A Thousand Broken Pieces (Boy Kisses)


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Three years.

Twelve months.

A timeless grief.

After losing her beloved sister three years ago, Savannah Litchfield has been living half a life. Now seventeen―the age Poppy died―the pain of losing her is worse than ever. When Savannah’s therapist suggests a trip around the world to help teens stricken by loss, she reluctantly agrees to it, clutching the unread journal Poppy left her as she goes.

Cael Woods is angry. One year after losing his older brother―the person who meant the world to him―his life has spiraled into a heady void of nothing. Once the most promising hockey player in the junior league, Cael can no longer step onto the ice without being paralyzed by memories of his brother. When his parents sign him up for a trip abroad for grieving teens, no part of him wants to go―but he does.

As Cael and Savannah embark on a journey of healing, they learn to find solace together, discovering a glimmer of light only the other can bring. And the harder they fall, the more they heal the fractured fragments of their hearts, piece by broken piece.

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A Thousand Broken Pieces (Boy Kisses)

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Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $9.74.

9 reviews for A Thousand Broken Pieces (Boy Kisses)

  1. Aywa

    Finished reading it almost 3 days.

  2. Charlotte G

    “A Thousand Broken Pieces” is nothing short of a masterpiece. This novel is amazing, heart-wrenching, and inspiring, evoking a range of emotions that few books manage to do so effectively. Tillie Cole’s writing is not just beautiful; it is transformative.

    Having read “A Thousand Boy Kisses,” I anticipated an emotional journey with this book, but even that expectation did not prepare my heart for the impact it had. This story is a profound lesson in healing, resonating deeply with anyone who has experienced grief. It has personally helped me process my own pain and find a semblance of peace, a testament to the power of Cole’s storytelling.

    Every character in the book is crafted with such depth and care that they feel real. My heart broke countless times for Sav and Cael, yet amidst the sorrow, there was an overwhelming sense of hope. Their journey is a poignant reminder of the resilience of the human spirit.

    Tillie Cole’s ability to weave such an unforgettable tale confirms her as an exceptional writer. “A Thousand Broken Pieces” is a story that will stay with me forever, and I eagerly await the possibility of Rune’s story next. This book is more than just a read; it is an experience that changes you.

  3. Yvette Garcia

    A Thousand Broken Pieces by Tillie Cole is book 2 in the A Thousand Boy Kisses series and my heart has still not healed. If you like books about first loves, tragic pasts, hockey, friends to lovers, soulmates, loss of a loved one, friendships, healing journey, travel, coming of age, and YA, then you will love this book.

    Savannah, is Poppy’s younger sister, she is grieving her loss and still struggling four years later. Cael is struggling with Cillian’s death and letting the darkness and anger take over. Sav and Cael are struggling and their parents will do anything to save them. Parents decide to send them on a group trip that is meant to heal and mend their broken hearts through focus therapy.

    This story took my heart that was still broken from a Thousand Boy Kisses, broke it even more with Sav and Cael’s story, then at the end sewed it back together. Poppy’s story had me blubbering like a baby by the end of the book and I thought I was going to bawl reading Savannah’s story but I didn’t. I did tear up reading Cael’s story, when I’m his memories and pain came up during a therapy session and he cried those deep buried tears of pain…I cried with him. Sav and Cael were drawn to each other because of what they both lost but fell in love with each other because they accepted each other as they were and supported each other through their healing journey.

    This book does such an amazing job at showing how teens handle their grief and sadness in their own way. It also showed them that no 2 people deal with grief in the same way. The process of healing and how each country healed different parts of them was so amazingly beautiful. I love when they went to India and participated in the Holi aka festival of color. Tillie did such a great job with the story, storyline, describing each country and the healing that came with it, and the attention to detail. I can go on and on because I enjoyed this book so much but I won’t. I cannot recommend this book enough. You have to read A Thousand Boy Kisses first otherwise you will be lost. This is a must read but make sure you have your tissues on standby.

  4. Lauren & Jeff


    I sobbed in the prologue.

    I thought about leaving that as my whole review but here we are.

    This was one of my most anticipated reads for the year and it did not disappoint.

    It was angsty and sad and beautiful and made me feel all the feels.

    Reading Savannah’s story my heart ached for both her and Cael but I also felt so much hope. Life after grief comes in so many forms and this tugged at my heart as I thought of the loved ones I’ve lost. An absolutely beautiful follow up to A Thousand Boy Kisses.

  5. Sammie

    Okay, Tillie Cole how dare you!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭

    The first half of the book i was pretty bored. I’m too old for it and too cynical. It felt like it’s only grieving teenagers. But the healing process was pretty beautiful and the audiobook is phenomenal, the P.J. Ochlan did an incredible performance! If i would only rate the audiobook it would be 5 stars. But all in all this book wasn’t really for me.

  6. Stacey M

    I thought this sequel was beautifully written about a topic that touches everyone, highlighting that we all have a different journey and process when dealing with grief and loss. From the very first chapter you are taken on an emotional journey focusing on healing and how hard it is to sometimes find the light in situations that can pull you into darkness. Savannah and Cael’s story has so much heart and soul poured into it that you will struggle to put it down once you start reading, feeling like you are traveling along with the group on their healing journey. A love story like no other, filled with little touches that honoured Poppy’s memory making it heart breaking at times but so worth the tissues to get to the end. I believe everyone who reads this story will be taking something different away from it, but for me I thought it was an absolutely amazing read!!!

  7. Lauren & Jeff

    I thought I was ready, but Tillie had me ugly crying after only two pages! This book is everything, and I can only imagine how painful this was to write, the memories it must have brought up, and the grief that was re-lived. The way Tillie captured this grief and this pain was heartbreaking to read, but is something I’m sure many of us can all relate to.

    I had to put the book down several times to compose myself, and my kids were quick to cwtch me better and to “help me through it” – their words 🤣

    The journey Sav and Cael go through is not for the feint of heart, but it makes their ending that much more special.

    Once again, Tillie has written a book that completely and utterly destroyed me emotionally, but it was such a cathartic read, and I will carry this with me always.

  8. Kahea46

    ***5 Stars***

    This was a rough read, and I knew that it would be going in, but it was also sweet, filled with hope and some amazing heartwarming moments that made turning the pages a little easier.

    Going on this journey with Savannah and Cael, as well as the others in the group, was an experience. Grief is personal and all of their journey’s had an effect on me as they were made to face their grief and watching as they all had moments that helped them start to move out of the darkness that hovered over them.

    As for Sav and Cael and their journey. It is insta, but I was good with it. Some people just connect and they did. The knowing between them without words was sweet and I liked how they gave each other hope that they could find away out of the darkness.

    I read A Thousand Boy Kisses many moons ago and got all sniffly and I did the same with this book. We’ve all experienced loss and grief and this book and the journey of all the characters touched me on a deep level. I will say that there are situations in here that may be/will be triggering, but each one is based on the reason for why the various characters are on this journey, so just be prepared. So, if you one click this baby, have some tissues handy.

  9. Angela Hodge

    I don’t think I’ve ever read a better book about love, loss, grief and the journey of healing than Tillie Cole’s A Thousand Broken Pieces. This is the sequel to A Thousand Boy Kisses and you absolutely should read them in order to get the desired effect and full story.

    After the loss of her beloved sister Poppy, Savannah stopped living life to the fullest and fell into the throes of grief. None of the therapy was working so her therapist wanted to try a healing trip abroad with others like her where she meets Cael. Cael is angry at the world and not coping at all after losing his brother so his parents sign him up for the trip abroad as a last effort to help him. What they both find is incredibly unexpected and just the push they needed to find the joy of life again.

    I cried within the first few pages of this book and then off and on throughout, this is an unexpected gift that Tillie Cole has written about losing those you love and how to come back from the grief that encompasses you afterwards. These characters are raw, real and believable and will capture your heart as you journey with them. I was hooked from beginning to end and enjoyed the story, all the characters, and the all the descriptions of the countries and cultures that the group went to on their journey. It made me want to go see those exact sights.

    I recommend this YA romance with a HEA but do note there could be triggers for some as there are heavy topics discussed such as suicide, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, cancer, loss of loved ones and oppression of sexual orientation.

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