Amazon.com: Hunting Adeline: Cat and Mouse Duet, Book 2 (Audible Audio Edition): H. D. Carlton, Teddy Hamilton, Michelle Sparks, H. D. Carlton: Audible Books & Originals

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The conclusion to the Cat and Mouse Duet is here…

The Diamond

Death walks alongside me,
But the reaper is no match for me.
I’m trapped in a world full of monsters dressed as men, and those who aren’t as they seem.
They won’t keep me forever.
I no longer recognize the person I’ve become,
And I’m fighting to find my way back to the beast who hunts me in the night.
They call me a diamond,
But they’ve only created an angel of death.

The Hunter

I was born a predator,
With ruthlessness ingrained in my bones.
When what’s mine is stolen from me in the night,
Like a diamond hidden within a fortress,
I find that I can no longer contain the beast.
Blood will paint the ground as I tear apart this world to find her.
And bring her back to where she belongs.
No one will escape my wrath,
Especially not those who have betrayed me.

Warning: This is the second and final installment to the Duet. You must listen to Haunting Adeline first.

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Amazon.com: Hunting Adeline: Cat and Mouse Duet, Book 2 (Audible Audio Edition): H. D. Carlton, Teddy Hamilton, Michelle Sparks, H. D. Carlton: Audible Books & Originals

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9 reviews for Amazon.com: Hunting Adeline: Cat and Mouse Duet, Book 2 (Audible Audio Edition): H. D. Carlton, Teddy Hamilton, Michelle Sparks, H. D. Carlton: Audible Books & Originals

  1. Teschio


  2. Mackenzie

    This book from the duet of the first one (Haunting Adeline) had me on the edge of my seat the entire time I was reading it. It is a bit darker than the first one, but still just as good as the first book if not a little better. Adeline’s character growth showed a lot, strength, bravery, stealth, etc. Zade never gave up, he did everything and anything to find Adeline. The plot is definitely thickening for sure. I would love to go back and read the first book (Haunting Adeline) and then this book (Hunting Adeline) again for the first time. A very good book duet.

  3. Michelle Charlton

    Read the trigger warnings before you read. Don’t pick up this book with the intention of anything kind or heroic happening. If you do, you have no one to blame but yourself if you dislike it.

    This book is not a romance book. It is a dark horror that delves into the bowels of humanity and will remake your own moral compass. THIS BOOK IS REALITY.

    TWS: R@P#, Explicit Violence and Details, Murder, Blo0d, S*x Trafficking, PTSD, Psychological torment, Trauma, Dubious consent, CNC

    Hunting is as enthralling and real as Haunting was. It is completely different but just as enthralling. It is dark, it is unhinged, it is the worst of humanity, and it is unapologetic. There is also strength and resilience.

    This book hurt and you bled when Addie and Zade bled. You cried for them and you felt for them. I have my own traumas and this was as close to reality as I have ever read. This book broke open the heartbreaking reality of what happens to women and children around the world every day and that reality deserves to be unpacked and witnessed. Having to witness it through Addie hurt more than I can say. We all need to take a page out of Zade’s book and adjust our moral compass when it comes to fighting for the freedom of the reality that is outside this book.

    This book broke me and put my jagged pieces to fit with Addie and Zade, and I was okay with that. Addie’s experience is painful. I liked that HD didn’t shy away from that and put it to paper. Usually, the hero saves the heroine before the trauma occurs or the trauma is light in comparison to what Addie experienced. A small part of me hoped she would follow that plot line but then I realized this book mirrors reality and the hero doesn’t always show up or arrive in time. I cried for Addie. I lived her pain in my own life and then I lived it again through her story, but I was okay with that pain. There was no mercy for Addie. She tore her moral compass to pieces, broke her own heart, took a life, and contemplated the end. HD gave her a real experience with real thoughts and reactions. I have never had an author write such an authentic character with real-world experiences and reactions

    Rio, our new character and participant in Addies horror show, has me conflicted. He has his own moral compass and like Addie, I’m blurring mine when it comes to him. Rationalizing his choices, his actions, and his treatment. I can empathize with him though. Is it not the same thing that many would do to save their own sister? I can’t wait to unpack his story when HD writes it.


    The psychological and physical trauma that Addie has experienced wrecks both her and Zade. There is no happily ever after or easy ride into the sunset. It is raw and devastating. Addie is not the little mouse Zade tried to tame in book 1. She’s a broken shell. I have experienced all of the emotions Addie did and all I wanted to do was scoop her up in my arms and remind her that one day in the future it will get better. One day the darkness will lighten and you will be able to take baby steps. Then those baby steps will lead to bigger steps until finally (however long it takes) you can stand in the light again and breathe.

    We see the side to Zade we knew was hiding in there. Addie hadn’t seen that side of him yet, she had only seen his jagged pieces. Zade stands strong behind her and holds her up when she falters. He is patient, he is loving, and he will wait until the end of the world for her if he has to. There is no force or pressure. The Zade from book 1 regarding their s*xual encounters is gone. He doesn’t take and watch her body for responses he lets her set the pace. He said in book one that she “holds my life in the palm of her hand, she’s just incapable of seeing it that way” and this is proven in this book. He lives for her and slowly she starts to see that no matter what her inner thoughts and feelings tell her from her trauma he will never leave her.

    Zade helps her take ownership of her trauma from her time with Xavier. One of my favorite scenes, which he does only with her consent (such a change from book 1), is when he uses a knife over the scars Xavier left giving her a new experience and new emotions to tie to them. He helps her heal through s*xual, physical, and emotional needs. He molds himself into whom she needs and what she needs and my heart beats for him more because of it. He helps build her up and heal her into the new version of Adeline. The version that matches all of his jagged pieces.

    I am in love with Zade and Addie. I am in love with their story. I am in love with the reality and truth that shines from this book. I am grateful to have read it and for HD for bringing it to life.

  4. Pascaline Vaesken

    Honestly, yes, Hunting Adeline was a bit more dark than Haunting Adeline but damn it didn’t take anything that made me love the duet away. Not at all it just made me completely addict to H.D Carlton work. The smut is on another level, but it’s not just that, seeing the development of Adi’s character just made me so happy ! If you had some worries about reading Hunting Adeline bc of the little more darkness inside it then you shouldn’t (but still be careful at the TW). It’s an absolute 5/5 for me. 🥰🫡

  5. Rosaura Guzman

    Spoilers Below!

    Hunting Adeline was a gripping, emotional and harrowing story that will absolutely stay with you forever.

    I absolutely loved this book as it not only destroyed me but also put me back together. There were moments I cried, felt disgusted, screamed, laughed, smiled and blushed. Definitely not an easy read but one that I absolutely could not put down.

    This is the final installment to the Cat and Mouse duet, so definitely read the first book before starting this one.

    This book also may not be for everybody as the story has some very very dark, graphic, explicit and triggering content. So please absolutely check the trigger warnings before reading.

    The overall plot and storyline were beautifully written and captivating even with the dark content throughout the story. I will say that Part 1 of this book was extremely difficult to read but the author was able to write such a raw and realistic story in a way that still gave me hope.

    Adeline’s journey was dark, heartbreaking, honest, empowering and just beautiful. While, painful to read at times her storyline and character development was just fantastic. Her healing and recovery was a bit unconventional at times but exactly what she needed for herself and for her relationship with Zade.

    Zade, I just have no words for how incredible this man was. His love, devotion, commitment, and obsession with Adeline was just so god damn beautiful. He definitely was exactly what she needed and their relationship was one of the best I have ever read. Zade honestly is just one of my top favorite book boyfriends ever.

    The spice in this book was also just fantastic. It’s dark, kinky and intense, and while it doesn’t occur until about 65% into the book it’s definitely worth it after all Adeline and Zade went through.

    While, there were a lot of side characters throughout this book that I liked, Sibby was by far my favorite. I absolutely loved how funny, crazy, charming and dramatic she was. She also provided that comedic relief that was needed in the story.

    Another side character that I liked but still have a few mixed feelings about was Rio. I would definitely love a book about him as he was not your typical morally gray character.

    I will say that the revenge aspect of this story was fantastic but a bit too rushed. I just would have liked for the torture and pain to have been more, especially after what they all did to Adeline.

    The conclusion and epilogue was absolutely perfect and definitely worth all that heartache. Zade and Adeline’s unconventional love story is one for the ages. Overall, just a heartbreakingly beautiful read and ending to the Cat and Mouse duet.

    Detailed chapter spoilers!

    •Chapter 8 – R & SA Explicitly Detailed.
    •Chapter 12 – R & SA Explicitly Detailed.
    •Chapter 14 – R & SA Mentioned/Talked About.
    •Chapter 17 – Torture and Aftermath Mentioned.
    •Chapter 18 – R, SA and Torture Explicitly Detailed.
    •Chapter 22 – Zade finds Adeline after 2 and a half months of being kidnapped. The end of Part 1 as well.
    •Chapter 24 – R & SA Mentioned/Remembered.
    •Chapter 31 – R & SA Mentioned/Remembered. Some spicy and kinky scenes also occur between Zade and Adeline. Months have passed since her rescue but she’s still recovering and dealing with PTSD.
    •Chapter 32 – R & SA Mentioned/Remembered.
    •Chapter 33 – Full on smut/spice occurs between Zade and Adeline.

  6. Alisha

    I can’t put it down! I really enjoyed the first one. This one was much more graphic and less dark romance. But the story line was still great. It was horrific but hard to stop reading. The author really paints the picture so you can imagine the scene and characters in your mind. 10/10
    Check your trigger warnings first. It’s one of those books also where I wouldn’t want someone looking over my shoulder while I’m reading because of how messed up some of it is.

  7. Shirley Barbosa

    Pesado e pouco, em vários momentos parei e pensei se queria continuar, e sim continuei por Adeline e por zade, de todas os livros que li entre kindlle e físicos, esse aqui com certeza e oq mas me chocou🥺.
    Para avaliar uma obra como está temos que ir pelos méritos e o livro e perfeito, tem toda um trabalho sério tudo relativamente estudado e com qualidade.
    Preferia ter parado no primeiro, mas porquê? Porquê Francesca e rocco não saem da minha mente.
    Indico a obra mas saiba ela e muito boa mas também muito pesada, tem horas que dá vontade de chorar principalmente na primeira parte, queria dizer que com a morte de Francesca, rocco e Alex eu me senti mas leve, mas não, a morte deles só me mostrou que o que eles fizeram com addie deixaram marcas profundas e o quanto os abusos sofridos por ela a modificaram a addie leve e cheia de vida do primeiro livro se foi, só ficaram os cacos daquela addie, ela resolveu seguir em frente mesmo com tudo sendo uma bagunça e Zade sempre esteve ao seu lado na parte 2.
    Em vários momentos na parte 1 me perguntei porque zade não encontrou logo, porquê ele indiretamente acabou permitido que ela fosse levada, eu queria respostas que nem mesmo eu saberia dar.
    Boa leitura se joguem e fiquem em paz😍❤️

  8. Ash

    This book. I will say was HARD to read. Not because of the content.. but because of my own traumas… the warning are there and I chose to continue. It wasn’t what happened to Addie that caused my triggers, but the emotions and internal torment she goes through once she is home. I, myself, went through the exact same thing when I came home from my ordeal. But seeing how she overcomes it all and continues to heal herself is a true inspiration to those of us who have gone through not just trafficking but assault and domestic violence. This book is absolutely amazing and H. D. Carlton is amazing with her writing. So poetic in how her words flow. I don’t care what others say… this duet was absolutely amazing and the spice is ON POINT!

    I seriously recommend this series, even to be an eye opener or just to for a great read!

  9. Jéssica

    What a rollercoaster!!
    The only bad thing about this book is that it ends, I didn’t want it to end. This book shattered my heart and stitched it back together and shattered again and again, it was so good and so well written, I had such a great time. It will be on my top favourite books for sure.
    If u thought that the first one was already too dark and had a hard time I do not recommend reading this one.

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