Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself


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The instant New York Times bestseller

End the struggle, speak up for what you need, and experience the freedom of being truly yourself.

Healthy boundaries. We all know we should have them–in order to achieve work/life balance, cope with toxic people, and enjoy rewarding relationships with partners, friends, and family. But what do “healthy boundaries” really mean–and how can we successfully express our needs, say “no,” and be assertive without offending others?

Licensed counselor, sought-after relationship expert, and one of the most influential therapists on Instagram Nedra Glover Tawwab demystifies this complex topic for today’s world. In a relatable and inclusive tone, Set Boundaries, Find Peace presents simple-yet-powerful ways to establish healthy boundaries in all aspects of life. Rooted in the latest research and best practices used in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), these techniques help us identify and express our needs clearly and without apology–and unravel a root problem behind codependency, power struggles, anxiety, depression, burnout, and more.

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Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself

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Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $14.20.

13 reviews for Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself

  1. Caroline

    Buena guia práctica… da buenos ejemplos y plantea ejercicios prácticos para que no sólo quede en teoria

  2. Marc N

    The book is very practical and helpful with good explanations, examples, and indications in different areas of life.

  3. Mercedes

    “Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself” se ha convertido en un recurso esencial para mi bienestar emocional. Mi terapeuta me recomendó este libro y realmente marcó una diferencia en cómo manejo mis relaciones y mis propios límites. Nedra Glover Tawwab aborda de manera clara y compasiva la importancia de establecer límites saludables en diferentes contextos, como el trabajo, las amistades y la familia.

    En definitiva, este libro no solo ofrece una guía práctica para establecer y mantener límites, sino que también nos anima a reclamarnos a nosotros mismos y vivir de una manera que respete nuestras propias necesidades y deseos. Es una lectura transformadora que recomiendo a cualquiera que busque mejorar su salud mental y sus relaciones.

  4. JG

    This book is fabulous. I have generally healthy boundaries, but we can always improve. This book pointed out foundries I never considered (boundries with myself, social media, annoying co-worker). It is also very practical and gives language to use and real world examples. While self-help books are nice I find a lot of them too “pie in the sky” for me. Like theory is great and “knowing oneself” is awesome but how do I fix or help myself. This book gives example language and things to look out for when boundaries are being crossed. I loved this book. At some point I felt like she was talking directly to me. I would highly recommend this book.

  5. LovingRomance

    This book became my favorite book, it taught me so much about having boundaries in life and it taught me it’s ok to have boundaries whether it’s with your family, friends, work or anything. Great book

  6. Rheagan

    This book was extremely helpful for a person who grew up in a household with lots of enmeshment and triangulation. It’s a one stop shop for everything related to boundaries including figuring out what you would like your personal boundaries to be, how to enforce them, possible negative reactions from others while starting to assert boundaries, and maladaptive behaviors some people can fall into when first asserting their boundaries and how to spot and correct them.

    I especially appreciate the use of bullet points to present important information. It makes it quick and easy to review and reference.

  7. Alice S.

    As someone with ‘porous boundaries’ this book is excellent. Each chapter starts with a case study followed by clear, straightforward explanations and examples. Very easy to read but an awful lot of information to take in too. She suggests taking breaks to process and I would agree. It’s a lot, especially if you are revealing and breaking unhelpful habits of a lifetime. The exercises at the end of each chapter are useful in honing your skills. I have, however, bought the workbook too as I need lots of practice! I wish I’d had this book years ago!

  8. JG

    I’m always a bit skeptical when it comes to “self help” books. However, once I started reading this book, I couldn’t put it away. There are exercises at the end of each chapter for reflection. The book is thoughtfully laid out so that if time is an issue, as long as you have 30 minutes or so a day to set aside, you can easily accomplish the reading and the exercise. Personally, I set aside time in the morning and evening to read. It helps set the tone for my day and gives me peace at night to set anything that may be going on aside and time for self reflection. There is also a great self assessment quiz at the end to help identify how well you are in setting boundaries for yourself.

  9. Amber

    This book breaks down boundaries into smaller doses and helps reduce your anxiety about setting boundaries ! It’s really helped me!
    No one should feel guilty about having boundaries and we need to speak up for ourselves! This book helped me look at boundaries differently and I have felt a lot better since reading it.

  10. Shadow

    Disclaimer: I received an advance copy of this book as part of the launch team, but I was not required to write a positive review. My thoughts are my own.

    I wish I had the words to adequately express how much this book has helped me in my journey towards finding true peace and empowerment within myself.

    I grew up in a very enmeshed family where boundaries were completely non-existent. My impulse to do whatever I could to please everyone, and to try to be everything to everyone, was ingrained in me since birth. I gave pieces of myself away every day, and as I got older, I realized that I was empty. I had nothing left to give; but somehow, I just kept on giving.

    Around eighteen years old, I had an epiphany when I learned what ‘codependency’ and ‘boundaries’ were. It hit me like a ton of bricks: I needed boundaries in my life. This was terrifying to me, because even just the thought of saying ‘no’ to people would leave me with feelings of excruciating guilt and anxiety. I imagined it would be unbearable.

    I started to collect every book I could find on the subject of codependency and boundaries; and although I learned many new and enlightening things about these subjects, I still kept reverting back to old patterns. I had an understanding of codependency, and I knew I needed to start setting boundaries, but I still couldn’t figure out how to do it.

    Last year, I discovered Nedra on Instagram. Every one of her posts were so on point. It was like, all this time, the lightbulb was dangling over my head, but her words finally switched it ON. I was ecstatic when I learned she was writing a book. I thought, “Well, if her book is anything like these posts, that is what I need!”. I signed up to be a part of the book’s launch team, and that was one of the best decisions I’ve made for myself in a very long time.

    The reason ‘Set Boundaries, Find Peace’ has been so much more helpful to me than all the other books I’ve read on boundaries, is that it is so clear and direct – which is exactly what Nedra explains you have to be when setting boundaries. The way the chapters are organized is very clean and simple, and the exercises really challenge you to connect with yourself, and get to the heart of the matter you’re trying to work through. She emphasizes pushing through the feelings of guilt, and explains so concisely how guilt can trick us into believing we’re doing something wrong simply by saying ‘no’, or asking for help.

    On page 252, she says, “Remember: there is no such thing as guilt-free boundary setting. If you want to minimize (not eliminate) guilt, change the way you think about the process. Stop thinking about boundaries as mean or wrong; start to believe they’re a nonnegotiable part of healthy relationships, as well as a self-care and wellness practice.”

    She also gives you the exact words to use when setting a certain boundary, and she doesn’t leave anything to ambiguity. Not only does she include examples of real life scenarios where certain boundaries are necessary, she tells you precisely how to go about setting these boundaries in your own life. This is what every other book I’d read before was lacking. This is where the other books fell short. Nedra doesn’t just give you the tools; she tells you, clearly and directly, how to use them.

    I am so grateful that I got to be a part of this book’s launch team, and even though I wish this book existed years ago, I am so grateful that it exists in the world now.

    Give yourself one of the greatest gifts you ever could, and read this book. While I was reading it, there were times I had to put it down for a couple of days and really face some hard truths, but this is how we grow; this is how we ultimately find peace. We push through the tough stuff, and come out on the other side feeling more empowered than we ever thought possible; and this book will guide you through it, every step of the way.

  11. bookie

    The book is really sensible and gentle, while provoking deep reflections upon our own behavior and how to reach healthier responsives to situations and others.

  12. Kimberly H

    I borrowed this book from the library it was so good I had to come purchase it. Definitely eye opening.

  13. Damien Malveaux

    This book came to me highly recommended by a work colleague at a presentation on work-life balance and time management. I ordered it, but as someone who has done a lot of “work” these past 30+ years and has a fair bit of experience with setting and maintaining boundaries, I found little here to inspire me. The chapters and lists of techniques are fine, just a bit simplistic. Many of the pages are just lists in bullet point form. This could be very helpful for beginners, I think. But I really didn’t need to learn reasons to say “no” to invitations I don’t want to accept (for example)–I got that down. So I need to look elsewhere for a deeper dive on protecting my time and figuring out priorities in a job that could eat up my life 24/7 if I let it. I’m sure it’s out there.

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