area. This book provides that direction.

    Highly recommended.

  9. Amazon Customer

    This was a book someone recommended to me, and I’m so glad they did!
    You need to read the whole book for the information it gives. As you read, you can bookmark and/or note page numbers in the table of contents for easy reference. Please practice a bit of humility and follow through this book.

    The basic stretches are an invaluable help for me to overcome much of my muscle discomfort. My flexibility as an adult is also improving. It reduces the appointments I need, and my quality of life is improving again. With both this book and my appointments, I can finally live without muscle discomfort and pain for most of the year again. I know it’s initially a hassle to get into the good habits, but its better than my alternative of the time and financial cost of not doing so through this book. Without the book, I had to earn the profit (after taxes and other expenses) to pay for even more appointments, pay gas to drive to the appointments, and take spare time from work to make it to my appointments. Not to mention you can’t buy back good health and there is value to your quality of life.

    I would recommend this book for anyone. It also explains what you can prevent getting worse with age, and what age some specific things may begin declining (such as age 30), so parents may be interested in this book for that reason too. I also recommend this book for farmers. Once they overcome the time obstacle to read through the book once, they can focus on the few stretches that will help them, to avoid accidentally stretching or tearing something preventable, and will be more comfortable too. Gardeners will also benefit, as gardeners have various seasonal motions throughout the season. There is also a stretch to do to prevent problems when your not used to moving heavy furniture.

    Following this book, I had to refine how I walked and used my feet. Compared to my former ‘kick legs ahead of me’ and not focusing on rotating my hips at all, using the book means I’m putting less unnecessary stress onto my knees. I do the stretches first thing in the morning. I walk however long I can spare before going to work, but ideally would do 30 minutes or more of walking daily. Sometimes I only get my 30 minute walk in on the weekends. I purchased the smaller dumbbells, cut a stick to use for one of the stretches (or you can use a broom handle), and plan to either buy or make the ‘step’ later on (you step on and off it like a staircase).

  10. lilas

    Libro interessante che permette di acquisire nuove conoscenze poco trattate nel campo del fitness.

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