Jasper Vale (The Edens)


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From Wall Street Journal bestselling author Devney Perry comes a small town, fake relationship romance.

Eloise Eden’s pride and joy is her family’s hotel in Quincy, Montana. Her lifelong dream is to own The Eloise Inn. All she has to do is prove to her parents that she’s the epitome of responsible. That her days of being duped and making reckless decisions are history. She’s so close she can taste it.

Until after one weekend in Las Vegas, she comes home married to a stranger.

Jasper must have put her under a spell with those soul-deep eyes because after a single night together, they woke up husband and wife. Her only hope is to keep this marriage a secret until it’s annulled. Then she’ll pretend it never happened.

Except Jasper begs her to stay married. To fake it for three months so she can accompany him to a wedding. Maybe she’s lost her mind to agree. But her brooding husband seems desperate. It’s only three months, right? Then she’ll say goodbye to Jasper Vale, and with any luck, hello to her new hotel.

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Jasper Vale (The Edens)

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Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $6.99.

10 reviews for Jasper Vale (The Edens)

  1. Gretchen Schmidt

    I have been reading The Eden’s series and have been loving all of them up until this one. By no means was it a bad book, it was still a great read and very enjoyable but there were definitely some things that fell flat for me.

    For example, shortly after the wedding one of the major things weighing one Eloise is how her parents and rest of her family would react yet we didn’t even get to see any of the conversations she had with her family about the marriage. I especially wanted to see the conversation with her parents, it’s mentioned that she calls them and her sisters and cries during those calls but that’s all we know. I kept thinking there would be some deeper conversations with her parents and siblings about Jasper but there never was, at least that we never got to see.

    Also, I feel like Jasper and Eloise rarely actually talked about anything or spent time together outside of their house. Which was weird to me because Eloise had made a point that they would have to really sell it to her family and yet we rarely see them out of the house and she spends so much of the book avoiding her family. It just felt like compared to other Devney Perry books I’ve read, we didn’t really see how Jasper and Eloise fell in love, like I’m not entirely convinced that they would last because I don’t feel like they actually did that much together (besides sleep together).

    Overall, just felt like there was room for more details throughout the book.

  2. Letícia Medeiros

    Wer hätte damit gerechnet, dass ausgerechnet die kleine Eloise, die so auf Perfektion achtet, in Vegas spontan heiratet. In diesem Teil lernen wir nicht nur eine neue Seite an Eloise kennen, sondern erfahren auch gleich was es mit dem mysteriösen Jasper aufsich hat. Natürlich darf auch hier ein bisschen Drama und Romantik nicht fehlen. Alles in allem war das Buch wieder eine 10 / 10. Ich bin schon seit dem ersten Teil in diese Buchreihe verliebt und freue mich schon auf den letzten Teil, denn ein Eden fehlt ja noch 😉

  3. Shaylee Allred

    absolutely loved this book.
    The story is amazing and the romance is just perfect.
    This is now a comfort book for me. As a mom, this book hit me in all the places. I remember pacing the floor with my restless baby at lam. It would have been much easier with Knox (please don’t tell my husband). € really enjoyed their relationship and how it developed.
    The character growth was beautiful to read. There was no miscommunications or breakups which I really enjoyed. I love the family dynamic the most, it just gives me a feeling of home. I love The Eden’s.

  4. Sweet Reads and Treats – Mere

    Aunque he leído otros libros de esta serie, se pueden leer independientemente y este en específico ha sido mi favorito, amé los personajes de principio a fin. Lo recomiendo muchísimo

  5. Shaylee Allred

    ‘Jasper Vale’ focuses on Eloise Eden and her relationship with Jasper Vale after they wake up next to each other married in Vegas. Yikes! I loved the secret marriage trope in this novel because of the chemistry between the two characters. Their forced proximity created sweet moments between them, which made it fun to read.

    What I loved:
    1. Eloise’s love of The Eloise Inn🌟
    2. Vegas 🎲
    3. Eloise + Jasper 💖

    I enjoyed seeing Eloise fight for her dream of owning her family’s Inn even when her family were annoying about it. Repeatedly.

    I have always loved Deveny Perry books because they are a cozy, solid romance story. If you are looking for romance with a touch of mystery, you can never go wrong with her books.

  6. BookFacialReviews

    Jasper Vale had me hooked from beginning to end! Time faded, there was no Kindle percentage, and I immediately felt like I was home. I loved Eloise and Jasper coming together, the pull between them, the heat, and the drama. This was exceptional!

    Jasper and Eloise were fantastic. I loved learning about Jasper and his past and what made him who he is. It was emotional and raw and I felt so much for him. He has this low-key sexy alpha vibe happening and I was all about it! Eloise was a wonderful character and loved with her whole heart. I loved watching her growth throughout the story and how she really blossomed. I enjoyed how they got married in Vegas, their instant connection and desire between them, and how their feelings evolved.

    I love that this story made me feel, gave me belly flips, and had me rooting for Jasper and Eloise. There’s a bit of drama that added a nice punch, a lot of emotion, and a heck of a lot of passion. I liked the small amount of angst that was happening as Jasper and Eloise’s feelings built. I loved the writing style, the build and flow, and the bits of humor woven in.

    I’m so happy I picked this as my first book of the year. It made me melt and my heart explode all at the same time, it was just what I needed!

  7. Steph Black

    la notte in cui eloise e jasper si ubriacano a las vegas finisce in una cappella insieme ad elvis, mentre loro dicono “lo voglio”.
    nonostante entrambi siano d’accordo sul provare ad ottenere l’annullamento, quando tornano in montana capiscono che forse questo matrimonio potrebbe aiutare entrambi ad ottenere ciò che vogliono. così davanti ad amici e parenti fingono di essere una vera coppia sposata, mostrando quanto sono innamorati l’uno dell’altro; mentre chiusa la porta di casa fanno del loro meglio per riuscire ad evitarsi.

    jasper non ha mai avuto nessuno che lo mettesse al primo posto e ha imparato ad arrangiarsi e con un matrimonio complicato alle spalle. inoltre sta cercando di capire cosa succederà nel prossimo step della sua vita, dopo che il campione di combattimento che allenava ha deciso di ritirarsi.
    eloise invece sta cercando di dimostrare alla sua famiglia di essere in grado a gestire l’hotel di famiglia.

    jasper ed eloise si completano a vicenda, colmando le mancanze dell’altro e rimanendo sempre l’uno a fianco dell’altra, nonostante la loro storia sia iniziata per uno sbaglio da ubriachi.

  8. Shelby

    i wish i could say that i read this book carefully and calm, but this is so good that i actually was wake up all night on a weekday because i just can not stop reading.

    their dynamics, their chemistry, their love was so beautiful!!!

    and falling in love with jasper and Eloise was so easy that i was mad when i finished because all the i wanted was keep reading their story.

    i just love the support that they have for each other and i wish i could just hug them for life.

    also, El make me laugh so hard! i love her!!!!

  9. BookFacialReviews

    Oh man. Eloise and Jasper had so much work to do to get to their HEA and there were times I wanted to shake some sense into them both. Now don’t get me wrong, I loved their story even though it starts with one of my least favorite tropes. Devney took the fake marriage trope and ran with it in a wonderful way after Eloise’s family finds out about their accidental nuptials. They decide to stick together until they attend a wedding and then quietly divorce. What Jasper and Eloise didn’t count on was falling for each other along the way. Their chemistry from the start is there and what made the difference for me was that I absolutely loved how they both fought so hard for the other. Jasper pointed out the unfairness of how Eloise’s parents held the hotel over her head and Eloise was extremely intuitive about why Jasper is the way he is. This made them loveable even when they were frustrating and as the story developed more, I loved them even more.

    After a drunken night together in Vegas, Jasper and Eloise wake the next morning realizing they are now husband and wife. They decide to keep it under wraps. In order to inherit the Eloise Hotel that is her dream, her parents have told her she has to be more responsible. Meanwhile, Jasper doesn’t want his best friend to hate him for marrying his wife’s sister in secret. When the family finds out, they decide to fake it for 3 months until a wedding Jasper needs to attend. But when the deadline comes up, will they walk away?

    This story took a bit for me to sink into, but I really loved the connection Jasper and Eloise shared. I loved how Jasper fiercely wanted Eloise to succeed and his loyalty to her. I loved how Eloise saw behind his closed off personality. Their connection was really sweet once their romance took off. Their miscommunication frustrated me a touch, but the story more than made up for it with the sweetness of their romance. The ending was absolutely worth the journey.

  10. Monica

    Jasper Vale
    The Eden, #4
    by Devney Perry

    🖤 small town
    🖤 fake relationship

    I swear every single time I read one of Devney’s books the couple becomes my new favourite. Jasper Vale is no exception.

    After celebrating Foster’s big fight in Vegas Elois and Jasper elope.
    Do they know each other? No.
    Was it a good idea? Also no.
    Was there copious amounts of alcohol involve? Oh yes.
    Should they proceed with a swift annulment before anyone finds out? Probably.
    Elois is kind hearted and a people pleaser. The thought of disappointing her family is not an option. Especially because her future as the owner of The Elois Inn may be on the line.
    Jasper has his own reason for staying in their fake relationship. It includes wanting to prove to his parents and ex-wife that he is not chained to his past.
    The marriage is suppose to have a time limit, but they may as well enjoy themselves before the expiration date. And they do, a lot!
    Elois is such a relatable character. She is driven by her love of family and commitment to making her families Inn her own. She wants to make everyone happy, sometimes at the detriment of her own happiness.
    Jasper is quiet, broody and carrying pain from his past. My favourite kind of book boyfriend. I love how he warms up to Elois and shares his secrets. He quiets Elois’s negative self talk and encourages her to pursue her dream.
    Elois’s family all make an appearance throughout the and that made my heart happy.

    This is book four in The Eden series. Though it is a standalone you should definitely read them all in order.

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