Amazon.com: House of Flame and Shadow: Crescent City, Book 3 (Audible Audio Edition): Sarah J. Maas, Elizabeth Evans, Audible Studios: Audible Books & Originals

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The stunning third book in the sexy, action-packed Crescent City series, following the global best sellers House of Earth and Blood and House of Sky and Breath.

Bryce Quinlan never expected to see a world other than Midgard, but now that she has, all she wants is to get back. Everything she loves is in Midgard: her family, her friends, her mate. Stranded in a strange new world, she’s going to need all her wits about her to get home again. And that’s no easy feat when she has no idea whom to trust.

Hunt Athalar has found himself in some deep holes in his life, but this one might be the deepest of all. After a few brief months with everything he ever wanted, he’s in the Asteri’s dungeons again, stripped of his freedom and without a clue as to Bryce’s fate. He’s desperate to help her, but until he can escape the Asteri’s leash, his hands are quite literally tied.

In this sexy, breathtaking sequel to the number one best sellers House of Earth and Blood and House of Sky and Breath, Sarah J. Maas’ Crescent City series reaches new heights as Bryce and Hunt’s world is brought to the brink of collapse—with its future resting on their shoulders.

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Amazon.com: House of Flame and Shadow: Crescent City, Book 3 (Audible Audio Edition): Sarah J. Maas, Elizabeth Evans, Audible Studios: Audible Books & Originals

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7 reviews for Amazon.com: House of Flame and Shadow: Crescent City, Book 3 (Audible Audio Edition): Sarah J. Maas, Elizabeth Evans, Audible Studios: Audible Books & Originals

  1. JD

    Similar to another review I just read, this is the first book I’ve reviewed in the series (shame on me). I’ll try to not re-hash the story line but perhaps offer a few different perspectives and only a humble recommendation or two. Like many other fans out there, SJM is one of my absolute favorite authors for a variety of reasons. I really appreciate her plots (across all her series) and the twists and turns she sends me down. She is one of the few authors that actually surprises me with her plot twists, and I love it. Her heroines are true heroines…and she makes room for more than one in her novels, which is how it should be. I also appreciate just how brilliant her heroines are. They have sass and always something up their sleeve. She also knows how to write well, which is actually not that easy to find these days. She may have a fantastic set of editors that help, but I’m just going to ignore that possibility for now and give her 100% of the credit. I mention that because even though this novel is close to 1000 pages, each page serves a purpose, and there isn’t a whole lot of “extra”. I never once sat back and wondered why 3 pages of material was written to describe something that could have been handled with a paragraph. That has been a frustration with some other favorite authors of mine lately….rush jobs to pump out novels to appease fans that have not been edited well. Anyway, moving on… Something I wanted to point out that I loved with this novel was this technique of switching back and forth between the action among different storylines within the same chapter. I can’t recall if she did this with her other novels, but I loved this technique in this one. For example, one moment we would be reading about Hunt and the torture he and the boys were experiencing in the dungeon (or whatever we want to call it), and then it would switch to Tharion’s situation in the Viper Queen’s nest. The way she’d switch mid-chapter really kept the story moving along and interesting. There were times I’d be reading about the action in one place and wondering what was happening with a different set of characters and then…bam!….I was reading about them without having to wait for the next chapter. Or, alternatively, I think I would have just skimmed over an entire chapter about Tharion staying doped up and feeling sorry for himself when he was living in the Viper Queen’s nest, but reading the little snippets here and there as we moved through that story line were perfect. Ok, so…enough on the great writing itself. 🙂
    Next, the crossover with ACOTAR….that was a present unto itself. Thank you Sarah J. Mass….seriously….thank you for that extra bit of joy you just gifted all of us. We knew it was coming, but I personally refused to acknowledge it after HOSAB because I knew I’d have to wait for the next book, and I couldn’t get myself excited about it at that time knowing it would be a while before we’d have it in hand. I would have liked to see a bit more Rhysand and perhaps a Feyre appearance, but beggars can’t be choosers, and I still loved it. I’m also looking forward to how some of this plays into the next ACOTAR novel that comes out!
    Next, the spice. No, it doesn’t have as much in it as some of the other books, but that was completely fine by me because in this book I just wanted answers! I wanted it to all come together, I wanted the characters to get rid of the Asteri and save the world. The book did all of this. I can’t believe I’m stating this (because I love some spice…4 peppers please), but if there had been no spice in this one, I’d have still given it 5 stars. hahahaha. Let’s face it, it is hard to find a moment when you are constantly with your friends in the middle of saving the world for some private time. That’s fair. (But, a few of them still managed to do it….so….let’s not be too critical about it).
    If there was anything I might have tweaked, it would have been the process of getting rid of the Asteri. Something about it felt a bit too quick after Polaris was killed. At this point I’ve read two other novels and hundreds and hundreds of pages leading up to this moment, and I just felt like it was over a bit too quickly. (Maybe because Bryce is just such a good planner? :)) I liked the struggle described for Polaris. I think I was expecting one more twist or something to happen between that and getting rid of the others (outside of the kill-switch revelation). But, it’s all good. Maybe at this point, we just want them gone.

    Anyway, I really did enjoy this novel, and this series. It met, if not exceeded, all of my expectations, and I’m looking forward to her next book release. I wish we could get 2 books a year from her, but the complex storylines, character development, and world-building are well worth the wait. For me, the TOG and ACOTAR series are still in the lead, but this is an outstanding series. Her books are all at a whole other level, and I think we are very fortunate she discovered her talent and passion early on and pursued them.

    I have only one recommendation, which I’m sure will never been seen, but I’m making it anyway! I am more than happy to wait a year or more for SJM’s next book in a series. I’m all about quality over quantity. The challenge (for me at least) is that when that next book in a series comes out, I have, unfortunately, forgotten important details of the previous book(s), and I end up putting in a lot of extra time scouring the internet for synopsis, etc. (Thank goodness there is plenty out there). I wish I had the time to re-read previous books before a new one comes out, but that is not always possible with my schedule, and I read so many books each year that storylines can get a bit fuzzy. (I know…I know…there are some die-hards out there that can’t believe I don’t remember every detail, but it is what it is.). Anyway, I am a fan of what an author whose work I have read recently (Eliza Raine) has done to address this in one of her series, and I thought I’d put it out there as an example for consideration. She has added a short refresher/summary to the beginning of her books, and it is fantastic because it summarizes the details she thinks are most important from the previous books in the series. After reading this, you are locked in and ready to start the new book with no need to seek out summaries and play catch up. Anyway, just a humble recommendation for consideration.

  2. Kindle Customer

    Absolutely loved these books and couldn’t put it down. Amazing characters and worlds twists and turns. I wish I could read them again for the first time

  3. Angel

    alles in orde

  4. Katelyn

    I felt like this last book of the trilogy was least thought through and written as if in haste. The plot was excellent, but there were episodes that were rushed. That felt very much unlike Sarah Maas as she usually fills in every bit of the plot with particular and quite magic details. Nevertheless, the book was a pleasure to read.

  5. Mari Maia

    The media could not be loaded.

     Ela é simplesmente PERFEITA! Capa dura, com jacket, ilustrações e mapa… simplesmente perfeita!

  6. Megan Bajorek

    Sweet baby Jesus where to begin… What to say… This book picks up amazingly where House of Breathe and Sky leaves off but weaves practically all the POVs and then some of every character we have been introduced to thus far.

    This book provides a constant and balanced feeling of tension with gratifying and sometimes explosive pay off. Think about having a theory (or several) for YEARS only to be proven right suddenly at many calculated points in the behemoth of a book!!! Absolutely thrilling.

    I typically finish new books of this genre and size in 2-3 days (because I have zero chill or self control; thanks ADHD hyper-fixation and loving books more than people) but I wanted to take my time with this; Really absorb it after so many years of waiting; really take every word and possibility in to my brain.

    Boy was I not wrong to do so! This book made me laugh, cry with joy and sorrow, scribble like a mad-woman in my “notebook” and group texts of potential connections and theories, and it made my heart absolutely explode with the strengthening of the themes of the power of all forms of love, the unyielding bonds of friendship (across great distances), the value and significance of found family and the determination to do what is right regardless of the potential cost.

    It is this reader’s opinion that SJM has continued her long running streak of writing creative stories, that weave in and out of past, present and future histories, while also writing complex, deep sometimes tortured characters who seek redemption and love as a way to heal from their pasts, and provides high stakes nearly in every chapter that keeps you excited, but also trembling with fear for those you care about and the world you’ve come to love.

    Now, I am not with out some disappointment in some areas of the story telling specifically related to a lot of focus/attention on a certain Sunball Player and a Mer having a mid-life crisis without any real pay off as well as some great starting points in House of Sky and Breath for C and D characters with literally a hurried and almost “throw away” story line for them. It is clear that SJM may have had a few too many cooks in the kitchen with this one but overall I was still engaged, impressed and sad to leave some of my favorite characters: I’m looking at you: Ruhn and Lidia!

    Bravo to Sarah J. Maas on continuing to be the magical world building, enticing wordsmith Fae princess badass that our Earth needs!!!

  7. Mari Maia

    4.5 eight-pointed stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨

    Spoiler Free Review:

    I am very much still processing this book and I likely will be for a while. Going into this book I had so many theories on where this was going and let me tell you 90% of them were WRONG. Reflecting back I am glad this book wasn’t written as a fan service. As much as I wanted all the answers to my questions it didn’t make sense for everything to be revealed in this book. This is very much the kind of book that I will appreciate so much more on the re-read and I am excited to read this again. This book feels like it was written for the people who theory spiral with the amount of Easter eggs included (but also to drive us insane because of the thousand more questions she gave us). In saying all that, this book was full of the plot twists, intrigue and spice that we all love. Overall it is another excellent and expertly told story by Sarah and I am going to trust the process on where we are going and enjoy the ride. I can’t wait to see what is next and I will leave you with my favourite spoiler free quote.

    “Team Caves, all the way.” He huffed a laugh. “Let’s get T-shirts.”











    If I could write this entire review only about Lidia Cervos I would because this character just sky rocketed to close to the top of my list of favourites (which honestly with what we learned at the end of the book it makes sense iykyk).

    “The most beautiful female he’d ever seen. A flawless mask over a rotted heart. His enemy. His lover. The soul he’d thought was-“

    The enemies to lovers plot between Ruhn and Lidia was perfection and I didn’t think it was possible for my heart to be as crushed as it was when we learned that she has children. The line about having an acceptable female sob story really resonated with me and I thought that was masterful to include. I hope we get much more of Lidia in any future books.

    Part 1 was honestly not what I was expecting. After some time to reflect on it I am glad that she did not write this as a fan service and kept the characters true to their personalities (of course it makes sense that they would all be wary of each other). Do I wish we had seen more of the Prythian characters and was it slightly frustrating that all my friends weren’t getting along? Yes to both, but I think it was realistic for the situation and I appreciate how this played out in such a way that wasn’t a detriment to either series standing on their own. The Asteri torture chapters were surprisingly a good mix of humour and pain (so much pain). Some of my favourite moments and lines exist in this portion and it felt oddly cathartic that the boys were able to bond and use humour to survive this trauma.

    Part 2 was an absolute whirl wind and it was where the plot started to fall apart for me. Some of the characters made decisions that seemed very off for them. This was however, was the section of the book that contained my favourite quote.
    “I wanted you to listen,” she snapped, “but you wouldn’t. Yet now that I fit some sort of acceptably sad female backstory, you’re willing to hear me out.”
    “Would you have listened if I had no backstory other than realizing what was right and wanting to fight for it? Of doing whatever it took to make sure that good prevailed against tyranny? Or does my being a mother somehow make my choices more palatable to you?”

    This account is a Lidia fan account now. I thought it was so heart wrenching that after everything Lidia went through for FIFTEEN YEARS it was only accepted that she did what she did once they learned she had done it for her children.
    Some more incredibly dumb choices were made (I’m looking at you Tharion and Ithan) and we were back in some caves. I swear it felt like 50% of this book took place in caves. “Team Caves” indeed. I will however be buying ALL the Team Caves merch that is sure to pop up after this. We learn that Hunt is essentially a test tube baby and that Hel wants to come fight in their battle (because we can trust Hunt’s Daddies(?)). There was also a very suspicious line included about how only the 3 brothers would be assisting in the fight because the other 4 are on other worlds? Because the smirk right after from Aidas and Apollion didn’t scream red flag. I was rooting for the Autumn King redemption arc but he was given a chance to do the right thing multiple times so he got what was coming. Thank you Ruhn. Part 2 ended on a note that was very much hopeful and had me terrified for what was going to go wrong for the rest of the book.

    Part 3 in a typical SJM fashion was absolute insanity and included so much information that I can’t possibly cover it all in this review. Notable plot points included:
    -Finding the cure to the parasite in the water supply (I have been screaming from the rooftops to anyone who will listen about there being “fluoride” in the water supply causing their powers to dwindle for months so this was satisfying)
    -Ithan having SNOW MAGIC (I cried)
    -Ithan becoming Prime (I screamed)
    -Urd=Wyrd (I yelled)
    -Hypaxia become head of House of Flame and Shadow (I cheered)
    -Bryce opening a portal to find Nesta eating chocolate cake (I cried)
    -Lidia, Lidia, Lidia, Ruhn, Lidia, Brannon Galathynius, Lidia, FIRE AND FIRE SPRITES (I cried)
    -Bryce and Hunt using The Mask (I cried)
    -Jesiba and Pack of Devils (I. CRIED.)
    I found it oddly satisfying that there was a parallel to Bryce vacuuming up Micah in House and Earth and Blood with the Asteri’s ultimate defeat happening in the vacuum of space.

    With all that said I did have some major issues with this part. The jump to sci-fi felt jarring and I’m still trying to figure out if I like it or not. I know Sarah is a big fan of happy ever afters but this just felt a little too nicely tied up with a bow and I think I was hoping for more of a cliff hanger ending especially knowing there is a fourth book expected in this series. The entire plot with Sigrid felt like a blatant plot device. It was very frustrating to read because it seemed to be so obviously a means to get Ithan to be Prime and was so poorly done that it made me start to get annoyed with Ithan, who I previously adored. The deaths of main characters feel cheapened by them being immediately brought back and maybe I am alone in this but it has been done so many times at this point that it’s almost expected. Is it wrong of me to want to experience some true pain? Maybe make us wait a book before the resurrection happens I don’t know, I might just be crazy for wanting that. The ending felt somewhat rushed and I wish what are presumably the “big bads” didn’t go down so easily and the whole thing was more drawn out.

    I did thoroughly enjoy this book despite my critiques and I’m incredibly excited to see what is in store for us next. The writing itself was amazing and I found the jumps between points of view to be done in such a way that added to the intensity of the story and I want to applaud that because it really kept me on my toes the entire time I was reading. Not once did I feel as though there was a major lull in the story, which was stressful, but very impressive and well done.

    And we cannot forget the most important part, that our favourite Valkyrie bestie learned a new term to call the Bat Boys.

    “”Alphaholes,” Nesta echoed, eyes gleaming with amusement. Bryce chuckled”

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