The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You


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Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $16.99.

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Congratulations, you’re a manager! After you pop the champagne, accept the shiny new title, and step into this thrilling next chapter of your career, the truth descends like a fog: you don’t really know what you’re doing.

That’s exactly how Julie Zhuo felt when she became a rookie manager at the age of 25. She stared at a long list of logistics–from hiring to firing, from meeting to messaging, from planning to pitching–and faced a thousand questions and uncertainties. How was she supposed to spin teamwork into value? How could she be a good steward of her reports’ careers? What was the secret to leading with confidence in new and unexpected situations?

Now, having managed teams spanning tens to hundreds of people, Julie knows the most important lesson of all: great managers are made, not born. If you’re reading this book, you’re already on your way to becoming a great manager. 

The Making of a Manager is a modern field guide packed with everyday examples and transformative insights, including:

  • How to tell a great manager from an average manager (illustrations included)
  • When you should look past an awkward interview and hire someone anyway
  • How to build trust with your reports through not being a boss
  • Where to look when you lose faith and lack the answers

Whether you’re new to the job, a veteran leader, or looking to be promoted, this is the handbook you need to be the kind of manager you wish you had.

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The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You

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Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $16.99.

13 reviews for The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You

  1. Evelyn

    I enjoyed it. Blasted through it in a couple days, no problem (even for a slow reader like me). It is written with very casual language, not pretentious or preachy or pedantic.

    The book is divided in such a way that you can reference particular chapters as needed. Some of the information is obvious, but it’s nice to have it said nonetheless.

    This book has got be excited for my future in management (and beyond)!

  2. Rodrigo M.

    Si necesitas inspiración para iniciar tu camino como manager, esto es para ti. La autora te hace sentir en confianza con mensajes de aliento y paciencia contigo. Nadie tiene las repuestas correctas. Y todo puede cambiar en muy poco tiempo.


  3. Perry

    First chapter gives a great analogy using a small scale business model and how to manage.

  4. Chris Yao

    As a senior vfx supervisor I also need to manage the team from time to time, this book make a lot of fuzzy things clear! Great tips with excellent stuff inside, highly recommended! Thanks, Julie!

  5. Mariia

    This book was a balm to my wounds inflicted over my 12 year career in design, especially to the last few challenging years that led me to pause and reflect and look at things as they are but to action things differently.

    There are so many wonderful insights into a managers life in big corporates especially US corporates and the pace at which they operate to build digital products. To start writing articles from the designers perspective and the leadership and coaching it provides, my heart is filled with empathy and meaning to continue such a seasoned professiom with love and sensitivity.

    Thanks for writing this book. You saved me today. ♥️

  6. Pamela Smith

    Great book!

  7. Andrea Madrigal

    Siempre perfectamente empacados estaban muy bien.

  8. Jairo Quevedo

    La pasta es muy resistente. La presentacion del libro es muy buena. Quede muy satisfecho con esta compra.

  9. Brie

    As someone not in tech and just looking for a book on management written by a female, I really enjoyed this book! If nothing else, it opened mg eyes on how a lot of teams could use guidance with management. Often people become managers before they’re ready and fumble through it, this book offers some actionable ways to set yourself on a positive path.

  10. Jairo Quevedo

    Esse livro é um excelente guia introdutório sobre o que é ser um gestor. Na minha empresa o utilizamos como objeto de um Clube do Livro para gestores e o feedback foi muito positivo.

    Acho que os temas são apenas pincelados no livro, o que o torna um bom mapa mental de conceitos de gestão de pessoas, mas não acho que ele aprofunda o suficiente.

    É uma leitura boa , o livro tem termos de fácil entendimento.

  11. Michael

    I bought the book for a partner who enjoyed reading it thanks to the interesting examples in the book and the easy-to-read style.

  12. Wally Bock

    When I was partway through The making of a manager: what to do when everyone looks to you I was sure that I would be giving this an unqualified five-star review. Then, I got to the second half. 

    There are two very different halves to this book. I’ll cut to the chase about whether this is a great book for you. 

    The first half of the book is excellent and helpful for almost anyone. The second half of the book may be for you if you work at Facebook or a company very much like it. 

    Here’s how Ms. Zhuo defines a manager’s job. “A manager’s job is to help her team get better results.” That’s the key insight for the book. It’s clear and actionable. It’s true no matter who you are or where you work as a manager. 

    If you’re thinking about becoming a manager this is a great book for you. 

    If you’re thinking about becoming a manager. buy this book. In the section that begins on 28, Ms. Zhou asks you questions about who you are and what you’re like. She describes how your answers can help you decide if management is for you. Those few pages are worth the price of the book. They may keep you from making a terrible, irreversible mistake. If management is not for you, it’s good to know before you become one. The key insight is that you must love the work. 

    If you’re a new manager, this is a great book for you. 

    It usually takes a new manager a year or two to settle into the job, learn the basics, and manage effectively. If you’re somewhere in that first two years, buy this book. Ms. Zhuo’s descriptions of a manager’s work are clear, and you’ll be able to see yourself in them. Her analysis is good and includes ideas about what you can and should do. She describes her mistakes and misconceptions. 

    Now for the second half of the book.

    The second half of the book will be great for you if you work at Facebook. It will be good for you if you work in a creative job in a tech company, especially one experiencing hyper-growth. It will not be so good for you if you work at a trucking company or a clothing store or any smaller company. Here’s why I think the second half of the book is so different from the first half. 

    Ms. Zhuo implies that she’s new and remembers the beginning well. Here’s a quote from the Introduction.

    “I thought, Maybe I can write this book, because it’s more relevant for a certain group of people now: new managers thrown into the deep end, overwhelmed managers wondering how to best help their reports, managers dealing with fast-growing teams, or those simply curious about management. I was one of them not so long ago.”

    When this book came out, she had been at Facebook for more than a decade and she was the VP of Product Design. In February 2020, she left Facebook to become a cofounder of InSpirit. But here’s the thing. The first half of the book sounds like “not so long ago.” The second half sounds like reflections of someone who’s been a manager for a while.

    I suspect she may have written the first at one time and the other material much later. 

    The writing styles are very different. The first half flows easily and sounds natural. The second half is how authors write when they must finish by a deadline.

    I would have preferred an excellent book for new managers in any kind of company. That’s the first 150 pages. I could have done without the last 150 pages, even if the publisher thought it was necessary. 

    In A Nutshell

    If you’re thinking about becoming a manager, buy The making of a manager: what to do when everyone looks to you. Read the section on what managers do that begins about page 28. 

    If you’re a new manager, especially if you’re in your first two years, buy this book and read the first half. 

    What about the second half? Start reading it. You’ve already invested in the book and gotten your money’s worth from the first half. Read the second half as long as it stays interesting and helpful. 

  13. AmazonCustomer

    Clear. Insightful examples without the fluff. One of the most human and helpful books on leadership I’ve ever read. Excellent book.

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