The Last Letter


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“The Last Letter is a haunting, heartbreaking and ultimately inspirational love story.“―InTouch Weekly


If you’re reading this, well, you know the last-letter drill. You made it. I didn’t. Get off the guilt train, because I know if there was any chance you could have saved me, you would have.

I need one thing from you: get out of the army and get to Telluride.

My little sister Ella’s raising the twins alone. She’s too independent and won’t accept help easily, but she has lost our grandmother, our parents, and now me. It’s too much for anyone to endure. It’s not fair.

And here’s the kicker: there’s something else you don’t know that’s tearing her family apart. She’s going to need help.

So if I’m gone, that means I can’t be there for Ella. I can’t help them through this. But you can. So I’m begging you, as my best friend, go take care of my sister, my family.

Please don’t make her go through it alone.


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The Last Letter

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Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $10.84.

11 reviews for The Last Letter

  1. Somewhere librarian

    I will be recommending this book to my co-workers and customers. Beautifully written from beginning to end. Ella and Beckett start out as pen pals. He special-ops, she’s a single mom of twins. He falls first. He gets the last letter from his best friend (who is Ella’s brother). Beckett comes to Telluride to help Ella with her life. Brother gone, parents gone, raising twins, daughter has a stage 4 cancer. He falls first. We fall second. In love with Beckett. Have tissues ready. I ugly cried at the closing chapters. Would give it 5++++ stars if possible.

  2. E. B. Reads

    This book is emotional damage for sure. It started off fantastic and I really thought it was gonna be a major 5 star, life changing read, but it wasn’t quite there. The middle kind of dragged and the end was just too much. Overall the emotions of the book and the really good story gets 4.5 stars from me.

  3. Amy Bosica

    There are books that you read, and you completely forget them once you come to the end. And then there are books like this one. Books that embed themselves deep within you. Books that stir up all of your emotions and you just know that reading this book is going to change your life. The Last Letter is that kind of book. It’s the kind of book that just calls out to your soul and demands to be read. It’s the kind of book that you think you’re prepared for, but you couldn’t be more wrong. It’s the kind of book that destroys you, yet fills you with hope all at the same time. It’s the kind of book that will have you crying all of the ugly tears you can summon up. This is the kind of book that I can’t imagine never getting to experience. It’s completely and totally unforgettable and one of the best books I have ever read in my entire life.

    As I sit here thinking about The Last Letter, I am a total loss for words. I’m having the hardest time trying to sum up all of my thoughts and feeling into coherent sentences. It’s been such a long time since I’ve had a book make me feel this way. How do you write a review for a book that obliterated your heart? When the writing just slays you, leaving you utterly speechless with tear filled eyes? I don’t know if I have the words to do this review justice, but I’m going to try my best.

    The Last Letter grabbed me from the very first page. I loved the idea of this story and felt an instant connection with the characters. At 10% I wanted to cry. Little did I know that wouldn’t be the last time that tears would fill my eyes. This story and the characters felt so real. I felt like I knew them. I felt like I was right inside the pages with the characters and living each moment along with them. There were moments of bliss and happiness. Moments of rage and heartache. Moments where I just wanted to scream and walk away from my kindle. Moments I never saw coming, but even in their sadness, it filled my heart with the biggest love. Never, ever has a story ever touched my heart the way that this one has. I’ve never had a group of fictional characters ingrain themselves like this. I’m pretty sure there wasn’t one single character in this story that didn’t run away with a piece of my heart. From Ryan to Chaos to Ella and her beautiful kids: Maisie and Colton. Each one of them consumed me and stole a piece of me that I never want to get back.

    The Last Letter is one of the most heartbreakingly beautiful books that I have ever read. The writing will not only slay you, but take you on the most incredible journey. The characters will consume you and you won’t be able to put their story down. The Last Letter was everything that I never knew I needed and can’t imagine my life without. Even now, hours later, I still have tears in my eyes thinking about this book. There aren’t enough words to describe just how special this journey is that Rebecca Yarros has taken me on. The Last Letter isn’t always an easy read. In fact, there are moments that are going to hurt, maybe even break you. Rebecca Yarros broke my heart. She made me cry. She left me an emotional mess. Yet, at the same time, she reminded me how precious life is. How important those small, little moments are. She reminded me to appreciate each moment and to never give up. To love with each and every breath. Books like this are the reason that I read. It’s stolen a piece of me and I know I’ll never be the same again.

    In the end, all that’s left to say is I hope you will read this book. If it’s not already on your radar or to-read list, stop what you’re doing. Run and add this book to your list. I hope you will take a chance and experience the beauty of it. I hope you will experience all that I have and I promise you, Rebecca Yarros will make all the pain and hurt worth it in the end.

  4. Tanita Dawn De Bruyn

    Ce livre mériterait de devenir un
    film. Tellement touchant, j’en ai eu les larmes aux yeux plus d’une fois. Très bien écrit. Les personnages sont tellement attachants et tellement vrais.

  5. Lenoreo @ Celebrity Readers

    I received a free copy through InkSlinger PR in exchange for an honest and unbiased review/opinion.

    5 stars — It takes a lot to get full 5 stars from me nowadays. 4.5 rounded up? Not as much, but full 5 stars? Yeah…I’m a bit stingy with those. But this book. This book just kind of burrowed into my heart and stayed there. It’s the kind of book that had me thinking about it, and its characters, even when I had to set it aside to do other things. And while I was sucked in, I can say that I wasn’t as bummed as I normally might have been when life interrupted…because it was nice to take time in the middle to ruminate over what was happening with our characters, and prepare myself for any potential heartaches I thought might be coming.

    And yes. It’s a Rebecca Yarros novel. So if you’ve read her Flight & Glory series, you won’t be surprised to find yourself shedding tears. And for me there were a lot of them. I might even hate her a little bit for it. No offense Ms. Yarros, but I had to use MAKEUP to fix my face because of you. 😛

    You see, she made me fall in love. And when you love, you have the potential to be hurt. It’s a central theme of the book, and it’s its own strange irony that Ms. Yarros made me fall in love, and then put my heart through its paces. And there were so many characters to love in this story.

    We have Ella…Ella who has been hurt, and is guarded, and super mama-bear protective. Ella was everything I expected. She was strong, vulnerable, sassy, sweet, and stubborn as heck. GAH! I was so cranky with her at times, even if I understood why she was the way she was.

    We have Beckett…oh sweet Beckett. My heart ached for him more than anyone. He was so sweet, and vulnerable, and earnest, and WORTHY OF LOVE. He went through so much, and because of the way he was raised, it took him a long time to understand his value. So yeah, I was also cranky with him at times (though I was probably less harsh on him).

    And then we have the twins. They were a surprise to my heart. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m not a big kid person. But you couldn’t help but fall in love with Colt and Maisie. They go through so much, and yeah…at times they didn’t act their age, but I was okay with it. While I loved them on their own, what stood out to me most was their interactions with Beckett. I LOVED watching Beckett fall in love with them right alongside Ella. I loved seeing the three of them develop this bond. Through them we got to see to the depths of Beckett’s heart.

    And this review wouldn’t be complete without mentioning Havoc. I LOVED what his character brought to the story, and particularly what he brought to our understanding of Beckett. The relationship they had with one another was both fascinating and enviable. I love learning about little niches of the military, and this is one that I don’t think many people know about.

    As for the romance? Well, Ella and Beckett together gave me all the butterflies. I loved how their relationship developed, how they got to know one another through words, how it moved slowly and built trust, and it made it that much more satisfying when we got to the steamy scenes. By that point I FELT their connection. And wow, their physical relationship was hot. But in truth? It was the emotional connection they had with one another that made this book stand out above the rest.

    Lots of great little side characters, from Ada and Larry, to Hailey, to Dr. Hughes, to Emma. They didn’t have big parts, but they added to the story.

    This book captured my heart, tortured it at times, delighted it at others, and generally left me feeling spent but happy.

  6. Bree

    I don’t even know where to start. This book tore out my heart and stomped on it. I cried so much I have a headache.
    It was so good!! Sad, funny, cute and kept me wanting more the whole time.
    There were life lessons about love, grief, and family throughout without being preachy.
    It was a 10/10 for me even though it broke my heart.

  7. Kindle-Kunde

    With the world obsessing over The fourth wing, and no means of getting my hands on it, I decided to read another Rebecca Yarros book just to experience her writing.
    The last letter is a beautiful military love story. I was hooked from the very first page. Beckett and Ella’s story unfolds slowly. Their lives intertwining in the best way possible. There is just so much substance in this book. I cannot put into words the magic this book weaves. I only hope you experience what I did when you read this book, because it is truly one of the best books I have ever read.
    It makes you smile, it makes you believe in second chances and true love, it breaks your heart into a million pieces

  8. Amazon Customer

    The story is very good. I’ve read fourth wing and Iron Flame first, which I strongly suggest, and decided to give her other books a try.

    It’s not an Epic story. But more of an emotional struggle from the characters POV. Good character development.

    That quirk where she can’t give a second chance because of any lies throws me off a bit. But I guess her relationship trauma happened when she was young, so who knows, that could be a thing in real life, but I kept thinking, “just get over it already. It’s not like he cheated or something. He actually went above and beyond to for you and your kids!

    All in all it was a good read.

  9. Jenny

    This book took my heart to a roaller coaster and then out of nowhere took it to the heighest mountain and threw it off the cliff and then jumped on the destroyed pieces. Ms. Yarros did it again… bittersweet and full of SURPRISES! My eyes are puffy now so thanks for that

  10. Tanita Dawn De Bruyn

    If you are familiar with military service you know all about the ‘The Last Letter’. A letter and a promise to his best friend leads an Army serviceman, Beckett, to a family and a chance at a love that he never thought he deserved.

    Beckett Gentry is stunned when his Army buddy Ryan MacKenzie hands him a letter from Ryan’s sister, Ella. Having grown up in foster homes after being abandoned by his mother, Beckett is wary of attachments—until he reads Ella’s letter. Ella, a single mother, lives with her twins, Maisie and Colt, at Solitude, the resort she runs in Telluride, Colorado. Their correspondence begins, though Beckett can only identify himself by his call sign, Chaos.

    After Ryan’s death during a mission, Beckett travels to Telluride at his friend’s request, in his last letter. He bonds with the twins and falls deeply in love with Ella. Reluctant to reveal details of Ryan’s death and risk causing her pain, Beckett chooses not to disclose that he is Chaos. When Maisie needs treatment for neuroblastoma, Beckett formally adopts the twins to support Ella and her children. As Beckett and Ella’s romance blossoms, questions are raised about the adoption, forcing Beckett to confront the truth about the letters from Chaos (AKA himself) and Ryan’s death, risking the loss of the family he loves.

    Beckett and Ella are sympathetic protagonists whose past experiences make them cautious about love. Beckett never knew the security of a stable home life, while Ella’s impulsive marriage to her high school boyfriend ended when he discovered she was pregnant. Their romance unfolds slowly with the letters they exchanged playing a pivotal role in their connection.

    Rebecca’s writing is crisp and sharp, with poetic passages that avoid being extravagant. While the love story is the book’s focus, the subplot involving Maisie’s illness is equally well-developed, and the bond between Beckett and the twins is heartfelt and sincere. His relationship with Colt already had me from the beginning and I was not prepared to have my heart ripped from my chest with that storyline. I still can’t think about it with crying.

    I hope all the talk of tears and sadness doesn’t deter anyone from reading this story. There’s an abundance of hope and laughter in The Last Letter, and while the sad parts are impactful and harsh, so is the happiness. I love that, no matter what challenges they face, neither Beckett nor Ella ever give up. Their shared experience of loss makes their determination even more heartening and reassuring.

    I can believe why this book made such an impactful mark and it will forever hold a very special place in my heart. It’s an absolutely fantastic read—a heartbreaking yet realistic portrayal of romance, military life, and the unexpected trials life throws at you. I can’t imagine a world without this story. I loved every minute of it and I am off to as many of them as I can from Rebecca because apparently, I never learn.

  11. Casey

    This book has hands down been my favorite read of 2024. The storytelling and raw emotions that pour from this book, it gripped me from start to finish. The anticipation, love, turmoil and grief—I felt it through each of these characters. You really got to know each character on a personal level set in the backdrop of a beautiful Colorado landscape. Fantastic storytelling! I was a fan of The Fourth Wing/Iron Flame, but after this read—I’m a fan of Rebecca Yarros!

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