Angel of Vengeance (Agent Pendergast Series)


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Preston & Child continue their #1 bestselling series featuring FBI Special Agent Pendergast and Constance Greene, as they take a final stand against New York’s deadliest serial killer: Pendergast’s own ancestor…and Constance’s greatest enemy.
A desperate bargain is broken…

Constance Greene confronts Manhattan’s most dangerous serial killer, Enoch Leng, bartering for her sister’s life – but she is betrayed and turned away empty-handed, incandescent with rage.
A clever trap is set…

Unknown to Leng, Pendergast’s brother, Diogenes, appears unexpectedly, offering to help—for mysterious reasons of his own. Disguised as a cleric, Diogenes establishes himself in New York’s notorious Five Points slum, manipulating events like a chess master, watching Leng’s every move…and awaiting his own chance to strike.
A vengeful angel will not be deterred…

Meanwhile, as Pendergast focuses on saving the unstable Constance in her fanatical quest for vengeance, she strikes out on her own: to rescue her beloved siblings from a tragic fate and take savage retribution on Leng. But Leng is one step ahead and has a surprise for them all…

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Angel of Vengeance (Agent Pendergast Series)

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Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $14.99.

13 reviews for Angel of Vengeance (Agent Pendergast Series)

  1. Marcos

    Apesar da habilidade dos autores com as palavras, com a capacidade remeter o leitor para a Nova York do século 19, o livro é bem ruim, quase previsível. Espero que com esta estória esteja definitivamente encerrada a saga de Leng com a família Pendergast e Constance Greene. Porque sinceramente esta trama já se esgotou e não precisa mais ser revisitada. O divertido da série são sempre novas aventuras, com tons de mistério sobrenatural e os dois últimos livros meio que ficaram girando em torno de uma trama que de há muito estava prá lá de concluída.

  2. TyndaFlat

    As always another brilliant book in the series. The action did not stop. Interesting to look into the future from the 1800s. Gives a different perspective on how well humanity is doing, or not

  3. Mae Clair

    I’m a diehard Pendergast fan but admit to being worried how this book would play out given the reappearance of Diogenes (who I’d hope I’d seen the last of earlier in the series). I should have known that Preston & Child would have things well in hand. Not only did Diogenes add to the uniqueness of the storyline, but I found myself cheering him on more than once. I can’t believe I actually ENJOYED his inclusion in this book.

    Leng is a diabolical adversary, a Pendergast ancestor of pure evil. While Pendergast, Diogenes, and Constance Greene launch separate attacks to take him down, D’Agosta has a parallel plot thread that sees him acting as the protector of Constance’s brother, Joe. With so much going on, the story moves at a blistering pace. Each character has multiple moments to shine in an ongoing chess match of wits. Pendergast is ever resourceful, and I really loved how Constance ruled each scene she was in.

    This story could have easily gone off the rails, given the “portal” the authors introduced earlier in the series, but I found it an entertaining and well-written read. The attention to detail in the 1880’s setting was so strong I felt as if I was there—walking streets lined by gaslights, inhaling dank, coal-scented air or riding in a horse-driven carriage. Throughout, I wondered how things would wrap up but found the ending wholly satisfying. A resounding five stars. This is one of my favorite novels in the series.

  4. funner things

    I have all volumes of this series and enjoy the detectives, Pndergast of FBI, his family and history of New Orleans, etc. This series is fantastical with variations on family police, criminals, plot, etc. This not a typical detective series because of characters, plot, friends and family with a detective who gets assigned odd cases. The stories occur in NYC, New Orleans, Europe and elsewhere. The books are fun and interesting with the same characters dealing with unusual crimes and different locations. I find this series interesting, fun and unusual and not a typical detective series. Personal taste in detective novels is more unique than expected. Some of us love the series and others find them nonsensical and not really detective series like Perry Mason. Try a book if you like detective combined with realistic fantasy.

  5. LynnS77

    The previous book having left Pendergast’s friend Vincent D’Agosta, knocked out on the floor of Constance’s mansion while trying to save a a child in her care. (All this after using a Time Machine to follow Constance to 1880) Meanwhile the evil Munk is dragging the little girl out the window and Constance and her maid have been stabbed, though Constance less seriously. Pendergast appears dramatically on horseback, willing to come clean and admit to Constance that they have been trying to be quietly in the background to be helpful. Of course Constance only sees it as interference, and as they argue over whether or not their nemesis Enoch Leng, Pendergast’s great uncle knows everything or not another figure appears in Constance’s comfortable room… Diogenes. Of course we thought he was dead several books ago, but he’s one of those bad eggs that just keep showing up. This time he tells them that his unexpected appearance in the past could be to their benefit, and that he could be their angel of vengeance.

    This may actually be the best of the Pendergast series and that is saying something, because I absolutely love this series. There isn’t a redundant word, phrase or plot anywhere in this book, it is non-stop action and intrigue from the beginning to the end and everything was cleaned up so neatly that I worry that Preston and Child might be tying up these characters. I certainly hope not, because I feel certain AXL Pendergast has a few more good years and mystery solving skills left in him. This was a hum-dinger of a five star read and if you liked Pendergast in the past you will love this three book series. Yeah, it started with Bloodless, went into The Cabinet of Enoch Leng and finished with a bang in Angel of Vengeance. Don’t miss them!

  6. micino58

    Devo anzitutto ammettere che da almeno vent’anni sono una fans dell’agente Pendergast e non c’è’ mai stato un suo romanzo che non mi sia piaciuto. Qualcuno può’ essere stato a mio avviso più’ strano di altri o forse meno coinvolgente, ma tutti mi hanno appassionato in um modo o nell’altro. Quest’ultimo e’ decisamente formidabile, direi che potrebbe quasi competere con il mio preferito, Cabinet of curiosity, del quale completa la trilogia. E’ un continuo susseguirsi di avvenimenti carichi di adrenalina e colpi di scena, i personaggi sono fantastici e ben costruiti, Pendergast, Constance e Diogenes veramente al top e finalmente vediamo il protagonista cedere a un po’ di umanità’. Mi sembra di aver capito dal podcast con Poison Pen che il prossimo episodio sarà’ basato sulle prime esperienze di Pendercast in FBI e quindi non vedo l’ora di leggerlo, sperando che nel frattempo esca anche l’edizione in italiano di Angel of vengeance.

  7. Amazon Customer

    I just finished and enjoyed it. But I’m glad this series can finally be put to bed. I thought Diogenes teaming up with Pendergast was a great twist. But I wish the main characters had more interaction. Especially the brothers. I had a hard time however with Diogenes’ about face. Especially in the epilogue. And Constance who I have always loathed actually had me rooting for her in the end. I’ve always understood and accepted the fancy words Pendergast used, but it seemed a bit overdone this time. Some passages went on for way too long. But overall worth the wait.

  8. Shawnee

    If I’d known the previous book would end on a cliffhanger, I would have waited and read them both together. It’s just a small gripe; Angel of Vengeance didn’t disappoint. I’ve been a mad fan of Pendergast since The Relic came out, and anything involving him is a wild, creepy ride. The return of Dionysus was a spicy addition to the book, and I enjoyed the usual suspects. It was well worth the price of admission and the hours spent reading it!

  9. Arno Gündisch

    “Angel of Vengeance” beendet die Pendergast-Serie um den mysteriösen Dr. Enoch Leng, die mit “The Cabinet of Curiosities” ihren Anfang nahm. Und ganz wie der Anfangs-Thriller haben Preston & Child einen Thriller voller Hochspannung und einem nicht zu übersehenden Gothic-Touch geschaffen. Gleichzeitig erfahren wir mehr über Diogenes Pendergast und sein Schicksal.
    Constance Greene reiste mit der zufällig entdeckten Zeitmaschine in das New York des Jahres 1881, um ihre Geschwister aus den Fängen des Dr. Enoch Leng zu befreien. Begleitet wird sie dabei von Aloysius Pendergast und Vincent D’Agosta. Was zunächst recht einfach aussieht, entwickelt sich bald zu einer beinahe aussichtslosen Situation, zumal Dr. Leng kein Gegner ist, den man unterschätzen sollte. Unbemerkt gelangt auch Diogenes Pendergast in die Vergangenheit, und entwickelt eigene Pläne…
    Der Thriller sollte am besten in einem Stück von Anfang bis Ende gelesen werden-die Mühe lohnt sich!

  10. Seattle Reader

    full of surprises – showing the long term thinking of the Prendergasts and Constance. It wrapped up nicely with a fitting ending for Leng and redemption of Diogenes.

  11. Kindle Customer

    I started this book and stopped this book because it seemed off course somehow. But, as I’ve never not finished a Preston and Child’s book I started again. I’m really glad I did. The book once started is fascinating and educational while being entertaining. I try to learn one new thing a day, I can honestly say I’ve learned weeks worth. Plus, all the little loose ends are tied in a bow. Enjoy!!

  12. Kindle Customer

    I am ever amazed. Number one is the vocabulary that readers are assumed to know and relish. Two, the depth of research. It’s just wonderful and satisfying.
    Question Linc and Doug…
    What happened to the offspring of Constance and Diogenes? Methinks it died.
    Mary from Santa Monica 🙏❣️

  13. Alison

    The writing duo at their best, the pace was just right lots of twists and turns. I read it quickly so I could get to the ending can’t wait to go back and start again. Loved Diogenes’s part in this novel well played.

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