The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World


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ECPA BESTSELLER • A compelling emotional and spiritual case against hurry and in favor of a slower, simpler way of life—from the New York Times bestselling author of Practicing the Way

“Prophetic, practical, and profoundly life giving . . . provides a way forward that creates hope, hunger, and a vision of a beautiful life. I consider this required reading.”—Jon Tyson, lead pastor of the Church of the City New York and author of Beautiful Resistance
“Who am I becoming?”

That was the question nagging pastor and author John Mark Comer. Outwardly, he appeared successful. But inwardly, things weren’t pretty. So he turned to a trusted mentor for guidance and heard these words:
“Ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life. Hurry is the great enemy of the spiritual life.”

It wasn’t the response he expected, but it was—and continues to be—the answer he needs. Too often we treat the symptoms of toxicity in our modern world instead of trying to pinpoint the cause. A growing number of voices are pointing at hurry, or busyness, as a root of much evil.
For busy parents and students going back to school, or anyone trying to build better habits, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry is a fascinating roadmap to staying emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the chaos of the modern world.

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The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World

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Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $8.83.

12 reviews for The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World

  1. Adam Gleason

    There are books you love, and then there are books that truly impact your life. This is the latter. The message that Comer shares in this book is something I personally needed to hear as someone often caught up in the relentless hurry of the modern world. Learning how to slow down and focus on what is most important is something we all need to learn how to do more effectively. This skill cuts across so many areas of our lives, and yet we hardly ever take the time to truly slow down. This book not only opened my eyes to the problem, but also provided great advice on how to implement strategies to find the solution. You will not regret reading this book!

  2. Princy Angelina

    I seriously realized the depths of the hurriedness in my life. I started spending time with the Lord and reprioritizing my life and actually laying all my burdens on the LORD. A must-buy! No matter who you are and what you are, just read it and see how easy it is to live. Thank you, Jesus!

  3. W. Kevin Gilbert

    Comer does a fabulous job of detailing the problem and what’s at stake. He provides the solution and disciplines to put into practice to heal from hurry sickness. If you’ll actually put these into practice, your life will change for the better.

  4. Jason

    Audible version of John Mark Comer is great, gifted communicator who makes it fun to listen. Learn to live a better life by using the tools Jesus gave us.

  5. Zoe @calculatedliterature

    I read this after everyone I know recommended it to me, and now I can see why. This was such an impactful read, and it’s definitely one I intend to reread. It has motivated me to change my habits, restructure my priorities, and has helped highlight the ways distraction is preventing me from deepening my relationship with God. I’ve now become one of those people who recommends this book to everyone I meet.

  6. MS

    I very much liked the message of this book. I didn’t like the execution of providing the message very much. There were good and bad things about both the message and execution, but good ones carried much more weight.
    But, I will traditionally start from some…

    1. Jokes.

    That’s the minor CON. Some of them were really lame. Dry like a desert. But some of them cracked me up too. I guess, you cannot win them all, right?

    But there is an underlying issue here too. Check out CON #3.

    2. Overly Spiritual.
    That’s nitpicking, I know. This is a book written by a pastor for Christians. It should be spiritual and it serves this crowd.

    However, I hate the fact that people who need this message the most, luke-warmed Christians and secular people, will miss out on this. The ruthless elimination of hurry helps you become a better human being, not just a better Christian.

    I’m a Christian, and I always try to mix both spiritual and secular tips in my texts, so the majority of the population will not be left out.

    On the other hand, I guess none of this makes deep sense if there is not a loving God who knows what’s good and bad for us. You can go through the motions, but if you don’t see the meaning, will you even bother to go through the motions?

    As I said, pure nitpicking.

    3. Language, Please!
    But I fully agree with the current top review of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry on Amazon: the language is dumbed down and this does the book a great disservice. Seriously, I love self-published books for the personal tone and personal stories. But if the personal tone becomes a colloquial one, especially tackling such a serious subject matter… Ouch.

    That severely spoiled my reading experience. Still, I highlighted a lot of passages and devoured the book. It taught me something. It reinforced or articulated a lot of what I already knew. But the sour taste remained.

    Definitely, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry is not a perfect book. But it is a very good one. Here comes the plenty of…


    1. The Origin Story.
    For me, it set the stage for the whole book. But the advice from Comer’s mentor, repeated word by word, when asked about spiritual progress?

    Plus, John’s struggles with keeping his sanity in the hurry of the everyday life made the whole book relatable for me.

    It was a perfect way to start the book. Big kudos for that.

    2. Sabbath.
    I’m a guy who has been practicing Sabbath for 25 years (since I was 17 years old). I never grasped completely where it comes from. I was simply obedient.
    Not zealous; my line of work (IT support of 24/7 systems) demanded attending some emergencies and scheduled maintenance on Sundays. But I always had the gut feeling it’s extremely important to stick to the Sabbath practice.

    Even during my university studies, I must have been really pressed (the final attempt to pass an exam) to study on Sunday. When I had the chance to stray away from the projects that needed occasional work on Sundays, I jumped on it.

    However, only by reading The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry did I realize what Sabbath really provides:

    the Sabbath — just like an animal or a human being — has the life-giving capacity to procreate.”

    I knew the Ten Commandments by heart, but the Catholic version of the Sabbath commandment (in teaching, not in the Bible) is severely abbreviated: Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. I never paid attention to the whole placement of the commandment.

    What penetrated my awareness was probably quoting the percentages:

    If you were to configure Ten Commandments as a pie chart, this one would take up over 30 percent of the pie.”

    I’m a numbers freak. I know what they mean, like normal people know what words mean. The third commandment is utterly important. The author’s line of reasoning convinced me completely. I was ready to accept that the Sabbath is life-giving.

    3. The Message.
    Like most people nowadays, I stuffed way too many tasks into my days. Almost exactly two years ago, a friend challenged me to dedicate half an hour a day for physical activity.

    I had to force myself to carve out those 30 minutes a day. It helped me immensely in keeping a sane mind among the multitude of things I do on a daily basis (writing, coaching, a day job, book advertising business, three masterminds, etc.). It saved my mind when I was in the thick of the COVID-induced brain fog for three months.

    Also, around the same time I started tracking my work time. I had been working 4–6 hours a day (apart from Sundays, of course). And my income didn’t fluctuate much. Creating time for walks and bike rides also created a mind space for me.

    I think this is a good illustration of what eliminating hurry out of your life does. Comparing to most corporate workers, I work at a leisurely pace. And I’m making more money than my director in PwC who has 60+ people under her chain of command.

    I’m talking money here because that’s the main illusion in hurry’s favor — that by doing more and faster you can have more. Yes, you can, but it’s not a guarantee. You can have “much” by working 4–6 hours a day.

    That’s just tackling the carnal part of things. When it comes to the spiritual realm, hurry gives zero return. In fact, it’s a hurdle.

    I pray, meditate, read and journal for about two hours a day, and I’ve been doing that for years. This is the sole reason I could hustle for years and didn’t ever burn out. There were a few occasions where I was close to a breakdown, but I always had space in my days reserved for God and relationships; that saved me.

    Oh, and I didn’t just survive. I made a lot of progress. And that’s my point. You don’t need to hurry up to grow. You need to slow down. Comer articulates it aptly in his book.

    4. 20 Practices to Slow Down.
    That was the best part of the book, in my opinion, because it was the most practical. I’m a down-to-earth kind of person. Deep philosophical ruminations are fine and good, but if they don’t translate into concrete daily actions, I just don’t hold them in high esteem.

    The practices John enumerated are clear, precise and taken from his experience. You can take them and apply immediately.

    And they are so challenging! Seriously, remember this comes from a guy who spends over 2.5 hours a day on intentional slowing down. I’m on the same page as the author, yet I found most of those disciplines extremely challenging. Also, several of them apply directly to mobile phones. I thought I made a good job of using my smartphone as a tool, but reading through those tips, my complacency evaporated.

    Anyway, I think this one chapter is worth the book’s price.
    5. Deep and Profound.

    Despite “dumbing down” the language, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry is still a very deep book. And from time to time, some sentence would hit me like a ton of bricks. A few reflections:

    It’s wise to regularly deny ourselves from getting what we want, whether through a practice as intense as fasting or as minor as picking the longest checkout line. That way, when somebody else denies us from getting what we want, we don’t respond with anger.”

    Well, John is more of a saint than me. Too often, I do respond with anger. But he is right that asceticism builds barriers between the impulse and the automatic reactions. I’ve never thought of my ascetic practices that way, but I agree 100% with the above passage.

    We achieve inner peace when our schedules are aligned with our values.”

    Well said, indeed! We regret doing things or not doing them exactly because they are out of sync with our values.

    I like cleaning a kitchen from time to time to express my love for my wife. But I cannot fully replace her in this task because then I would scramble to find time for writing. Putting bread on the table is as important as cleaning, and it is my task in our household.

    When I regret that I binge-watched a TV series or YT channel, it’s because I didn’t align my actions with my values.

    Now, I seriously think I should have a closer look at my schedule and determine what’s aligned with my values in it and what is not.

    Life is right under our noses, waiting to be enjoyed.”

    Hurry literally robs me of my life. If I don’t take time to enjoy my life, but chase the next shiny object, how would I ever enjoy my life? Pausing the race is a necessary prerequisite for enjoyment.

    The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry is not perfect. It’s too often snarky and ironic. Yet, it’s profound and mmarydeep at the same time. Writing a book with all of those characteristics is an art I appreciate.

    The ‘youth’ language and lame jokes spoiled my reading experience a bit, but just a bit.

    The Bible analysis? Superb. I’ve been studying the Bible for decades, and still I learned something new.

    The how-to of slowing down the modern life? Superb. Challenging even for a guy like me who uses the technology as a tool, not an entertainment.

    Overall impression? Superb.

    Read this book.

  7. Amanda Southworth

    Truly enjoyed this read. Easy to follow, engaging and thought provoking. I would recommend this read for those searching for perspective and peace. I enjoyed the facts as well as the advice and steps given to help enjoy the present.

  8. Kenny Peters

    Really great insights and very Jesus focused. Just what I needed after going through a very busy season in life.

  9. ChadG

    In his compelling book, “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry,” John Mark Comer presents a powerful case for slowing down and embracing spiritual disciplines as a means to access the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. As a fellow Jesus follower, I found Comer’s insights to be both convicting and inspiring, urging me to reevaluate my own priorities and pursue a deeper connection with God.

    One of the book’s central themes is the idea that spiritual disciplines like prayer and fasting require great intentionality and commitment, but they also unlock a source of power that is otherwise inaccessible to us. Comer argues that by creating space for these practices in our lives, we open ourselves up to the work of the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to live with greater purpose, peace, and spiritual vitality.

    This message struck a chord with me, as I have often struggled to maintain a consistent rhythm of spiritual disciplines amidst the demands of my roles as a CEO, dad, and technology enthusiast. Comer’s words serve as a timely reminder that neglecting these practices can lead to a sense of disconnection from God and a lack of spiritual power in our lives.

    As I reflected on the book’s content, I was reminded of Jesus’ teaching that some demons can only be cast out through prayer and fasting (Mark 9:29). While Comer does not specifically reference this passage, I believe it affirms the book’s underlying premise—that there is real spiritual power to be found in the disciplines of prayer and fasting, power that enables us to overcome the challenges and obstacles we face in our lives.

    “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” is more than just a call to slow down; it is an invitation to pursue a life of deep intimacy with God and to experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. For anyone who has ever felt too busy to prioritize their spiritual growth, this book offers a compelling vision of what is possible when we ruthlessly eliminate hurry and make space for the things that truly matter.

    If you are looking for a book that will challenge you to reconsider your priorities, deepen your faith, and experience the power of spiritual discipline in new ways, “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” is a must-read. Comer’s insights and practical guidance will help you cultivate a life marked by greater purpose, peace, and spiritual vitality.


  10. Corinne D. Shields

    I loved this book. As I am coming to the end, I am already looking forward to re-reading it. So many gems, so many nuggets of wisdom to glean. As someone who is prone to both overschedule and over busy my life, this is a book that has been on my radar for a while. It is also a book that I have resisted reading. I knew it would go against the grain of my busy, hurried life. I knew there would be much in it that would make me feel uncomfortable. But I also knew that I was not living my best life. I was constantly on the go, frequently exhausted, increasingly distracted etc etc. In the end, I did read this book. Maybe God decided it was time to slow me down for long enough to pick it up and actually read it. I strained my foot a few days ago. I was forced to not just slow down, but to lie down with my foot elevated and iced. This book has kept me company through this ‘ordeal’. In the end it was not an ‘ordeal’ at all. It has been a wonderful opportunity to read a wonderful book. Will it change my life? I hope so. I’m committed to leading my life in the ways John Mark suggests. I will need more help to change my ingrained hurry habits than a one-time reading of one book, but my eyes have been opened. I want to continue the search. I’ve already bought ‘Live No Lies’. I’m on my way. I thoroughly recommend this book to anyone who thinks they might be rushing through their life in the pursuit of happiness, and might, just might be on the wrong track.

  11. Ash A.

    I’m not a Christian or a Catholic, but that didn’t stop me from picking up and reading this book cover to cover. Above all, it is a fresh perspective on our lives and how to live them for more fulfillment and peace. And I mean FRESH. There’s so much regurgitated information out there, and I thought I had heard it all, but this one is different and makes a lot of sense.

  12. Anton Kramer

    Offen und ehrlich erzählt John Mark Comer von seiner eigenen Lebensgeschichte und wie Jesus ihm geholfen hat, sich Herausforderungen zu stellen und was er dabei entdeckt hat. Das Buch ist inspirierend, humorvoll, leicht zu lesen und zu verstehen und dabei weckt es eine tiefe Sehnsucht danach, ein Leben im Frieden und der Ruhe Gottes zu leben – ganz ohne Eile und Hektik, eben so wie Jesus gelebt hat.

    Volle Empfehlung für jeden Menschen, der mehr vom Leben erwartet und sich tiefere Zufriedenheit wünscht.

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