Bob Books – Set 1: Beginning Readers Box Set | Phonics, Ages 4 and up, Kindergarten (Stage 1: Starting to Read)


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Original price was: $21.89.Current price is: $11.29.

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The Bob Books boxed set that started it all! This iconic phonics-based learn-to-read set has sold millions of copies, allowing children around the world to say with pride, “I read the whole book!”®

Many early reader books contain words that are too difficult for a child who has just learned the sounds of the alphabet. Not these books! With only four letter sounds in the first story (M, A, T, and S), children can read a whole book and their confidence grows. Kids love the stories and funny pictures, and can’t wait to read these books to everyone they know!

Inside the box you’ll find:

  • 12 easy-to-read, hilarious small books; 12 pages each; 7-20 unique words per book
  • Two- and three-letter words with short vowels that can be decoded or “sounded out” (on, sat, can, ran)
  • Very simple sentences (Sam sat.)
  • Very limited sight words
  • New letter sounds added gradually across the books, until young readers have read books with all letters of the alphabet (except Q)
  • Friendly, two-color illustrations that add fun and do not distract from the words
  • A parent card with tips for helping your child learn to read

Guided Reading Levels: A, B, C | Lexile® Measure: BR – 290L | Bob Books Level: Stage 1

Ages: 4-6 | Grade Levels: PreK, Kindergarten

Created by a teacher and grounded in the Science of Reading, Bob Books has been helping children learn to read through simple phonics; playful text and illustrations; and an emphasis on building young readers’ confidence, success, and love of reading for more than forty years. Your child will soon join the millions of happy kids who say, “I read the whole book!”®

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Bob Books – Set 1: Beginning Readers Box Set | Phonics, Ages 4 and up, Kindergarten (Stage 1: Starting to Read)

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Original price was: $21.89.Current price is: $11.29.

9 reviews for Bob Books – Set 1: Beginning Readers Box Set | Phonics, Ages 4 and up, Kindergarten (Stage 1: Starting to Read)

  1. Verónica

    Nos los recomendó la profesora del cole que es escocesa para empezar a leer en casa en inglés. Son geniales!

  2. Amanda DeLima

    These books are perfect for my son in Kindergarten. They have a set order to go in, you move on to the next book once they have mastered the one they are currently on. It is building his confidence and creating a great reader. He is learning correct sounds and blends.

  3. Stephani Ann

    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☆ 4.9 out of 5 stars

    The Phonics Phenomenon That Started It All!

    “Bob Books Boxed Set 1: Beginning Readers” is the timeless classic that has launched millions of young readers on their journey to literacy. This iconic phonics-based set is a true gem, designed with simplicity and effectiveness in mind, ensuring that even the littlest bookworms can proudly declare, “I read the whole book!”®

    One of the standout features of this set is its incredible ability to cater to the needs of brand-new readers. Many early reader books throw in words that can stump a child who’s just grasping the sounds of the alphabet. Not these books! With the first story containing just four letter sounds (M, A, T, and S), children can dive right in and finish a whole book, giving their confidence a major boost. The joy on a child’s face when they read their first book all by themselves is absolutely priceless.

    Inside the box, you’ll find 12 easy-to-read, hilariously entertaining small books, each with 12 pages and 7-20 unique words per book. The stories use two- and three-letter words with short vowels that can be easily decoded or “sounded out.” Think simple sentences like “Sam sat.”—short, sweet, and manageable for young readers. The progression is gentle, with new letter sounds added gradually, so kids never feel overwhelmed. By the end, they’ve encountered almost all the letters of the alphabet (except for the elusive Q).

    The friendly, two-color illustrations are a perfect match for the text—fun without being distracting. They add just the right amount of humor and charm to keep kids engaged. Plus, the parent card with tips for helping your child learn to read is a thoughtful addition, making it easier for caregivers to support their little learners.

    Guided Reading Levels A, B, C and Lexile® Measure BR – 290L place this set right where it needs to be for ages 4-6 and PreK to Kindergarten grade levels. Created by a teacher and grounded in the Science of Reading, Bob Books has been a reliable tool for building young readers’ confidence, success, and love of reading for more than forty years.

    Why the 4.9 and not a perfect 5 stars? Well, in the spirit of honesty, I think the simplicity might leave parents wishing for just a touch more story variety. But that’s a small nitpick for an otherwise stellar set.

    In conclusion, “Bob Books Boxed Set 1: Beginning Readers” is an absolute must-have for any parent or teacher looking to give their child a head start in reading. It’s a tried-and-true series that will have your little one beaming with pride as they read their first books. So, get ready to join the millions of happy kids who joyfully proclaim, “I read the whole book!”

  4. Alex Tomic

    The book is designed to empower young readers on their journey to literacy. Tailored for children ages 4 and up, this box set introduces phonics-based reading in a fun and engaging way. Join me as we delve into the features and benefits of the Bob Books Set 1, a stepping stone towards building a strong foundation in reading.
    The Bob Books Set 1 takes a phonics-based approach to reading, which is a proven method for developing early reading skills. Each book in the set focuses on specific letter sounds and phonetic patterns, gradually introducing new concepts as children progress through the series. By emphasizing the relationship between letters and sounds, this set lays a solid foundation for reading success and helps children become confident readers.

    The Bob Books Set 1 captivates young readers with its vibrant and engaging illustrations. Each book features colorful pictures that complement the text, making the reading experience visually appealing and immersive. The illustrations provide visual cues that support comprehension and help children connect the text with meaning, enhancing their overall reading comprehension skills.

    As children successfully read through the Bob Books Set 1, they gain a sense of accomplishment and develop confidence in their reading abilities. The books are specifically designed to boost self-esteem and encourage independent reading. The satisfaction of finishing a book on their own motivates young readers to continue exploring and mastering new reading skills.

    The Bob Books Set 1: Beginning Readers Box Set Phonics is an invaluable resource for young readers embarking on their reading journey. With its phonics-based approach, progressive introduction, engaging illustrations, manageable size, confidence-building features, and language development benefits, this box set empowers children ages 4 and up to become proficient and enthusiastic readers. Invest in the Bob Books Set 1 and witness the joy and excitement as your child gains literacy skills and discovers the magic of reading.

  5. Roberto Flores

    A mi hijo y a mi esposa le encantaron. estoy muy satisfecho con mi compra

  6. Melissa’s Honest Reviews

    The Bob Books – Set 1: Beginning Readers Box Set is so fun to watch our kids learn to read and move on from book to book. It’s quite amazing to see their progress and excitement with each new story. The simple illustrations and phonics-based approach make it easy for young readers to grasp. It’s been a fantastic tool for our kids’ early reading journey. Highly recommend for any parent looking to kickstart their child’s love for reading!

  7. Tahoe Grammie

    The simple words and pictures are easy to teach and offer repeated sounds throughout each book. They are very short so are easy to get through for those little wiggle worms that will hopefully turn into little book worms.

  8. Mavis

    Mein Sohn hat einfach nicht gelesen. Er bekommt Geräusche, er bekommt, dass einige Buchstaben einen Ton zusammen haben, aber er versteht nicht, wie man alle Geräusche zusammenfügt und Wörter macht.

    Ich habe diese Bücher letztes Jahr gesehen und dachte, die Zeichnungen seien so schlecht, dass ich mich nicht darum kümmern wollte, und es gab nur ungefähr 10 Rezensionen. Dieses Jahr suchte ich verzweifelt nach etwas, das mir helfen könnte – alles und inzwischen dort drüben 1.000 Bewertungen und die große Mehrheit von ihnen sagte dasselbe, also dachte ich, ich werde es versuchen und jetzt fühle ich mich in der Tat wie eine sehr dumme Mama!

    Wir haben heute die Bücher bekommen und mein Sohn hat eines wie in gelesen, er hat es aufgehoben und es geschafft herauszufinden, dass Mat ganz alleine steht und danach war er einfach nicht mehr aufzuhalten! Er las über Sam und wer wo und auf wem saß. Sicher, ich musste ihn dazu bringen, Dinge auszuloten und sich an Worte zu erinnern, aber die Tatsache, dass er es sogar tat, war ein Wunder.

    Ich habe negative Kritiken gelesen, von denen die meisten sagen, dass eine der Figuren wie ein Klansman aussieht (wirklich? Sagt mehr über dich als das Buch!) Und andere, dass die Wortreihenfolge keinen Sinn ergab und die Geschichten zu kurz waren. Meine Ansichten zu all dem sind:

    Es ist gut, die Wortsyntax zu verwechseln, da dies das Kind dazu ermutigt, WIRKLICH zu lesen, was da ist. Viele Kinder lernen nur Blockphrasen, zum Beispiel “Die Katze saß auf der Matte”, anstatt tatsächlich lesen zu lernen, wenn Sie “Die Sat-Matte auf” schreiben die Katze “sie würden es nicht verstehen oder sie würden lesen” die Katze saß auf der Matte. Die seltsame Syntax hilft bei der Identifizierung von Problemen.

    Es ist besser, die Geschichten wirklich kurz zu halten. Neue Leser können es stressig finden, sogar 5 Minuten lang zu lesen. Diese sind besonders für Kleinkinder großartig und weniger ist mehr! Kurze Bücher eignen sich hervorragend für vielbeschäftigte Mütter und Väter, die sich Zeit zum Lesen mit ihrem Kind nehmen möchten, aber nicht viel Zeit haben, um längere Geschichten zu lesen. Selbst Peter- und Jane-Bücher können für gute Leser gut 15 Minuten dauern durch. Wir sind auch nicht alle Patienten, es kann frustrierend sein, Ihr Kind zum Lesen zu bringen. Ein kurzes Buch bedeutet weniger Ärger für Eltern und Kind. Auch das Gefühl des Stolzes für einen erstmaligen Leser, ein ganzes Buch selbst zu lesen, ist so ermutigend und hilft ihnen, dabei zu bleiben.

    Was den Inhalt der Geschichte angeht, sollten wir wirklich nicht zu viel darüber lesen, es ist ein Kinderbuch und es macht tatsächlich das, was es verspricht, es ermöglicht einem Kind das Lesen, es konzentriert sich auf ein oder zwei Geräusche pro Buch, um viel Wiederholung zu ermöglichen, was ideal zum Lernen ist.

    Wenn Sie also so zynisch sind wie ich und denken, sollte ich mich vielleicht nicht darum kümmern, dass es einen Grund gibt, warum die Bücher schwärmen. Ich freue mich darauf, mit meinem Sohn den nächsten zu lesen. Ich bin so froh, dass er endlich versteht, wie man liest, was bedeutet, dass all die unzähligen anderen Bücher, die ich gekauft habe, um ihm beim Lesen zu helfen, endlich auch ausgestrahlt werden! hahaha!


    My son just didn’t get reading. He gets sounds, he gets that some letters have a sound together but he doesn’t get how to put all the sounds together and make words.

    I saw these books last year and thought the drawings were so poor that I didn’t want to bother with them plus there were only about 10 or so reviews, this year I was desperately looking for something to help -anything and by now there over 1,000 reviews and the vast majority of them saying the same thing so I thought, I’ll give it a try and now I feel like a very silly mummy indeed!

    We got the books today and my son read one as in, he picked it up and managed to work out that it said Mat all by himself and after that there was just no stopping him! He read about Sam and who sat where and on whom. Sure I needed to get him to sound things out and remember words but the fact he was even doing it was a miracle.

    I read negative reviews, most of which say that one of the characters looks like a klansman (really? says more about you than the book!) and others that the word order made no sense and the stories were too short. My views on all of this are:

    It’s good to mix up the word syntax because this encourages the child to ACTUALLY read what’s there, many kids just learn block phrases for example “the cat sat on the mat” rather than actually learning to read so if you wrote “The sat mat on the cat” they wouldn’t understand or they’d read “the cat sat on the mat.” The weird syntax helps identify problems.

    It’s better to keep the stories really short, new readers can find it stressful to read for even 5 minutes. These are great especially for toddlers and less is more! Short books are great for busy mums and dads who want to make time for reading with their child but don’t have a lot of time to dedicate to reading longer stories, even Peter and Jane books can take new readers a good 15 minutes to get through. Also we aren’t all the patient type, it can be frustrating getting your child to read, a short book means less annoyance for parent and child. Also the feeling of pride for a first time reader that they read a whole book by themselves is so encouraging and helps them want to stick with it.

    As for the story content, we really shouldn’t read too much into any of it, it’s a kid’s book and it actually does what it says on the tin, it enables a child to get reading, it focuses on one or two sounds per book to enable a lot of repitition which is great for learning.

    So if you’re cynical like I was and thinking, maybe I shouldn’t bother I say, there’s a reason the books are being raved about. I am actually looking forward to reading the next one with my son. I am so happy he’s finally understanding how to read meaning that all the myriad other books I bought to help him with reading, will finally get an airing too! hahaha!

  9. Amazon Customer

    O livro eh muito bom para iniciar uma alfabetizacao em ingles. Os sons e palavras se repetem. Muito bom!

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