Magical Midlife Alliance (Leveling Up Book 7)

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Book 7 in the Wall Street Journal bestselling Leveling Up series!

After a disappointing return from the basajaunak lands, it’s clear that Jessie and her crew need to form an alliance and fast! A massive battle is materializing, targeting Kingsley. Without more help, they’ll never be enough to save Austin’s brother from total annihilation.

The good news is, gargoyle cairns are interested in meeting her. She’s the only living female gargoyle and a connection with her has the opportunity to improve their status. They’d just have to change their way of life to accommodate her, not an easy ask for a gruff, stubborn sort of creature.

She has her back against the wall. She must try and wrangle her crew into some semblance of “normal” to entice even just one major cairn to her side. Something not totally impossible…except for the interference of a cairn’s Lead Enforcer.

He isn’t just a gargoyle. Couldn’t be, not with his unnatural size, strength and glowing eyes. His origins are a mystery and his entire person is cloaked in danger. He might just hold their fate in his hands.

Making an alliance was always going to be difficult, but now it might be nearly impossible, and not just because the crew has no idea what “normal” might look like.

The clock is ticking.

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Magical Midlife Alliance (Leveling Up Book 7)

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13 reviews for Magical Midlife Alliance (Leveling Up Book 7)

  1. verona

    I love it

    This series is the bomb I can’t wait for nr 8
    Such funny characters so well written I’m a huge fan of all your work

  2. Stephen R.

    This was so exciting to read and full of great battles in this book. The story is amazing and so well written by the author. The book covers the challenges of the intricacies of how the gargoyle world and their politics work and their distain for humans are. And the gargoyle leaders show Jesse first hand their willingness to make a point of mockery of her and Austin shows his true nature as an Alpha and shuts them down in humility. It’s not as funny as the other books but it does have some humor in it. The book is very well written and has lots of great elements that are sure to keep you engaged in reading and entertained until the very end. I can’t wait to read the next book. I hope you read this book because it is so good and explains why the gargoyle world is so important for the next chapter of the story.

  3. Alice Van Alstine

    This series is my favorite from KF Breene, though I’ve loved others too. The combo of odd characters that quickly become dear friends, fast intricate pacing, impeccable writing and intricate plots is unbeatable. Add in the over-arching trajectory of the series and WOW

  4. J Mc

    Another wonderful addition to this series. There is a lot happening in this book so it’s hard to talk about it all. It was very entertaining though. The ending had me rocking back and forth in my chair with anticipation. I loved it. Jessie, of course, proves her worth. Naomi is a new addition and her interaction with the crew is hilarious. Tristin is also new and very mysterious, with secrets. I really liked both characters. About a third of the book is in other characters’ POVs. A lot of them being Nessa’s. Not sure how I felt about the frequency of her POV. It was a little like we were missing out on Jessie and what she was doing. This doesn’t happen often in Breene’s books but there were, what felt like important, occasions that I would have liked to thoroughly read through but the story either skipped ahead or went to Nessa’s POV and what she was up to. i.e. the first dinner meeting with the cairn leaders. Anyway, overall, I loved this story. The book was fantastic and I didn’t even care that there was very little romance to it. That kind of fits with the storyline. Normally, that’d bother me but this book will keep you engaged with so many other things. Once again, these characters are my favorites and are one of a kind. The story is so entertaining. I cannot wait till the next book.

  5. Whoosie

    This is a fun series. This book gained a number of new and interesting characters, but keeping them all straight got in the way of the story.

  6. Kindle Customer

    These books are amazing and SO engaging! I love the character interaction and am totally hooked on the story line.

  7. renu Goel

    This is amazing. I m waiting for the next book. Will pre order it. Please release it soon.

    Thank you.

  8. L&S Platownslia

    I am so glad to get back into this series. The characters are fun and varied, and the flow of the story is great. It slows down in the few moments of calm and speeds up to a heart-racing, cannot-put-down, breakneck speed during the battles. I can’t wait to see where the Ivy House crew goes next.

  9. melhuv

    Jessie and Austin were, of course, absolutely adorable. The addition of more POVs was sometimes difficult to juggle, but didn’t affect the flow of the plot. Tristan’s mystery especially kept me reading well past my bedtime. All of KFB’s novels are page turners with hilarity thrown in, but I really and truly connect with this series above all others. On to the Battle!

  10. Toni Brewer

    So entertaining. It’s a page turner . This book is an adventure that will also have you laughing out loud. I love the characters! I actually hate to see the series end!

  11. Curtis Rogers

    Interesting plot lines and a rather unique set of fantasy Individuals and species . Characters are well developed and believable . After finishing one book, I simply cannot wait to get to the next one!

  12. Kindle Customer

    Thoroughly recommend this author. All her series have strong characters & detailed plots. Genuinely cant put them down until I finish all the available books.

  13. Unbiased and keepin’ it 100

    Yes, yes, yes, yaaaaassssssssssssss!!!!!!
    All hail Breene. This book was gold, no scratch that; PLATINUM!!!!
    I’m over doing it with the punctuation marks, but emphasis must be made about how this book more than made up for the snooze fest that was book six and has restored the epic goodness of this series.
    Where do I even begin?
    Tristan and Nessa better be end game, I wasn’t too keen on her and Broken Sue because he clearly needed to come to terms with all the trauma that plagued him and Nessa shouldn’t have to take on that baggage considering what we knew of her and Sebastian’s origins. It wouldn’t be a great relationship and I don’t want to entertain idealist thoughts about how Jessie healed Austin (it’s no where near the same as Austin healed himself and rose to the occasion to help Jessie be better, not the other way around). Enigmatic Tristan with a mean streak suits Nessa way better and they recognize that they can be their true selves with one another. Pairings like that forge a much better bond.
    This book had so much going for it, I can’t even begin to recount it all. Although I missed the Mr. Tom and Niamh banter, getting to spend more time with the lesser members of the Ivy crew was worth it.
    Although this book followed the formula that I’ve come to recognize; Jesse worries, Jessie meets with people who may help, people sneer or aren’t quite ready to help, big battle ensues, original people she appealed to still don’t want to help, followed by getting much better help from unlikely place; and I was hanging off every single word!
    All in all, as much as I thought book 6 was a waste of words, in hindsight I think it made it possible to enjoy this book way more than I would’ve. I wouldn’t have appreciated how we didn’t check in with Jessie and her thoughts, we got little reminders and throwbacks to all the goodness that made this series so precious fo begin with from Niamh and her rocks, Sebastian and Ivy House being in cohoots, that 3rd floor window ledge and falling out of it, even all the talk about Edgar being retired (notice how we weren’t treated to a scene of him begging for it?), even Sasquatch and the bar.
    This is by far my favorite series of Breene’s and it really says something that a spin-off doesn’t seem necessary to fulfill all our hopes that the story keeps going. This world is vast and it doesn’t bother me one bit that it’s clearly been more than a year since Jesse came to Ivy House and we still haven’t met this Momar big bad yet.

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