Just for the Summer


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Instant #1 New York Times bestseller and a Good Morning America Book Club Pick!
This witty, slow-burn rom-com is the “ideal beach read.” –Elle

Justin has a curse, and thanks to a Reddit thread, it’s now all over the internet. Every woman he dates goes on to find their soul mate the second they break up. When a woman slides into his DMs with the same problem, they come up with a plan: They’ll date each other and break up. Their curses will cancel each other’s out, and they’ll both go on to find the love of their lives. It’s a bonkers idea… and it just might work. 

Emma hadn’t planned that her next assignment as a traveling nurse would be in Minnesota, but she and her best friend agree that dating Justin is too good of an opportunity to pass up, especially when they get to rent an adorable cottage on a private island on Lake Minnetonka.

It’s supposed to be a quick fling, just for the summer. But when Emma’s toxic mother shows up and Justin has to assume guardianship of his three siblings, they’re suddenly navigating a lot more than they expected–including catching real feelings for each other. What if this time Fate has actually brought the perfect pair together?

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Just for the Summer

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Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $11.99.

8 reviews for Just for the Summer

  1. .

    Je sais pas trop ce qui a manqué pour le coup de coeur, sûrement le côté coup de foudre qui est pas trop mon dada, mais sinon j’ai adoooooooré 🫶

    C’était pas du tout comme j’imaginais, j’attendais un truc plus léger et plus dynamique, mais c’était encore mieux comme ça ahah ! J’ai été super touchée et très prise par l’histoire, notamment celle de Emma ❤️‍🩹

    Puis la romance était top dans son développement (malgré le côté love at first sight) !

  2. Shana

    What an exceptional book, filled with the true meaning of love. You won’t be able to put it down once you start reading it. Highly recommend.

  3. Debbie

    Abby Jimenez has done it again with “Just for the Summer.” This book exceeded my expectations, delivering a touching story that resonated deeply with me. Although the beginning started off a bit slow, I’m so glad I stuck with it because the payoff was absolutely worth it.

    The novel delves into the profound impact of childhood trauma on adulthood, weaving a narrative that is both heart-wrenching and uplifting. Emma and Justin’s relationship is at the heart of the story, and their chemistry is undeniable. Their inside jokes and playful banter added a lighthearted touch that balanced the heavier themes of the book.

    Emma’s journey is particularly compelling. Her struggle with past traumas and her path to healing are portrayed with sensitivity and realism. I appreciated how Jimenez didn’t shy away from the complexities of Emma’s mental health, showing her seeking help and gradually working through her issues. It’s a powerful reminder of the importance of self-care and the strength it takes to confront one’s past.

    Justin is the perfect counterpart to Emma. His patience, understanding, and unwavering support make him an incredibly endearing character. Watching their relationship evolve from a summer fling to something much deeper was a joy. Their growth as individuals and as a couple is beautifully depicted, making their story all the more satisfying.

    Overall, “Just for the Summer” is a beautifully written and emotionally charged novel. Abby Jimenez has crafted a story that not only entertains but also offers valuable insights into the long-term effects of trauma and the healing power of love. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a romance that goes beyond the surface and touches the heart.

  4. Shana

    “You’re not asking for too much. You were just asking the wrong person. Ask me instead.”

    This book was another win for me by Abby! It was beautiful!
    This book is about healing from the trauma that is placed on you by others. And is it worth letting those people stay in your life if you’re constanting having to put yourself back together after the damage they cause over and over again!
    So much of this book I could relate to! Which hit so hard! I’m always so grateful for writers like Abby, who put words to emotions I’ve never been able to!


    Justin and Emma struggle with the same curse. Whoever they date, the next person they date falls in love with their soul mate!

    Emma was used to running. Never putting down roots so she never had to lose anything. So when Justin offers a deal to break their curse together, she agrees, knowing it’ll only be temporary. Because temporary she could do. Temporary was her normal!

    But Emma wasn’t expecting to find a safe place in Justin. And that was scarier than she could have ever imagined. But slowly, Justin shows her what it was like to have someone who is constant and what it feels like to be wanted.


    A few of my favorite parts:
    (I tried very hard not to include spoilers but read with caution or dont)

    -Justin was such an overthinker, and I loved it!-

    “I’m thinking that I like you a lot more than I thought I would. I’m thinking that I probably smell because it’s hot and all my deodorant washed off in the pool, and that this place would be the perfect place to kiss you like I’m supposed to, but I wouldn’t because of the deodorant thing. I’m thinking that this whole thing with your mom and Neil feels weird, and I can’t put my finger on why. I’m thinking that I don’t like her because she’s ignoring you for some guy she just met, and I feel bad that I don’t like her because I know you do. And then I’m wondering if I’m too hard on people, because I can’t stop thinking about what you said earlier, that you should always choose empathy, and if you can choose empathy with someone like that, I should be able to do it with people I love—but I can’t. I’m thinking your bathing suit looks too tight, and it looks uncomfortable like it’s going to leave lines on your skin. I’m thinking about what those lines would look like when you take it off—not in a sexual way, but also sort of in a sexual way.” I felt my face starting to heat up a little. “Aaaaand now I’m wondering if I’ve said too much and what you’re thinking.”

    -His surveys were one of my favorite parts of the book. It was perfectly nerdy, and I loved it!‐

    “1. On a scale from Awkward to Charming, how would you rate Justin’s performance?”

    -Everyone needs a friend like Maddy! She loved Emma so fiercely. And always knew exactly how to handle her when she fell apart. Even if she didn’t agree with the way Emma handled a situation, she was always there to pick her up in the end.-

    “Has Maddy ever killed anyone?”
    She pretended to think about it. “Nobody I can prove.” I was cracking up at her threatening him.

    “I want you to know that your empathy is beautiful, Emma. I hope you never lose that. I do hope that one day you get some boundaries though.”

    -Emma’s relationship with her mom was heartbreaking!-

    “So I became an island-and the island is small. I don’t need anyone. And I know that sounds sort of terrible, but it’s actualy comforting to know that I have this ability to need no one. It feels
    like a superpower. Like I’m untouchable.”

    -I loved Justin’s mothers relationship with her best friend, Leigh. Abby always does such an incredible job with her side characters. Not only do you connect with her main characters. But her aide characters are always wonderful!‐

    “Emma, you want to hold one?” Mom asked.
    She gasped. “Yes!”
    A hand emerged from the back seat with a tiny chittering raccoon in it wrapped in a bar towel.
    “This is George Cooney.”
    Emma took it and held it to her chest and looked at me with hearts in her eyes. “Look at his little hands!”

    -There are just so many beautiful parts of this book! But one of my favorite qoutes were….

    “Unhealed trauma is a crack. And all the little hard things that trickle into it that would have rolled off someone else, settle. Then when life gets cold, that crack gets bigger, longer, deeper. It makes new breaks. You don’t know how broken she was or what she was trying to do to fill those cracks. Being broken is not an excuse for bad behavior, you still have to make good choices and do the right thing. But it can be the reason. And sometimes understanding the reason can be what helps you heal.”

    “The best kind of love doesn’t happen on moonlit walks and romantic vacations. It happens in between the folds of everyday life. It’s not grand gestures that show how you feel, it’s all the little secret things you do to make her life better that you never tell her about.”

    -I usually am dreading Abby’s 3rd act breakups! But this time I loved it. The growth that came from it was so needed and the book wouldn’t have been the same without it.
    Was it heartbreaking to read? 1000%
    But this time it was as beautiful as it was heartbreaking!-

    -AND I CANT FORGET THE EASTER EGGS!! I have to admit I didn’t see any of those twists coming. But to see that come full circle was pretty cool!

    I also listened to the audio after reading the book and it was an incredible performance by Chrstine Lakin and Zachary Webber!! They were the perfect voices for these two characters!

  5. .

    “You’re not what happened to you. You are what you do next”
    . . .
    Author: Abby Jimenez
    Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    . . .
    Why is it that I always cry with Abby Jimenez’s books? This one brought a lot more tears though, what a book! 🥹

    As always a book by Abby is more than just a romance story, each character is going through a life altering situation, and trying to navigate that. For Emma, is her unstable mom showing up out of the blue after years of never seeing each other, and for Justin is the unavoidable fact that he’s about to become the guardian of his 3 younger siblings.

    Emma’s 🧡 story is heartbreaking, and I’ve said it before but she’s a better person than I am, because it takes a lot to be that compassionate towards the people that hurt you the most.

    Justin 🩵 is one of my favorite MMCs, he was so upfront with his feelings, he was honest, kind and caring… And the way he stepped up for his siblings, despite how it complicated his whole life..? And how he showed up for Emma too?? I was in love with him.

    This is the book to not only make you sob 😭 but also make you laugh and giggle a whole lot. These two characters had BANTER!!!! The side characters (like Maddy and Brad -dog and person) brought so much light and life to the story!

    Also, we get a little appearance by Jacob and Brianna (Yours Truly), and MY GOD 🤯 do we get to see Daniel and Alexis (Part Of Your World).

    Wish I could say more without risking giving y’all spoilers, but just know I loved this book with my whole entire heart ❤️

  6. Mariana

    This book is an easy fast paced summer romance read! It’s the first book I’ve tabbed in a while and might be my favourite read this summer. I loved the idea and I connected to the characters well. Emma’s relationship with her mom is so well written. Abby Jimenez had me giggling and in tears, to giggling again. Justin is the epitome of if he wanted to he would, just like she stated in the book. I can’t stop thinking about this book and comparing the other summer reads I’ve read to it! We Stan toilet king and queen!!

  7. Julia Vittória

    Here is a book absolutely befitting for a calming summer afternoon or a good rainy evening. ‘Just for the summers’ is just that. It’s nothing but a humane book. You feel enormous feelings like never before. This book is a packed bundle of surprises.

    Just For the Summers is a realistic narration of two people who come together because of a basic stigma and hope that they find their soulmates after they had dated each other. Justin and Emma are two individuals having very upbeat traumatic lives who meet through an online platform and struck a deal base-lining their meet-up. Emma, being a travel nurse, gets a contract in a hospital in Minnesota along with her permanent kind-off Maddy.
    Emma is the most empathetic character. Her empathy makes her stand out from all the female protagonists I ever read. Her life, and she at the core is messed with an unbeatable sadness and an acceptance of her mother being a vagabond and not actually returning to her.
    Justin, on the other hand, is handsome and woos his audience with his sharp features and efforts. He’s the clear example of “ if he loves you, he’ll go to any extent to make feel heard, seen and existed”.
    The story unveils Justin’s life, his past, and his family. With a father who died leaving his wife clueless about the future and grieving children and later his mother went to prison for committing a crime and lastly became a single parent to all his siblings.
    Life was tough for both protagonists, but it remained sane with the side characters- Justin’s friend and Maddy, especially when they had each other. Just for the Summers is also a book that delves deep into partnership – not only the romantic one but also the one where friends support each other and understand the untimely stones thrown at you.
    Emma and Justin gave a lot to each other than “planned” which makes this book uncontrollably relatable, fresh, and engrossing.

    Abby Jimenez writes about life, love, and leaving so flawlessly that it touches hearts. It’s a book that could be just blah, but it hits the right spot. It is a book that gets you to understand family and how differently they work yet getting similar at some point. Jimenez gravitates readers, pushing them into acknowledging real emotions, perhaps making her storytelling much more impactful and greater than a cutesy Rom-com. What started as a fresh trope of people meeting online and then gradually falling in love became a lovable and unputdownable experience that I can’t stop suggesting. A book that balances all the feelings and lets your heart weep in vulnerability.

    It’s easily the most stunning read this year.

  8. Anonymous

    Nobody compares to Abby Jiminez! Absolutely no one – and this book again proves why. There was so much depth, so much character development, and so much “real life.” This makes it infinitely better than the many saccharin rom coms that are out there. If you’re debating reading this, if you’re debating continuing to read it – do yourself a favor and stop debating! It is SO good and it truly gets even more interesting and captivating as the book goes on (seriously! good surprises!) Heart, humor, love, wit, messy life – this book has everything. I didn’t think Abby could get any better, but she knocked it out of the park (again!). Absolutely loved it!!

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