The War on Warriors: Behind the Betrayal of the Men Who Keep Us Free


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Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $19.29.

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Real men fought for our freedoms. It’s time we fought for theirs.

Pete Hegseth joined the Army to fight extremists. Then that same Army called him one. The military Pete joined twenty years ago was fiercely focused on lethality, competency, and color blindness. Today our brass are following the rest of our country off the cliff of cultural chaos and weakness.

Americans with common sense are fighting this on many fronts, but if we can’t save the meritocracy of our military, we’re definitely going to lose everywhere else.

The War on Warriors uncovers the deep roots of our dysfunction—a society that has forgotten the men who take risks, cut through red tape, and get their hands dirty. The only kind of men prepared to face the dan­gers that the Left pretends don’t exist. Unlike issues of education or taxes or crime, this problem doesn’t have a zip code solution. We can’t move away from it. We can’t avoid it. We have only one Pentagon. Either we take it back or surrender it altogether.

Combining his own war experiences, tales of outrage, and an incisive look at how the chain of com­mand got so kinked, this book is the key to saving our warriors—and winning future wars. The War on War­riors must be won by the good guys, because when the shooting really starts, they’re the only ones who can save us.

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The War on Warriors: Behind the Betrayal of the Men Who Keep Us Free

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Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $19.29.

13 reviews for The War on Warriors: Behind the Betrayal of the Men Who Keep Us Free

  1. Fashion Shopper

    This is a very important book for everyone who cares about the military and the brave men who serve. Pete Hegseth writes from personal experience and documents how the U.S. military has seriously deteriorated under woke policies that endanger the country. He provides many examples for the reader and argues that if this situation is not turned around, the country will be extremely vulnerable in an increasingly hostile world. By targeting its own members and accusing them of “far right” extremism, the military not only puts the country at risk in the present, but risks its future, as those who predominantly comprise the actual fighting strength of the military, young, white men, will choose not to join. The military is already experiencing a recruiting shortfall and woke ideology will only exacerbate this problem, which risks America’s future. Weakness always invites aggression from adversaries. He concludes the book with an open letter to his five sons about making the choice to serve. Citizens need to be aware of what is happening to a once great military, so I highly recommend this book to all citizens concerned about America and the brave men who protect it.

  2. Rob

    I felt the author was quite open and brutally honest. I recommend this to anyone considering a military career or anyone with family serving in the military. Salute!

  3. Ronald C.

    As a Viernam combat veteran, I found the book to be very accurate and true. It’s a warning to get DEI and Wokeness out of the military and to get back to meritocracy.

  4. Christine Pedersen

    Terrific book! Glad we bought it!

  5. Bobbie

    My husband loves this and it’s in my reading pile now. He found so many interesting facts in this book. Thanks Pete!

  6. Amazon Customer

    Well written. Discusses the inability of our military to fill recruitment goals and why the warriors in our military are retiring and leaving huge braid drain and experience in the military. We are not ready to defend our nation at this very moment. The USA is so vulnerable and weak we can’t defend our nation. Very good read but somewhat disheartening.

  7. Sooner75

    I read Pete Hegseth’s book and as a now Retired Chief Warrant Officer, I found it to be Fact based, well organized and a frightening portrayal of our current Military. And I use the term Military very loosely when he lets us peer into the future. The Administration, Pentagon, Department Heads, Joint Chiefs should all feel shamed for the state they have allowed our ‘Military’ to fall to the depths that it is. We do not have a Fighting Force, we have a WOKE claptrap, a gaggle of tea sippers and inspirational geese!
    Hegseth tells it like it is. Not only is he a documentarian he knows how to write. He should spend more time informing us of the perils we face as a Nation if our Military is allowed to continue status quo!
    Thanks Pete, great book.

  8. Jim – Atlanta

    This extraordinary book shines light on a very significant problem for our country – the decline in the fighting ability of our military – something that should concern every American – especially veterans. The book was written by a combat veteran with very high intrinsic ability that very few have. It is very difficult to understand why anyone would rate this well documented and highly rational book below a 4 or 5 star rating – perhaps those few lower ratings are explained by the comment on page 107 of the book – “…. you can’t argue with people who don’t believe the truth exists.” This book should be required reading for students at the military academies, war colleges, command and general staff college and everyone employed at the Pentagon. Highly recommend.

    Jim Dickson
    Atlanta Vietnam Veterans Business Association Foundation

  9. ellis bridger

    liked, excellent book, was in military for 28 yrs, understood, what the book was about

  10. Joseph Myren


  11. greg

    Great book. If only some hard left brainwashed individuals would take a close look at what’s in this book. If we lose our military they will lose their freedom to speak out as they do.

  12. Mark

    I enjoyed it

  13. Jesse

    Pete writes a very interesting book. I believe he spends too much time in the beginning of the book to complain. It can be succinctly stated in a few paragraphs the woke, d e i, and CRT without all the extra writing that he did. However, when you get near the end, then the book gets very interesting and I would recommend somebody to purchase it.

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