Eat Pray Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia


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Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $13.99.

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One of the most iconic, beloved, and bestselling books of our time from the bestselling author of City of Girls and Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert.

Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat Pray Love touched the world and changed countless lives, inspiring and empowering millions of readers to search for their own best selves. Now, this beloved and iconic book returns in a beautiful 10th anniversary edition, complete with an updated introduction from the author, to launch a whole new generation of fans.
In her early thirties, Elizabeth Gilbert had everything a modern American woman was supposed to want—husband, country home, successful career—but instead of feeling happy and fulfilled, she was consumed by panic and confusion. This wise and rapturous book is the story of how she left behind all these outward marks of success, and set out to explore three different aspects of her nature, against the backdrop of three different cultures: pleasure in Italy, devotion in India, and on the Indonesian island of Bali, a balance between worldly enjoyment and divine transcendence.

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Eat Pray Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia

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Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $13.99.

7 reviews for Eat Pray Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia

  1. Alondra Olivares Gómez

    La edición en pasta dura es precioso y el libro es una joya para todo el que busque ayuda buscando su camino (sobre todo después de una ruptura)

  2. TheAmazonWoman

    This is, by far, my all time favorite book. It meant, and still means, so much to me, especially as a woman. I was a single mother for most of my now adult daughter’s life, and I was so desperately sad and lonely after my divorce with my husband/her stepdad (Our wedding, which was obviously well pre-planned, ended up being on the day of Princess Diana’s funeral (9/6/1997) and our divorce was finalized on 9/11/2001 (yep, THE day)…There’s my “sign”… Anyway, several years passed and I still just couldn’t see a future….of anything, happiness, travel, love, ???…(other than going through the motions and working on being the best mother I could be)…I too, was 36 years old at this time. When my daughter was old enough to have a stable relationship with her biological father, I would have every other weekend alone. I used to go to the bookstore “Borders” every Friday night and I would walk aimlessly around the entire store, just looking for any sign, the next sign for the next move, for me… I prayed and prayed constantly, just not knowing what or where I needed to be… with my physical life, my spiritual life, my love life, my motherhood… and then I looked up. On the top shelf of the “newest releases” I saw the cover of “Eat, Pray, Love”… I INSTANTLY felt a “pull” if you will… Now normally, I would wander, grab a few books, & find a chair hidden in some lonely, quiet little alcove in the store, and sort through the items I’d selected to see if anything could help or just give me SOMETHING, ANYTHING for HOPE…but I grabbed this book from the shelf, read the back cover, ran to the checkout line and left the store to go home. Within reading the first chapter, I immediately found it gravitational, humorous, very easy to follow and read…. very spiritual, and somehow, someway, emotionally compatible and conducive to exactly what I was needing at the time. You instantly understand where Elizabeth Gilbert is coming from, what she’s going through, and even her “fantasies”, all with humor, compassion and a desire to continue “the journey with her”. I was hooked. Every chapter, I was laughing, crying, dreaming, planning, petitioning, praying, and laughing again. Every chapter held me captive in all of my senses. You can feel everything she feels, you can taste everything she tastes (even her tears), you can see what she sees, you pray what she prays, her friends (and enemies) become yours, and you get to the end, and you’re a different person. It’s like the book emanates and “energy” right to you and through you, and you are left feeling HOPEFUL, alive, ready, stronger, wiser, more forgiving of others, and most importantly, yourself. You learn that they way you lean into and love God is between the two of you and no one else….that what you can’t necessarily see, hear or touch, doesn’t mean it isn’t FULLY there, fully present with you, in all It’s Glory. I’ve read it 7 times, all on different occasions and throughout different phases in my life…After months of reading it, when the next Christmas Season rolled around, I bought 13 copies and gave them to all of the closest women in my life. I’m now only a few months shy of age 48 (years young) and I’ll read this book again and again…every time I read it I learn something new about the world, others, and myself…all through this amazing woman’s courage to take a chance on simply sharing all of herself for one, amazing, adventurous, incredible year… what a gift. You’ll never look at Italy, India, and Indonesia, with all of it’s bounty, glory, and gods, the same again. I’m forever grateful and HIGHLY recommend this book. Oh! And 1 year ago (after 2 years of dating) I got the courage to say “Yes!” to the man of my dreams. 🙂

  3. Alondra Olivares Gómez

    Eu já era uma grande fã do filme e tinha o sonho de ler este livro em Inglês. Apesar de já conhecer o filme de trás para frente, o livro superou muito as minhas expectativas. A parte sobre a Índia é mais arrastada, confesso que fiquei algum tempo tentando sair dela. De resto, adorei cada segundo lendo este livro. É engraçado, é leve e cheio de ensinamentos e frases que vou levar para o resto da vida. Adorei.

  4. Alba

    Excellent. It was a spiritual journey of three most famous countries including India, Italy, and Indonesia. I learnt a lot of new things from Elizabeth. Also, her writing is humorous enough to give yourself a break from daily chaos. Must read if you are trying to move on from your love life. Also, do adopt her shared meditation tactics to feel the effect of book at its full.

  5. Amazon Kunde

    Este libro es uno de mis favoritos y de vez en cuando acudo a él.

  6. Gabriella Rocha

    Ich liebe dieses Buch! Hab es mindestens 3 Mal gelesen! Für jede Frau die sich mal einsam, unverstanden oder betrübt fühlt, bietet dieses Buch so viele neuen Perspektiven….

  7. P. Meltzer

    First, let me get out of the way the fact that I thought this was an excellent book. I wouldn’t have thought that to read about a woman spending 4 months in Italy, India and Indonesia would have made for such good reading, but I was wrong. It shows that, if a writer is talented enough (and Ms. Gilbert surely is), anything can be made interesting. She comes off as funny, extroverted, thoughtful, charming and–especially–brutally honest about herself. In fact, she is so open with her readers that at times, I felt like I was reading her private diary or something that anyone else would write only to their closest confidante.

    While I was reading the book however, I kept thinking about something else entirely: I wonder what it would be like to go out with this woman? (Given that this book seems to have a 99% female readership judging from the reviews, and I am not, I suspect that few others were wondering the same thing.) Anyway, here is what I thought about. On the plus side, she’s a wonderful writer which tells me that she must be very intelligent and that’s obviously a good thing. Her looks? Quite attractive … I think. I say that because the only photos I’ve seen are the one on the dust jacket (which is very flattering) and one on her website, which is pleasant enough but in which she looks like a completely different woman.

    On the minus side however, she seems to have an incongruous combination of personality traits. For example, when it comes to men, she seems simultaneously incredibly independent and yet incredibly needy. I suspect that this combination may have played a role in the troubles she had with her husband and with “David”. To me, one of the most revealing paragraphs in the book is on page 65 where she talks about her “boundary issues with men”. She tells us that when she’s in love with a man, she gives herself over to him completely until she becomes so exhausted that it’s time to become infatuated with someone else. Virtually by her own admission, she seems to be what Vince Vaughn called a “stage 5 clinger” in “Wedding Crashers”. How many men would line up to be with someone like that?

    She also seems like someone full of melodrama who careens back and forth between very high high’s and very low low’s with not much in between. She seems to hope (and expect) that her feelings towards her mate (and vice versa) will always be as intense as they were at the highest point, and I imagine her to be disappointed if a relationship should ever descend from that plateau. If in fact that’s her mindset, that’s a recipe for trouble. (To her credit though, she seemed to have more of an equilibrium about her by the end of the book than she did at the beginning, which is perhaps not surprising.) It was difficult to tell however whether her wanderlust and her peripatetic nature had changed by the end. I suspect that it hadn’t, which might not augur well for her future relationships unless she can find a soulmate who does nothing but travel around the world with her. (Come to think of it, maybe she did find such a person in “Felipe”.) In any event, regardless of whether she is a total catch or a total nightmare (or something in between), the fact remains that she is a hell of a writer and I highly recommend her book.

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