Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs


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Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $15.00.

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Come discover one of the greatest secrets to a successful relationship! Love & Respect is A New York Times?best-selling marriage book making a difference with over two million copies sold! Help you and your spouse achieve a deeper level of intimacy by stopping the crazy cycle of conflict, developing better communication skills, and enjoying renewed passion.

Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. It’s the secret to marriage that every couple seeks, and yet few couples ever find. While both men and women deserve both love and respect, in the midst of conflict the driving need for a woman is love and the driving need for a man is respect. When either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy.

Based on over three decades of counseling, as well as scientific and biblical research, Love and Respect is for anyone: those in marital crisis, the happily married, engaged couples, pastors and counselors, and small groups. This dynamic and life-changing message is impacting the world, resulting in the healing and restoration of countless relationships.

In Love & Respect couples can find:

  • How to break down the communication code between spouses
  • How to handle conflict in a relationship
  • How to build respect for one another
  • How to foster a deep love for one another
  • How to rekindle passion for one another

Taking God’s biblical practice of marriage and applying it with practical techniques, Emerson Eggerichs shows how mutual Love and Respect can balance a marriage and encourage a successful relationship.

Pair Love & Respect?with the Love & Respect Workbook for Couples, Individuals, and Groups for an added experience and to dig deeper into your relationship and foster understanding with your partner. Love & Respect?is also available in Spanish, Amor y Respeto.

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Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs

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Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $15.00.

12 reviews for Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs

  1. Carl

    This book is about communication and respect for each other. I believe if an individual has a problem in the relationship instead of blaming the other person take a look at yourself.

  2. Jasmyne

    The most amazing book i have read on marriage. Wonderful strategies and principles to implement bases on the Word of God

  3. SM

    Este libro puede cambiar tu vida y salvar tu matrimonio. Siempre y cuando tengas un marido, que en el fondo te quiere y no te maltrata.

  4. Dipak Kumar Das

    This book is literally the answer of so many of my prayers. The answers that I have been searching for years I came across in this book.
    Thanks Amazon for delivering a fresh and a good book in right condition. Just love it.

  5. Harold Wolf

    This marriage book doesn’t bash either side. Women and men have different needs. According to Dr. Eggerichs, they hear vocal and body language differently. Understanding the difference is the secret behind better communication and “Love & Respect” given one to another. It is sound, down-to-earth information that truly is a NEW perspective. Even men will listen. But this book may work if only one spouse reads and applies what is found.

    Past marriage suggestions typically push the man to changing his nature and becoming more feminine in response to his love seeking wife. This author points out that God didn’t make man feminine, so why should he change? He does offer many suggestions as to how to understand what a wife is searching for and how best to communicate to her needs and feelings. The opposite is true for women. God didn’t make women to have more body than mind need, as men. Why try to make one turn into the other? The answer, according to “Love & Respect” is the husband learning to see the woman’s need for love needs, and for the wife noting the man’s needs and different ways of coping.

    Thus, mutual understanding is as important as mutual communication. But…communication must be in a form recognized by the spouse. This need-meeting takes into consideration not only Biblical principals, but new scientific brain function evidence. They seem to go hand in hand.

    This is not simply a Christian approach, although Dr. Eggerichs pulls no punches about his own beliefs and pulls scripture to back many statements. Also the book is endorsed and supported by Dr. Dobson and “Focus on the Family.”

    Having remarried after becoming a widower, I have duel opportunity to look at the legitimacy of what is written. This is solid marriage relationship instruction. Highly recommended, at any age.


    My wife and I love the large print, due to aging eyes, but it also makes the book pages turn faster.
    Part One: THE CRAZY CYCLE defines the problem of communication between man and female in a new light. No blame, just different.
    Part Two: THE ENERGIZING CYCLE is the meat. It takes you thorough the female needs of Closeness,Openness,Understanding,Peacemaking,Loyalty,Esteem. Then it looks at the male’s needs of Conquest,Hierarchy,Authority,Insight,Relationship,Sexuality.
    “Not wrong, just different.” Part 2 may be all you need to read.
    Part Three: THE REWARDED CYCLE concludes the pink and blue differences and opportunity to improve any marriage, even those not in danger. Includes a generous appendix of things to do together to help your love and respect grow.

    Also recommended is a set of DVDs with this author presenting the material of this book. Good for groups or couples. Not pricey when you consider the excellent results. The author is quite a humerus, entertaining presenter.
    A MUST for church, family counselor, and public library shelves.

  6. Jess Molitor

    Got this for a bible study group discussion. It’s got a great take on husband and wives and what they want most in the relationship and how to remedy a marriage that is struggling or to build a stronger marriage.

  7. Fen

    This book has been a great inspiration to help us in our relationship to understand how to meet each other’s needs in how we communicate. Highly recommended.

  8. jennifer m eckhart

    “Love & Respect” offers valuable insights into the dynamics of healthy relationships and provides practical tools for couples seeking to strengthen their bond. Whether you’re newlyweds or have been together for years, this book can help you cultivate a deeper understanding and appreciation for your partner’s needs.

  9. Dipak Kumar Das

    This book is amazing. Our pastor recommended this book to us. And we r glad he did. Very helpful learning about relationships and marriage. This book is going on our selves, it’s a keeper!
    I recommended it if you are going into relationship, and married couple!
    Perfect gift book ❤️ after you read it 😉

  10. LeAnne Hardy

    This is the sort of book one needs to reread on a regular basis. I anticipate that each time, I will be at a different place in my marriage, ready to see things in myself that I wasn’t able to see before. Eggerichs’ premise is that romance is not enough to sustain a marriage. He describes us as seeing our conflicts through pink or blue sunglasses and interpreting conversations with pink or blue hearing aids. I know this is true in my own life. Many times I am at a total loss to understand why my husband has taken offense at something I said. Eggerichs helps me to see that since my husband’s greatest need is for respect, he hears my questions and desire to understand as challenges and accusations that he has not thought things through.

    Eggerichs’ assumption is that in most cases both parties are good-willed and that neither is deliberately seeking to crush the other. He is coming from a religious perspective and bases his approach on Ephesians 5:33–[a husband] must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. Eggerichs argues that love is what the woman most desires and respect is what the man desperately needs to face the world with confidence. He discusses specific areas in which a wife needs to feel loved and a husband respected and gives lots of practical examples. In most cases when a wife offers respect, her husband will respond with love and vice versa, but Eggerichs maintains that ultimately, offering unconditional respect is my way of reverencing the Lord and not an option based on my husband’s giving me love. We are so confident that everyone deserves unconditional love; why do we talk as though respect must be earned?

    The writing style is conversational. This is obviously based on years of giving seminars. The arguments are by no means closely packed, but that is probably good since I needed time to absorb the ideas and see how they apply to my marriage. I got kind of sick of “I got this e-mail…” or “A woman approached me after a conference…” , but I think that is the nature of this kind of writing. The summaries in the appendices are invaluable for on-going review and evaluation of progress.

  11. Beach lady

    Good for premarital, post marital ! Sweet !

  12. Miamaid

    This is a great book. It explains how best to communicate with your partner and why we get into arguments. Also how your partner sees a situation differently than you and why they do. How to love your wife (not sexually) and how to show your husband respect. Women, you may think you don’t but you do! Also some handy advice at the back of the book, with questions to ask yourself.

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