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An intimate, powerful, and inspiring memoir by the former First Lady of the United States


In a life filled with meaning and accomplishment, Michelle Obama has emerged as one of the most iconic and compelling women of our era. As First Lady of the United States of America—the first African American to serve in that role—she helped create the most welcoming and inclusive White House in history, while also establishing herself as a powerful advocate for women and girls in the U.S. and around the world, dramatically changing the ways that families pursue healthier and more active lives, and standing with her husband as he led America through some of its most harrowing moments. Along the way, she showed us a few dance moves, crushed Carpool Karaoke, and raised two down-to-earth daughters under an unforgiving media glare.

In her memoir, a work of deep reflection and mesmerizing storytelling, Michelle Obama invites readers into her world, chronicling the experiences that have shaped her—from her childhood on the South Side of Chicago to her years as an executive balancing the demands of motherhood and work, to her time spent at the world’s most famous address. With unerring honesty and lively wit, she describes her triumphs and her disappointments, both public and private, telling her full story as she has lived it—in her own words and on her own terms. Warm, wise, and revelatory, Becoming is the deeply personal reckoning of a woman of soul and substance who has steadily defied expectations—and whose story inspires us to do the same.

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8 reviews for Becoming

  1. Catalin Muntean

    I was wanting to get this book for a while now and finally found it and bought it. Looking forward to read it has I admire her and her family, I consider that she was one of the most remarkable first lady with her intelligence and appearances she became a great leader standing next to her husband. A true inspiration for many people around the globe. Thank you for letting us see you.

  2. Alretha Thomas

    I remember the first time I even remotely let myself believe that Barack and Michelle Obama could take residence in the White House. It was when I saw a photo of them flanked by Malia and Sasha in Ebony magazine. It was a beautiful photo wherein the first family were donning winter coats, their faces lit up with hopeful smiles. Could it happen? Would it happen? Do I dare let myself believe the unthinkable? I recollected being a child and seeing the walls plastered with the presidents of the United States—all white men. Who was this black man who had the audacity to believe he could become the leader of the most powerful nation in the world? Moreover, who was that beautiful black woman standing at his side and how did she get there? I, like many others, had never heard of Barack or Michelle. It seemed like a dream, like they had appeared out of nowhere. Who are these people?

    Well, it’s been a decade since I came across that photo in Ebony Magazine and that unfamiliar family as we all know became the first black First Family. Over the years I’ve learned a lot about these people, but it wasn’t until I read Michelle’s memoir BECOMING that I came to truly appreciate this family and all they’ve sacrificed to reach the heights that they have. Michelle, starting with the preface, pulled me right in, capturing my imagination with her eloquent narrative. When I came to the paragraph in the preface where she said she had heard about the swampy parts of the internet that questioned everything about her, right down to whether she’s a woman or a man, I knew this memoir was going to not just be a read, but an experience. I knew in that moment that Michelle had poured her heart and soul into this book and after reading all 429 pages I was right.

    BECOMING is a breathtaking, world wind, masterpiece. Michelle takes us back to the South Side of Chicago where she was raised by her devoted parents and protected by her older brother Craig. Michelle wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but she was surrounded with immediate and extended family who loved and nurtured her and who stressed the importance of getting an education and who exposed Michelle to arts and culture.

    Michelle’s writing is so descriptive and intimate that you feel like you’re sitting across from her while she flawlessly reveals her life story. I laughed out loud and sobbed throughout the book. There are so many poignant and heartfelt moments. When Michelle described Craig’s teenage preventive phase which included him having their father lay on the floor so that he could practice hauling him out of the house in case there was a fire, I couldn’t help but laugh. No, if a fire were to have broken out, it wouldn’t have been a funny matter, but the way Michelle described the incredulous look on their father’s face, it provoked much laughter. Michelle’s father suffered with multiple sclerosis and it grew worst over time. She made me cry at her first recital when she became paralyzed at the sight of the perfect grand piano in front of her. She was used to playing on her Aunt Robbie’s upright with the broken keys. Aunt Robbie came to the rescue and placed Michelle’s finger on the middle C so that she could play.

    Michelle keeps you turning the pages as she takes us from her early years into her high school years and on to college, a journey that is fraught with challenges and insecurities. “Am I good enough?” Yes, that was a constant refrain. Like many of us, Michelle had doubts, but she kept forging ahead, even when the counselor at Princeton told her that she didn’t think Michelle was Princeton material. Michelle proved that counselor wrong when she graduated from Princeton and joined a top Chicago law firm where she became Barack’s mentor.

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading about their first encounter and subsequent courtship. It was comforting to read that Barack and Michelle weren’t the perfect couple I fantasized they were. And I applauded Michelle for revealing that they had gone to marital counseling where Michelle and Barack came to realize that it was not either of their responsibility to make the other person happy. I was also surprised to learn of their fertility challenges. The more I read, the more I realized that Michelle is so like many of us, with flaws, dreams, struggles and a whole lot of determination. I got so swept up in reading BECOMING I would read until the wee hours of the morning. Yes, it’s that good.

    She gives a bird’s-eye view of life in the White House and what a view it is. Being waited on hand and foot, living in opulence. But she also writes about the downsides—living in a bubble, restricted movement, guarded, the dark side of politics and meanspirited politicians, trying to raise and protect her children. Whew! You have to have the nerves of steel to be a first lady and Michelle did it with grace and style. I also loved how she outlined all of Barack and her accomplishments during their time in the White House. I knew the obvious, like The Affordable Care Act and Michelle’s fight against childhood obesity, but they did so much more.

    I can go on and on. So many memories and stories, woven together so well that it will inspire you to want to do more, to look outside of yourself, to want to make a difference, to want to make an impact on the world in a positive and tangible way. BECOMING should be required national reading.

    Thank you, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama for being enough. For BECOMING!

  3. daliamaia

    Gosto de ler biografias e sempre tive curiosidade a respeito da vida de Michelle Obama. Ela fala de si mesma com simplicidade e não abandona suas origens. Também não se furta a expor sua percepção sobre as consequências da segregação racial nos EUA. Ainda assim, se mostra uma lutadora, dentro ou fora da Casa Branca; antes e depois da Casa Branca. Deixa claro que a luta por melhor educação e igualdade de direitos precisa continuar. Michelle Obama consegue deixar uma mensagem de otimismo ao mesmo tempo em que reconhece as dificuldades que o Governo Obama enfrentou por causa do preconceito racial. Esse livro é bem escrito e de agradável leitura. Certamente é um livro que pretendo ler novamente.

  4. Acegb

    Eyes welled up at times, and chuckles escaped at other times … This is a fantastic and incredibly honest and human story about the family, community, upbringing and life thus far, of an extraordinary lady – an extremely self-possessed and very complete woman with great integrity and honor – who just happened to very deservedly, become the historic first black First Lady of the United States. If you were looking for gossip, political score-settling, a hit piece, you certainly won’t find it in this excellent and well-done memoir of a brilliant, wise, witty, principled, disciplined, percipient, upstanding, unassuming, fun, serious, grounded, humble, gracious and incredibly generous and inspiring role model of a woman, who pulled herself up by the proverbial bootstraps – against all odds.

    She’s utterly refreshing! Upstanding and unaffected, consistently honorable, wise, percipient, unbeholden …powerfully human in the most relatable and best of ways… She’s wife, mother, daughter, FLOTUS, woman, human, leader …The best of the best… An awe-inspiring and completely inspiring and compelling role model who lives and walks her talk.. Wise, fair, honest …she is the real deal..

    This is a woman of great depth and heart .. embodying a consistently lived humanity and caring for the least among us .. an authentic spirit and humanity that isn’t exploitative, self-aggrandizing, contrived .. or tied to self-elevation and scoring political brownie points .. In her memoir, she is gracious and generous – even to those who don’t deserve it.

    She in many ways continues to so proudly boost her husband; effusively and generously elevating him above herself, and positively validating and vouching for him in ways nobody else can. Her memoir at times reads like a loving tribute to her husband, her parents, and others who only ever gave her even the most cursory or marginal assistance..

    And even where I pegged her husband as a tad selfish/self-absorbed (and not nearly as protective or considerate of her, her needs, as he should and could have been), she instead takes the fall for him, excuses his selfishness away, and provides him cover again and again.. His ‘unusual’ upbringing and ‘ambitions’ seem to absolve him of his rather glaring shortcomings as a not so considerate and not always so protective husband..

    A magnificent, double Ivy League educated woman who is at once fun yet serious, down to earth, utterly unassuming, completely self-assured, unaffected and comfortable in her own skin.. In a world full of fickle, hollow, pretentious, contrived, beholden, cowardly, manufactured public figures, she stands out as that rare public figure that is not!

    I’ve bought several copies of this book, and will probably buy a few more copies as gifts.. I also listened to her fantastic and emotional Audible narration..

    This memoir sets the foundation for Mrs Obama’s life story as a whole, and covers just a sliver of her 8 years in the White House as America’s historic First Lady .. And as an incredibly fulfilling a read as it is, one gets the sense that she has at least 3 great books still left in her! I’d love to read more about her experience at Harvard Law in the 80’s and volunteering for the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau; And I’d love her to write a more detailed first person account of her White House years. I’m dying to read her full and candid White House retrospective when she feels ready … these must still feel like heady days – even more so than for those of us who don’t have the benefit of lived experience that she does..

    This memoir is so honest, offering up her story authentically – and not shying away from sharing honest mistakes that many of us would’ve easily skipped to avoid certain judgement. Even the photographs she includes in the book, and on her book tour, are authentic; They aren’t posed or photo-shopped vanity images or empty faux-glamor shots re-done again and again, or taken from perfect and considered angles for that perfect vanity capture..

    Rather, they are unposed images that capture her normal and naturally lived life, her genuine interactions, and pertinent moments, and activities and events supporting some of her many important, substantive and impactful initiatives..

    But like the book, the pictures and her reflection on her motivations for her chosen projects and various initiatives as an executive and as First Lady, capture her effortless greatness, her depth of character, palpable humanity, undeniable grace, beautiful and fun spirit, her decency, genuine connection to a diversity of people, and a keen interest in and attentiveness to those without a voice, and that very real sense that not only is she fully engaged, she actually does care, and sees those who usually aren’t seen .. Her grace, powerful presence, natural beauty, dignity and humility is palpable.. as is her fierce sense of fairness and inclusivity ..of everyone, especially the marginalized, voiceless and least among us.. There is absolutely nothing phony or contrived about this rare gem of a marvelous, marvelous woman..

    Mrs Obama remains for me the very best thing about the 2-term historic presidency most decent, thinking people now miss..

    She’s self-possessed, clear-eyed, genuine, insightful, sincere, compelling, wise, principled, fun, whip-smart, unpretentious, disciplined, fearless, with integrity in spades..

    She absolutely deserves this long-overdue acknowledgment of her unassuming but positively impactful greatness and public presence – as evidenced by the success of her memoir and book tour. It is heartening that she’s being deservedly recognized as brilliant, capable, formidable and fantastic in her own right, and celebrated and well-received not just in America, but the world over – And all in spite of the Alt-Right and other vicious naysayers who’ve viciously maligned and mercilessly dehumanized her for 10 years and counting, and continue to obsess over her, looking to thwart her and her success – and the fact that she’s still standing and soaring, despite their best and continued malevolent efforts to break her, tear her down.

    I am glad that this wonderful memoir, her first documentation of her life story, begins the introduction for so many, into understanding the true historic and cultural importance of this phenomenal woman and historic first black FLOTUS ..A worthy introductory documentation for posterity, of an unassumingly great woman and historic FLOTUS..

  5. Ashadedt

    En mi opinión personal, se siente una sensación de bienestar leer las palabras de está gran mujer. La manera en que describe cada detalle, o relata sus retos y vivencias me ha permitido tratar de encontrar otro enfoque a los retos que enfrentamos día con día. Vale mucho la pena el libro

  6. Ana Moura Santos

    I always care for auto biographies because they can reveal real stories. This one is special, because not everyone becomes first lady of USA having an African-American background from South Side of Chicago and having a laugh-out-loud of saying intimate stories

  7. Ana

    I am enjoying this book so much, Michelle is a unique wonderful person

  8. S Mac

    I finished the book, gave it 5 stars, and left it at that…until I read some of the lower star reviews. I have been stewing for hours at people saying there wasn’t enough about Barack. This is Michelle’s book. (While reading it, I actually had moments of thinking there was TOO much about him.) Or that it was self-centered. THIS IS MICHELLE’S BOOK about HERSELF – on whom else should it be “centered”? I didn’t pay attention to politics until recent years (as is probably true for many), but when he ran, I could see that the Obamas were genuine and intended to do good. When Barack was originally elected, I told my infant son that it was a whole new world. (We’ve since reverted back decades, but that’s neither here nor there.) Michelle is an amazing person and an inspirational woman. I found the book very easy to read and well written. (I have a degree in English Lit, but everyone’s style of speech and reading is different. For me, it was perfect.) I agree with what one person said about it being (slightly) reserved, but I understand that from many angles. However, I also found it revealing and inspirational. Even before reading this, I thought, “Michelle Obama for president.” She specifically stated in the book that wasn’t on her radar, but she should consider it. She is intelligent, confident, focused, organized, experienced, compassionate, and human. I have since searched for many references in her book like the Ellen push-up contest or the Jimmy Fallon Mom Dance. We are years past her First Lady-ism, and I am more impressed by her time in the White House, and being able to remain “normal”, now than I was capable of being then. She should be celebrated for always trying to be herself.

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