Assistant to the Villain (Assistant and the Villain, 1)


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LIMITED FIRST PRINT RUN―featuring spray-painted edges, while supplies last in the US and Canada only.

Once Upon a Time meets The Office in Hannah Maehrer’s laugh-out-loud viral TikTok series turned novel, about the sunshine assistant to an Evil Villain…and their unexpected romance.

ASSISTANT WANTED: Notorious, high-ranking villain seeks loyal, levelheaded assistant for unspecified office duties, supporting staff for random mayhem and terror, and other Dark Things In General. Discretion a must. Excellent benefits.

With ailing family to support, Evie Sage’s employment status isn’t just important, it’s vital. So when a mishap with Rennedawn’s most infamous Villain results in a job offer―naturally, she says yes. No job is perfect, of course, but even less so when you develop a teeny crush on your terrifying, temperamental, and undeniably hot boss. Don’t find evil so attractive, Evie.

But just when she’s getting used to severed heads suspended from the ceiling and the odd squish of an errant eyeball beneath her heel, Evie suspects this dungeon has a huge rat…and not just the literal kind. Because something rotten is growing in the kingdom of Rennedawn, and someone wants to take the Villain―and his entire nefarious empire―out.

Now Evie must not only resist drooling over her boss but also figure out exactly who is sabotaging his work…and ensure he makes them pay.

After all, a good job is hard to find.

The Assistant and the Villain series is best enjoyed in order.
Reading Order:
Book #1 Assistant to the Villain
Book #2 Apprentice to the Villain

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Assistant to the Villain (Assistant and the Villain, 1)

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Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.33.

13 reviews for Assistant to the Villain (Assistant and the Villain, 1)

  1. Eve

    Hilarious, amazing, enthralling, captivating, beautiful.

    Such an easy, light-hearted read that immediately caught my attention. Finished this in a day (and I worked for 8 hours) because I couldn’t put it down.

  2. SCAreads

    To support her ill father and her young sister, Evie accepts an offer of employment with the kingdom’s most infamous person, the Villain. She puts up with his bad humors, the murders and decapitations, and even helps plan his evil machinations. It’s her job after all, and she does it with a never ending kind-attitude. He doesn’t need to know that she likes him maybe a tad too much. But a traitor at the Villain’s office is causing him havoc. So Evie does what any overworked and dedicated assistant would do, she tries to find the culprit.

    This book was adorably cute with some laugh out loud moments. It doesn’t take itself seriously nor does it make much sense if you dive into the worldbuilding and side character motivations, but it’ll put a smile on your face from beginning to end and leave you wanting more. It’s a clean escape from reality with a cutesy romance story that promises more development in book 2. Evie was a bright, delightful character with a view on the world that turned gruesome mentions of death into comedy. The writing was witty and fast paced with clever dialogue, some action, a little mystery, and heartwarming moments a plenty. Overall, it was delightful.

  3. C. Simmons

    This was a truly magnificent read. I adored the banter. It somehow remained sweet without being silly or corny. The characters were extremely well written. Evie is bright to Trystans dark, but somehow it all works. Even minor characters like Blade are well done. This is a feel good novel for the ages. I’m so glad the sequel comes out in 2 days. (I’ve already preordered it). I don’t think I could wait much longer.

  4. Nancy

    What is there to not like? Fantasy meets a ‘who done it’, in the most spectacular way. Great characters, plenty of humor and romantic tension, mythical beasts…and a dragon named Fluffy. A great, low stakes fantasy to break into, and I highly recommend!

    I did feel that it was a little long considering the straight forward plot, but it entertained enough that it didn’t feel like a task to finish.

    Also, Towards the end of the book, there were some unusual paragraphs and dialogue that didn’t match and made me question what I was reading. Other than that, it was written well!

  5. Sue

    Being an avid reader, I give a top rating to most books I read for the effort of the author. I absolutely loved this book. The humor, well developed characters, the storyline are so good. Ms Maehrer is my favorite new author

  6. Zengirl

    A bad ass heroine a antihero and some great plot twists make this the perfect summer read. There are laugh out loud moments some real chemistry between the characters! Excellent can not wait to read the next book in the series!

  7. Carmen

    Es un libro hermoso, me enamoré del protagonista y la protagonista se gana tu corazón, una súper recomendación

  8. Amanda

    This book? Oh, it’s not just my fave, it’s my forever fave! Seriously, it’s SO good.

    The plot is cleverly crafted and unique, the characters are likable, the dialogue is great, and it strikes a perfect balance between humor and emotion without being overly serious (even when dealing with serious matters).

    For me, it offers just the right amount of fantasy – not the elaborate, lengthy 20 page descriptions of forests, but more like the Disney kind where magic and kingdoms exist naturally.

    The slowest burn ever between The Villain and Evie had me screaming for them to just KISS ALREADY! ARGH!

    This book had me in a chokehold by page 9, and I was already preordering the sequel by the 6th chapter. Hands down one of my best reads ever – 100% recommend!

    PS – Kingsley needs his own book. I want his back story.

    [There’s a part where they go to Arthur’s celebration and an ambush occurs. The next chapter, characters ask where Arnold is – twice. Who is Arnold?? I assume they mean Arthur so I guess he was originally named Arnold and the editing didn’t catch the changed name?]

  9. Eveline

    El libro es muy lindo, pero no venía sellado, sólo con la bolsa de Amazon y venía todo pintado de rojo. La portada, el costado, la parte de atrás (lo que enseño en la foto es donde MENOS tenía pintura)

    Pero, logré quitarlo con acetona y cotonetes. Todo lo demás está bien, no llegó doblado ni nada así que está en muy buen estado.

  10. VshaBella Books

    I initially ordered the book because of a TikTok of the map: it looked so funny with the little side notes and annotations. When I read that the FMC is clumsy and works for The Villain, I was hooked.
    The story is not just silly and has lots of laughs in it, it also contains suspense and action. What I also love is the switching between the POVs to gain an insight on each characters inner thoughts.
    What is also amazing, and I’ve never seen something like it before, is the trigger warning on the front page.
    The cliffhanger at the end left me parched for the next book in the series.

  11. Stephanie McCall

    I stumbled across Hannah Nicole Maeherer’s “Assistant to the Villain” videos on YouTube and cracked up at every single one of them. Therefore, I had to try the book even though it’s not my usual fare. Add the fact that the tagline is, “Once Upon a Time Meets The Office” and I was doubly sold. Those two shows, “Once” in particular, are favorites of mine. (I haven’t given up hope of a much-improved “Once” revival).

    Well, Assistant to the Villain, the book, has a lot of points in its favor. It’s a great example of the Grumpy/Sunshine romance trope done right, in that neither half is overdone or cheesy (except when they’re supposed to be for comedic effect, and yes, it lands). Evie and The Villain both won my empathy, which I was not expecting especially from The Villain. Plus, I loved that although these two have romantic chemistry, I bought that they could be friends first, and enjoyed seeing them interact as both friends and employer/employee.

    Hannah used some of the comedy I loved from her videos throughout the book, and I enjoyed chuckling over it again, plus discovering some new bits. But here, I enjoyed her serious moments balanced with the comedy much more. That is, I loved how one moment, Evie’s angsting over how Massacre Manor’s entryway is full of severed heads–again. But next minute, she’s legitimately wrestling with the moral dilemma of, how is she going to handle the fact, she knows who that letter of employment to King Benedict *really* belongs to, and can’t say anything, although Villain could legitimately force her? It’s been awhile since I’ve seen an author pull off this type of balance and still keep the story’s overall tone light, so brava, Hannah.

    I’ve seen some other reviewers knock Hannah on worldbuilding, and I will admit, hers is not as deep or rich as I have seen from other fantasy, sci-fi, or speculative authors. The key is, for Assistant to the Villain, I don’t think it’s supposed to be. I think Hannah actually nailed the feel of “Once Upon a Time meets The Office,” in that we’re in a Medieval-type fantasy-scape, but it’s a type of fantasy-scape that needs an annoying HR manager, office politics, the relatively new invention of doughnuts, and so on. For the most part, I found the combination endearing. It did jar me a little, such as when Evie and Villain would try to discuss the realities of the state of the kingdom, but I think with a bit more polish, it could work 100% of the time.

    Finally, I have to give Hannah credit for several small moments throughout the book that, no other way to say it, are just plain sweet and unexpected. These mostly come from The Villain, as he realizes just how much Evie means to his workplace and to him. Often, I found myself saying stuff like, “Ohhhh,” or “Awwww.” But never did I feel manipulated or as if Hannah was “throwing it in” to force me to remember The Villain was human. It was more like, “Of course he’s human, you’re just confirming.” This goes for Evie, Blade, Lyssa, and even characters like Becky and Warsen, too. Some of them are more two-dimensional than others, but I never lost sight of the fact that they were real people, mostly because of the little moments when they’d do or say something I could relate to.

    Okay, so, with all these great things said, what’s the problem? Why did I often find myself struggling to come back to this book, looking forward to finishing? Well, it’s tough to put my finger on, but I’m going to try.

    First, a slight disclaimer. I’m in my late 30s, so I might be slightly older than the target audience. Yet for me, that’s part of the issue. I honestly thought Assistant to the Villain would be more adult-friendly, or a YA/adult crossover. That’s how it was billed, at least. But at various points, Hannah’s writing style and cadence pulled me between audiences so that I wondered who the real targets were. I love a YA story if it’s done well and can “cross over,” but that wasn’t really what this book was.

    In addition, I felt like Hannah set up some serious threads only to let them go, or come back to them too late. As I said, I loved her balance between the serious and the funny, and I loved when the serious threads got attention. But some of those threads were dropped in over halfway through, and then I got pulled away to watch stuff like, the capturing of a guvre or the hanging of a caricature (both interesting, but still). As a result, I felt like I needed to know information like, what The Villain’s history with King Benedict was, or how exactly Evie and The Villain were going to deal with her magical wound. (As in, it was set up to be a major point of trauma and moral dilemma for her, but kind of fizzled out). Instead, I got several pages of both protagonists sort of ducking and dodging what were set up to be major issues.

    Finally, although I loved the modern/fantasy combination, I noted that it didn’t work for me all the time. One of the biggest ways it didn’t was, I’m still not sure how “serious” or “high stakes” this world was supposed to be. To wit, I got so bogged down in the repetitive angsting, I didn’t actually finish the last third. Thus, I don’t actually know–or care to know–what are the consequences if people find out Evie works for The Villain, and why, other than her natural recklessness, doesn’t she care, either? Is this just a world where villains randomly pop up every generation or so and the supposed “benevolent” royals like Benedict let them do their “things” until they decide, okay, they’re a problem? If that’s the deal, I’m fine with it. But if so, I think Hannah’s missing some groundwork. Again, she doesn’t deserve all the knocks she’s gotten on worldbuilding, but the foundation’s not all there yet.

    Add in some personal peeves–some particularly coarse language that seemed out of place for a sweet romance, Evie’s constant reminders of, “Don’t do ___, Evie,” plus her musings over how hot her boss is despite knowing him for all of 24 hours–and you see that I felt Assistant to the Villain was lackluster. However, lackluster doesn’t mean “imperfect” by any stretch of the imagination.

    I think what happened here was, Hannah had a hit short video/media series she stretched into a whole book, maybe too soon. She’s got some great stuff here that just needs some more spit and polish and more attention to its audience. If this is more your regular read, by all means, snap it up. If not, or if you’d prefer something a bit “deeper” alongside, may I recommend Morgan L. Busse?

  12. A

    ⚔️🖤 Assistant to the Villain 🖤⚔️

    💜Grumpy Sunshine
    ♥️Dual POV
    🖤Workplace romance
    ♥️slow burn, no spice
    🖤Touch her and die

    Super fun opposites attract, magical fantasy rom com, very YA, lots of pining and mystery. I was hoping for a little more spice, but fingers crossed for the next book. If you love a tall dark handsome dangerous anti-hero you will love The Villain. I really enjoyed the witty banter between the two characters at work especially with Evie’s bubbly personality, and The Villain being morally gray broody and hating everyone but her. They are definitely one of my new favorite duos. Kingsley the frog 🐸 👑 is my favorite side character, he stole the show. Ends on a cliffhanger and I am definitely excited for the second book in this series.

    “It was both appallingly horrific and devastatingly wonderful that this small wisp of a woman had undone years of building pillars of protection around himself. That he would take apart any wall that keeps him from her.” 🖤

  13. VshaBella Books

    No hagáis caso de la publicación, el mío prometía que llegaría con los borden teñidos de rojo (como en la imagen) y me llegó sin nada. Encima costaba más caro y tardó bastante en llegarme.

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